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RAW "ineffective organization"

Just because ISI is an organization of my motherland I would not say its good.
Please dont underestimate your enemy, this is the mistake which most of us Pakistanis do. Our army did the same underestimation and faced humilating defeat in 1971, the same was repeated in Kargil. While RAW was smart enough to take advantage of the political unrest in 1970 and then ended up dividing our country into two.

The current terrorist threat to pakistan also does not completely rule out the hand of RAW.

What damage has ISI done to india? Despite the unrest in Kashmir they have not been able to win it back from the indians who still hold it strong.

So the most important thing we should remember is: Dont satisfy yourself by underestimating your enemy and regret later. Be prepared my countrymen, and expect the unexpected.

that is a good saying that i also live by. underestimating your enemy will NEVER do you any good, since that enables the enemy to spring you a nasty surprise. many nations have learned that the hard way.
RAW's ineffectiveness stems from the fact that it is not as closely associated with the Indian Army/Navy as is the case with Pakistan's ISI.As pointed out earlier in this thread,never underestimate any 'enemy' agency.The role of RAW in Bangaladesh crisis or its role in creating the first ever links with the Israeli Mossad which is showing its results now cannot be ignored!!.
i think R&AW is too big. it should be cut down to a better size, but nonetheless it is still one of world's most powerful agencies. they have a lot of funding and tech.
RAW needs an overhaul. it is time to chop it into sections, with each section expected to deliver what is required, failure upon which the responsible section will face an inquiry.
the thing with all thing INDIAN...is they have brain...i think the best in the world...what they lack is balls.....

I have trained with Pakistan SSGs and Indian commandos....

but while SSG were serious muth fkers.... , while Indians cmdos had that boy next door kinda attitude.....
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