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RAW Is The Real Terrorist!

The differences in the 2 words are medical. Drugs and booze affect different parts of the brain. Booze affects motor coordination. Drugs give a sense of well being and euphoria.

For eg: Try going without sleep for 2 or 3 days. You will feel like you are drunk, not high on drugs.

When you are on drugs all you can do is smile, even when staring at cops. It is called a "high".

Coming from the person who cant differentiate between booze and drugs. Guess which one is legal to consume, O learned one, and which will send you to a rehabilitation camp for 6 months.

Whatever makes you feel good.
Let me guess! you hate it because you never had one yourself and the only time you saw a drink was yeah right in your avatar.:disagree:

So whats the point in hypothesizing nonsense when you your self know it ant gonna happen. By the way the way you expressed your so called hypothesis was more like depicting whats best for Pakistan.:disagree:

Dude have you forgotten that besides being an american ally and that too only in WOT we have moved away from them long ago. Does China ring any bell. Does IP gas pipe line project ring any bell or are you still under the effect of whatever you take to get high(diet coke)lol. Pakistan has long expressed interest in the russian military hardware and besides Russian defence industry does no work alone on Indian purchases, why do you forget China which is also a large importer of Russian military hardware. Also how do you think that when the contract for the MRCA goes to the US or any european country, Russia will react? From where will the Russians according to you get the money from then? Havent you really noticed the recent price hike which raised disputes between India and Russia. Why is it that this only happened now and never before?
Just to give you a clearer picture, India tried its level best to stop the RD-93 from coming to Pakistan, what happened? Think and the answer might clear your head a bit.

Like i said one cant predict results. If you want to do it, be my guest but dont waste my time on it. When the time comes we will see who's gonna win and whose gonna lose.

Dude, once again, I was just thinking out aloud, India is taking advantage of the situation precisely because we are adversaries and that's not going to change in the foreseeable future. I did say it would be cool if this wasn't the case though. The part about kicking India's a*s, yeah good luck, should've remembered to do that in '71. As of today India is happily diverting all of Pakistan's water when you need it the most and what's being done? and don't say the PAF can blow up the dams whenever they please.

I think you have a serious comprehension problem. Dude i was replying to when you said will China intervene militarly. I said we do not need that kind of intervention because when the time comes we can kick your *** on our own. As for the 71 which you guys like to harp about, how about 65, why was India running towards the UN for a ceasefire? 71 was an altogether different story, a part which has no land contact and more over is separated by thousands of miles of hostile territory, if it had been you instead of us, the results would have been similar. Not to mention the betrayal by the so called ally at that time.

Do you seriously live in the US. I kinda doubt considering your level of understanding english. I said the world communtiy needs us more then the other way round, where does that mean that Pakistan does not need Int'l community at all. Seriously i am just wasting my time.:rolleyes:

The question here that you need to ask is what will happen once the supply gets stoped? Why was Mullen sent in a rush to Pakistan once we told them good luck, next time you come we will respond to it?

Now i know that you will come up with the predator strikes still going on, without responding to it, i'll suggest you go back and read S2 post and you will realize that they are coming because GOP wants them too. Hope you catch the drill here (which i kinda doubt by the way)

Precisely! and that is what i have been telling Indians here for a long time specially when they come up with that " A strong Pakistan is in the interest of India" i consider it a cheap joke, infact this statement should be rephrased like this " A weak and completely decimated Pakistan is in the interest of India"

There is nothing much you would really be able to do about it other then ofcourse running your loud mouth, thanks to your media.

Ah, why don't you get anything?, the part about 'stepping up their drug terminology game', didn't get it did you? if I'm asking them to step up their game, then I must be doing something right, right? how do you get your terminology right you ask? well by doing the things the terminology pertains to. have you always been slow or were you dropped on your head when you were a little girl? :)

why do you keep getting your panties in a bunch over my little hypothesis man? I was trying to imagine a scenario where for once we were on the same side, and that isn't so bad is it?

