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RAW Is The Real Terrorist!

These things happen in India on a very large scale but the method is bit different, Hindus marry Muslim girls giving reasons of secularism and all that.

But its you who stated that minorities are doing great in Pakistan and have no issues.
But its you who stated that minorities are doing great in Pakistan and have no issues.

Generally minorities in Pakistan have no issue and I have never said that all the people are happy. What I said that there was never a Muslim-non Muslim violence in Pakistan I just have my hindu friend sitting aside me and according to him he has no problem so generally minorities have no problem.
Salman, the minorities that are left in Pakistan are just too few and they are constitutionally discriminated. The situation is just not comparable to India.
Arrested Militants: RAW, Afghan Agency Funding Pakistan Terrorism
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Pakistani investigators have made a major breakthrough and uncovered several leads that link terrorists and criminals inside Pakistan to the Indian intelligence and the secret service of Hamid Karzai. An Indian explosives expert is leading groups of terrorists inside Pakistan. The recruited suicide bombers have been brainwashed to believe they are on a religious duty. Others are plain criminals. The new information confirms the suspicions that the so-called ‘Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan’ is heavily infiltrated by foreign spy agencies in Afghanistan and has little to do with the Afghan Taliban.


LAHORE, Pakistan—Three arrested members of a militant gang especially deputed by the so-called ‘Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan’ have disclosed that RAW has been funding suicide bomb attacks in Pakistan and that the Indian agency has funneled PKR 680 million through its contacts in the NDS, the Afghan secret agency.

The gang of three persons has brazenly admitted that they belong to a group of persons who had been deputed to ‘destabilize democratic Pakistan’ in order to create a confrontation with the Pakistani military. They were told to carry out their activities under the pretext of ‘enforcement of Shariah’ in the country.

Operators of the Federal Investigations Agency [FIA], a Pakistani intelligence agency, working beyond the call of their duty, came into contact with a source ready for a tip-off against a reward. The tip-off led to the arrest of Khurram Ishtiaq, Ghulam Mustafa and Shamim. The persons had been working under Qari Hussain, second-in-command to Baitullah Mehsud.

All of the three had been arrested on Aug. 13, 2008, while they were on the prowl for a target. The militants had been arrested ‘red-handed’ as they possessed complete suicide kits, including two jackets and 70 kilogram of explosives and detonators.

The accused were hardened militants and took a lot of time to break and make confessions. They revealed that Qari Hussain had been working to help three adjutants—Farukh Usman alias Shahjee, Tayyab alias Baba; Ustad, the trainer to destabilize the elected government.

Qari Hussain, the leader, prepares suicide bombers and dispatches them throughout Pakistan. He also manages funds for the splinter groups from RAW which works in collusion with the Afghan intelligence agency NDS.

Farukh Usman works as Qari’s deputy and runs the sub-setup to carry out attacks in Lahore and Punjab in general. He was the mastermind of suicide attacks on the FIA building, Naval War College, Model Town, Lahore High Court and PAF bus in Sargodha, investigations have revealed.

Tayyab alias Baba mainly deals with Rawalpindi/Islamabad. He was the man behind blasts at Aabpara Market and Marriott Hotel. The third person known only as Ustad is an expert at making bombs. He is said to be of Indian origin and he ‘works with a vengeance’. He is the man who leads suicide bombers to the marked site of the blast.

The investigation revealed that there are two sub-teams: three persons of one team work under Ustad. Two of the arrested persons—Shahmim Alam alias Sohail alias Kashif alias Uncle and Khurram Ishtiaq alias Ibrahim—have been active members of the TTP and worked under direct guidance of Ustad.

Shamim was the facilitator. His task was to distribute funds to suicide bombers at the behest of Qari Hussain and Tayyab alias Baba. Being educated and a well-dressed civilian-look-alike, he was assigned another important job of providing ‘reconnaissance of the target area’.

He possesses the canny ability of mixing up with urbanites. Khurram Ishtiaq alias Ibrahim is a well-trained militant. His job is to harbor suicide bombers at a secret venue until they are led to the area of operation to carry out the job. The third person of this setup, Sajid, is a resident of Ali Khel, Waziristan. It is not certain whether his services were ‘utilized’ and in what way this was done.

Another team which works under Farrukh Usman alias Shahjee includes Bablu, Rehan, Ghulam Mustafa alias Asif (the third arrested person) and Abdul Rahim. Bablu’s assignment is to provide explosives at the nick of time when the suicide bombers have been finally prepared to perform the ‘sacred feat’.

