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Rather than buying more Arjun tanks, IA to spend billions on T-72

First Arjun has no export potential

Was Never Meant to Export.

secondly its not ready on time

Is Being Delivered in the Required Numbers as we Speak..

and thirdly the so called indegenious projec

Taking Off the shelf components does not mean its NOT Indegenious.
Take any Defence project. and Consider the Economics.

ended up with 90% badly integrated forigen components

Tose Badly Integrated Components Defeated the T-90 !!!

IA is sensible to get the whole package of battle proven tanks from abroad.

IA is getting the Arjuns in Numbers and Has Also Initiated FMBT Projects.
We are NOT Talking abt "Whole Package" Here rather Upgrade vs Arjuns.
Al-Khalid is not a new product. Its a Pakistani variant of Chinese tank. Just like the F7-PG and JF17. You need to keep the whole production numbers in mind rather than of one variant only!
I believe India should focus on importing tanks instead of wasting money developing something that is over its head. Arjun is a great example. Tejas fighter is another example. Why spend so much money on foreign military mainline hardware such as tanks and fighter if India can produce something that its military would want? And why spend so much money produce something if the military won't make a commitment to purchase. In another word, Indian politicians should ensure that whatever India research establishment developed is exactly what the defence establishment required. And the defence department must induct these items in large quantity and be the majority of the defence hardware. For example, India should have buy 1000 Arjun and only 200 T-90 if everything was working normally. Otherwise, India should not waste money develop the next arjun if its military is not sure if it will make the next arjun as its main battle tank.

faithfulguy.... How many Times u Need to be advised to stop acting as an ADVISOR to India ??

ITS Our Money... We Know a Lot about Producing and Spending Money.

Arjun is there in 248.. Ordered.. with FMBT in the Picture to have heritage from Arjun...

LCA is Getting IOC with Huge Possibility of iver 300 Orders... Navy Ordered 40 Already... More than f16s Blk 52 in PAF !!!

There have beein over 250 Orders for Arjun, so Neither its aFailure NOR does ur presumption that "IA Not Interested" in Arjun hold a ground.


The ONE and ONLY Logic that may help u to call Arjun a Failure is the "Number of Units" that have been ordered.

But ... Calm down even The "Successful " Al Khalid has been only Produced 220 in No !!

So That too doesnt Hold here... you cant go by Numbers.

Are u aware of thr Critical Technologies that need to be developed for a Tank ? Even with Imported Parts if it was so easy.. Many nations would have their own MBTs.

So Arjun Success Has resulted to a Superb Confidance in DRDO That has translated to....

1) Arjun does not constitute the majority of the current generation MBT. So from a project stand point, if the tank was not ready in time or it doesn't provide enough confidence to its customer, it has failed. Didn't India start to develop this tank in 1980s.
2)Al Khalid is not really a Pakistani tank. Its just a modification of an existing tank. So Pakistan's investment is limited as compare to India. Also, even though Pakistan only purchased 200, it still constitution the majority of its tank force, itsn't it? As that is the case, the result of the project is more successful as compare to Arjun

Al Khalid = Much smaller investment + shorter development cycle + a majority of its tank force.
Arjun = bigger investment + very long development cycle + make up only a very small minority of the overall tank force.

Even though the quantity is about the same. Its important to look at the investment side of things instead of just the raw number.

3) It definitely not easy to develop any major modern weapon. But if India tried, its military must support its weapons research development. Otherwise, its a waste of tax payer's money.
To the negative Speakers of Arjun,. My Common Answer

Arjun- A Late Tank still In the making, Competed successfully with the best In Indian Arsenal (T-90), Army Now Is cautious Enough not to do the same Mistake which it did by ordering T-90 to Compliment its fleet of T-72 which were Intended to be Fulfilled By the Arjun's, Instead could have chose to Upgrade the T-72's and Given Enough time for Arjuns with a Limited Fleet of T-90's....

