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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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There has been a case in bahrain and AFG.

Pakistan needs to seal the border with Iran and AFG.

Further, KSA needs to allow Umra/Hajj for next one year to local citizens only.

I feel our govt. is hiding something. How can there be a case in Iran and AFG but not in Pakistan.

Well , this is bad , if this start to spread in Iraq or Afghanistan , the death toll will sky rocket ....
There is another wave of rain and cold weather reaching Iran in this week
Common factor, Doesn't explain the abnormality.
why not , just think about how many time you yourself attributed your cold or influenza to allergy . how many time you said these sign are becase i ate grape or melon ?

another factor is that we didn't have enough corona virus detection kits , but hopefully it will be a things of past as there is rumors on the net that Defense Ministery managed to produce those Kits in Iran
well hope its true right now we import them in limitted quantity from china and you can guess why.
why not , just think about how many time you yourself attributed your cold or influenza to allergy . how many time you said these sign are becase i ate grape or melon ?
This is a common factor between Iran and other countries so it can't explain the irregularity.
another factor is that we didn't have enough corona virus detection kits , but hopefully it will be a things of past as there is rumors on the net that Defense Ministery managed to produce those Kits in Iran
well hope its true right now we import them in limited quantity from china and you can guess why.
This can be the number 5 explanation, A good one indeed, Since having low number of kits means that the tests could only be conducted for patients with the worst conditions, Hence the higher number for case fatality rate.

I usually don't write in the Iranian forum , but what is the story of this stupid poll in this thread ?

" Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus unleashed by the enemy? "

Fight how ? unleashed by who ? how ?

Sounds like mullah propaganda.

Only on Friday this person , Mr Ayatollah khamenei said that the that voting was “a religious duty”, and blamed the low turnout on the “negative propaganda” about the new coronavirus by Iran’s enemies.

Now suddenly it is is a virus " unleashed by enemies "

If anyone is to blame here , it is this supreme mullah person that insisted on holding this elections , that are meaningless anyway.

Luckily Iranians are smarter than this and most of them stayed home on Friday.



I usually don't write in the Iranian forum , but what is the story of this stupid poll in this thread ?

" Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus unleashed by the enemy? "

Fight how ? unleashed by who ? how ?

Sounds like mullah propaganda.

Only on Friday this person , Mr Ayatollah khamenei said that the that voting was “a religious duty”, and blamed the low turnout on the “negative propaganda” about the new coronavirus by Iran’s enemies.

Now suddenly it is is a virus " unleashed by enemies "

If anyone is to blame here , it is this supreme mullah person that insisted on holding this elections , that are meaningless anyway.

Luckily Iranians are smarter than this and most of them stayed home on Friday.



Result clearly show most people that didn't show were pro Reformist and they didn't care to show because they got tired of those compromising idiots that could neither fix the economy or social issues and 42% is a rather normal rate globally for a country with over 80 million ppl. Especially considering that we don't have a prime minister elected by the parliament and the people elect our president and those elections aren't till next year!
And Iranians gave clear answer of what they think of JCPOA 2.0 So I'm grateful they didn't show although 15%-20% wouldn't of changed anything for them!

And if anything this is good news for the pro military crowd and bad news for Israel so I wouldn't be so quick to celebrating if I was you because the guy that made sure Iran built a Missile base in every corner of the country and a the former head of the IRGC Aerospace Forces is now the top guy in the parliament! LOL!

it's funny to see a child murdering Israeli from an apartheid regime talking about our elections you morons can't even get rid of Nut&yahoo LOL!
well guys seems like part of fatalities in recently days were not actually effected by coronavirus but H1N1 influenza. i'm not sure if it's a good or bad news...

Just last year, between 16000 to 41000 people have died from influenza in US, this number was 61000 for 2018.

BBC Instagram updates on Corona virus in 48 hours:
Iran 27 times
China 2 times
Italy 1 time
Afghanistan 1 time
S.Korea 1 time

In other words, it's important to have a live update thread about corona virus in Iran!
Zionists want this.

Just last year, between 16000 to 41000 people have died from influenza in US, this number was 61000 for 2018.

BBC Instagram updates on Corona virus in 48 hours:
Iran 27 times
China 2 times
Italy 1 time
Afghanistan 1 time
S.Korea 1 time

In other words, it's important to have a live update thread about corona virus in Iran!
Zionists want this.

Media is bored, this virus is impressive for its long incubation period and ability to pass from host to others without the host having any symptoms.

But it lacks lethality (2% mortality rate) and its rate of spreading (1 infected person can affect X amount of people on average) is also not impressive.

I blame the media and the experts who have nothing better to do besides sell fear headlines.

certainly this virus is much more impressive than its brother SARS. But it’s exponential growth of infected has topped out. If it were really impressive as the media likes you to believe we would be at 250K-500K cases right now.

