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Wuhan nurses' plea for international medics to help fight coronavirus

Two nurses in Wuhan have published an open letter pleading for health workers from around the world to come to China to help fight the coronavirus.

Yingchun Zeng, of the Guangzhou Medical hospital, and Yan Zhen, of the Sun Yet-sen Memorial hospital, also in Guangzhou, published a letter in the medical journal the Lancet on Monday describing mental and physical exhaustion and severe supply shortages on the frontlines of the outbreak.

Zeng and Zhen are two of at least 14,000 nurses, among almost 20,000 medical personnel, from across the country who have gone to Wuhan to help the overwhelmed medical system. “But we need much more help. We are asking nurses and medical staff from countries around the world to come to China now, to help us in this battle,” they said.

The virus has claimed more than 2,715 lives and infected at least 80,000 people. On Monday, China’s National Health Commission said more than 3,200 health workers had contracted Covid-19, about 90% of those cases in Hubei province. According to tallies of deaths reported in the Chinese media, at least 22 health workers have died from the virus.

The two health workers, who arrived in Wuhan in late January, wrote: “The conditions and environment here in Wuhan are more difficult and extreme than we could ever have imagined.”

The letter describes shortages of protective equipment, from N95 face masks with respirators, face shields and goggles to gowns and gloves. Previous media reports have shown doctors and nurses making gowns out of waste bags while hospitals have asked for donations from the public.

Zeng and Zhen’s letter also described the difficulties of day-to-day operations. Protective goggles are hard to see through, while wearing several layers of gloves make opening packages to give patients injections a “huge challenge”. Many medical staff have pressure ulcers on their ears and forehead from wearing a mask for so many hours, while others have painful rashes all over their hands from constant washing.

“In order to save energy and the time it takes to put on and take off protective clothing, we avoid eating and drinking for two hours before entering the isolation ward,” the letter said, adding some nurses had fainted from hypoglycaemia, when blood sugar drops too low, or hypoxia, the lack of oxygen.

The letter, which comes as the number of infections in China appear to be falling, contradicts a recent stream of optimistic statements from officials and positive state media coverage hailing the government’s handling of the crisis. An online forum for medical professionals, DXY.cn , translated and posted the letter, but it was later removed.

Zeng and Zhen also highlighted the emotional toll the work had taken. “While we are professional nurses, we are also human. Like everyone else, we feel helplessness, anxiety, and fear. Experienced nurses occasionally find the time to comfort colleagues and try to relieve our anxiety,” they wrote.

“But even experienced nurses may also cry, possibly because we do not know how long we need to stay here and we are the highest-risk group for Covid-19 infection.”

If they regulated the media, the whole region will plunged into this endless war designed by the west.

regulating the media & censorship do not create or conceals problems in the long run. there can always be short term hype/hysteria. that can happen even in china

what Chinese system has done here to suppress the death of corona virus patients for a short time. The suppression of news has done nobody any good.

The short time could have been used to study the virus better.
regulating the media & censorship do not create or conceals problems in the long run. there can always be short term hype/hysteria. that can happen even in china

what Chinese system has done here to suppress the death of corona virus patients for a short time. The suppression of news has done nobody any good.

The short time could have been used to study the virus better.
Our system has helped China's fast development for 4 decades already, the longest continuous development miracle in the whole human history, so how long is long and how short is a short time?
Death of isolation patient 'not COVID-19', says Indonesian hospital
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post

Jakarta / Wed, February 26, 2020 / 10:22 am


Health workers in protective gear take part in an infection prevention and control drill on Feb. 12, 2020 at Sanglah hopital in Denpasar, Bali. (AFP/Sonny Tumbelaka)

A male patient suspected of COVID-19 died on Feb. 23 at Kariadi Central General Hospital in Semarang, Central Java, after being treated in an isolation room for nearly a week.

The patient had reportedly returned to Indonesia on Feb. 12 from Spain via Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and presented symptoms of the disease after his arrival, including fever, cough and shortness of breath. He was admitted to the hospital on Feb. 17 and transferred to an isolation room two days later.

Kariadi hospital’s medical and nursing director, Agoes Oerip Poerwoko, confirmed that the patient died on Sunday, but asserted that SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19 – was not the cause of the patient's death.

“The patient died not from the coronavirus, but due to severe breathing difficulties. The result of a laboratory test from the Health Ministry’s research and development center came out a day after the patient was buried, and it showed he tested negative for the coronavirus,” Agoes said as quoted by kompas.com on Tuesday.

Besides the recently deceased patient, Agoes said that the hospital had also treated two other patients suspected of COVID-19 infection, an Indonesian and a Japanese who had traveled to other countries. The two patients had been discharged after testing negative for SARS-CoV-2.

Kariadi hospital has treated at least 23 patients for suspected coronavirus infection since January. Four of the patients were nationals of China, Japan, and South Korea, all of which have localized outbreaks.