Today We hear T-72 Upgrades, Is a Green flag for The Arjun and Future Indian MBT's, as This would Not Only create space for The future Inductions But Also Increase the Fleet's Strength.... T-72 Upgrades are No Waste of Money but a Viable solution for Welcoming Indigenous Productions....
faithfulguy.... How many Times u Need to be advised to stop acting as an ADVISOR to India ??

ITS Our Money... We Know a Lot about Producing and Spending Money.

Arjun is there in 248.. Ordered.. with FMBT in the Picture to have heritage from Arjun...

LCA is Getting IOC with Huge Possibility of iver 300 Orders... Navy Ordered 40 Already... More than f16s Blk 52 in PAF !!!

This is a defence forum and anyone can share their view. Please do not esteem my views as being "an adviser to India" I'm just a bystander share with you what I perceive.

As for money, I'm certain that most Indians, unlike you, would mind if the Indian gov waste their hard earn money.

Also, how come LCA and arjun is so expensive?
1) Arjun does not constitute the majority of the current generation MBT. So from a project stand point, if the tank was not ready in time or it doesn't provide enough confidence to its customer, it has failed. Didn't India start to develop this tank in 1980s.

Gap Filling Measures are Taken .. and thats why T90 is there.
We are NOT preparing for war .. that we need 2000 Tanks in a month.

By 2020 u shall see the No. of ARJUN's and Its Successors Dominating the IA.

ARJUN Defeated T-90.. what else Confidance can u Think of ?

2)Al Khalid is not really a Pakistani tank. Its just a modification of an existing tank. So Pakistan's investment is limited as compare to India. Also, even though Pakistan only purchased 200, it still constitution the majority of its tank force, itsn't it? As that is the case, the result of the project is more successful as compare to Arjun

Al Khalid = Much smaller investment + shorter development cycle + a majority of its tank force.
Arjun = bigger investment + very long development cycle + make up only a very small minority of the overall tank force.

Even though the quantity is about the same. Its important to look at the investment side of things instead of just the raw number.

Look at Ur History of Developemnt of Tanks. Arjun was the First Time India ever designed an MBT. Just Like ur own History is NOT abnormal to SPEND MORE or GET LATE ... as in case of Many Technologies be it Tanks in China.. F22/F35 in US ... or Bulava in Russia ....

The FIRST efforts do need More Synergy.

3) It definitely not easy to develop any major modern weapon. But if India tried, its military must support its weapons research development. Otherwise, its a waste of tax payer's money.

Thats why They Ordered Arjun and WANT FMBT.. from the Same DRDO that gave them the Superb ARJUN.
Gap Filling Measures are Taken .. and thats why T90 is there.
We are NOT preparing for war .. that we need 2000 Tanks in a month.

By 2020 u shall see the No. of ARJUN's and Its Successors Dominating the IA.

ARJUN Defeated T-90.. what else Confidance can u Think of ?

Look at Ur History of Developemnt of Tanks. Arjun was the First Time India ever designed an MBT. Just Like ur own History is NOT abnormal to SPEND MORE or GET LATE ... as in case of Many Technologies be it Tanks in China.. F22/F35 in US ... or Bulava in Russia ....

The FIRST efforts do need More Synergy.

Thats why They Ordered Arjun and WANT FMBT.. from the Same DRDO that gave them the Superb ARJUN.

F-22 and F-35 and Abram didn't take as long as its Indian counter part. 2ndly, the US weaponry are more advance weapons that no one has ever attempted. Arjun, though its a fully designed tank from the ground up, has capabilities that other tanks have achieved a long while back. Also, develop Arjun is more like systems integration of components from various places. The person who put things together must do a better job of getting the components.

Finally, its ok to admit that India dropped the ball. So now you are saying that India buy 1K+ T-90 as a stop gap measure???? This many number of tanks is more of a no confidence message to arjun than a stop gap measure. Considering the total order size for Arjun is less than 1/4 of the "stop gap tank"
F-22 and F-35 and Abram didn't take as long as its Indian counter part. 2ndly, the US weaponry are more advance weapons that no one has ever attempted. Arjun, though its a fully designed tank from the ground up, has capabilities that other tanks have achieved a long while back. Also, develop Arjun is more like systems integration of components from various places. The person who put things together must do a better job of getting the components.