Russia, ok, this time pay attention, diet coke to get 'high' not going to lie that was kinda funny, but you CANNOT get high of a drink. do yourself a favor, get drunk someday, like really really drunk, and then go buy some weed, roll it up (although I prefer bowls, makes it so much easier) and smoke it, and then come back and talk to me. Ok now about Russia for real, do you have any idea how many projects Russia and India are working on? if you don't I'll spell 'em out for you. India doesn't care where Russia gets its money from as long as its not Pakistan, Russia knows this, that's why you barely have any Russian equipment, Russia doesn't rely on India completely for its defense exports, but it sure as hell makes a lot of money from India, can Pakistan offer anything similar? Why would they want to sell to Pakistan to make a million or two and lose out on a billion dollar contract? The price hike issue is complex, but these are just occasional hiccups, if you look back at history and the potential for further cooperation you will see that India and Russia will be working together for a very long time. I think Russia understands the reasons behind India's slight tilt to the west very well, they cannot help us counter China, but the Americans can and they're just going to have to deal with it. Now that the Indo-US nuclear deal has become a reality, it will pave the way for extensive cooperation with Russia so I guess they aren't complaining anymore. We are free to buy sensitive equipment and technology, the are free to sell it to us, hurray for everyone. The MRCA contract will not be awarded to just one country, why wouldn't we include Russia btw, you think the GOI is run by retards?

It is you who has the comprehension problem my friend, not I. If you are so capable of kicking India's behind and don't need any kind of intervention from anyone, what possessed you to not do so in '71 when you were partitioned, '65 yeah, whatever, did anyone lose anything? I think the time to prove your *** kicking abilities was in '71 when you were being ripped apart, I don't care if BD was in Australia, you could've taken Gujrat or something as a bargaining chip. The betrayal was engineered, you could've done the same with your a*s kicking superpowers right? btw, ever read any articles about Pakistan requesting China to stir things up on our eastern front so we don't give you such a hard time? India is messing with you again, what's stopping you from using your superior a*s kicking abilities?

Oh yeah, my bad, shouldn't have said you don't need them at all, but you think they need you more than you need them? you realize your computer is working because of the intl' community? you're able to afford your breakfast because of them, not to mention gas. what do they need you for? what makes you think the US can't just make you do it? like the WOT? The only thing Pakistan has to offer is its 'nuisance value', if you fall, that's going to be one hell of a mess for everyone else to clean up lest some retard gets his hands on the bomb. Kinda like the soviet union when they collapsed, you don't want those babies to end up on the black market. That would make life hell for the intl' community, but you'll end up worse than Somalia, so you need them more than they need you.

S-2 is an idealist (of sorts), If you wanted the predators so bad, why would you make all that fuss about it when it first started happening? this is just a face saving measure by the GOP, they have no choice but to let the Americans operate from bases within Pakistan so now you have given them your 'permission' so people like you can be like hey, we're letting 'em do it, we like it.

yes, something we can agree on. Hurray! (the inversely proportional part).

Ah yes the NE, wet dreams for you all wet dreams. We'll see.

And hey don't go talking crap about our media, I know you watch Hindi movies, and atleast one female member of your household watches that sas-bahu crap, yeah, I don't get why they get so into those shows no idea, my grand mom will fight to the death to watch one of those soaps.
US report details direct RAW involvement in East Pakistan secession

The News Intelligence Network

By Aslam Khan

ISLAMABAD: A sensational American report has confirmed the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), India's most powerful intelligence agency, was directly involved in the secession of East Pakistan into Bangladesh, and is currently engaged in similar activities. RAW has a long history of activity in Bangladesh supporting both secular forces and the area's Hindu minority, masterminding the break up of Pakistan in 1971, says the report made available to the News Intelligence Network (NIN) The report has been prepared by the innocent sounding Federation of American Scientists (FAS), a group which is however engaged in analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy concerning global security, especially about countries which have nuclear capability.

It is a privately funded non-profit policy organisation, whose Board of Sponsors includes 55 American Nobel laureates. FAS was originally founded as the Federation of Atomic Scientists in 1945 by members of the Manhattan Project, who produced the first atomic bomb. RAW is extensively engaged in disinformation campaigns, espionage, sabotage and terrorism against Pakistan and other neighboring countries, reveals the sensational secret report. It also gives details of the truly alarming involvement of RAW in terrorist activities in Pakistan. The report reveals the involvement of RAW in Bangladesh dating from the 1960s, when it promoted dissatisfaction against Pakistan in the then East Pakistan, including funding Mujibur Rahman's general election in 1970 and providing training and arming to the Mukti Bahini. The report claims an estimated 35,000 RAW agents have entered Pakistan at various times between 1983-99, with 12,000 having worked in the past or working presently in Sindh, 10,000 in Punjab 8,000 in North West Frontier Province and 5,000 in Balochistan. "As many as 40 terrorist camps are currently operating at Rajasthan, East Punjab, [occupied] Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India and are run by RAW's Special Service Bureau [SSB]," the report reveals. The report further confirms that throughout the Afghan War, RAW was responsible for the planning and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan to deter Islamabad from supporting the Afghan liberation movement against India's ally, the Soviet Union.

