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Real-time update on coronavirus outbreak

Indeed. Sure there are also a lot of people simply being mad at you. I am as well. But whenever such shit happens u will have instantly Russian troll brigades getting into work to push their narratives- and the US behind that corona virus is apparently one of it which is aimed at the chinese population.

You are new to it, but countries which are somewhat more "liberal" are dealing with the Russians troll brigades for the past 5 years~.. then again there is a reason why ur media and social media is controlled.

You have evidence to back your accusation?

Otherwise, it will make Russian's accusation seems more plausible than yours :)

Btw people mad at Chinese in western hemisphere due to corona virus is really insane and illogical. That suggest that propaganda in western hemisphere works well, and Russian accusation may be true.
You have evidence to back your accusation?

Otherwise, it will make Russian's accusation seems more plausible than yours :)

Btw people mad at Chinese due to corona virus is really insane and illogical. That suggest that propaganda in western hemisphere works well.

Its the way it is, I posted a daily sabah link which kinda went into it but thats the reality. Russians are in the web and push their narratives and these are sometimes not chinese friendly.
Its the way it is, I posted a daily sabah link which kinda went into it but thats the reality. Russians are in the web and push their narratives and these are sometimes not chinese friendly.

Well, Russian in the web with narratives doesnt mean they must be lying. US are also in the web with their own narrative. You think they are lying because you are tendencius. We dont know which one is the truth, thats why I said it is very possible.
Again the outbreak did not start in the wet market! @Viva_Viet

Man, here the scientific proof.:smart:

New Chinese study indicates novel coronavirus did not originate in Huanan seafood market


A new study by Chinese researchers indicates the novel coronavirus may have begun human-to-human transmission in late November from a place other than the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan.

The study published on ChinaXiv, a Chinese open repository for scientific researchers, reveals the new coronavirus was introduced to the seafood market from another location, and then spread rapidly from market to market. The findings were the result of analyses of genome-wide data, sources of infection and the route of spread of 93 samples of the novel coronavirus collected from 12 countries across four continents.

The study believes that patient zero transmitted the virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market. The crowded market facilitated the further transmission of the virus to buyers, which caused a wider spread in early December 2019.

According to the researchers, the new coronavirus experienced two sudden population expansions, including one on January 6, 2020, which was related to the Chinese New Year's Day holiday.

An earlier expansion occurred on December 8, implying human-to-human transmission may have started in early December or late November, and then accelerated when it reached the Huanan seafood market.

On January 6, the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a second-level emergency response, which the researchers said served as a warning against mass public activity and travel.

If the warnings had received wider public attention, the number of cases spreading nationally and globally in mid-to-late January would have been lower, said the researchers.

Patients from Australia, France, Japan and the US - countries with wider samples - have had at least two sources of infection, and the US in particular has reported five sources, the study said.

However, based upon limited samples in other countries, the source of most infections is deemed to be the same. In addition to their contact history with Wuhan, some may have been infected in South China's Guangdong Province and Singapore.

Global Times



http://archive.is/CNdlU/03ca13e0629978be1f6d5fb6229e1bd27b06a6a8.jpg ; https://archive.is/CNdlU/19a14329103d7cfb041c3ee1fa0aa008cf9b8e96/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200224010536/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERfjunZU8AAXehc?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/coopesdetat/status/1231703460132712451
1. First, preprint out of China looking at 93 SARS-CoV-2 genomes finding. Feb 23, 2020


http://archive.ph/iOoR0/d01bf7c0f62b110bd7db834f01a764e193bbef48.jpg ; https://archive.ph/iOoR0/8431792749d74ed832569f90ed7ad27f98f5b6a4/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200224010835/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERfjvkfVAAAh1m3?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/coopesdetat/status/1231703460132712451
2. First, preprint out of China looking at 93 SARS-CoV-2 genomes finding. Feb 23, 2020


http://archive.ph/M3Ab7/d7e302766333d9c2299cd8a91995732b2f14fd75.jpg ; https://archive.ph/M3Ab7/9091c0b1e6d8cfb0fd2680c7106679ad446cde4e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200224011104/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERfjwp-UcAA2W15?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 ; https://twitter.com/coopesdetat/status/1231703460132712451
3. First, preprint out of China looking at 93 SARS-CoV-2 genomes finding. Feb 23, 2020


24 out of total 30 Chinese provinces registered zero new cases yesterday, total 11 new cases confirmed in China outside Hubei province yesterday.

24 out of total 30 Chinese provinces registered zero new cases yesterday, total 11 new cases confirmed in China outside Hubei province yesterday.
Almost 5 hours late for today's report in China... First time ever... Quite strange just to report "No new cases"...


Almost 5 hours late for today report in China... First time ever... Quite strange just to report "No new cases"...
New cases indicate the trend of where this virus is going in the future, that's the most important figure in almost all Chinese people's mind, total cases more indicate what happened in the past. Hubei's number hasn't come out yet, Hubei will take more time to stablise, the rest of China could be back to normal in a couple of weeks.
New cases indicate the trend of where this virus is going in the future, that's the most important figures in most Chinese people's mind, total cases more indicate what happened in the past. Hubei's number hasn't come out yet, Hubei will take more time to stablise, the rest of China could be back to normal in a couple of weeks.

My take is on the report being "late" it's the first time that such report is that late...
I can understand if numbers are high or report workers on the ground are overworked/submerged...
Even when the numbers were increasing/high they were on time...

So yes it's strange. We are almost 5-6 hour late...
Its the way it is, I posted a daily sabah link which kinda went into it but thats the reality. Russians are in the web and push their narratives and these are sometimes not chinese friendly.

Well, Russian in the web with narratives doesnt mean they must be lying. US are also in the web with their own narrative. You think they are lying because you are tendencius. We dont know which one is the truth, thats why I said it is very possible.

So what is your suspicion (imagination) trying to tell?
My take is on the report being "late" it's the first time that such report is that late...
I can understand if numbers are high or report workers on the ground are overworked/submerged...
Even when the numbers were increasing/high they were on time...

So yes it's strange. We are almost 5-6 hour late...
The number is late for Hubei province only, a sealed off province. dosen't affect much of the rest of China.
I think the mess around the world has just started...
China has gained a lot of experience and the vaccine is slated to be available in April, we also collected lots of plasma from recovered patients which was proven to be highly effective among patients in critical conditions, and the spring is coming, meaning flu season draws to the end. now this virus is not totally unknown to scientists , they finished tons of data on it already, so it won't cause a massive chao now like it first hit Wuhan city 2 months ago..
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