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Raymond Davis Case: US operatives fast exiting Pakistan

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from: 45 Arrested for having links with Davis | Latest-News | DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD: The law enforcement agencies arrested 45 individuals for staying in constant contact with Raymond Davis, a CIA contractor who shot dead two Pakistanis in Lahore last month, DawnNews reported on Monday.

The individuals had been arrested from Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar and their contact information was taken from Davis’ mobile phone. Investigations were underway.

Which is why it is also possible that no deal got struck. Americans are like F it, we've got the perfect justification to sell to the American public for a quick withdrawal - Pakistanis aren't playing ball so how can we go on? Before they announce it, they'll need to make sure key assets are out of danger.

I wonder what would happen if we stop a handful from leaving Pakistan :D. At least some of them won't have immunity, it would be nice to know what all the CIA was/is up to in Pakistan.
Which is why it is also possible that no deal got struck. Americans are like F it, we've got the perfect justification to sell to the American public for a quick withdrawal - Pakistanis aren't playing ball so how can we go on? Before they announce it, they'll need to make sure key assets are out of danger.

I wonder what would happen if we stop a handful from leaving Pakistan :D. At least some of them won't have immunity, it would be nice to know what all the CIA was/is up to in Pakistan.

Entirely possible and plausible.

A much bigger game is afoot I suspect, than just the RD affair. Let's see what happens.
Zaid Hamid and other patriotic Pakistanis have been telling everyone about CIA's dangerous involvement in Pakistan for years, but you all would brush away our comments and label it "conspiracy theories". Now that Raymond Davis have been caught red-handed you believe what we all been saying for the past 3 years.

There is an important lesson to be learned out of this event: Dont brush away what Pakistanis say and label it a "conspiracy theory", and dont always believe what non-pakistanis say and label it "facts". Every country cares about its own interest, no one cares about Pakistan's interests except for the patriotic Pakistanis so please listen to Pakistanis next time and not CIA/Washington.
Zaid Hamid and other patriotic Pakistanis have been telling everyone about CIA's dangerous involvement in Pakistan for years, but you all would brush our comments away as "conspiracy theories". Now that Raymond Davis have been caught red-handed you believe what we all been saying for the past 3 years.

There is an important lesson to be learned out of this event: Dont brush away what Pakistanis say and label it "conspiracy thery", and dont always believe what non-pakistanis tell you. Every country cares about its own interest, no one cares about Pakistan's interests except for the patriotic Pakistanis so please listen to Pakistanis next time and not CIA/Washington.

look at the rate of bomb attacks decreasing while raymond is in our hands, isnt it??, zaid hamid is not just some body, he has fought wars, has good connection with isi, talibans and army, he has lots of resources and he cant be just ignored by labelling him conspiracy theorist..

all those who label him such have no know how at all, they cant declare themselves more knowledgeable than this guy, even MR NADEEM F PARACHA

btw omer you we humiliating urdu speakers, zaid hamid is also urdu speaker... and he got educated from karachi
Sorry to say but Fück the foreign ministry.

They issued 400 visas perday only to US citizens and forgot to apply for guinness record!!!

We all know foreign ministry received official letter from President to hurry-up visas for American tourists but it never stated 400 visas per day.

Bashir shall be called in courts for explanation.
Sorry to say but Fück the foreign ministry.

They issued 400 visas perday only to US citizens and forgot to apply for guinness record!!!

We all know foreign ministry received official letter from President to hurry-up visas for American tourists but it never stated 400 visas per day.

Bashir shall be called in courts for explanation.

400 visas per day is over 8,000 visas per month, times a few months at least? Sir Ji, thora haath halka rakhein! :D
from: Pak moved US for Aafia-Davis swap: report - GEO.tv

Pak moved US for Aafia-Davis swap: report
Updated at: 0309 PST, Tuesday, March 01, 2011

WASHIGNTON: A US television has claimed that Pakistan government had moved US administration to release Dr. Aafia Siddiqui in exchange of Raymond Davis, Geo News reported late Monday.

However, the US had turned down Pakistani offer, the television said in its report.

