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RAW Is The Real Terrorist!

you're fighting a war, deal with that first, lest NWFP becomes its own country.

Dont worry about the NWFP:coffee:, worry more about the seven sisters. On a side note I do hope you know what the seven sisters are?:eek:
For starters Israel might be on the back end but i disagree that it wold just want to destabilize Pakistan. Remember Pakistan is the only islamic country with nuclear weapons as often we are portrayed and Israel more then anything else is keen on establishing a relationship with the only muslim nuclear arm state. For example i would like to quote you when Musharraf was being invited to address the jewish lobby in the US, it only happened once ever, also the exchange of remarks that took place on numerous occasions by the Israeli PM for Musharraf, the meeting of foreign ministers of both the countries and then the meeting of Musharraf with the Israeli foreign minister. These things did not happen for no reason.
Now coming back to the destabilizing factor, if Israel can destabilize Pakistan, we can do the exact opposite, and let me tell you we will be in a much better position. Israel is still surrounded by hostile neigbours, organisations(Hamas,Hizbullah), all we need is to pour more fuel to it through Iran, Syria, and Israel will be in a far greater trouble then we will be in FATA. Agno all ready pointed out, the ground reality in FATA proves contrary to what you Indians like to do or want to prove. DOnt take my word for it, just see how many locals have risen up to fight this menace. This is exactly the reason that our success considered to last year is way way more. This is all because we have the local support.

You got to be high on alcohol even thinking about it. Let me put it this way for you, a middle finger to both US and India and expanding our alliance with China which is already our strategic partner and bring Russia into the equation as well afterall there are no permanent friendships just permanent interests.

oh my god, why don't you read my posts thoroughly?

First and foremost, you cannot get 'high' off of alcohol, it is impossible. You can get drunk, wasted, hammered, sh*tfaced, blitzed but not high. High comes from smoking Marijuana (or crack or heroine, but that's for the cool kids not for me.)

getting back, when I made those points I clearly said that something like this would never happen, because our national interests are in direct conflict.

You cannot bring Russia into the picture, unless they want their defense industry to die and they don't.

Why do you think you are immune, if you mess with Israel what makes you think things in Pakistan will be hunky-dory? Iran and Syria and who else? yeah, they all lost to a country smaller than the state of New Jersey. And don't put too much weight into what the PM said and whose hand he shook, Musharraf was talking about peace before Kargil. It's all superficial, the real fun happens behind closed doors.

And you are free to give anyone the finger, although you must remember that they will give it back to you. Expand your alliance with China? whatever, like you said the threat is from elsewhere and there is NOTHING you can do about it. Will China intervene militarily, you wish, but they don't give a crap. You can stick your finger out as much as you want, and you will find yourself like Pakistan finds itself today, isolated, friendless, targeted by everyone, and nothing can be done about it. You can let your ego get in the way and be battered into submission, or you can use your head for once and think of a more rational way out.

Like you said, there are no permanent friends only permanent self interest, I think surviving is a permanent interest, you should think again.

I know what the seven sisters are, India is expanding its defense Infrastructure in the region, they aren't going nowhere, no sooner than NWFP and Balochistan atleast.
double post, my bad, might I take this opportunity to use some irritating smileys?

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u say RAW is a terrorist, well look here......

Kabul attack: India gives info to Pak
Press Trust of India
Friday, October 24, 2008, (New Delhi)

India on Friday presented evidence to Pakistan regarding involvement of ISI in the July 7 Kabul Embassy bombing
as the Joint Anti-Terror Mechanism (JATM) met in New Delhi.


Well it was a joint meeting of India and Pakistan, and India provided pakistan the facts and evidences that ISI is a real terrorist..... Did pakistani side gave any evidences against RAW???? although it was a joint meeting????

Get off ur propaganda......

Will ur media show it??? as it is doing propaganda against RAW......

will ur politicians speak on this????

We said ISI did attacks, and we gave the proofs...... now if u have any proof then show us, otherwise keep telling urself bedtime stories..........

Just because ISI cannot live upto any reputation, doesn't mean u will pelt stones on others without knowing anything............................................

and if u can expose them do expose them before u say anything....and dont call RAW thug....i have a whole lot better dictionary for ISI......