The city of Wuhan in Hubei province, China, is the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak that emerged in December 2019, which has affected 41 countries to date.

Read also: ’It is not COVID-19’: Indonesian health official mixes up disease and virus

“Of the 23 patients, 10 of them are patients under surveillance because [they] show clinical symptoms [of COVID-19], while the 13 others are under observation and have been allowed to go home,” said Agoes.

Separately, Kariadi hospital medical services head Nurdopo Baskoro said the hospital had just admitted a female patient on Monday who was being treated in an isolation room.

"[The patient] is a 25-year-old woman who came to the hospital in the afternoon complaining about having a fever, coughing and chills. She has been in close contact with foreigners from [South] Korea and China, but has no history of traveling abroad,” Nurdopo said.

As of Feb. 25, more than 80,400 people around the world have contracted the virus and more than 2,700 deaths have been linked to COVID-19.

Indonesia has reported zero confirmed cases to date, although at least nine Indonesian crewmen aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan have tested positive for COVID-19.

In addition, a Chinese national and a Japanese national were diagnosed with the disease upon their return from vacationing in Bali over the past two months, according to reports issued by the infectious disease centers in those countries. (syk)

Measures tightened as coronavirus moves closer to Turkey
FEB 26, 2020 4:17 PM GMT+3

A municipality worker disinfects a bus against virus risk in the eastern Turkish city of Van, which borders Iran, Feb. 26, 2020. (AA Photo)

As cases of the coronavirus spread further, Turkey remains among the few countries in its region spared from COVID-19. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, however, warns that the risk is greater than ever for Turkey and says the country will take heightened measures to ensure minimum impact
From Iran and Iraq to Greece, the coronavirus – or COVID-19 – is making its way around the countries neighboring Turkey, which connects Asia and Europe. The country has not yet reported a single case of the virus, but the government acknowledges the possibility of future risks and is ramping up measures, from flight bans to border closures.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca signaled the heightened measures in light of the high number of cases in Turkey's eastern neighbor, Iran. “We have to be in control,” Koca told Anadolu Agency (AA) in an exclusive interview Wednesday.

Turkey brought a number of Turkish citizens home from Iran on Tuesday with a specially arranged evacuation flight carrying 142 people including crew members and placed all under quarantine in the capital Ankara.

None of the 142 people tested positive for coronavirus, the minister said in a separate press conference.

Panic has gripped the world in response to the lack of an effective treatment for the fast-spreading virus, which has brought about an equally rapid stream of fake news and false rumors. Turkish social media has also had its fair share of unfounded claims regarding a government cover-up of cases. The Health Minister reiterated that there have been no cases in the country. “You can’t hide anything from the world, still less from the World Health Organization (WHO). You can’t say someone infected with the virus does not have it. You have to treat it and stop him or her from coming in contact with others; you have to prevent more infections,” he said.

Koca shared the opinion of the health community, which assesses that warmer weather will lead to a decline in the number of cases. “We want to keep Turkey away from the virus as long as possible though we cannot rule out any possibility. We see cases everywhere, in Europe, in Italy for instance, but they quickly took measures,” he said.

“The risk is here, on our doorstep. We see it spreads to the region, to Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, and it originates from Qom (in Iran). We have to confront it so it won’t spread across our borders,” he said.

Turkey closed its border crossings with Iran on Sunday and was screening arrivals from Iran with thermal cameras. Twenty-eight people were banned from entering Turkey over suspicion of having coronavirus last weekend alone. The country has four border crossings with Iran and Koca said any visitors who have been to Qom or Mashhad, two Iranian cities with reported cases, will be placed in quarantine automatically. The country also plans to set up field hospitals on the border to immediately quarantine anyone suspected of having coronavirus. It has also readied hospitals in eastern Turkey where the border is located in order to shore up the quarantine measures. The health minister said they had placed 23 people who visited Qom and Mashhad in quarantine since last week.

Listing examples of Turkey’s preventative measures, Koca said he had personally intervened to stop an incoming flight from an unnamed country from landing due to suspicious incidents aboard. “We did not even allow them to refuel and diverted it to another country in Europe. It was a Turkish Airlines (THY) flight with Turkish crewmembers. Crewmembers were also not allowed back in Turkey and instructed to spend 14 days of quarantine in the country where the plane landed,” he said.

Koca called on the public not to succumb to panic. “There is no virus here, and we have every equipment and staff to contain it if there is a case,” he said.

Turkey has already taken measures before WHO declared an emergency on the issue and set up a Science Board, a task force monitoring the developments regarding the virus and taking measures. It also designated some hospitals as specialized hospitals for quarantine measures.

Travel warning for Iraq and Italy

The Turkish Foreign Ministry Wednesday issued a travel warning for citizens planning to travel to Italy and Iraq. The ministry said in a statement that citizens were strongly recommended to avoid non-essential visits to regions in Italy and Iraq where coronavirus cases were reported. The ministry called Turkish citizens who are living in Italy or who were required to travel there to take precautions for their health and follow the warnings and statements by Turkish diplomatic missions in Italy and WHO. For Iraq, the ministry advised citizens to stay away from areas with reported cases.

