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Rebranding Turkey as a third world country

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Most of the attacks happening in Turkey are being done by foreign militants so I guess it will be easier to control them in future. The same applies with Germany and France
I don't think so.

The guy who killed Russian ambassador was a Turkish national.

Gulen and PKK are also home-grown movements.

I think that Turkey is experiencing an identity-crises of sorts. The entire state is confused about which ideology should be prevalent there and how to engage with the world.
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It all went wrong for Turkey when it decided to get closer to the sinking ship that is the Arab World.

I never understood why Erdogan and his cronies were so fascinated with the Arab World. It's as though they secretly wished they were born in Arab countries instead of Turkey.

Well, all I can say now is, welcome to the Arab World! Enjoy your stay lol.

If Erdogan is as smart as he thinks he is, he would immediately recognize a Kurdish state in northern Iraq and Syria and use it as a buffer between his country and the increasingly unstable, terror-ridden Arab World.

Turkey should make peace with the Syrian Kurds and recognize their right to self-determination. They can be much better and more reliable partners than the FSA Islamists, most of whom are ISIS sleeper agents.

Better still, Turkey should get rid of the AKP once and for all. As long as you have Islamist-oriented political parties in power, your country will continue to go through social and political instability in the long term.

Erdogan and the Islamists have brought short-term economic success and long-term misery to the Turkish nation. That's what Islamists are famous for. They eventually destroy everything they touch.

Turkey needs to go back to its secular roots and remain an integral part of the Western World. It should stop flirting with Islamists, otherwise Turkey will end up becoming yet another fragile Middle Eastern country.
This is a shame topic.
People doesnt know enough about geopolitic and geostrategic talks about Turkey.
I will just say one thing we live in earth and we are not in non-effectivenes from world politics.
World in turbulence and we are in the middle of it.
It is not related with AKP or Erdogan we will have the same attacks because we are Turks and muslims and we are the obstraction in front of Western politics.
It all went wrong for Turkey when it decided to get closer to the sinking ship that is the Arab World.

I never understood why Erdogan and his cronies were so fascinated with the Arab World. It's as though they secretly wished they were born in Arab countries instead of Turkey.

Well, all I can say now is, welcome to the Arab World! Enjoy your stay lol.

If Erdogan is as smart as he thinks he is, he would immediately recognize a Kurdish state in northern Iraq and Syria and use it as a buffer between his country and the increasingly unstable, terror-ridden Arab World.

Turkey should make peace with the Syrian Kurds and recognize their right to self-determination. They can be much better and more reliable partners than the FSA Islamists, most of whom are ISIS sleeper agents.

Better still, Turkey should get rid of the AKP once and for all. As long as you have Islamist-oriented political parties in power, your country will continue to go through social and political instability in the long term.

Erdogan and the Islamists have brought short-term economic success and long-term misery to the Turkish nation. That's what Islamists are famous for. They eventually destroy everything they touch.

Turkey needs to go back to its secular roots and remain an integral part of the Western World. It should stop flirting with Islamists, otherwise Turkey will end up becoming yet another fragile Middle Eastern country.
One of the most advisable writing I've ever read in my life, thank you.but if Turkey support Syria Kurdish independence, the Kurdish living in Turkey will ask independence in the future as well. This is a puzzle without solution.
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The recent chaos is the result of ambiguity and tolerance Erdogan showed to terrorists. Don't utilize terrorists for your own agenda, that's my suggestion.

All these shit start to change when Erdogan nearly got killed by USA sponsored groups( those groups show sympathy to ISIS and provide shield for East Turkestan terrorists). Its a war between secular and conservative Muslim.

You know why there is no such tragedy happens in China major city like Beijing Shanghai? Cause we show nil tolerance to terrorists and we killed them all.

Erdogan thought he can make Benifits from ISIS? Just like in this case, Members of east Turkestan make loyalty to ISIS not Erdogan. He shall wake up before everything is too late.

Now You guys finally realize that Turkic terrorists from overseas dare to kill Turkish and People from GCC. Some members call them salafist as as an excuse to comfort themself.

Syria is not about "Secular vs ISIS". That is juvenile Russian propaganda. People in Syria want freedom from the despotic al-Assad family that has killed half a million Syrians. His father Hafez al-Assad was also a butcher (Read: 1982 Hama massacre). So explain to me what is wrong with Syrians trying to overthrow a despot?

As for ISIS, it was created under U.S. occupation of Iraq. The commanders are still ex-Iraqi army personnel who were loyal to Iraq's Ba'ath Party, a Soviet-styled socialist party.