Then why Pakistan is not sharing proof with India, last day there was a meeting between India and Pakistan related to terrorism. India shared solid proofs against ISI for attacking Indian consulate in Afghanistan.

Pakistan present proves of Indian involvement in terror acts
Updated at: 1101 PST, Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pakistan present proves of Indian involvement in terror acts NEW DELHI: Pakistan had presented proves of Indian involvement in terror activities in Balochistan and different parts of the country whereas India has failed to present genuine evidences.

Pakistan and India have agreed to enhance cooperation to combat the menace of terrorism, which is a threat to the world and the region. This was decided in a special meeting of the Pak-India Joint Anti-Terrorism Mechanism held here.

Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led the Pakistan delegation to the talks while Vivek Katju, Special Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, led the Indian delegation. Sources said during the talks, which were held in a constructive, positive and forward looking atmosphere, exchange of information took place on all issues of mutual concern, including acts of terrorism in Balochistan, Fata, Samjhauta Express and the Indian embassy attack in Kabul.

Pakistan present proves of Indian involvement in terror acts - GEO.tv


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You are making all sorts of accusations without any basis at all. Let's not get into a comparison of Indian minorities with Pakistan's almost non-existent one. As they say: Let him cast the first stone......

I am making no 'accusations' and neither am I comparing anything for that would be stupid. You claimed that just because a country has a Muslim population means it should be considered as 'Islamic' as Pakistan. And because you are Indian, I had no trouble guessing which particular country in this world you had in mind while making this assessment. So I merely pointed out that just because India has an under-represented and under-developed Muslim minority that, in my view and probably many others here, does not make India a Muslim or an Islamic country.
Then you are the one who started the completely childish comparisons along the lines of "we have Sania Mirza. Who do you have, hmm??", LOL.

There is no legal discrimination at all in my country and each citizen is equal in front of the law.

Did you even BOTHER reading the damn link I posted?
Wow no legal discrimination? That is great right? So India must be the pinnacle of all multi-cultural societies eh?
Legal justice is not the only thing that counts, like cultural, political or social presentation and opportunities. ‘Legal Justice’ is the most primitive requirement a modern society can have but I already told you I don’t want to get into all that. So it would be civil of you to refrain from splattering your arrogance of your country and mine all over our screens.

I don't have to swear that a particular community is not Hindu or Muslim when I sign up for a passport for instance.

LOL, another attempted childish slur at my country. Just don’t talk about things you don’t understand, okay?
BTW apparently you are quite the orator yourself sir, if you don’t mind it would be an absolute pleasure to quote you in reply to your own post:
my answer is an insecure person who has nothing better to do would indulge in such a thing.
Only such a person would need to make a mockery of the conditions of sections of populations of other countries to justify all the failings of his own.
Only such a person would need to look with a microscope at each communal problem in another country and use that a justification every now and then to justify you know what.

If you would so kindly adhere to the admirable standards set by yourself above, I see no reason why we should be at odds.

you're fighting a war, deal with that first, lest NWFP becomes its own country.

LOL, that was what I just said !!! What the hell is wrong with you man?
And yes please do keep telling yourself that NWFP will become a seperate country, it is most helpful to have an enemy who underestimates you so colossally, but unfortunately for us, you wont be able to delude yourself for long once your RAW criminials are kicked out.
Kasrkin, you wrote a lot and in good language but little to move the discussion forward.

If you feel my post was useless, I leave it there. You have either not bothered to or not been able to reply to a single substantive issue in the post.

And on top of that, you seem to have mixed up posts!

I never wrote anything about NWFP, not sure if that was intentional, though I would give you the benefit of doubt.
The NWFP bit was obviously not directed at you, it was for the other dude who I quoted from. And which is very much related to the topic.

P.S. I do love typing:D. k bye.
oh my god, why don't you read my posts thoroughly?

First and foremost, you cannot get 'high' off of alcohol, it is impossible. You can get drunk, wasted, hammered, sh*tfaced, blitzed but not high. High comes from smoking Marijuana (or crack or heroine, but that's for the cool kids not for me.)