According to details, a US television’s report has said that Pakistan government had asked Obama administration that a US contractor and a double murder suspect, Raymond Davis could be released if Pakistani scientist detained in US, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui is set free.

But Washington had turned down Islamabad’s demand, the report said.

That television report, citing a US official, said that in its demand, Pakistani government had asserted that it wanted Dr. Aafia Siddiqui to complete her remaining sentence in Pakistan.
Apparently, our embassy issued 10'000 visas and don't bother me any more and concentrate with your objective propaganda drive.

Bother your self to find out what is all over the web.
These conspiracy within a conspiracy within a conspiracy fictions belong in a James Bond novel.
These conspiracy within a conspiracy within a conspiracy fictions belong in a James Bond novel.

I am guessing you still think he is a diplomat and has immunity right ? Even after the U.S. has publicly said he was a CIA operative and NY times editors said they already knew but did not publish anything on the matter because of requests from the Obama Administration. Calling it all conspiracies hold little value at this point as we now know the U.S. was openly lying about most of his info. It also shows that the U.S. media supports government propaganda.
You misread the hard facts. Pakistan now realizes Mr. Davis is covered by full Diplomatic Immunity and is getting, may already have gotten an advisory opinion on this point. The local Lahore Judge sounds like a square guy as he readily admitted that if DI exists he has no juristiction and cannot proceed.

DAWN has blown hot then cold on this whole event. The reality is what comes out at the end of the day, which is full DI.

Have a good day.
Good diplomats deserve immunity, the other undermining secuirty in Pakistan and funding terrorism in Pakistan, need to be punished for their crimes.
You misread the hard facts. Pakistan now realizes Mr. Davis is covered by full Diplomatic Immunity and is getting, may already have gotten an advisory opinion on this point. The local Lahore Judge sounds like a square guy as he readily admitted that if DI exists he has no juristiction and cannot proceed.

DAWN has blown hot then cold on this whole event. The reality is what comes out at the end of the day, which is full DI.

Have a good day.

Hard Facts.

Also pretty sure CIA agents don't count as "technical embassy staff" especially armed ones.

Full diplomatic immunity is enjoyed only by "diplomatic agents". Those are defined at article 1 (e) of the Vienna convention as "the head of the mission or a member of the diplomatic staff of the mission". Helpfully the diplomatic staff are further defined in the preceding article as "having diplomatic rank". Those ranks are an ascending series of concrete titles from third secretary through to ambassador or high commissioner. Davis did not have a diplomatic rank.

But there is a second category of "administrative and technical staff" of a mission. They enjoy a limited diplomatic immunity which, however, specifically excludes "acts performed outside the course of their duties". (Vienna convention article 37/2.) Frantic off-the-record briefing by the state department reflected widely in the media indicates that the US case is that Davis was a member of technical staff covered by this provision

But in that case the US has to explain in the course of precisely which diplomatic duties Davis needed to carry a Glock handgun, a headband-mounted flashlight and a pocket telescope. The Vienna convention lists the legitimate duties of an embassy, and none of them need that kind of equipment.

It appears in any event unlikely that Davis ever was a member of the technical staff of the embassy or consulate. Under article 10 of the Vienna convention the host authorities must be formally informed – by diplomatic note – of the arrival and departures of such staff, and as embassies under article 11 are subject to agreed numerical limits, that in practice occurs when another member of staff is leaving. If this was not done Davis was not covered even in the course of his duties.

Several senior retired army officers – ranging in rank from brigadier to lieutenant general – have rented out their homes to American citizens at rates astronomically higher than the rents of similar homes in the area. The presence of these Americans came to light when several serving and retired Army officers who lived in the neighbourhood reported suspicious activity, including unauthorised foreigners living in cantonment areas.

Name and shame these coward retired army officers who rented out their properties to contractors for the sake of some money. It is obvious that there are people within the army, political parties and especially the religious groups who are working for American interests in this country. After all, a bunch of these guys did sell off the nation for mere billions during project 'Jihad'.

Shameful isn't it, when your own are willing to hurt you in exchange for some cash. It would not have been possible that such a large amount of contractors can so easily walk around in Pakistan conducting their mission.
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