Ghulam Mustafa and Abdul Rahim, both diehard terrorists, serve as guards in the rear ensure that none of perpetrators develop cold feet at the last minute and try to escape. In that case, there is only one choice left and that too leads the would-be perpetrator to heavens.

Former boss of the FIA, Tariq Lodhi, had recommended a reward and commendation for the team that arrested these terrorists. But sources say the FIA new chief, Shoaib Suddle, turned it down on the grounds that agency operators just did their job and no reward should be given for performing a duty.

The team members disclosed that they had arrested two prime targets during the government of former President Pervez Musharraf and both had a head money of $5 million each but the reward money was shared by two other premier spy agencies instead of passing some of the reward money to the individuals who had arrested them on their own initiative.

The team has long been working on the militants but they got the culprits apprehended through a middleman who was ready to divulge more but “only if he was rewarded for the catch.”

Afghan Money Helping Terrorists, Zardari

Tells Boucher

On Oct. 19, President Asif Ali Zardari met U.S. assistant undersecretary of state Richard Boucher and told him that terrorists in the tribal areas of Pakistan are being funded from Afghanistan and other countries. Zardari told Richard Boucher that the money provided by Afghan drug traffickers was being used in terror related incidents in Pakistan.

Drug smuggling through Pakistan had been eliminated, he said, adding these smugglers were now funding terrorists for activities in the country. “The responsibility now lies with the U.S. to take notice and initiate action against these smugglers so that terrorist networks in Pakistan can be dismantled,” he stressed. Pakistan has suffered more than any other country in the war on terror in terms of loss of lives and property, he noted. All the resources are being utilised to crush terrorists, he said.

He urged the U.S. to take steps to end terrorists’ infiltration from the Afghan side to the Pakistan tribal areas.

It is not clear how Mr. Boucher responded to the charge that terrorism inside Pakistan is being supported from a U.S.-occupied Afghanistan.

Arrested Militants: RAW, Afghan Agency Funding Pakistan Terrorism Pak Alert Press
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why is it so difficult for everyone to post verfiable reports? i see nothing but heresay in these articles. shitty journalism, who can debate this?

if raw is undermining anti-terror efforts then let it be exposed!
why is it so difficult for everyone to post verfiable reports? i see nothing but heresay in these articles. shitty journalism, who can debate this?

if raw is undermining anti-terror efforts then let it be exposed!

sorry we don,t have propoganda machines like n.y times w.post ect. all owned by jews
haha, rightly said, you have to read a post properly before replying but don't forget to understand what is being implied. How exactly do you plan on dealing with the so called 'RAW thugs'? What makes you think you are at liberty to do what you want?

you're fighting a war, deal with that first, lest NWFP becomes its own country.

12 killed, Pak flags sighted in Assam

Udalguri, Assam, October 4: The toll in continuing clashes between Bodos and illegal Bangladeshi migrants in Udalguri district rose to 10 on Saturday as eight burnt bodies were found while two persons were shot dead by the police when they were trying to torch houses in the district.

District Deputy Commissioner George Basumatary was transferred and Superintendent of Police Anup Kumar Singh suspended for allegedly failing to control the situation, official sources said.

The eight burnt bodies were found from Bodo villages of Sonaripara and Jhargaon villages, under Udalguri police station, which were attacked by illegal migrants with bows and arrows in the wee hours.

Besides setting ablaze houses in the two villages, several other dwellings in a neighbouring hamlet were also torched, the sources said.

The police shot dead two persons when they were trying to set fire to Bodo houses at Bhakatpara where a shoot-at-sight order is in vogue, they said adding about 50 persons were injured in the clashes so far.

Two bodies were found on Friday from a village under Rowta police station even as arson and looting in neighbouring Darrang district forced the administration to impose curfew in Dalgaon and Dhola on Friday and in Udalguri on Saturday.

Over 25 serious burn injury victims were shifted to the Gauhati Medical College Hospital while others were admitted to local hospitals.

Meanwhile, media persons saw a Pakistani flag in Sonaripara and Mohanpur villages and took photographs of them. Local television channels also ran footage of the flags. Officials and security forces denied any knowledge of the presence of the flags.

12 killed, Pak flags sighted in Assam - Express India

12 killed, Pak flags sighted in Assam

Udalguri, Assam, October 4: The toll in continuing clashes between Bodos and illegal Bangladeshi migrants in Udalguri district rose to 10 on Saturday as eight burnt bodies were found while two persons were shot dead by the police when they were trying to torch houses in the district.

