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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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Are you sure that the thesis you wrote on diet of east asians has anything to do with my post?
It does not and I am sorry I pressed the reply button by accident on your post..you actually have a good point on your post about not observing the flight ban by these two individuals.. but I also stand by my theory (and yes it is only a theory) that there are too many coincidences about the China and Iran outbreaks that require investigation. Blaming it on diet (as some people do in this forum) does not hold water with me..MERS came from Saudi arabia and AIDS, H1N1 originated in north america (with only 200 years of history ) china has thousands years of history and now everyone is ganging up on their diets. statistically north america is therefore higher generator of new disease than china!!!
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It does not and I am sorry I pressed the reply button by accident on your post..you actually have a good point on your post about not observing the flight ban by these two individuals.. but I also stand by my theory (and yes it is only a theory) that there are too many coincidences about the China and Iran outbreaks that require investigation. Blaming it on diet (as some people do in this forum) does not hold water with me..MERS came from Saudi arabia and AIDS, H1N1 originated in north america (with only 200 years of history ) china has thousands years of history and now everyone is ganging up on their diets. statistically north america is therefore higher generator of new disease than china!!!
Yeah yeah yeah, As you said it yourself this is just theory, A conspiracy theory to be more precise, But what @TheImmortal said is a scientific proven issue with many article written about it in top academic journals, like this one published in June 2013:

Zoonoses in South-East Asia: a regional burden, a global threat

Turkey closes border with Iran amid coronavirus concerns

Kapıköy Border Gate in eastern Turkey's Van province near the Iranian border (DHA Photo)
Turkey has closed its border with Iran as a preventative measure against the deadly coronavirus outbreak, shortly after Iranian officials announced eight people were killed in the country on Turkey's eastern border.

The Kapıköy border in eastern Van province and the Esendere border gate in Hakkari province were closed to visitors from Iran, sources said Sunday.

Iran became the first country in the Middle East with confirmed cases of the COVID-19, as the health ministry announced 43 people have been infected so far.

Authorities in Van, a popular destination for Iranian tourists in eastern Turkey, installed thermal cameras at the Kapıköy border crossing on Thursday while border officers in contact with visitors have been ordered to wear protective gear. Measures came amid an influx of Iranian tourists to Van, which shares Turkey's longest border with Iran, ahead of next month's Nowruz holiday.

Ankara has taken serious precautions and has successfully evacuated its citizens from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the deadly virus, which killed over 2,444 people in China alone.

Recently, the Iraqi government led by caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi also announced that they have banned all arrivals from Iran over concerns about the spread of the virus.

COVID-19 defeat ‘before long’, Iran health minister says
  1. Society
February 23, 2020 - 17:42

TEHRAN – Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki has said effective measures have been taken and comprehensive plans are underway to get rid of the novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, in the country.

The country has put in place a set of contingency plans, including the temporary shutdown of schools, universities and cultural centers, in an effort to curb a coronavirus outbreak that has already claimed eight lives in the country.

“With regard to the past experience, I say that we will defeat the coronavirus before long,” the minister stressed.

“As a veteran soldier in the Iranian health front, I have taken the responsibility of removing measles, tetanus, and polio which astonished the World Health Organization as the country is grappling with sanctions with no international support. So, I [definitely] say that we will defeat the coronavirus.”

He went on to say that the nation has been mobilized against the virus and “we will announce its defeat soon.”

The Health Ministry on Sunday raised the death toll from the virus to eight and the number of people who had tested positive for coronavirus to 43.

As a preventive measure, Iranian authorities have ordered a week-long closure of educational and cultural institutions across 14 provinces as of Sunday, Press TV reported.

Spokesman for Tehran's Department of Education, Masoud Saghafi, said the decision was made to "prepare schools" which have to be disinfected and sanitized.

Tehran’s Mayor Pirouz Hanachi said Sunday that all the city’s public places, including the metro trains and buses, are being disinfected every night as part of attempts to contain the spread of the virus.

Head of Food and Drug Administration Mohammad Reza Shanehsaz also said that pharmacies will no longer be allowed to sell protective masks and that masks will be distributed among the population via government-run centers free of charge, with the priority given to virus-hit provinces.

COVID-19 defeat ‘before long’, Iran health minister says
  1. Society
February 23, 2020 - 17:42

TEHRAN – Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki has said effective measures have been taken and comprehensive plans are underway to get rid of the novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, in the country.

The country has put in place a set of contingency plans, including the temporary shutdown of schools, universities and cultural centers, in an effort to curb a coronavirus outbreak that has already claimed eight lives in the country.

“With regard to the past experience, I say that we will defeat the coronavirus before long,” the minister stressed.

“As a veteran soldier in the Iranian health front, I have taken the responsibility of removing measles, tetanus, and polio which astonished the World Health Organization as the country is grappling with sanctions with no international support. So, I [definitely] say that we will defeat the coronavirus.”

He went on to say that the nation has been mobilized against the virus and “we will announce its defeat soon.”

The Health Ministry on Sunday raised the death toll from the virus to eight and the number of people who had tested positive for coronavirus to 43.

As a preventive measure, Iranian authorities have ordered a week-long closure of educational and cultural institutions across 14 provinces as of Sunday, Press TV reported.

Spokesman for Tehran's Department of Education, Masoud Saghafi, said the decision was made to "prepare schools" which have to be disinfected and sanitized.

Tehran’s Mayor Pirouz Hanachi said Sunday that all the city’s public places, including the metro trains and buses, are being disinfected every night as part of attempts to contain the spread of the virus.

