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Ravi Kishan-If Muslim countries can have a state religion then so can India.

Yet you're the guy who whines that records of mughal history are too one sided and records of non-mughal history are balanced. The usual sanghee bollocks that Muslims and mughals are "appeased" in the subcontinent.

Bull. We have zilch to be ashamed of. You're not appeasing anyone by acknowledging the real contributions of Muslims/mughals to the subcontinent. You're just being honest historically.

Kya, you want a medal for this magnanimous generosity in terms of historical documentation?

Millions of people around the world accept their predecessors and acknowledge their power even when tinged with brutality. You think Europeans sit and cry because their textbooks mention the Romans and Vikings?

Your position is nothing new around here. Every "secular" and "moderate" Indian eventually falls back on the same victim blaming routine - those naughty mooslems should know we are the big brothers here and they shouldn't dispute our divine wisdom on what history counts and what history doesn't count - naughty!

Indians can't accept history

They want to revise history through a hindutva lense that is based more in hindutva myth then reality

So anything muslim they wish to denounce and degrade

Jinnah and the fathers of Pakistan understood this and it is why they were so adamant that India must be broken
They are very simple. I don't quite get why you find them perplexing.

If Dharma (Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs) had been largely removed from India, then these same Pakistanis would have tom-tommed the Indic past to show how they are distinct and have a glorious past. Much like the Iranian regime does now.

Since the Dharmics exist, since India exists, they cannot claim that history. The Pakistani land has not really produced great rulers and in the one or two cases that it has, they were non-Muslim, which again they eschew because India exists. Therefore they find a cultural anchor in Central Asia and try to borrow or steal the Central Asian's legacy as their own.

Pakistanis are very predictable.

Iranians do take pride on their non-Islamic history. Cyrus and Darius are admired by the Iranians.

I'll let the Pakistanis respond to your other theories
Indians can't accept history

They want to revise history through a hindutva lense that is based more in hindutva myth then reality

So anything muslim they wish to denounce and degrade

Jinnah and the fathers of Pakistan understood this and it is why they were so adamant that India must be broken
This @Robbie fellow is just another straightforward "centrist" from "moderate" "secular" land to our east. No inferiority complex or ptsd whatsoever right?
Iranians do take pride on their non-Islamic history. Cyrus and Darius are admired by the Iranians.

I'll let the Pakistanis respond to your other theories

For the Iranians they fireworshippers were pretty much wiped out.

So they can look at history from a purely historical point of view

Our main enemy is Hindus, I won't even say Indian because underneath it's all about Hindus and the emnity towards them gets in the way of any appreciation of shared history
Yes he is.

They lack education and class.

And you can smell the narrative before you smell them.


What technology?

What warfare?

What tactics?

What knowledge?

You guys were a defeated entity when the British came.

Ergo your "advances" counted for squat to the natives.

Didn’t India have one of the best economies in the world under Mughal rule?
They are very simple. I don't quite get why you find them perplexing.

If Dharma (Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs) had been largely removed from India, then these same Pakistanis would have tom-tommed the Indic past to show how they are distinct and have a glorious past. Much like the Iranian regime does now.

Since the Dharmics exist, since India exists, they cannot claim that history. The Pakistani land has not really produced great rulers and in the one or two cases that it has, they were non-Muslim, which again they eschew because India exists. Therefore they find a cultural anchor in Central Asia and try to borrow or steal the Central Asian's legacy as their own.

Pakistanis are very predictable.
Buddhism is not a Dharmic religion. Where do you even get such a theory? if you think the relationship between Buddhism and Hinduism is like Christianity, Judaism and Islam then you're wrong mate.

Buddhism is unique in its own way. Its not like Hinduism nor Judaism nor Islam nor Christianity nor any other religion.

I am tired of listening to people saying that Hinduism and Buddhism is similar.
For the Iranians they fireworshippers were pretty much wiped out.

So they can look at history from a purely historical point of view

Our main enemy is Hindus, I won't even say Indian because underneath it's all about Hindus and the emnity towards them gets in the way of any appreciation of shared history
Honesty appreciated. It's the modern politics that serves as a roadblock to appreciate history neutrally.
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