"The assistance provided to RAW by the KGB enabled RAW to arrange terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War," the report says. "The defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan did not end the role of RAW in Pakistan, as it established training camps in East Punjab, [occupied] Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan where agents are trained for terrorist activities," it reveals.

It further says that RAW has become "an effective instrument of India's national power, and has assumed a significant role in formulating India's domestic and foreign policies." RAW, according to the report, has enjoyed the backing of successive Indian governments in these efforts. Working directly under the Prime Minister, the structure rank, pay and perks of the Research and Analysis Wing are kept secret from parliament.

"Current policy debates in India have generally failed to focus on the relative priority given by RAW to activities directed against India's neighbours versus attention to domestic affairs to safeguard India's security and territorial integrity," the report says. It points out that RAW has had limited success in dealing with separatist movements in Manipur and Tripura in the northeast, Tamil Nadu in the south and Punjab and Kashmir in the northwestern part of the country.

RAW, it adds, has failed to neutralise freedom fighters in Kashmir and similar indigenous movements in Kerala, Karnataka and other places, along with economic and industrial espionage activities in New Delhi and Bombay. Giving a background of the intelligence agency, the American report says RAW was set up in 1968 "specifically targeted on Pakistan".

Pakistan, the report says, has accused RAW of sponsoring sabotage in its Punjab province, where it has been supporting the Seraiki movement, "providing financial support to promote its activities in Pakistan and organising an International Seraiki Conference in Delhi in November December 1993". It adds: "RAW has an extensive network of agents and anti-government elements within Pakistan, including dissident elements from various sectarian and ethnic groups of Sindh and Punjab."

According to it, India is funding the current upsurge of terrorism in Pakistan "and has been behind the sectarian violence between Shias and Sunnis, which has resulted in thousands of deaths in the last few years." Terrorist activities in Pakistan attributed to the clandestine activities of RAW in the report include:

A car bomb explosion in the Saddar area of Peshawar on 21 December 1995, which caused the death of 37 persons and injured over 50 others.

An explosion at Shaukat Khanum Hospital on 14 April 1996, claiming the lives of seven persons and injuries to over 34 others.

A bus traveling from Lahore to Sahiwal was blown up at Bhai Pheru on 28 April 1996, causing the deaths of 44 persons on the spot and injuring 30 others.

An explosion in a bus near the Sheikhupura Hospital killed nine persons and injured 29 others on 08 May 1996.

An explosion near Alam Chowk, Gujranwala on 10 June 1996 which killed three persons and injured 11 others.

A bomb exploded on a bus on GT Road near Kharian on 10 June 1996, killing 2 persons and injuring 10 others.

On 27 June 1996, an explosion opposite Madrassah Faizul Islam, Faizabad, Rawalpindi, killed 5 persons and injured over 50 others.

A bomb explosion in the Faisalabad Railway Station passenger lounge on 8 July 1996 killed 3 persons and injured 20 others.

Another startling claim made by the American report is that it was RAW that was behind the hijacking of an Indian airliner to Lahore in 1971, "attributed to the Kashmiris, to give a terrorist dimension to the Kashmiri national movement".

The report continues: "During the course of its investigation the Jain Commission received testimony on the official Indian support to the various Sri Lankan Tamil armed groups in Tamil Nadu," the report reveals. From 1981, RAW and the Intelligence Bureau, according to the report, established a network of as many as 30 training bases for these groups in India. Centres were also established at the high-security military installation of Chakrata, near Dehra Dun, and in the Ramakrishna Puram area of New Delhi.

The report says that RAW and the Ministry of External Affairs are provided Rs. 250 million annually as "discretionary grants" for foreign influence operations. "These funds have supported organisations fighting Sikh and Kashmiri separatists in the UK, Canada and the US," it says.