Likewise, Erdogan has nothing to do with ISIS unless you take Russian propaganda seriously.
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Syria Kurds has same language and culture with Turkey Kurds, Erdogan thinks it's a potential threat to Turkey national security. It's not about right or wrong, it's about national interests.

Syria is not about "Secular vs ISIS". That is juvenile Russian propaganda. People in Syria want freedom from the despotic al-Assad family that has killed half a million Syrians. His father Hafez al-Assad was also a butcher (Read: 1982 Hama massacre). So explain to me what is wrong with Syrians trying to overthrow a despot?

As for ISIS, it was created under U.S. occupation of Iraq. The commanders are still ex-Iraqi army personnel who were loyal to Iraq's Ba'ath Party, a Soviet-styled socialist party.

Likewise, Erdogan has nothing to do with ISIS unless you take Russian propaganda seriously.
Hey bro, read carefully. I say there is war between Islamist and Secularism in Turkey. When I say in Syria???
1st of all Turks did the mistake by joining a never ending war, 2ndly Turkey was progressing when its policy was peace with neighbors but now the situation seems bad when you make enemies in your neighborhood. Turkey needs to pull back from all this mess and i believe now they r doing that but they still have to pay the price for this mess ... us, Pakistanis learnt our lesson very well and we r doing almost everything to come out of this kind of things and Thank God we are getting on progressive track again ... the key is never fight anyone else war...
It all went wrong for Turkey when it decided to get closer to the sinking ship that is the Arab World.

I never understood why Erdogan and his cronies were so fascinated with the Arab World. It's as though they secretly wished they were born in Arab countries instead of Turkey.

Well, all I can say now is, welcome to the Arab World! Enjoy your stay lol.

If Erdogan is as smart as he thinks he is, he would immediately recognize a Kurdish state in northern Iraq and Syria and use it as a buffer between his country and the increasingly unstable, terror-ridden Arab World.

Turkey should make peace with the Syrian Kurds and recognize their right to self-determination. They can be much better and more reliable partners than the FSA Islamists, most of whom are ISIS sleeper agents.

Better still, Turkey should get rid of the AKP once and for all. As long as you have Islamist-oriented political parties in power, your country will continue to go through social and political instability in the long term.

Erdogan and the Islamists have brought short-term economic success and long-term misery to the Turkish nation. That's what Islamists are famous for. They eventually destroy everything they touch.

Turkey needs to go back to its secular roots and remain an integral part of the Western World. It should stop flirting with Islamists, otherwise Turkey will end up becoming yet another fragile Middle Eastern country.

Turkey can be a small fish in European Union like America and many others want it to be. Or become a bigger fish on the world stage by establishing trade ties with everyone. This includes playing the larger role of peacemaker in Middle East.

Erdogan wants prestige for Turkey so he is improving ties within the African continent and Middle East. In that sense, there is nothing fascinating about Erdogan's plan. He is only expanding Turkey's reach and markets.

Hey bro, read carefully. I say there is war between Islamist and Secularism in Turkey. When I say in Syria???

Brother, there is a war going on in Turkey? Is it World War I? :partay: :partay: :partay:
Syria is not about "Secular vs ISIS". That is juvenile Russian propaganda. People in Syria want freedom from the despotic al-Assad family that has killed half a million Syrians. His father Hafez al-Assad was also a butcher (Read: 1982 Hama massacre). So explain to me what is wrong with Syrians trying to overthrow a despot?

As for ISIS, it was created under U.S. occupation of Iraq. The commanders are still ex-Iraqi army personnel who were loyal to Iraq's Ba'ath Party, a Soviet-styled socialist party.

Likewise, Erdogan has nothing to do with ISIS unless you take Russian propaganda seriously.
The conflict in Syria is in essence of the conflict between Shiah and Sunnis, GCC VS Iran, Nato VS Russia.
Turkey can be a small fish in European Union like America and many others want it to be. Or become a bigger fish on the world stage by establishing trade ties with everyone. This includes playing the larger role of peacemaker in the Middle East.

Erdogan wants prestige for Turkey so he is improving ties within the African continent and Middle East. In that sense, there is nothing fascinating about Erdogan's plan.

Brother, there is a war going on in Turkey? Is it World War I? :partay: :partay: :partay:

instead of looking for prestige in arab world or european union, Turks can form their own union with other countries of Turk origin ... Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkish Cypriots, Kyrgyzstan and on European side they can ask Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia to join them
Turkey has become a country that cannot protect the lives of its own citizens or of its foreign guests, whether tourists or diplomats. It can now compete with Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of the frequency of terror attacks and the intensity of casualties.