Instead we have slowly climbed from 50 to 79K. For those that know about virus spreading, the first few months are critical for the virus to spread as much as possible before anti virus measures (awareness, vaccine trials, closed borders, quarantine) are taken which slows virus cases.
There has been a case in bahrain and AFG.

Pakistan needs to seal the border with Iran and AFG.

Further, KSA needs to allow Umra/Hajj for next one year to local citizens only.

I feel our govt. is hiding something. How can there be a case in Iran and AFG but not in Pakistan.
I guess in that case pakistan better get a move on with fencing off its side of the iran/pakistan border then shouldnt it?,as so far its only fenced about 50kms,that leaves about 900 odd kilometers to go I think.

I usually don't write in the Iranian forum , but what is the story of this stupid poll in this thread ?

" Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus unleashed by the enemy? "

Fight how ? unleashed by who ? how ?

Sounds like mullah propaganda.

Only on Friday this person , Mr Ayatollah khamenei said that the that voting was “a religious duty”, and blamed the low turnout on the “negative propaganda” about the new coronavirus by Iran’s enemies.

Now suddenly it is is a virus " unleashed by enemies "

If anyone is to blame here , it is this supreme mullah person that insisted on holding this elections , that are meaningless anyway.

Luckily Iranians are smarter than this and most of them stayed home on Friday.



I will not argue that the timing of this election was not contributing to contain the outbreak, but as you know my dear friend, democracy is above everything in Iran, and parliamentary elections are valued more than one's own life!

Their country, their rules. Previously the people expressed the will to sign the J.C.P.O.A. with Shaitan-e Buzurg and with catastrophic consequences, but it was a democratic decision.

And the sanctions are certainly making the situation from bad to worse!

Two examples:

• U.S. blocking Iranians the access to live updated map on the outbreak!

11:56 AM · Feb 24, 2020·TweetDeck

آرتیکل ۱۹

There has been false news circulating about the Iranian government blocking an important coronavirus resource: the live updated map of infections and deaths by @JohnsHopkins. The website is blocked in Iran, but not because of Iran, but because of sanctions. #COVID19


The server-side block can be further validated through OONI measurements for that website.




• Medical sanctions causing shortage of equipment for diagnosis, prevention and treatment:

Iranian physician calls for urgent removal of medical sanctions against Iran

24 February 2020 - 18:42

TEHRAN, Feb. 24 (MNA) – An Iranian physician and senior media activist in a letter to Director General of the World Health Organization asked WHO for urgent action to lift medical sanctions against Iran.

According to Shafaqna, the full text of Dr. Abolfazl Fateh’s letter to WHO is as follows:

H. E. Doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Director General of the World Health Organization

As you are aware COVID-19 has placed the world in a dangerous epidemic and all the forecasts indicate the very fast spread of the virus. As the World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency on 31st January, it seems that we are only just dealing with the tip of the iceberg. News from Iran indicates that so far, tens, probably even hundreds of people have been infected with COVID-19.

Iran has an advanced healthcare capacity and system however, as you are aware, the country is under unprecedented and extreme sanctions put in place by the United States of America. Due to the harsh conditions and the spread of the population of 80 million in such a large territory, along with its borders; it is evident that they are short of the required resources and equipment for diagnosis, prevention and treatment, especially laboratory kits, masks N-95, protective gowns for medical staff, ambulances, specialised medicines, antiseptics and appropriate medical supplies, in addition there is also a need for the latest information on successful trials in combating this virus.

Health, hygiene and access to medical care are the fundamental rights of all the human beings regardless of race, religion, and nationality.

As an Iranian physician and senior media activist residing outside of Iran, I sincerely seek your urgent attention for the sanctions on providing healthcare support, drugs, medical laboratory kits and preventive equipment to be lifted immediately.

Iranians living outside the country are willing to send humanitarian support in such a difficult situation for the impacted population, however due to the sanctions, it is not possible to do so.

It must be brought to the attention of other global organisations not to overrule the healthcare rights through political considerations.

I firmly believe this is the request of a vast majority of Iranians living abroad.

Clearly, any delay in removing the sanctions on healthcare support will result in countless innocent and vulnerable people losing their lives.

It is our humane duty to do the right thing immediately and not to carry over the tragic consequences.

Humanity demands action today; otherwise, the vulnerable will pay the price.

I sincerely hope that you take the action needed to combat the sanctions on healthcare that Iran faces, and do not let health care become politicized and the political pressure take innocent lives.

Yours sincerely
Abolfazl Fateh
MD and PhD in media studies 24/03/2020

News Code 155994



For the fools that think China was “innocent”. Until the government was thoroughly embarrassed in the eyes of the world, it didn’t take such a precaution. Should have done this when SARS broke out years ago.