District Deputy Commissioner George Basumatary was transferred and Superintendent of Police Anup Kumar Singh suspended for allegedly failing to control the situation, official sources said.

The eight burnt bodies were found from Bodo villages of Sonaripara and Jhargaon villages, under Udalguri police station, which were attacked by illegal migrants with bows and arrows in the wee hours.

Besides setting ablaze houses in the two villages, several other dwellings in a neighbouring hamlet were also torched, the sources said.

The police shot dead two persons when they were trying to set fire to Bodo houses at Bhakatpara where a shoot-at-sight order is in vogue, they said adding about 50 persons were injured in the clashes so far.

Two bodies were found on Friday from a village under Rowta police station even as arson and looting in neighbouring Darrang district forced the administration to impose curfew in Dalgaon and Dhola on Friday and in Udalguri on Saturday.

Over 25 serious burn injury victims were shifted to the Gauhati Medical College Hospital while others were admitted to local hospitals.

Meanwhile, media persons saw a Pakistani flag in Sonaripara and Mohanpur villages and took photographs of them. Local television channels also ran footage of the flags. Officials and security forces denied any knowledge of the presence of the flags.

12 killed, Pak flags sighted in Assam - Express India


Just because things are wrong in India doesn't mean they're alright in Pakistan, unless you're mentally challenged, And Assam isn't going anywhere, all this is thanks to illegal immigrants from BD, who will shortly be deported to the....well let's just say to their home country. Waving Pakistani flags is just the easiest way to piss off the govt. and voice their dissent, doesn't have anything to do with Pakistan or anything.
Actually I hope these kinds of things come forward more often , at least it will force the GOI's hands to take action against Illegal migration and lack of development in the area
sorry we don,t have propoganda machines like n.y times w.post ect. all owned by jews


i have no predisposition against the idea that raw is waging a covert war against pak using terroristic methods. but there is no proof of it in this article, only hearsay, and it is disturbing that the poster received 6 thanks for polluting this forum with it.

if anyone wants to stay up to date on the latest gossip i suggest you join a knitting circle.
well i would like to say its all a big conspiracy against Pakistan and all the muslim nation and to start a muslim hollacaust about 300,000 jews were killed in Germany and 600,000 muslims had been killed so far in Afganistan and Iraq i see as this as a muslim hollacaust,India,Isreal and US are planning to kill muslims and distablizing Pakistan and Iran the real question is wat should Pakistan do Pakistan should give its nuclear technology to Iran and Turkey wit heavy price thats how these people will only go back just imagin 600,000 muslims are killed in WorldTradeCenter only 3000 americans were killed now you decide.

i have no predisposition against the idea that raw is waging a covert war against pak using terroristic methods. but there is no proof of it in this article, only hearsay, and it is disturbing that the poster received 6 thanks for polluting this forum with it.

if anyone wants to stay up to date on the latest gossip i suggest you join a knitting circle.

well if you want proof


i have no predisposition against the idea that raw is waging a covert war against pak using terroristic methods. but there is no proof of it in this article, only hearsay, and it is disturbing that the poster received 6 thanks for polluting this forum with it.

if anyone wants to stay up to date on the latest gossip i suggest you join a knitting circle.

think what you want
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I knew actually you would have raised this up that how do i know unless ofcourse i saw something, seriously this isnt about nuclear warheads, where i have to see the actual blue prints to know whats it all about.

So am i.

Ok so well it was the US at first, and now CHina gets in. Dude we are not even talking about our relationship with china, or France or Saudi Arabia. You know exactly which country i was referring too but since you could not back the so called everything coming from the US, now you brought the rest of the world into. By the way IMF just raised objection on the so called aid package coming from the WB. So where do you think you are going with all of this now actually:cheesy:.

Really. Again all tall claims and nothing to back them up. FIrst it was the gas, now it comes down to money. Dude does any of this makes sense. HOw in the hell did SA come into the equation. You like to bring the whole world into the debate, be my guest but that wasnt what the debate was all about specially when it is related to the US. And we are discussing US and not the whole world here. By the way not IMF not the saudis, and definately not the US will sponsor for the IP gas pipe line project. Infact they have all opposed it.