It further reveals: "An Extensive network of Indian operatives is controlled by the Indian Embassy in Washington, DC whose covert activities include the infiltration of US long distance telephone carriers by Indian operatives, with access to all kinds of information, to blackmail relatives of US residents living in India". Citing an example, it says that in 1996, an Indian diplomat was implicated in a scandal over illegal funding of political candidates in the US. Under US law foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to federal elections.

The US District Court in Baltimore sentenced Lalit H. Gadhia, a naturalised US citizen of Indian origin, to three months imprisonment. Gadhia had confessed that he worked as a conduit between the Indian Embassy and various Indian-American organisations for funnelling campaign contributions to influence US lawmakers. Over US $46,000 from the Indian Embassy was distributed among 20 Congressional candidates. The source of the cash used by Gadhia was Devendra Singh, a RAW official assigned to the Indian Embassy in Washington, the report says. It adds that illicit campaign money received in 1995 went to Democratic candidates including US Senators Charles S Robb (D-VA), Paul S. Sarbanes (D-MD) and US Representatives Benjamin L Cardin (D-MD) and Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) -- (May 24, 1998).
US report details direct RAW involvement in East Pakistan secession

The News Intelligence Network

By Aslam Khan

ISLAMABAD: A sensational American report has confirmed the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), India's most powerful intelligence agency, was directly involved in the secession of East Pakistan into Bangladesh, and is currently engaged in similar activities. RAW has a long history of activity in Bangladesh supporting both secular forces and the area's Hindu minority, masterminding the break up of Pakistan in 1971, says the report made available to the News Intelligence Network (NIN) The report has been prepared by the innocent sounding Federation of American Scientists (FAS), a group which is however engaged in analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy concerning global security, especially about countries which have nuclear capability.

It is a privately funded non-profit policy organisation, whose Board of Sponsors includes 55 American Nobel laureates. FAS was originally founded as the Federation of Atomic Scientists in 1945 by members of the Manhattan Project, who produced the first atomic bomb. RAW is extensively engaged in disinformation campaigns, espionage, sabotage and terrorism against Pakistan and other neighboring countries, reveals the sensational secret report. It also gives details of the truly alarming involvement of RAW in terrorist activities in Pakistan. The report reveals the involvement of RAW in Bangladesh dating from the 1960s, when it promoted dissatisfaction against Pakistan in the then East Pakistan, including funding Mujibur Rahman's general election in 1970 and providing training and arming to the Mukti Bahini. The report claims an estimated 35,000 RAW agents have entered Pakistan at various times between 1983-99, with 12,000 having worked in the past or working presently in Sindh, 10,000 in Punjab 8,000 in North West Frontier Province and 5,000 in Balochistan. "As many as 40 terrorist camps are currently operating at Rajasthan, East Punjab, [occupied] Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India and are run by RAW's Special Service Bureau [SSB]," the report reveals. The report further confirms that throughout the Afghan War, RAW was responsible for the planning and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan to deter Islamabad from supporting the Afghan liberation movement against India's ally, the Soviet Union.

"The assistance provided to RAW by the KGB enabled RAW to arrange terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War," the report says. "The defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan did not end the role of RAW in Pakistan, as it established training camps in East Punjab, [occupied] Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan where agents are trained for terrorist activities," it reveals.

It further says that RAW has become "an effective instrument of India's national power, and has assumed a significant role in formulating India's domestic and foreign policies." RAW, according to the report, has enjoyed the backing of successive Indian governments in these efforts. Working directly under the Prime Minister, the structure rank, pay and perks of the Research and Analysis Wing are kept secret from parliament.

"Current policy debates in India have generally failed to focus on the relative priority given by RAW to activities directed against India's neighbours versus attention to domestic affairs to safeguard India's security and territorial integrity," the report says. It points out that RAW has had limited success in dealing with separatist movements in Manipur and Tripura in the northeast, Tamil Nadu in the south and Punjab and Kashmir in the northwestern part of the country.

RAW, it adds, has failed to neutralise freedom fighters in Kashmir and similar indigenous movements in Kerala, Karnataka and other places, along with economic and industrial espionage activities in New Delhi and Bombay. Giving a background of the intelligence agency, the American report says RAW was set up in 1968 "specifically targeted on Pakistan".