Head of Food and Drug Administration Mohammad Reza Shanehsaz also said that pharmacies will no longer be allowed to sell protective masks and that masks will be distributed among the population via government-run centers free of charge, with the priority given to virus-hit provinces.


As long as Patient Zero isn't found... everything is BS...
As long as Patient Zero isn't found... everything is BS...

Iran: 43 infected with coronavirus; patient zero identified


People wear masks after deaths from and new confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Tehran, Iran on February 21, 2020 [Fatemeh Bahrami / Anadolu Agency]

February 23, 2020 at 2:02 pm

Iran has confirmed 15 new cases of the new coronavirus, taking the total to 43 with a death toll of eight, reports Reuters. Most of the infections have been in the Shia Muslim holy city of Qom.

According to the Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki:

The virus came from China to Qom city. A Merchant from Qom who died of the virus used to regularly travel to China … Flights were suspended between the two countries but he used indirect flights.

He urged people to avoid traveling to Qom, a major destination for Shia pilgrims 120 km (75 miles) south of the capital Tehran.

“Obviously we do not recommend trips to Qom or any other holy Shia cities in Iran,” Namaki said on state television.

Health Ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpur announced the 15 new cases earlier on Sunday.

“So far, we have 43 infected cases and the death toll is eight,” he told the television.

Eight of the new infections were in Qom, where authorities have shut down schools and religious seminaries. In Tehran and some other cities, schools have been closed until Tuesday.

@Cthulhu The health minister says flights were suspended

Rouhani gov can't make decision and act base on it ... its just like past 6 years , they want to wait till the passage of time solve or halve the problem ....
He says they were but people in the Iranian military forum (military.ir) showed with evidence that they weren't.
I find it very strange that after China, Iran is the most affected country. We don’t even share a border with China.
I find it very strange that after China, Iran is the most affected country. We don’t even share a border with China.
What do you mean? Don't tell me you are part of the "conspiracy illuminati" entity...
Then the same will be said to Italy...Korea... Diamond Princess...Japan etc...

The answer is relatively simple... Mistakes and lack of Precautions.... ie INCOMPETENCE of the central services...
I knew it was really bad as soon as the first reports of fatalities came in....

Iranian culture and religious practices that involve lots of gatherings of people in close proximity to each other is the perfect environment for virus' to spread...

They really need to take this seriously and shut down every religious centre, mosque, hossieniye. school, university, bazars, large malls and anywhere people congregate in mass for at least 2 weeks....\

as the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth more then a pound of cure.
What do you mean? Don't tell me you are part of the "conspiracy illuminati" entity...
Then the same will be said to Italy...Korea... Diamond Princess...Japan etc...

The answer is relatively simple... Mistakes and lack of Precautions.... ie INCOMPETENCE of the central services...

No. There would be no reason to cause the outbreak in China first only to export the virus it to Iran. If Iran was the target for biological warfare, they could have gone through Iraq, Afghanistan, or even use the Mossad, MEK or CIA agents in Iran. It's just strange that Iran is after China, the most affected country. The virus was first reported in China on December 31. The first case of the virus in Iran was reported almost 2 months after. I would understand if the first case was reported a week after, or 2 or even 3 weeks after the outbreak in China, but not almost 2 months after.
I knew it was really bad as soon as the first reports of fatalities came in....

Iranian culture and religious practices that involve lots of gatherings of people in close proximity to each other is the perfect environment for virus' to spread...

They really need to take this seriously and shut down every religious centre, mosque, hossieniye. school, university, bazars, large malls and anywhere people congregate in mass for at least 2 weeks....\

as the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth more then a pound of cure.

Closing them is a good first step... But the most problematic aspect of such outbreak... is "Education"... unfortunately the Region is not Educated/neither have a proper plan to behave in such situations...
Per exemple... When you see, a Medical team treating patients without the full cover... but only a mask... you know things are getting serious... If the pros are not given proper equipments... what can be said to the civilians then...
Not even going into the aspect of the quality of HEalth structures...
Unfortunately our region isn't ready for it, not even close... If that thing get out of control... then Wars will be angelic next to it...

No. There would be no reason to cause the outbreak in China first only to export the virus it to Iran. If Iran was the target for biological warfare, they could have gone through Iraq, Afghanistan, or even use the Mossad, MEK or CIA agents in Iran. It's just strange that Iran is after China, the most affected country. The virus was first reported in China on December 31. The first case of the virus in Iran was reported almost 2 months after. I would understand if the first case was reported a week after, or 2 or even 3 weeks after the outbreak in China, but not almost 2 months after.
Did you forget Italy? Korea? where Cases are out of control....
I find it very strange that after China, Iran is the most affected country. We don’t even share a border with China.

Iran is the most affected country? South Korea is cases are in hundreds! Japan? US has similar amount of cases...

Man this board is filled with unintelligent people.

Due to US sanctions, Iran has been forced to rely on China for heavy trade and many Iranians travel to China to place order for goods for their factories/shops/etc. On top of that many Chinese businessman travel to Iran for investment opportunities.

So yes it is logical that Iran could receive the virus especially when its health ministry is borderline incompetent.

There're are only 4 explanations for this number that i can think of:
1- The health sector is ran by a bunch of real buffoons.
2- The officials are not announcing the real numbers.
3- There are many infected people that are showing the symptoms by now and are not hospitalized but running around freely.
4- The virus has mutated.
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