Media outlets also reported that the Turkish civil aviation authority suspended all flights, including private, cargo and charter flights, to and from Iran.


Turkish firms triple mask production to meet Chinese demand
FEB 26, 2020 1:12 PM GMT+3

People wear face masks in a street in Beijing, China, Feb. 26, 2020. (Reuters Photo)

Turkish firms producing medical masks have increased their production volume in line with the ever-growing demand from China amid the country’s struggle to fight the outbreak of the new type of coronavirus.

Coronavirus has spread further around the world as a World Health Organisation warns that countries outside China are “simply not ready” for a pandemic.

Local firms with monthly production capacities of 10 million masks have already tripled their production capacity.

The disease is believed to have originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year and has spread rapidly, infecting about 80,000 people globally and killing more than 2,700, the vast majority in mainland China.

Metin Demir, chairman of the Turkish Health Industries Employer’s Union (SEIS), told Anadolu Agency (AA) that there are currently 10 firms in Turkey that produce medical masks, five of which are large-scale companies. He added that now all the companies have increased their production capacity and have been exporting to China, which was the world’s largest mask-producing country.

Demir said that although Turkish firms have increased their production capacity up to 30 million monthly, this is still not enough to meet the demand coming from China.

“China leads the way in producing medical consumable substances,” Demir said, adding: “However, with the emergence of the new coronavirus epidemic both the mask stocks have melted and the production has halted in a country that has 1.3 billion population.”

He noted that China, which had previously eliminated several producers in the market with price competition, now lacks the needed products, adding that medical device and medical consumable products are actually very strategic industries.

Indonesia to Quarantine 188 World Dream Crew Members on Island Near Jakarta


FEBRUARY 26, 2020


Indonesian Navy officers prepare the beds on Dr. Soeharso Hospital Ship at the Surabaya Naval Base, East Java, on Feb. 20, 2020. (Antara Photo/Didik Suhartono)

Jakarta. The Indonesian government has sent a naval hospital ship to evacuate 188 Indonesian crew members of World Dream cruise ship to be sent to an uninhabited island near Jakarta for coronavirus observation, health officials said on Tuesday.

Achmad Yurianto, secretary-general of the Health Ministry’s disease control and environmental health directorate, said the crew members have passed medical checkups by Hong Kong authorities but the government requires them to join group observation for another 14 days to make sure they are free from the highly contagious virus.

“We also received information from the World Dream medical team that none of the Indonesians has symptoms typical of Covid-19,” Yurianto said in a video conference with journalists gathering at the Health Ministry compound in Jakarta.

The crew members have passed the 14 days of coronavirus incubation period since the medical checkups in Hong Kong was conducted on Feb. 5-9 and no one has shown signs of being infected, he said.

The Dr. Soeharso hospital ship has departed to Durian Strait off Riau province where World Dream dropped anchor. The estimated time of arrival is around 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, he said.

After the transfer from the cruise ship, the 188 crew members will be transported to Sebaru Island in Jakarta’s Thousand Island district. They are expected to arrive at the island at around 03.00 a.m. on Friday, he said.

While on the hospital ship, all of them will undergo initial checkups and doctors will take specimens for laboratory tests.

Yurianto said there are around 270 Indonesian crew members in the cruise ship, but only 188 agreed to join the observation on the island. The rest have chosen to stay at the ship to continue the trip to Seattle, the United States, he said.

Sebaru Island used to be a rehabilitation facility for drug users. The facility has clinics, bedrooms, kitchens and air-conditioning machines.

Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto said the government plans to quarantine 74 Indonesian crew members of Diamond Princess cruise ship on the island too, but negotiations with Japanese authorities have not been concluded.

The evacuation of Diamond Princess crew members will be a riskier mission because many of its passengers and crew members have been infected with coronavirus, including four Indonesians now being treated at separate hospitals in Japan.

The government has initially planned to send the hospital ship to evacuate Diamond Princess crew members but the mission was delayed pending clearance from Japan.

Diamond Princess has been put under quarantine off the Japanese city of Yokohama following coronavirus outbreak inside the ship.

“We are still in negotiations with Japan over the best means to evacuate the crew members [from Diamond Princess],” Terawan said.

“But for now, we concentrate on the evacuation of World Dream crew members,” Terawan said.

188 Indonesian from World Dream cruise ship has been transferred into Hospital ship and will get into Sebaru island on Friday for 14 days quarantine.

Quarantine Facility

A female of 53 years who just came back from Japan is the latest COVID-19 confirmed case today, which made the total confirmed case at 23. Meanwhile 2 patients were cured and discharged, making the total cured at 22, so only one patient is under medical treatment.

Confirmed 23
Cured 22
Under medical treatment 1
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