Pakistan, the report says, has accused RAW of sponsoring sabotage in its Punjab province, where it has been supporting the Seraiki movement, "providing financial support to promote its activities in Pakistan and organising an International Seraiki Conference in Delhi in November December 1993". It adds: "RAW has an extensive network of agents and anti-government elements within Pakistan, including dissident elements from various sectarian and ethnic groups of Sindh and Punjab."

According to it, India is funding the current upsurge of terrorism in Pakistan "and has been behind the sectarian violence between Shias and Sunnis, which has resulted in thousands of deaths in the last few years." Terrorist activities in Pakistan attributed to the clandestine activities of RAW in the report include:

A car bomb explosion in the Saddar area of Peshawar on 21 December 1995, which caused the death of 37 persons and injured over 50 others.

An explosion at Shaukat Khanum Hospital on 14 April 1996, claiming the lives of seven persons and injuries to over 34 others.

A bus traveling from Lahore to Sahiwal was blown up at Bhai Pheru on 28 April 1996, causing the deaths of 44 persons on the spot and injuring 30 others.

An explosion in a bus near the Sheikhupura Hospital killed nine persons and injured 29 others on 08 May 1996.

An explosion near Alam Chowk, Gujranwala on 10 June 1996 which killed three persons and injured 11 others.

A bomb exploded on a bus on GT Road near Kharian on 10 June 1996, killing 2 persons and injuring 10 others.

On 27 June 1996, an explosion opposite Madrassah Faizul Islam, Faizabad, Rawalpindi, killed 5 persons and injured over 50 others.

A bomb explosion in the Faisalabad Railway Station passenger lounge on 8 July 1996 killed 3 persons and injured 20 others.

Another startling claim made by the American report is that it was RAW that was behind the hijacking of an Indian airliner to Lahore in 1971, "attributed to the Kashmiris, to give a terrorist dimension to the Kashmiri national movement".

The report continues: "During the course of its investigation the Jain Commission received testimony on the official Indian support to the various Sri Lankan Tamil armed groups in Tamil Nadu," the report reveals. From 1981, RAW and the Intelligence Bureau, according to the report, established a network of as many as 30 training bases for these groups in India. Centres were also established at the high-security military installation of Chakrata, near Dehra Dun, and in the Ramakrishna Puram area of New Delhi.

The report says that RAW and the Ministry of External Affairs are provided Rs. 250 million annually as "discretionary grants" for foreign influence operations. "These funds have supported organisations fighting Sikh and Kashmiri separatists in the UK, Canada and the US," it says.

It further reveals: "An Extensive network of Indian operatives is controlled by the Indian Embassy in Washington, DC whose covert activities include the infiltration of US long distance telephone carriers by Indian operatives, with access to all kinds of information, to blackmail relatives of US residents living in India". Citing an example, it says that in 1996, an Indian diplomat was implicated in a scandal over illegal funding of political candidates in the US. Under US law foreign nationals are prohibited from contributing to federal elections.

The US District Court in Baltimore sentenced Lalit H. Gadhia, a naturalised US citizen of Indian origin, to three months imprisonment. Gadhia had confessed that he worked as a conduit between the Indian Embassy and various Indian-American organisations for funnelling campaign contributions to influence US lawmakers. Over US $46,000 from the Indian Embassy was distributed among 20 Congressional candidates. The source of the cash used by Gadhia was Devendra Singh, a RAW official assigned to the Indian Embassy in Washington, the report says. It adds that illicit campaign money received in 1995 went to Democratic candidates including US Senators Charles S Robb (D-VA), Paul S. Sarbanes (D-MD) and US Representatives Benjamin L Cardin (D-MD) and Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) -- (May 24, 1998).

Could you please give us the link ?
"I've been reading up on geopolitics for around a year now...and finally, the part about violating their sovereignty and stuff..."

I thought about an itemized reply. I've certainly taken long enough to do so but, instead, I'll just comment generally if you don't mind?

This tangent began largely with your comment that Pakistan was your enemy and that you saw this time-period as offering a unique window of opportunity to "de-stabilize" your neighbor. You've finished somewhere in the above reply with introducing elements of India's "cold-start" combat operations doctrine and American assaults on Pakistani sovereignty.