Really! Are you saying that liquor doesnt get you high? lol

getting back, when I made those points I clearly said that something like this would never happen, because our national interests are in direct conflict.

Indeed our national interests are in a direct conflict and they will be so in years to come, so dont even think that Pakistan can even think about joining the US/India alliance.

You cannot bring Russia into the picture, unless they want their defense industry to die and they don't.

And why not. Those days are long gone when Russian economy use to run on deffense exports. Todays Russia is again looking to regain its lost status of the cold war era. The recent stand off between Russia and the USA over Georgia and with India getting all warm up with the US, Do you seriously believe that the Russians have closed their eyes shut on whats going on. Think again.

Why do you think you are immune, if you mess with Israel what makes you think things in Pakistan will be hunky-dory? Iran and Syria and who else? yeah, they all lost to a country smaller than the state of New Jersey. And don't put too much weight into what the PM said and whose hand he shook, Musharraf was talking about peace before Kargil. It's all superficial, the real fun happens behind closed doors.

Please! i never said Pakistan is immune to anything. Infact you were the one saying that India can do this, India can do that with the help of Israel. I only countered it saying that we too have cards up our sleeves that we can and will use if we see the threat rising. In the end who'll be the winner and who will loose is debate for another time. Offcourse not everyone wins in the bet, yet every one playes to gain the maximum out of it.

And you are free to give anyone the finger, although you must remember that they will give it back to you. Expand your alliance with China? whatever, like you said the threat is from elsewhere and there is NOTHING you can do about it. Will China intervene militarily, you wish, but they don't give a crap. You can stick your finger out as much as you want, and you will find yourself like Pakistan finds itself today, isolated, friendless, targeted by everyone, and nothing can be done about it. You can let your ego get in the way and be battered into submission, or you can use your head for once and think of a more rational way out.

Not to anyone but definately to India and the US. Dont be a hypocrite on top you agree that India and Pakistan have difference of interest and it wil be naive to think that the current situation in Pakistan, India will not take advantage of it, so how in the hell can you think after this that Pakistan can be so stupid to actually think that all is good enough and Pakistan should too join in with India and the US and show a finger to a strategic partner. Also as for Chinese intervention, why would China intervene and for what purpose? Get something clear in your head, we donot need anyone from outside to kick India's ***, when the time comes, we are capable to do it on our own. And as far as isolation is concerned, you need to understand that the internation community needs Pakistan more then the other way round. Just where do you think the supplies to both the US and NATO come from? If you cant find the answer let me know.

Like you said, there are no permanent friends only permanent self interest, I think surviving is a permanent interest, you should think again.

Dont worry about our survival, worry about yours instead. Like i said we have seen tough times all through our history and yet everytime we came out of it, this is no exception either. The whole world is suffering, so are we.

I know what the seven sisters are, India is expanding its defense Infrastructure in the region, they aren't going nowhere, no sooner than NWFP and Balochistan atleast.

Wet dreams and all wet dreams for you. We'll see.
Really! Are you saying that liquor doesnt get you high? lol

Indeed our national interests are in a direct conflict and they will be so in years to come, so dont even think that Pakistan can even think about joining the US/India alliance.

And why not. Those days are long gone when Russian economy use to run on deffense exports. Todays Russia is again looking to regain its lost status of the cold war era. The recent stand off between Russia and the USA over Georgia and with India getting all warm up with the US, Do you seriously believe that the Russians have closed their eyes shut on whats going on. Think again.

Please! i never said Pakistan is immune to anything. Infact you were the one saying that India can do this, India can do that with the help of Israel. I only countered it saying that we too have cards up our sleeves that we can and will use if we see the threat rising. In the end who'll be the winner and who will loose is debate for another time. Offcourse not everyone wins in the bet, yet every one playes to gain the maximum out of it.