I said in a response when you said will China intervene? Why do i have to repeat everytime. You said will China intervene, i said no we dont need their intervention, when the time comes we can handle the situation on our own and then you like before brought every thing else into it from east Pakistan to Israel and what not.
HOwever today is not the same story. Let me try to enlighten you a bit on whats really happening, however before i do that, cheers:cheers: for actually admitting that India is indeed backing it all up, before that all your kind was doing was telling us how paranoid we really are and India has nothing to do with anything:disagree:. Having said that well the reality speaks for itself, firstly unlike in east Pakistan, where we had no links to the area and most importantly we were cut of by thousands of miles of hostile territory, one which actually itself attacked(INDIA). That is not the case here. Second unlike in BD where India with the help of mukhties was able to turn the local population against us and Mujaib playing in India's hands, that is again not the case this time, really unlike you i can back my claim, dont take my word for it, read how many local tribes have risen to cleanse their area from this nonsense which never happened in East Pakistan. As a direct result of this and i know i have said it before, but you chose to ignore it, take out the figures and you will realize as compared to last year, how successful the army really has been in conduting these operations. Last but certainly not least, no matter how much you really believe in that you have established a strong foot hold inside Afghanistan, the fact is that we can really disrupt you there when ever we want, if we could do to soviets then, India certianly in not in the league.

Dont you think you are a bit contradicting your own self. At one hand you say India is again playing with us and on the second, you like calling it fun news.
But whatever may be the case, i am not going to get into what you think or think not of it, really the fun will begin once the americans get out with just You and us left there. So cheers till then.

Ah yes, Icecold my old buddy, blueprints for nuclear warheads haan...

So from what I understand then, you heard that hindi movies are BS and were like yeah obviously and never watched any? I don't believe you, living in Pakistan and claiming to have never watched a hindi movie ever is ridiculous, anyways...

It is you who brings in the US all the time not me, I never said that you depend on the US completely, I gave specific examples regarding the US, but all that was in response to your comment about the intl' community needing Pak. more than Pak. needs them. This is why I 'bring in the rest of the planet' because they constitute the intl' community.
Did I ever talk about the IP pipeline? what are you talking about? where does the IP pipeline fit in here?

My point is simple, Pakistan would not be able to function without periodic aid and assistance from the rest of the world, be it the US, China, SA or the IMF. Simple right? where's the argument here? to say things like they need us more than we need them is....'inappropriate'.

The point about China intervening, so you're saying you don't need any intervention because you are fully capable of handling any threat from India. When the time comes, you claim that you can handle the situation, I have been giving you examples from the past, where the time came, and you were incapable of handling the situation, simple. how can I say you were incapable, simple, the status-quo has remained unchanged. It is in our interest to maintain the status-quo, not yours.

I never said India is really trying to partition Pakistan again, it just won't happen, we're simply arming them to keep you busy, making life harder while we still can. who cares if you were successful or not? no matter who wins, its one less entity India has to worry about. You think the Taleban will ever do your bidding again?

First of all, what you need to understand is that Pakistan will not be able to play its little games in Afghanistan this time around, cannot happen with the US around, and don't believe that the US isn't there for the long haul, any idea how much gas CA has? Both the US and India are interested in a stable Afghanistan, it will give us a route to access the resources of central asia and make life easier on the whole for Afghans, the US will not allow Pakistan to wage war on Indians in Afghanistan while we are busy rebuilding their country, this is an economic war of sorts, Pakistan can offer nothing to Afghanistan except maybe threatening them with a proxy war into not siding with us. India provide them with money, indigenous weapons like the dhruv or maybe a few missiles here and there, if the LCA ever works out (can't really say too much there) maybe a couple of those and whatever else we can spare, kinda like what we do for Burma, we can provide them with diplomatic assistance, India is becoming more and more influential no matter what you claim, and having a friend like us (like having a friend like the US in india's case) will have bring its own benefits, India might even be able to facilitate some kind of trade agreement or resolve issues between Afghanistan and Russia. Why should India do all this? two reasons generally speaking, one, we have potential access to CA, and two, Pakistan has one more country to worry about, Afghanistan is no longer your playground, I'm not saying India can use them to wage a proxy war on you, I'm saying you have to protect your western border from your neighbor.

I want you to tell me what Pakistan has to offer to Afghanistan. My friend, the fun has already begun, you just need to wake and smell the coffee.

Oh and the part about beating the soviets. what the hell are you talking about Pakistan didn't beat the soviets, the Americans (more like the CIA) did.They used Pakistan as a base, got a whole bunch of 'mujhahideen' trained gave them weapons and fought the soivets down to the last Afghan/Arab/whoever else decided to join. You think any of this could've happened without American assistance? Pakistan was just a transit route man. The fact that Pak. then used the Taleban to its advantage, now that's something to talk about, that's what I call smart, at least up until 9/11, where it didn't quite work out, but that's a different story..or is it?

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