That doesn't address the issue of developing a transparent nat'l foreign policy and then implementing it. India is a democracy and, thus, develops policy by "advice and consent" through it's legislative, executive, administrative, and judicial branches. Not unlike the rest of the democratic world.

As all those very bright people value their positions throughout your gov't, they develop policy with which they can reach an implementable concurrence. That leaves little room or tolerance for back-door conspiracies or hidden agendas. Other elements of the government would seek to exploit these attempts. The media serves that final function of guardianship of the public trust-however misplaced.

Those "checks and balances" serve as mollifying forces to more radical impulses. They also mute perfectly good concepts from time to time. Thus we slug along. For most functioning democracies, we rather amazingly do so more or less despite our dithering and dalliances along the way forward.

I don't know what the GoI's stated policy is toward Afghanistan but I hardly doubt it as anything so nefarious as your personal ambitions. I rather suspect that the GoI recognizes CLOSELY the long-held objectives of many Pakistanis-manifested from time to time by the GoP and ISI, in Afghanistan.

Both nations, because of Afghanistan's unique ethnic-based polity, therefore have legitimate INTERESTS in Afghanistan's DEVELOPMENT as such. These should be pursued above-board and transparently to the visible benefit of the Afghan people.

Trade is the central vehicle here. Routes that make for the safe transit of goods, services, and energy from CAR through Afghanistan to India and the Pakistani arabian sea coastal ports such as Gwadar facilitate the elevation of every single citizen in these involved nations. God knows that most of them need it.

I personally believe that the imperatives of commerce and trade generally will be the way forward for all in nearly every territorial dispute throughout the regions-whether the Durand Line, J&K, or Baluchistan. The borders of each nation in the region are more or less agreed and fixed with, in actuality, small exceptions of generally valueless terrain. The costs of open warfare to achieve win-lose success is prohibitive. The benefits of proxy-war are diminishing when compared to accomodation, compromise, and commencement of open borders for cross-traffic of goods.

doobie86, India has zero chance of rendering a 160 million plus nuclear-armed state irrelevant in the foreseeable future. It just isn't happening and your gov't knows that to the extent that it's not even a consideration of policy. Equally, I believe that the activities of RAW to that end from within Afghanistan are nil. Are they there? Probably. Are they fomenting rebellion among the Baluchis? Who knows but active support would not be easy, at least not in Helmand- closest to Baluchistan. I can't imagine a Baluchi training camp surviving the prying eyes of both the Taliban and British ISAF. Not there anyway and, if not there-where? If so, to what extent could it be sufficiently effective such to justify the risk-even satelliated to minimize exposure.

Paranoia reigns here at def.pk from time to time. I don't think matters are ever as good or bad as portrayed here. I also don't believe that any of us actually know the nature of the U.S.-Pakistani relationship. As such, WRT ostensible violations of Pakistani sovereignty by U.S. forces, I'd only state that we honor the notion of "hot pursuit" from without and "targeted attacks" from within.

I know PREDATOR is up in the air. I've always wondered from where it flies.

If you can figure that out then you're a better man than I!:lol::usflag:

I know PREDATOR is up in the air. I've always wondered from where it flies.

If you can figure that out then you're a better man than I!:lol::usflag:

Infect, you have a point if there were any training camps of any sort than those would have been hit by predators at least once!
In such circumstances which you just described, would you like to comment on the training camps of resistive Taliban?
I would also like to hear your opinion over ISI's alleged support to same resistive elements?
I would also like to hear the tit for tat attack on Pakistan embassy in Kabul, was that not engineered by RAW?
If RAW is not operating in Afghanistan than how come Indians reach to the conclusion that it was carried out by ISI?
I agree with much of what you stated, s-2. But I'd like to ask, what on God's earth are the nine consulates along the Pakistan border in AFghanistan doing? Direct Food Aid?

Support can be of varoius sorts. Cash and Arms are definitely reaching TTP from across the border. If not thE Indians, then who could it be? The govt of Afghanlstan, or maybe ISAF?
"I've been reading up on geopolitics for around a year now"
^^^ I don't even know why you guys would spend time writing essays to respond to this crap? just ignore him...
"I've been reading up on geopolitics for around a year now"
^^^ I don't even know why you guys would spend time writing essays to respond to this crap? just ignore him...

lol, you're one to talk, have you read some of the posts on this forum?
I agree with much of what you stated, s-2. But I'd like to ask, what on God's earth are the nine consulates along the Pakistan border in AFghanistan doing? Direct Food Aid?