Not to anyone but definately to India and the US. Dont be a hypocrite on top you agree that India and Pakistan have difference of interest and it wil be naive to think that the current situation in Pakistan, India will not take advantage of it, so how in the hell can you think after this that Pakistan can be so stupid to actually think that all is good enough and Pakistan should too join in with India and the US and show a finger to a strategic partner. Also as for Chinese intervention, why would China intervene and for what purpose? Get something clear in your head, we donot need anyone from outside to kick India's ***, when the time comes, we are capable to do it on our own. And as far as isolation is concerned, you need to understand that the internation community needs Pakistan more then the other way round. Just where do you think the supplies to both the US and NATO come from? If you cant find the answer let me know.

Dont worry about our survival, worry about yours instead. Like i said we have seen tough times all through our history and yet everytime we came out of it, this is no exception either. The whole world is suffering, so are we.

Wet dreams and all wet dreams for you. We'll see.

Liquor gets you drunk, being high is a completely different feeling. It's like smoking a cigarette and drinking, the buzz you get from nicotine is nothing like the 'buzz' you get from alcohol. So you cannot get high off liquor. I hate when people are like man I was so high last night I had like 50 beers, come on man gotta step up your 'intoxicated terminology' game.

Yeah, our national interests are in direct conflict, I was merely hypothesizing a scenario where for once we'd be on the same side. Certainly not in our lifetime.

Yeah and what does Pakistan have to offer? money? how will Russia regain it's lost status through Pakistan. did you somehow forget that you are an American 'ally' how do you think the US will react? you don't care you say? well if you didn't you wouldn't be fighting the WOT. and besides, if you think the Russians are concerned about India tilting towards the West, you think aligning with Pakistan will make the situation any better? especially when there is nothing to be gained?

Yeah, Pakistan does have cards up its sleeves, all I was saying was Israel can do far worse. They have more capable allies. Do you really believe Israel is comfortable with a nuclear Islamic country? come on man, this is Israel we're talking about, they make India's footprint on the jihad radar look like a spec.

Dude, once again, I was just thinking out aloud, India is taking advantage of the situation precisely because we are adversaries and that's not going to change in the foreseeable future. I did say it would be cool if this wasn't the case though. The part about kicking India's a*s, yeah good luck, should've remembered to do that in '71. As of today India is happily diverting all of Pakistan's water when you need it the most and what's being done? and don't say the PAF can blow up the dams whenever they please.

Pakistan doesn't need the intl' community, :lol:, seriously? you do read the news right. quick question for 5 bonus points- A certain president was out asking the intl' community for a 100 billion dollars recently, let me know if you don't know who. (Hint: your president.)

Yeah, you think Pakistan is supplying the troops in Afghanistan out of choice or because the US demanded it?

The way history has worked out, your survival is inversely proportional to ours, so concern is but natural.

You really think India will sit back and watch the NE breakaway? like you said we'll see.
Really! Are you saying that liquor doesnt get you high? lol

Nobody gets "high" on liquor. "High" and "stoned" are related. Getting "Drunk" is different. Getting "High" is illegal. Getting "drunk" is legal. Atleast in india and US.

And why not. Those days are long gone when Russian economy use to run on deffense exports. Todays Russia is again looking to regain its lost status of the cold war era. The recent stand off between Russia and the USA over Georgia and with India getting all warm up with the US, Do you seriously believe that the Russians have closed their eyes shut on whats going on. Think again.

India and Russia are working on a fifth generation fighter with russia. Project costs from india will easily go upto $10billion.
You forgot the GLONASS system. India and russia will be the only countries using military grade signals from GLONASS.
Many other JVs taking place like Brahmos and the possible MRTA.
Future prospects for JVs in ABM systems and also unmanned battle tanks.
JVs in helicopters are possible too.

Russia is no longer a supplier as it once was with respect to india. We are partners.

Russia has more to lose than gain by trying to supply Pakistan with arms. That to for what, $1billion in arms sales compared to $30billion+ that india will invest in JVs itself.
Liquor gets you drunk, being high is a completely different feeling. It's like smoking a cigarette and drinking, the buzz you get from nicotine is nothing like the 'buzz' you get from alcohol. So you cannot get high off liquor. I hate when people are like man I was so high last night I had like 50 beers, come on man gotta step up your 'intoxicated terminology' game.

