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Real-time update on coronavirus outbreak

China has gained a lot of experience and the vaccine is slated to be available in April, we also collected lots of plasma from recovered patients which was proven to be highly effective among patients in critical conditions, and the spring is coming, meaning flu season draws to the end. now this virus is not totally unknown to scientists , they finished tons of data on it already, so it won't cause a massive chao now like it first hit Wuhan city 2 months ago..
No vaccine yet, only the receptors were mapped, It's a good first step, but still... we are months and months away from a vaccine.
The spring theory is just a theory... the Virus has quite a lot of unknown... If you take Singapore per exemple, Temps were high and yet...
This isn't just a flu...
Data is fine, but it's just data. as long as a clinical therapeutic process is clearly made... Every Other Countries will use the same "recovery" process.

Therefore, I do not think that we are out of it... Many countries aren't prepared for it... Right now in Italy... it's Wuhan 2.0... Ppl are behaving the same way as what we saw in China... And the Country also face the same problem... They do not have enough ICU beds for what is coming...
Or Korea right now...
Will not even speak about Iran... and it's "weird" situation... With it's 40% mortality rate... Let's just hope it's not a new strain, even more virulent than the original one...
Will not even speak about Iran... and it's "weird" situation... With it's 40% mortality rate... Let's just hope it's not a new strain, even more virulent than the original one...
All the past experiences tell us if the virus mutates, they will only become less virulent, this virus is not totally unknown, the structure is 80% similar to SARS and behaves similar too. Cases in Iran are almost certainly vastly underreported, when the virus first hit Wuhan, the city registered 40 cases and a dozen died, it's due to massive underreporting of the infected.
Relaxation on lockdown of Wuhan City. Healthy non-Wuhan residents and people of special needs are allowed to leave the city.



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Most new cases of Hubei province are from Wuhan city, it seems that the virus is largely contained in Hubei except for Wuhan city.

Started because other countries cannot handle corona virus like China.
China haters were out in force attacking China for alledgedly "mishandling" of the virus when this newly emerged unknown virus first hit Wuhan city, China. Now over 2 months after this virus was recognized, studied and treated, see how foreign "democratic" government fare in dealing with this already "known" virus.
Most new cases of Hubei province are from Wuhan city, it seems that the virus is largely contained in Hubei except for Wuhan city.
NEW CASES on 2020-02-23
Wuhan City 348 cases,
Xiaogan City 22 cases
Yichang City 7 cases
8 other cities in Hubei province total 21 cases.
6 other cities in Hubei province zero cases.

Also, 11 new cases from other 6 provinces on Mainland China, and 7 new cases from Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan. Zero new cases from the rest of 24 provinces.
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Death toll in China coronavirus outbreak rises to 2,594
150 people have died in past 24 hours while 409 new cases detected
Fuat Kabakci |24.02.2020



The death toll in China from the coronavirus outbreak has risen to 2,594, the country’s National Health Commission said Monday.

The commission said 150 people have died in the past 24 hours while 409 new cases were detected by health authorities, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to more than 77,000.

Around 97,000 people are currently under medical care, while the number of discharged patients totals around 25,000.

Outside mainland China, there are 74 registered cases in Hong Kong and 10 others in Macau.

The coronavirus has spread to more than 25 other countries including the U.S., the U.K., Singapore, France, Russia, Spain and India.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the outbreak an international health emergency.

*Writing by Ali Murat Alhas

Hmmmm something is not right

Get those people out of there.....

Relaxation on lockdown of Wuhan City. Healthy non-Wuhan residents and people of special needs are allowed to leave the city.



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Its the way it is, I posted a daily sabah link which kinda went into it but thats the reality. Russians are in the web and push their narratives and these are sometimes not chinese friendly.

You can see a good political narration from Steve Bannon:
It sounds like narration to prepare world war 3 :)
You can see a good political narration from Steve Bannon:
It sounds like narration to prepare world war 3 :)
World Health Organization WHO Situation Report - 35 at 10AM February 24th, 2020

SUBJECT IN FOCUS: Risk Communications to Address Stigma
Stigma occurs when people negatively associate an infectious disease, such as COVID-19, with a specific population. In the case of COVID-19, there are an increasing number of reports of public stigmatization against people from areas affected by the epidemic. Unfortunately, this means that people are being labelled, stereotyped, separated, and/or experience loss of status and discrimination because of a potential negative affiliation with the disease.

