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Rebranding Turkey as a third world country

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So in the time of ecevit and before him was paradise? The worst time of akp is still better then old days:-).

We had a time where leftist and rightists killed each other, you're right that more people died during that period, i just checked. But that was under Demirel as far as I know. But then it the second worst security crisis, still a bad situation, right?
We had a time where leftist and rightists killed each other, you're right that more people died during that period, i just checked. But that was under Demirel as far as I know. But then it the second worst security crisis, still a bad situation, right?

Of course, still bad times.
So in the time of ecevit and before him was paradise? The worst time of akp is still better then old days:-).

I respect the AKP on that part, they are very skilled with brainwashing. I think all high ranking AKP members are getting speech training from the same person because they all talk in same manner. They also use media well of course. They can multiply the taxes, charge people for bullsh.t reasons and not a single voice. They can put all the blame on someone else, nobody questions, they lie, they get away, they disrespect dead soldiers, they get away, hundreds of civilians die to terror attacks, not a bit of shame, not a bit of responsibility about the lack of security measures, many people would resign in a civilized country, but they are praised like gods, they do absolutely nothing about corruption, in fact use it for their own gain and nobody asks "You say you are muslims, does islam approves this?" They have been alienating the different parts of society for years but whenever someone stands up they are trying to "divide us." Everybody say Gezi was the doing of external powers, nobody even thinks would it even start if Erdoğan didnt provoke the protestors?

People are blind and deaf.
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Everybody say Gezi was the doing of external powers, nobody even thinks would it even start if Erdoğan didnt provoke the protestors?

Frankly Gezi protest was nothing more than union of bad loser.
They wanted what ? Against which law they was against ? Which govt's step ? A slogan maybe ? Nothing.

Which begin a protest to protect tree become the opportunity to gather all govt protester : CHP, HDP, communist......union of bad loser which don't support to see AKP win all election.

I respect the AKP on that part, they are very skilled with brainwashing

No really.
I'm AKP voter, I'm perfecty aware about AKP's corruption, mistake and their stupid foreign policy.
Why I vote AKP, then ? Because I still think them better than CHP (CHP has literraly shoot itself with their headcraf policy in the past, they will never get more than 25%), MHP's leader has no vision, and HDP's is PKK's political party.

People are not stupid, they know what is AKP, only they still prefer them to other party.

People are not stupid, they know what is AKP, only they still prefer them to other party.
How can you say this? You must either be uneducated or possess extremely low iq so that AKP can manipulate you. The entire AKP voter base consists of peasant who know no better than those holy than thou debils who see the truth while the rest of us are sheep minded idiots. Bunlari ciddiye almanda hata
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In 2012 when i was in russia a turkish friend of mine who was a hardcore secular told me that he is worried and feeling insecure about the future of turkey because its becoming religious again. And see after 4 years the shit is hitting the fan.
At least our people aren't getting blown to bits. You're about to head under the same category as your Pakistani brothers.
We are currently actually better than turkey because we have recovered from a nightmare and as a nation we become emotionally strong but in turkey i hate to say it,s a beginning and the difficult times ahead will put the resilience and emotional stability of turks to its test.As long as the war will continue in iraq and syria it will affect turkey.
In 2012 when i was in russia a turkish friend of mine who was a hardcore secular told me that he is worried and feeling insecure about the future of turkey because its becoming religious again. And see after 4 years the shit is hitting the fan.
as long as there is a hardcore secular like your friend Turkey is going to be fine don't worry. this is a challenge and we will overcome..
Do people really think AKP will take out secularim in Turkey ? Or this is just a fake reason to critize the govt ?

Because since 2002 opponant speak about this AKP's secret plan to create a islamic state....but this look like more a paranoid speak now.

I can only see 2 thing which can be linked to religion in AKP policy :
-Authorised the headcraf which was already not banned in western country (and truly this ban was insulting for Turkey)
-creating more religious school but people are not forced to enroll in this.

Otherwise I see nothing about religious plan. Yes they have conservative policy (more taxe for alcool, forbiding it near school.....) but this nothing suprising AKP is right wing party, even in US or France you can find similar policy.
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