Let me guess! you hate it because you never had one yourself and the only time you saw a drink was yeah right in your avatar.:disagree:

Yeah, our national interests are in direct conflict, I was merely hypothesizing a scenario where for once we'd be on the same side. Certainly not in our lifetime.

So whats the point in hypothesizing nonsense when you your self know it ant gonna happen. By the way the way you expressed your so called hypothesis was more like depicting whats best for Pakistan.:disagree:

Yeah and what does Pakistan have to offer? money? how will Russia regain it's lost status through Pakistan. did you somehow forget that you are an American 'ally' how do you think the US will react? you don't care you say? well if you didn't you wouldn't be fighting the WOT. and besides, if you think the Russians are concerned about India tilting towards the West, you think aligning with Pakistan will make the situation any better? especially when there is nothing to be gained?.

Dude have you forgotten that besides being an american ally and that too only in WOT we have moved away from them long ago. Does China ring any bell. Does IP gas pipe line project ring any bell or are you still under the effect of whatever you take to get high(diet coke)lol. Pakistan has long expressed interest in the russian military hardware and besides Russian defence industry does no work alone on Indian purchases, why do you forget China which is also a large importer of Russian military hardware. Also how do you think that when the contract for the MRCA goes to the US or any european country, Russia will react? From where will the Russians according to you get the money from then? Havent you really noticed the recent price hike which raised disputes between India and Russia. Why is it that this only happened now and never before?
Just to give you a clearer picture, India tried its level best to stop the RD-93 from coming to Pakistan, what happened? Think and the answer might clear your head a bit.

Yeah, Pakistan does have cards up its sleeves, all I was saying was Israel can do far worse. They have more capable allies. Do you really believe Israel is comfortable with a nuclear Islamic country? come on man, this is Israel we're talking about, they make India's footprint on the jihad radar look like a spec.

Like i said one cant predict results. If you want to do it, be my guest but dont waste my time on it. When the time comes we will see who's gonna win and whose gonna lose.

Dude, once again, I was just thinking out aloud, India is taking advantage of the situation precisely because we are adversaries and that's not going to change in the foreseeable future. I did say it would be cool if this wasn't the case though. The part about kicking India's a*s, yeah good luck, should've remembered to do that in '71. As of today India is happily diverting all of Pakistan's water when you need it the most and what's being done? and don't say the PAF can blow up the dams whenever they please.

I think you have a serious comprehension problem. Dude i was replying to when you said will China intervene militarly. I said we do not need that kind of intervention because when the time comes we can kick your *** on our own. As for the 71 which you guys like to harp about, how about 65, why was India running towards the UN for a ceasefire? 71 was an altogether different story, a part which has no land contact and more over is separated by thousands of miles of hostile territory, if it had been you instead of us, the results would have been similar. Not to mention the betrayal by the so called ally at that time.

Pakistan doesn't need the intl' community, :lol:, seriously? you do read the news right. quick question for 5 bonus points- A certain president was out asking the intl' community for a 100 billion dollars recently, let me know if you don't know who. (Hint: your president.)

Do you seriously live in the US. I kinda doubt considering your level of understanding english. I said the world communtiy needs us more then the other way round, where does that mean that Pakistan does not need Int'l community at all. Seriously i am just wasting my time.:rolleyes:

Yeah, you think Pakistan is supplying the troops in Afghanistan out of choice or because the US demanded it?

The question here that you need to ask is what will happen once the supply gets stoped? Why was Mullen sent in a rush to Pakistan once we told them good luck, next time you come we will respond to it?

Now i know that you will come up with the predator strikes still going on, without responding to it, i'll suggest you go back and read S2 post and you will realize that they are coming because GOP wants them too. Hope you catch the drill here (which i kinda doubt by the way)

The way history has worked out, your survival is inversely proportional to ours, so concern is but natural.

Precisely! and that is what i have been telling Indians here for a long time specially when they come up with that " A strong Pakistan is in the interest of India" i consider it a cheap joke, infact this statement should be rephrased like this " A weak and completely decimated Pakistan is in the interest of India"

You really think India will sit back and watch the NE breakaway? like you said we'll see.

