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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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^this. They have to fix this shit and should not put the world in danger because their weird flaws in their culture. Stop eating weird shit for once and for all.
They eat the most disgusting things out of anyone in the whole world and I really don't understand it. They literally eat LIVE animals as well. You cannot mention this in the western world without being accused of racism. I guess I'm a racist but at least I'd rather be racist then have half the world dead from disease.

No conspiracy theory. I was just wondering why corona virus first hit China - America's economic opponent and now Iran, America's military opponent in Middle East!

Is this just another coincidence like one where American military is always found attacking countries with oil fields?

South Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany, Canada all have Corona virus cases including many more countries. Let's stop with the conspiracy theories.
Whats worrisome about the Iran outbreak is the source is officially unknown. I would suspect people travailing from other countries, but you can't rule out a nefarious conspiracy.
we have a guess . just 3 weeks before the cases show up in Qom there was a leather and Show fair with participant from china , we guess the cases started from there.
Now these two a$$holes should answer for this shitfuckery:
This virus has nothing to do with diet of east asian countries (just western propaganda to beat up on asian nations). There are too many reports that it may be man made and meant for ani empire nations such as china(includes North Korea due to proximity), Iran ( and hence Hezb by association and PMU).If you are wondering what about Venezuela (too close to US so was spared)..Russia will be next target...remember Patient zero has not been identified in many of these countries because it was not meant to...
Virus is designed not to kill a large numbers but disrupt the economical life of the anti empire nations and we can see it has already done that...

Virus was introduced just before china's new year where millions travel (maximum exposure).
Virus was introduced in Iran before elections when millions line up for voting (maximum exposure)

I also believe many countries with sensitive Tourist industries are not reporting so Italian case may be just the tip of the iceberg...When the economical damage is done the empire will introduce the vaccine and that will end the pandemic (the first rule of biowarfare..make antidote before releasing the patogen).
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This virus has nothing to do with diet of east asian countries (just western propaganda to beat up on asian nations). There are too many reports that it may be man made and meant for ani empire nations such as china(includes North Korea due to proximity), Iran ( and hence Hezb by association and PMU).If you are wondering what about Venezuela (too close to US so was spared)..Russia will be next target...remember Patient zero has not been identified in many of these countries because it was not meant to...
Virus is designed not to kill a large numbers but disrupt the economical life of the anti empire nations and we can see it has already done that...

Virus was introduced just before china's new year where millions travel (maximum exposure).
Virus was introduced in Iran before elections when millions line up for voting (maximum exposure)

I also believe many countries with sensitive Tourist industries are not reporting so Italian case may be just the tip of the iceberg...When the economical damage is done the empire will introduce the vaccine and that will end the pandemic (the first rule of biowarfare..make antidote before releasing the patogen).

There is an obvious ongoing hate campaign well coordinated in all the western nations.

As the saying goes when you want to kill your dog, you accuse it of having rabies.

Compare with the friendliness of Cambodia, who's Prime Minister Hun Sen even made a special trip to Beijing to support China. Or the sympathy expressed by Iran.

And this goes from the Tiangong-1 smearing campaign to the MH-370 shooting cover up, to this biowarfare attack!

That one is so serious, from the WSJ, that it gives a hint on the real purpose.

And done under the cover of the First Amendment.

No racism to call China sick man of Asia?

February 22, 2020

BEIJING, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is playing the victim after it published an article on China earlier this month with a racist headline, provoking a public outcry.

On Feb. 3, the WSJ published an article written by Professor Walter Russell Mead of Bard College about the impact of the novel coronavirus epidemic on the Chinese economy. The WSJ's editors at the opinion department wrote the headline, "China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia."

The derogatory reference to Chinese in the headline was soon met with criticism both at home and abroad. The WSJ has denied accusations of racism, saying "these days the 'sick man' phrase is used to describe many countries." However, such an argument was rejected by several U.S. mainstream media and experts.

Quoting Catherine Ceniza Choy, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of California, Berkeley, NBC News reported that the "racist association of Chinese bodies as disease carriers" has roots in white supremacist and nativist fears of Asian migration in the late 19th century.

The Washington Post reported that "Anti-Chinese racism always hinged on the belief that Asians harbor disease. In the 19th century, China was referred to as 'the sick man of Asia.'"

Harry Zhang, associate professor with Old Dominion University in Virginia, said in a letter to the WSJ that "I was horrified to read the headline 'China Is the Sick Man of Asia' on Walter Russell Mead's column. At this critical moment for millions of Chinese who are suffering from the coronavirus, this headline triggers the extremely miserable memory for the Chinese since 1840 when the First Opium War broke out. I respect the First Amendment, but in a civilized society we should not tolerate this discriminatory opinion while humanity is under siege."

In response to the public outcry, William Lewis, chief executive of Dow Jones and publisher of the WSJ, said in a statement that "Our opinion pages regularly publish articles with opinions that people disagree -- or agree -- with, and it was not our intention to cause offense with the headline on the piece."

In fact, the headline is so controversial that editors with the WSJ have voiced their opposition.

Quoting people with knowledge of the discussion within the WSJ, The New York Times reported that two inner meetings were held at the WSJ before Feb. 19 to discuss the headline, and "the headline was widely considered offensive within the newsroom."

"In one meeting last week, one of the people said, reporters expressed their anger over the headline to Mr. Murray, the editor," the Times reported.

Matt Murray, editor-in-chief of the WSJ, agreed that "the headline was bad," but that "his hands were tied because of the traditional separation between the news and editorial sides of the Journal," according to the Times.

"Mr. Lewis, the Dow Jones chief executive, participated in a more recent meeting. Newsroom employees again pushed to get top editors to change the headline," the Times added.