Support can be of varoius sorts. Cash and Arms are definitely reaching TTP from across the border. If not thE Indians, then who could it be? The govt of Afghanlstan, or maybe ISAF?

Exactly... 9 consulates in a country like afghanistan! Holy Cow! :D
I am sure you're just there to show them some luV? Aint that trueeeeeeee?????
lol, you're one to talk, have you read some of the posts on this forum?
like what? whose posts, my posts? you should do everyone a favour by not posting at all, instead of having senior members like S-2 spank you on the rear for baseless and provocative comments.

more importantly, keep your business to yourself. I don't need to know whether you got drunk or hungover during happy hour, neither does anyone else on this forum.
Could you please give us the link ?

You could also check out Ashok Rainia's book, an excerpt of which I posted in the Disproving some Bangladesh Genocide Claims thread. The involvement of RAW in East Pakistan as early as 1968 is presented, and Sam Manekshaw's own comments to Indira Gandhi validate the assertion that India was conducting covert ops. in East Pakistan.

India's covert involvement in EP to 'stir things up' is a moot point.
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I agree with much of what you stated, s-2. But I'd like to ask, what on God's earth are the nine consulates along the Pakistan border in AFghanistan doing? Direct Food Aid?

Support can be of varoius sorts. Cash and Arms are definitely reaching TTP from across the border. If not thE Indians, then who could it be? The govt of Afghanlstan, or maybe ISAF?
the indians are only providing some of the funding and resources to aid miscreants. we keep on forgetting who the real culprits are, afghanis, more specifically afghan soldiers. wonder why our allies are unaware of what's going on?

Taliban leader was reportedly in a cave targeted by security forces | Army seizes key militant stronghold

The Post Report/Agencies

PESHAWAR: The security forces said that a significant leader of banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has been killed in an operation carried out in the Bajaur Agency, according to private television channels on Saturday.

A cave was targeted during the armed action by the security forces; Maulvi Omar, a very active spokesman for the Taliban, was believed to have been there, as he was still missing after the bombardment, the channels reported. The most probability is that he (the Taliban spokesman) was killed in the cave. Meanwhile, an important leader of the militant group has been nabbed, who is being interrogated by the security forces. The channel said that Maulvi Omar went missing after the air strikes.

Meanwhile, Frontier Corps Inspector General Major General Tariq Khan has said that the security forces killed more than 1,500 militants and arrested another 950 including foreigners in Bajaur operation continuing since August this year.

Talking to journalists on Saturday in Khar, Gen Tariq said that 42 personnel of the Pakistan Army have been martyred and 174 injured during the operation. Among 950 arrested during the operation included 300 foreigners like Afghans, Uzbek, Tajik, Nooristani, Hazara and other origins.

The inspector general said that the operation was still continuing and would take six to 12 more months to be completed, adding that eleven tribal Lashkars (private armies) were helping the security forces in its efforts to eradicate militancy from the region.

Gen Tariq stated that the army troops would not withdraw from the affected areas immediately, adding the paramilitary forces would be deputed in the areas if the troops were withdrawn aimed to stop the regrouping of the militants.

He said the security forces have regained the control of Loisam, a stronghold of militants in Bajaur, some 12 kilometres from Afghan border and blocked all movement of the militants in the agency. After stiff resistance, the forces have retaken Loisam, a strategically important area, providing access to all four tehsils of Bajaur including Salarzai, Charmang, Mamund and Nawagai.

"After taking control of Loisam, we have succeeded in blocking all movements of militants in the area and now we are heading towards Nawagai, where, the operation would be launched if the militants offer resistance," he said. The government has evidence of the involvement of foreign hands as 300 foreign militants mainly from Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have been arrested, he said.

The ISPR spokesperson Major General Athar Abbas, who also accompanied the media team, said before the start of the operation by the security forces, Bajaur Agency was in a state of lawlessness. The militants were constantly attacking security check posts and had closed all roads for movement of government/FC convoys.

"All Levies pickets in the agency had been demolished by the militants and a parallel system of administration in Tehsil Mamund, Charmang and Salarzai had been established," he said. The militants had taken control of schools in the agency and had converted them into their centres, he said. They had also established courts in which they use to award severe and capital punishments of beheading and killing of personnel in public, he said.