There is nothing much you would really be able to do about it other then ofcourse running your loud mouth, thanks to your media.
Nobody gets "high" on liquor. "High" and "stoned" are related. Getting "Drunk" is different. Getting "High" is illegal. Getting "drunk" is legal. Atleast in india and US.

Wasnt one Einstein enough, another one jumped in to save the day.:lol: by the way you use the word drunk to express the over drinking status of a person. " He is drunked and can barely stand" A person doesnt get drunked by simply having one or 2 cans of beer however he starts getting the buzz. Now how exactly you define that buzz, i'll leave it up to you. After all its useless to argue with an Indian.
There is nothing much you would really be able to do about it other then ofcourse running your loud mouth, thanks to your media.

NE isn't going anywhere. You can bet on it.

If it didn't go in 1962, the chances are nil now.

After all its useless to argue with an Indian.

Great discovery. So much easier to agree within ourselves than argue with a different viewpoint.

Deserves a nobel prize! The Ig(noble) variety. :lol:
Wasnt one Einstein enough, another one jumped in to save the day.:lol: by the way you use the word drunk to express the over drinking status of a person. " He is drunked and can barely stand" A person doesnt get drunked by simply having one or 2 cans of beer however he starts getting the buzz. Now how exactly you define that buzz, i'll leave it up to you.

The differences in the 2 words are medical. Drugs and booze affect different parts of the brain. Booze affects motor coordination. Drugs give a sense of well being and euphoria.

For eg: Try going without sleep for 2 or 3 days. You will feel like you are drunk, not high on drugs.

When you are on drugs all you can do is smile, even when staring at cops. It is called a "high".

After all its useless to argue with an Indian.
Coming from the person who cant differentiate between booze and drugs. Guess which one is legal to consume, O learned one, and which will send you to a rehabilitation camp for 6 months.
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RAW’s invisible warriors

Sajjad Shaukat

Since its creation in 1968, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has assumed a significant status in the formulation of Indian foreign policy. The doctrine of this spy agency is based on the principle of waging continuous secret battles through its invisible warriors.

RAW’s agents have their presence in almost all regional countries, implementing various tactics of psychological warfare. In this context, M. K Dhar in his book, Open Secrets, India’s Intelligence Unveiled points out, “RAW’s operations against the regional countries are conducted with great professional skill and expertise, which include the establishment of a huge network inside the target countries. It has used propaganda, political dissent, ethnic divisions, economic backwardness and criminal elements to foment subversion and terrorism to weaken these states in conssonance with Indian regional ambitions”. However, application of these nefarios designs vary from country to country as RAW’s incursion in the following countries proves.

Sikkim was the easiest prey for RAW and India annexed it in the mid-1970s. The King of Bhutan has been reduced to the nominal position by acting upon Indian dictates. Under a well-orchestrated plan of RAW, on November 30 1988, 400 well-trained mercenaries infiltrated and stormed the capital of Maldives. The Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi had reacted promptly by sending about 1600 combat troops who flushed out the attackers from the streets. In this way, Maldives was totally brought under Indian influence.

Sri Lanka offers an unprecedented example of incursion by RAW’s invisible warriors as violence keeps on going in the country. In this regard, Jain Commission revealed that since 1981, RAW established 30 training bases in India for clandestine support to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE), some of whom were already on the pay roll of this agency. Recently, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has told Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa that rights and safety of the Tamil community in Sri Lanka should be upheld.

For many years, India has openly been meddling in Nepal’s internal affairs by contriving internal strife through RAW to destabilise the successive governments and prop up puppet regimes. In 2001, RAW had played a key role in the massacre of nine members of the Royal family of Nepal, when the former King tried to drift away from Indian hold. In May this year, Indian-backed monarchy in Nepal was abolished after a long struggle of the Maoists who won the elections in April 2008.

Now Nepal’s leadership has forsaken India and has tilted towards China whom New Delhi considers its strategic rival in Asia. But despite the victory of the Maoists, Nepali Congress and the former have been unable to reach a deal on power-sharing. Availing the opportunity, RAW’s agents who have penetrated in Nepali Congress and various government departments are manipulating the situation so as to create lawlessness to bring Nepal back to Indian influence.

