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RAW hand visible in terrorism

Hes a passive fag aswell..

Politicians must not be driven by emotions, every move is well calculated in the right time under right circumstances. Plus, they don't reveal everything they do to public especially when it comes to the ISI which is one of the most professional spy agency in the world. They know how and when to spank India. ;)
Politicians must not be driven by emotions, every move is well calculated in the right time under right circumstances. Plus, they don't reveal everything they do to public especially when it comes to the ISI which is one of the most professional spy agency in the world. They know how and when to spank India. ;)

Lalay hes pro india... the fag wants "good relations" with india...hes pathetic... infact in the 90s he didnt have balls to test the nukes.. it was after the chief scientists n the "establishment" forced him to do it... hell he was considering to take US AID in return for nothin going ahead with the tests... n got screwed by clinton on kargil issue... n now tht hes in power hes still not creating a commission to review the issue (which he always b..tched about).... i hate zardari but i think if Benazir bhutto would have been a better PM...after the exile she had matured politically....(even though he father broke East wing)
His Wikipedia says otherwise actually. Look, you seem sentimental, and that doesn't work with politicians unless you're looking for messing up Pakistan.

Well wiki is as reliable is a drug addict... im posting the words of the "Father of our nuclear bomb" n other high level officials involved.. as for messing up Pakistan... Bhutto was no exception she handed over the list of sikh militants to indian govt ... tht ended the insurgency.. otherwise the map of india would have been different... we need a politician like Musharaf... even though he did some fuked up things... but overall he was better...

Nawaz Sharif is far from ideal and any one is better than Zardari.
This is how i explain both, in simple words.

Nawaz Sharif has much more eggs and interests, in Pakistan than Zardari but he is an idiot, and people surrounding him are equally incapable.

At the same time, we have witnessed, Nawaz Sharif making progressive efforts... from the day one he assumed power.
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Well wiki is as reliable is a drug addict... im posting the words of the "Father of our nuclear bomb" n other high level officials involved.. as for messing up Pakistan... Bhutto was no exception she handed over the list of sikh militants to indian govt ... tht ended the insurgency.. otherwise the map of india would have been different... we need a politician like Musharaf... even though he did some fuked up things... but overall he was better...

I like Musharaf. However, don't count on weakening your rival only, but work on strengthening yourselves. India has two strong allies as neighbors and foes to India, China and Pakistan, yet it can't go far in playing in the region.
I like Musharaf. However, don't count on weakening your rival only, but work on strengthening yourselves. India has two strong allies as neighbors and foes to India, China and Pakistan, yet it can't go far in playing in the region.

During tht guys tenure our GDP was the fastest growing in the region...
In all seriousness proof should be made public and the we need to show the world the true evil India is.

It saddens me how much death and destruction India have caused in the region.

If there is such a thing a thing as justice then UN will impose sanctions on India once the docs are submitted to UN and a complaint registered.
Bhai I have a Doubt "How long Pakistan keep fooling it people ? Are you serious about India's hand in Terrorism in Pakistan ? Am sure Stable Pakistan is what Indians Want. We really dont need Pakistan at all.So why India want to destabilize Pakistan tell me plz ? WHAT INDIA WILL GAIN BY SENDING TERRORIST TO PAKISTAN ?"
Explosives are being recovered from your transit trucks.. but according to you, its paranoia of Islamist pakiz!
I will accept it if there is no TERRORIST in pakistan. But you all the World's Terrorist . You belive them but Doubt India who dont even want a war with Pakistan . GREAT ! My best advice Sir. Better Pakistan must give up Terrorism . India can help by sending Troop to handle terrorism too. Pakistan is wasting it time with USA and China. Both will betray you at some point in time. When whole world want to do bussiness with INDIA ,Pakistan is just begging with other nations for Money. When India ready to offer a Bussiness by which pak can increase it GDP and Growth. Am telling you again. INDIA NEVER EVER WANT TO FAILED STATE of Pak. We want pakistan to be more developed and stop terrorism. Terrorism is SNAKE.Will bite YOU.
Without evidence its all pep talk, give us the evidence or give a response to India. This is how we will know.
i have seen many pakistani television programs and i can guarantee you that pakistani's paranoia and hysteria about india will remain forever .
Its not Paeanoia or Hysteria of Pak people. But these Politicians,PA ,ISI .They just want to keep fooloing Pakistanis that India will Invade Pakistan. WHICH IS A FOOLISH PROPAGANDA ! You i belive an Indian. U tell me do u have any idea of invading Pakistan ? Today its a nuclear power too . DO you think India will mess its great economy and attempt a Sucide ? THINK PAKISTANIS BROTHERS

Hope Pani Poori Wala arround the corner of ma streat is not the RAW agent who is helping terrorism in Pakistan:omghaha::yay:
For the last ten years why didn't the authorities hang the people who carried out these acts?

Iran hangs collaborators instantly. Jund ullah operative in Iran were hanged.

The state of Pakistan does not want to hold people accountable.
When it is done by the ISI Indians call it terrorism, but when it's RAW, they call it legitimate spy activity.

It is about the impression too.. ;)

So they are keeping strict check on hindu dominated areas :whistle:
What is it with some Pakistanis? They can see a RAW hand but can't see OBL's backside......Selective vision or selective blindness...?
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