The militants were granting licenses for business and imposing taxes on people and transport, he said. During the first eight months in 2008, they had killed as many as twelve Maliks, dozens of security personnel and also kidnapped many for ransom, eh said. In this backdrop, he said the security forces started operation in Bajaur to clear the area of the miscreants.

He said during the last one and a half month, the security forces faced heavy resistance primarily as militants had support from across the border and due to involvement of foreign elements. "The area was being used as a safe haven by foreign fighters, the militants had developed a strong trench and tunnel system of defence in populated areas like Loesam which also became a stronghold of resistance," he said.

Regarding withdrawal of the security forces from these areas, he said it was possible after restoration of peace establishment of the government's writ and reconstruction of these areas. After the withdrawal of the security forces, Lashkars, consisting local volunteers, would replace them to maintain peace in the area, he informed the media.

Gen Tariq said that action would be taken to expel militants from Mahmund Agency after end of the Bajaur operation. He said that those foreigners who were arrested in the operation also included officials of the Afghan Army. On infiltration from Afghanistan, he said that talks were held with the US officials in this regard.

"We want to control cross-border movement through negotiations not with the help of any operation," he said. He said sustainable efforts were needed to maintain peace in the area. Commenting on FC training, Gen Tariq said that the US trainers would train 116 FC officials and after that they would impart training to other officials. Four additional wings of the FC would be formed in which nearly 7,000 people would be recruited, he added.

He said locals were supporting the security forces against militants and were yearning to see the return of peace in the area. "My men feel supported by people," he said in the detailed presentation to the journalists on the situation in the area at Bajaur Scouts Camp which followed the visit to the forward area of Loisam and Tan Khata.

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If you wanted the predators so bad, why would you make all that fuss about it when it first started happening? this is just a face saving measure by the GOP, they have no choice but to let the Americans operate from bases within Pakistan so now you have given them your 'permission' so people like you can be like hey, we're letting 'em do it, we like it.

The GoP has said nothing about basing predators nor has it ever officially endorsed the Predator attacks, so to try and argue that this is some 'face saving measure' by Pakistan is disingenuous.

The reports of Predators based in Pakistan are from unofficial sources on various fora, and articles in the Pakistani press that reference anonymous senior officials. Whether you like it or not, tacit approval from the GoP for these strikes exists.

On a slight aside, I do find it interesting though that with the Bajaur operation, and the validation of a drop in infiltration and attacks on the Afghan side by ISAF, B Mehsud's camps in S Waziristan are now also being targeted by Predator, for the first time in fact.

Coordinated policies finally?
like what? whose posts, my posts? you should do everyone a favour by not posting at all, instead of having senior members like S-2 spank you on the rear for baseless and provocative comments.

more importantly, keep your business to yourself. I don't need to know whether you got drunk or hungover during happy hour, neither does anyone else on this forum.

I might not have been at this very long, but you gotta start somewhere right? I gave S-2 my perspective, S-2 disagreed and respectfully gave me his. S-2 knows his stuff because this is probably what he does, this is more like a part time hobby to me, so I read things, try and analyze them, and give my 2 cents on the subject as best I can, I am more than happy to understand others perspectives and rationale as long as they know how to explain themselves, because it only serves to expand my own understanding. S-2 might have disagreed but there are others like agnostic muslim and asim that have agreed with some of what I have said, so it's not like I don't know my sh*t, I just might not know enough to cover all the bases just as yet. emphasis on 'yet'. I am here to learn just as much as I am to discuss.

I see you've been on my case so to speak ever since I hypothesized about what Pakistan should do to ease it's current situation, maybe that was a little bit naive but then again I made it clear that I was just thinking out aloud not to mention I also acknowledged that none of what I said would ever be feasible. so get over it, and stop being so full of yourself.

you don't want to know if I was drunk or hung over? really why not? I got some funny stories man, I'd be happy to share them with you. and speak for yourself, you aren't a moderator, so don't pretend like you're one.

why so serious man? just because we're discussing serious stuff doesn't mean you have to be an a*s about it, we can discuss things in a calm cool and collected manner while at the same time try and keep the atmosphere friendly and a little bit casual so everyone can speak their piece. so maybe you should do us a favor and sod off as darkstar would say.
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