However, the WSJ still has the article with the racist headline on its website.


Here, the modus operandi of the west exposed:

That is why early reports claimed it was from a Hubei Chinese exotic food market that was filthy and jumped to humans. First was to blame the Chinese for being so dirty and filthy and disgusting. If it is ever found to be bio-engineered, then blame the Chinese again in that it escaped from a Chinese virus lab because where it was first discovered was not very far from the lab.

Has the US ever used biological weapons before?

This is the official story of BBC, Fox News, DW, CNN. The Western story does not even make any sense. How does a (potential bioweapon) virus from a virus lab so happen to jump from the virus lab to bats and then mutate and then jump to humans? You can tell they are trying their worst to get the dumb down, brainwashed masses to blame China and the Chinese. The Western media likes to point out that there is a virus lab not far from where the outbreak started, so rumors can spread and the Chinese an be blamed again.

This virus has nothing to do with diet of east asian countries (just western propaganda to beat up on asian nations).
Are you sure that the thesis you wrote on diet of east asians has anything to do with my post?
This virus has nothing to do with diet of east asian countries (just western propaganda to beat up on asian nations). There are too many reports that it may be man made and meant for ani empire nations such as china(includes North Korea due to proximity), Iran ( and hence Hezb by association and PMU).If you are wondering what about Venezuela (too close to US so was spared)..Russia will be next target...remember Patient zero has not been identified in many of these countries because it was not meant to...
Virus is designed not to kill a large numbers but disrupt the economical life of the anti empire nations and we can see it has already done that...

Virus was introduced just before china's new year where millions travel (maximum exposure).
Virus was introduced in Iran before elections when millions line up for voting (maximum exposure)

I also believe many countries with sensitive Tourist industries are not reporting so Italian case may be just the tip of the iceberg...When the economical damage is done the empire will introduce the vaccine and that will end the pandemic (the first rule of biowarfare..make antidote before releasing the patogen).

Please stop with the nonsense.

COV, SARS, MERS, Swine flu, bird flu etc all originate from China, because of loosely regulated food markets and populations that live in close contact with wildlife!

Eating bats, snakes, cats, cockroaches, basically anything that moves is a risk add that to the fact that no sanitary and health measure are taken and eventually you get a mutation!

There is a difference between a farm raised animal even if it is exotic (snake, bat, etc) versus going into the wild and catching these animals then selling it on the street with little/no government oversight. This is exactly the risk one runs into when wild food isn’t inspected!

COV has existed for a LONG time in animals. Eventually it learns to mutate when in close contact with human species.

Calling this virus a “man made bioweapon” is a joke. It has a 2-3% mortality rate while Ebola has a 98% mortality rate. By comparison the flu kills up to 30K a year in the US ALONE.

Go look at the history of respiratory virus in China. It is well documented. Stop with conspiracy theories. Timing is normal as viruses tend to thrive in cooler seasons away from the UV and the heat of the sun. See flu season. See temperature when viruses breakdown. Etc.
The virus is made by world zionism and americans like their best previous efforts such as Ebola, Sars and even HIV, etc....

Go to YouTube and search “ simspons virus ” to become more clear about bastard Yankees.

The virus is made by world zionism and americans like their best previous efforts such as Ebola, Sars and even HIV, etc....

Go watch some simspon cartoons on YouTube to become more clear.

And people wonder why the Middle East is stuck in the stone ages.

Reminds me of the time that an IRGC general said that Israel was “stealing” Iran’s rain.

Complete incompetence. If Israel was so all mighty, 1 in 3 Israelis would not be living in poverty.
And people wonder why the Middle East is stuck in the stone ages.

Reminds me of the time that an IRGC general said that Israel was “stealing” Iran’s rain.

Complete incompetence. If Israel was so all mighty, 1 in 3 Israelis would not be living in poverty.
shut up Yankee pig. do what I said

we have a guess . just 3 weeks before the cases show up in Qom there was a leather and Show fair with participant from china , we guess the cases started from there.

In earlier posts, Pakistani pdf members are openly claiming it's a biological attack on Iran by Israel.
Now whom shall we believe? Pakistani ruling party members.. who are more loyal to Iran than native Iranians or native Iranians ?

shut up Yankee pig. do what I said

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Please clarify... is it Israel or US to be blamed?
Now these two a$$holes should answer for this shitfuckery:
@mangekyo Do you remember a while ago you posted an article barging about Iran's independence and stuff, And i said that's a lie and Iran is a colony of China now, And you asked what do i mean by? And i hold myself back and didn't answer you? Well, Here's your answer.
A month ago after WHO declared global health emergency, Iran's minister of health wrote a letter to president and asked him to stop flights between Iran and China, In an emergency cabinet meeting the government banned the flights to and from China, After this ban the ambassador of China and the head of Mahan Air airline hold a meeting and announced "Ban my a$$, We will have non of this, We will continue the flights between Iran and China", And continued they did. Now thanks to these two pieces of crap we have an outbreak on our hand. So here it goes the independence bs, Nothing has changed, They basically replaced the US with China.
No conspiracy theory. I was just wondering why corona virus first hit China - America's economic opponent and now Iran, America's military opponent in Middle East!

Is this just another coincidence like one where American military is always found attacking countries with oil fields?
1) Historically, global plagues first originated from China.

2) How do you explain that it is also rapidly spreading in the US, Israel, Korea and other countries to the point that they can’t contain it?
And people wonder why the Middle East is stuck in the stone ages.

Reminds me of the time that an IRGC general said that Israel was “stealing” Iran’s rain.

Complete incompetence. If Israel was so all mighty, 1 in 3 Israelis would not be living in poverty.
It's a soviet era costum to accuse US of every disaster

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