This is not the only thing accelerating Turkey’s slide into the category of “third world countries.”

It is not just the feeling of insecurity or instability that surrounds us. It is the feeling of hopelessness - characteristic of badly governed third world countries - that is a key indicator of where Turkey is heading.

What is particularly concerning is the fact that the feeling of hopelessness is becoming even more widespread among the young generations.

Evrim Kuran is the Middle East director of Universum, a research group active in over 50 countries. According to a survey they conducted among the young generation, the biggest dream most had is to leave the country.

“The second answer we came across was equally sad,” Kuran said in an interview published in daily Hürriyet last Sunday. “The answer most gave to the question ‘what is your biggest dream?’ was ‘I want to be happy.’ Being happy cannot be a dream. They feel so cornered and so unhappy that they want to be happy. They are trying to overcome the barriers of hopelessness and the lack of opportunities, but they don’t know how.”

Kuran also believes Turkey is becoming increasingly “mediocre,” which is another characteristic of third world countries. “This is not just in art and literature, but even the business community is becoming more mediocre,” she said.

Turkey’s rulers probably have no problem with this tendency, because a society where mediocracy reigns is one that is easier to rule without transparency or accountability.

Only a decade ago Turkey was the shining star of the region. Expats raced to come to Turkey and representatives of different sectors from all over the world were rushing to hold their annual meetings in Turkey. You could not find any rooms in Istanbul’s hotels.

Today, not just expats and youngsters but also older generations from the secular segments of the society want to flee Turkey. Rumors that the government could impose additional special taxes targeting higher income levels is increasing the anxiety, which no one dares to talk about publicly. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s rhetoric that Turkey is under attack both from within and from without increases the fear that extraordinary measures, running against the principles of the liberal market economy, could be implemented by the government citing extraordinary circumstances.

All these fears, which may turn out to be baseless, are in line with the patterns of a third world country. In fact, I have no doubt that many in the West have already categorized Turkey as such.

As for those remaining in Turkey, as has been said by another colleague, either we will have to resist, run away or just get used to it.


Same stupidity I see daily on British newspapers, you nor the idiot who wrote the article (if someone wrote it) seem to not know what first world, second world, third world actually means even though it is an outdated model; so let me explain; After World War II the world split into two large geopolitical blocs and spheres of influence with contrary views on government and the politically correct society:

1- First World - Industrialized Countries, within the Western European and United States' Sphere of Influence : The term "First World" refers to so called developed, capitalist, industrial countries, roughly, a bloc of countries aligned with the United States after World War II, with more or less common political and economic interests: North America, Western Europe, Japan and Australia. Turkey being a capitalist country in NATO and under the sphere of influence of the US is a first world country.

2- The term "Second World" refers to the former communist-socialist, industrial states, the territory and sphere of influence of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic (Soviet Union). The term "Second World" refers to the former communist-socialist, industrial states, (formerly the Eastern bloc, the territory and sphere of influence of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic) today: Russia, Eastern Europe (e.g., Poland) and some of the Turk States (e.g., Kazakhstan) as well as China.

3 - The remaining three-quarters of the world's population, states not aligned with either bloc were regarded as the "Third World.". The term "Third World" was originally coined in times of the Cold War to distinguish those nations that are neither aligned with the West (NATO) nor with the East, the Communist bloc. Today the term is often used to describe the developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania.
Many poorer nations adopted the term to describe themselves.

4 - The term "Fourth World", coined in the early 1970s by Shuswap Chief George Manuel, refers to widely unknown nations (cultural entities) of indigenous peoples, "First Nations" living within or across national state boundaries.
e.g. American indians

So now you can see the stupidity of such an argument, it is the same idiotic derogatory stupidity that goes on and on in the UK newspapers.
The conflict in Syria is in essence of the conflict between Shiah and Sunnis, GCC VS Iran, Nato VS Russia.

101% true and sadly not only Turkish people are suffering but Syrian people are paying heavy price very heavy price ...
Come on mate Turkiye in the 3 world country's league since Ataturk's death. Nothing has changed since that.

I really don't understand you guys. Both side akpeans and chpeans act like dumbs. From the perspective of akpeans, Turkiye was living stone age and we Turks were living in caves, after akp came in power magically Turkiye became one of the most modern states of 21. century. And from the perspective of chpeans, Turkiye was one of the most modern states of 21. century but after akp came in power we dramatically dragged in the league of 3. world countries.

Please the sake of God cut this BS out mates. Turkiye is the same mud hole since 1938...
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