Given that COVID-19 is a new disease, it is understandable that its emergence and spread cause confusion, anxiety and fear among the general public. These factors can give rise to harmful stereotypes.

Stigma can:
• Drive people to hide the illness to avoid discrimination
• Prevent people from seeking health care immediately
• Discourage them from adopting healthy behaviours

Such barriers could potentially contribute to more severe health problems, ongoing transmission, and difficulties controlling infectious diseases during an infectious disease outbreak. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), UNICEF and the WHO are developing community-based guides and global campaigns to thwart the effects of stigma on people and the COVID-19 response.

Do your part. Governments, citizens, media, key influencers and communities have an important role to play in preventing and stopping stigma. We all need to be intentional and thoughtful when communicating on social media and other communication platforms, showing supportive behaviors around COVID-19.

Here are some examples and tips on possible actions to counter stigmatizing attitudes:
Spreading the facts: Stigma can be heightened by insufficient knowledge about how the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is transmitted and treated, and how to prevent infection.

Engaging social influencers such as religious leaders on prompting reflection about people who are stigmatized and how to support them, or respected celebrities to amplify messages that reduce stigma.

Amplify the voices, stories and images of local people who have experienced COVID-19 and have recovered or who have supported a loved one through recovery to emphasise that most people do recover from COVID-19.

• Make sure you portray different ethnic groups. Materials should show diverse communities that are being affected, and show communities working together to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

• Balanced reporting. Media reporting should be balanced and contextualised, disseminating evidence-based information and helping combat rumour and misinformation that could lead to stigmatisation.

• Link up. There are a number of initiatives to address stigma and stereotyping. It is key to link up to these activities to create a movement and a positive environment that shows care and empathy for all.

New cases outsie Hubei province in China were 9 yesterday, first time become single digit.
Yes, 9 cases in Mainland China, and 9 cases in Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan.
World Health Organization WHO Situation Report - 35 at 10AM February 24th, 2020

SUBJECT IN FOCUS: Risk Communications to Address Stigma
Stigma occurs when people negatively associate an infectious disease, such as COVID-19, with a specific population. In the case of COVID-19, there are an increasing number of reports of public stigmatization against people from areas affected by the epidemic. Unfortunately, this means that people are being labelled, stereotyped, separated, and/or experience loss of status and discrimination because of a potential negative affiliation with the disease.

Given that COVID-19 is a new disease, it is understandable that its emergence and spread cause confusion, anxiety and fear among the general public. These factors can give rise to harmful stereotypes.

Stigma can:
• Drive people to hide the illness to avoid discrimination
• Prevent people from seeking health care immediately
• Discourage them from adopting healthy behaviours

Such barriers could potentially contribute to more severe health problems, ongoing transmission, and difficulties controlling infectious diseases during an infectious disease outbreak. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), UNICEF and the WHO are developing community-based guides and global campaigns to thwart the effects of stigma on people and the COVID-19 response.

Do your part. Governments, citizens, media, key influencers and communities have an important role to play in preventing and stopping stigma. We all need to be intentional and thoughtful when communicating on social media and other communication platforms, showing supportive behaviors around COVID-19.

Here are some examples and tips on possible actions to counter stigmatizing attitudes:
Spreading the facts: Stigma can be heightened by insufficient knowledge about how the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is transmitted and treated, and how to prevent infection.

Engaging social influencers such as religious leaders on prompting reflection about people who are stigmatized and how to support them, or respected celebrities to amplify messages that reduce stigma.

Amplify the voices, stories and images of local people who have experienced COVID-19 and have recovered or who have supported a loved one through recovery to emphasise that most people do recover from COVID-19.

• Make sure you portray different ethnic groups. Materials should show diverse communities that are being affected, and show communities working together to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

• Balanced reporting. Media reporting should be balanced and contextualised, disseminating evidence-based information and helping combat rumour and misinformation that could lead to stigmatisation.

• Link up. There are a number of initiatives to address stigma and stereotyping. It is key to link up to these activities to create a movement and a positive environment that shows care and empathy for all.

Yes, 9 cases in Mainland China, and 9 cases in Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan.

Any work about the African swine flu or Middle east respiratory syndrome MERS... Or the Ebola ( named after an African River) and so on...
Excluding the latest cases in Hubei, the rest of China had just nine new infections on Feb. 24, the lowest number of cases since Jan. 20 when the national health authority began publishing nationwide data on the coronavirus infections.
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