In the recent past, RAW-supported Tibetans in Nepal have held protests against China’s rule over Tibet. In this regard, it is notable that on March 10, 2008, anti-government protests by Buddhist monks erupted in Tibet, flaring in nearby provinces. Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet who has lived in exile in India along with his 120,000 followers has been tacitly encouraged by RAW’s invisible warriors — enabling him to mobilise armed groups and international support to create instability in Tibetan regions of China.

As regards Bagladesh, surprisingly, RAW has also created insurgency force: the Shanti Bahini (Fighters for Peace). The agency has been involved in training rebels of Chakma tribes (Hindu and Buddhists tribesmen) and Shanti Bahini to carry out subversive activities in Bangladesh. In August 17, 2005, RAW’s elusive masterminds rocked various districts of Bangladesh with 370 explosions. Indian security agencies and media advised the central government to force Khaleda Zia to clamp down on Islamic fundamentalist outfits.

So far as Pakistan is concerned, the country has become a special target of Indian secret agency, RAW. In this connection, fundamentalist Hindus give credit to Indira Gandhi who in the late 1970s gave RAW a new role to suit her Indira Doctrine, specifically asking it to undertake covert operations in Pakistan. RAW mobilised all its resources by exploiting political turmoil in East Pakistan in 1971, which it had created through its agents. Nevertheless, its intrigues culminated in the dismembermet of Pakistan.

At present, New Delhi is reported to have established more than 200 foreign offices and training camps in Afghanistan where RAW’s intelligence officials, with the help of Khad and tactical support of CIA, are doing their utmost to weaken Pakistan by sending weapons to the separatist elements in Balochistan, and particularly to the insurgents of Fata regions. In Wakhan, a religious madrassah of the Indian Muslim clerics is functioning under the patronage of RAW and Mossad. Recruits are mostly from Central Asia, bordering Afghanistan. Thus, more than 20,000 ideologically motivated terrorists are intermittently being infiltrated into troubled spots of Pakistan. These miscreants also conducted a number of suicide attacks and bomb blasts in Pakistan, killing a number of innocent persons and personnel of the security forces. In Kurram Agency, RAW’s Afghan agents are also actively involved in the sectarian conflict.

Even in Afghanistan, acting upon the old policy of divide and rule, it is owing to the tactics of RAW that Muslims are killing the Muslims either they belong to Afghan forces or Taliban. The campaign of RAW’s invisible warriors sharpens as violence takes some other dimensions in the case of Kashmir. As regards the current phase of Indian state terrorism, it began on August 12, 2008 when Indian forces killed Hurriyat Conference leader Sheikh Abdul Aziz in the occupied Kashmir. At present, indefinite curfews, crackdowns and killings by the Indian security forces keep on going against the non-violent mass uprising of Kashmiris. More than 300 innocent people have been killed by the Indian forces in the last few weeks. Recently, hundreds of unidentified graves with at least 940 bodies have been discovered in the Indian-held Kashmir.

One of the important roles of RAW is to thwart Sino-Pak strategic relations. In this connection, fast-growing economic power of China coupled with her rising strategic relationship with the Third World has irked the eyes of Americans and Indians. Owing to this jealousy, support of the US to India for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council and US-India nuclear agreement are part of the American desire to make India a major power to counterbalance China in Asia.

However, Beijing and Islamabad cannot neglect their common defence when their adversaries are following a covert strategy. During the visit of Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari to Beijing, Pakistan and China on October 15 signed eleven agreements to enhance bilateral cooperation in diverse sectors including energy, telecommunication, trade, and space technology. China also agreed to supply two nuclear reactors to Pakistan. China will also be able to use the Karakoram Highway and ports of Gwadar (which links Central Asia) and Karachi for transporting its goods to the Middle East and Africa. It is mentionable that on April 18, 2008, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had openly claimed that “some external forces were trying to weaken Pak-China strategic ties by creating misunderstandings”. The policy of interference in the internal affairs of neighbouring states through RAW’s invisible warriors to extend Indian regional hegemony continues unabated.

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