China Bans Trade, Consumption of Wild Animals to Counter Virus

Yeah it just so happens that SARs also a respiratory illness came from China and now its close companion COV also came from China. Also bird flu was also deemed to origin in China.

But sure, China is the innocent one here. :cuckoo:

China skirts quality control every chance it can get. Let’s not forget the pet food scandal which led to deaths of pets across the world due to metal/lead poisoning. Let’s not forget the harmful cheap products it exports to countries around the world.

China doesn’t obey laws (IP) and disregards World Trade statues. So why expect such a society to care about human health?

This most heinous wording only betrays the fear of the perpetators to be first exposed, and then to receive a punishing (thermonuclear) retribution for their mischiefs!

Again, China is the target of the U.S. murderous bio-attack, with the control of North Korean and Iranian resources (rare earth and hydrocarbons) as the ultimate goal!

Science vs politics

Published: 12:30am, 18 Feb, 2020

The H1N1 influenza strain in a 2009 pandemic was first detected in the US and killed an estimated half a million people but no countries turned away or quarantined Americans
In the February 5 post, titled: “Something’s Not Right Here Folks”, Cavolo draws a comparison frequently invoked by Beijing’s defenders: the reaction to the 2009 outbreak of an H1N1 influenza pandemic, an illness that the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated to have led to as many as 575,400 deaths globally during the first year the virus circulated.

Estimates suggest that the H1N1 strain, which was first detected in the US, infected as much as 24 per cent of the world’s population.

Despite these staggering numbers, Cavolo pointed out, no countries turned Americans away or quarantined them. Nor did Washington come under sustained attack for initially undercounting the number of people infected.



For those who are totally clueless about how to conduct a biowarfare attack, please acquaint yourself with the computer game Plague Inc: Evolved.

You will learn why an attack should always start in China, or India, and never in Greenland. (the most populous, the most connexions)

Plague Inc: Evolved: Pandemic starting in China..Coincidence? I think not!


64 people tested positive for ‘coronavirus’ in Iran: health min.

24 February 2020 - 10:37

TEHRAN, Feb. 24 (MNA) – According to a report of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, 64 people in the country have been diagnosed with ‘coronavirus’.

Many reports are related to hospitalization of patients at hospitals with influenza, he said, adding, “of total patients with influenza, about 64 of whom have been diagnosed with coronavirus.”

Unfortunately, coronavirus has claimed lives of 12 people in the country up to the present time, he added.

According to the report of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, two people diagnosed with ‘coronavirus’ in Tehran had come from Qom province.



Mon Feb 24, 2020 2:25

The epicenter of the outbreak is the central city of Qom.

As a preventive measure, Iranian authorities have ordered a week-long closure of educational and cultural institutions across 14 provinces as of Sunday.

These provinces include Qom, Markazi, Gilan, Ardabil, Kermanshah, Qazvin, Zanjan, Mazandaran, Golestan, Hamadan, Alborz, Semnan, Kordestan and the capital, Tehran.

Spokesman for Tehran's Department of Education, Masoud Saghafi, said the decision was made to "prepare schools" which have to be disinfected and sanitized.

Tehran’s Mayor Pirouz Hanachi said Sunday that all the city’s public places, including the metro trains and buses, are being disinfected every night as part of attempts to contain the spread of the virus.

Head of Food and Drug Administration Mohammad Reza Shanehsaz also said that pharmacies will no longer be allowed to sell protective masks and that masks will be distributed among the population via government-run centers free of charge, with the priority given to virus-hit provinces.



Iraqi nationals banned from traveling to Iran

Feb 25, 2020, 12:20 AM

Baghdad, Feb 25, IRNA – Iran's Embassy in Baghdad in a statement on Monday announced that Iraqis' visit to Iran is forbidden until March 6.

The statement said that given the significance of public health and the need for preserving health safety of both countries, Iraqi nationals are banned from entering Iran until March 6.

Iraqi health officials announced identification of a case of coronavirus in Najaf.

Following spread of the virus, Iraq closed its border crossings with Iran on Thursday, as Iranians are currently banned from visiting the country.



Total cases as of 25 February 2020:

• 100s suspected cases
• 64 confirmed cases
• 12 deaths
I guess in that case pakistan better get a move on with fencing off its side of the iran/pakistan border then shouldnt it?,as so far its only fenced about 50kms,that leaves about 900 odd kilometers to go I think.

We have also created ditches in many sections as first step (although it will only stop vehicular movement and not human).

Fencing will take time as priority item is completion of fencing with AFG (to be completed this year).

Right now some other measures would be needed to shut off traffic at the border and I don't think we would have enough resources to deal with Iran border owing to Indian Escalation on eastern border and the ongoing peace process in AFG. Tough neighborhood.
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