Finally, its ok to admit that India dropped the ball. So now you are saying that India buy 1K+ T-90 as a stop gap measure???? This many number of tanks is more of a no confidence message to arjun than a stop gap measure. Considering the total order size for Arjun is less than 1/4 of the "stop gap tank"

You seem to have some problem in understanding a few very simople lines..T-90 was a stop gap measure because when the pakistanis had purchased T-84 ud we had nothing comparable..the Arjun at that time was far from being termed as a complete tank beacuse of the glithches that was the learning curvature..Indian Army would have not waited for years for the successful completion of the project..so it went ahead and purchased the T-90...that dint mean that our scientists were not capable enough we had trust in them and that is why arjun project never faced anybig problem in terms of funds..end product ATE THE T-90 ALIVE AND NOW WE KNOW WHO'S THE BIG DADDY that is worth all the money.criticism,and what not...if our first indigenous tank after all the years of development can defeat a russian badass in the glare of full media attention which has always opposed our desi boy then iam not even asking what the Arjun mk2 and FMBT will do..

Now with the main tech learned and mastered its time we make other variants in tranches and variants will be walking abreast with the best tech available on the planet,joint ventures to reduce the time frame,share the funds and dominate international market:cheers: i hope u now understand what we have been trying explain to you:toast_sign::yahoo::D
Alkhalid MBT= New engine,New transmission,Major modifications,BMS,Rahber warning,Newer jamming systems,UAV feed,NBC,New thermal imager nd sights... can fire all types of ammo inculding a Pakistani DU round Niaza....
modified one with a bigger warhead),Sparrow(again modified warhead)... vuses Kombat(New FC and related systems,new configuration etc etc... Took 10 years for HIT to make(based on Chinese Type 90II..
No confirmation about the numbers of the tanks in service rumoured number is 220 coz of inflation....Also a new tank(under development) is said to make the back bone of Pak Armour!
Another variant AK-I already in service(not much is known about it)...
Another Tank under deveopment.
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Alkhalid MBT= New engine,New transmission,Major modifications,BMS,Rahber warning,Newer jamming systems,UAV feed,NBC,New thermal imager nd sights... can fire all types of ammo inculding a Pakistani DU round Niaza....
modified one with a bigger warhead),Sparrow(again modified warhead)... vuses Kombat(New FC and related systems,new configuration etc etc... Took 10 years for HIT to make(based on Chinese Type 96..
No confirmation about the numbers of the tanks in service rumoured number is 220 coz of inflation....Also a new tank(under development) is said to make the back bone of Pak Armour!
Another variant AK-I already in service(not much is known about it)...
Another Tank under deveopment.

Rumours and rumours when pakistani's can thump thier chest so hard on rumours ..think giving some respect to something which has confirmed reports:azn:
upgrading the Type2000 tothe current standard took your nation 10 flat years and you curse the Arjun project which has been developed from scratch:woot::) fair:no:

lets see what makes the arjun a lethal platform in its current avatar:
current arjun mk1 has a combat radio net ie an encrypted frequency hopping radio based battle managment system with the help of which arjun tanks can actaully talk to each other,the mk2 version will give it a more potent hunter killer capability as the squad of arjun will be able to share information and the status of thier tanks amonst themself,not just this they will be able to take the feed from UAV's also..this is a network system at its best.
the first kill probability of arjun is alredy above 90% and this is a very well established fact
LAHAT Missile gives it a killing punch it can destroy any oponent from a maximum of 8 km

best indian and isreali electronic input goes in arjun,electronics equipment which can detect mines:woot:

THE T-72 uses ERA tiles which were actually made for arjun by DRDO..the abhay ICV uses the kanchan armour

ARJUN had taken direct hit from t-90(ap round) and passed,if one wants kill this beast you will have to destroy its track or pray that the crew somehow swtiches off its electronics or hit it with something like a milan from less ten 200 mtrs repeatedly.How can i say all this!! well these are the words of the officers who operate it,you all must be remembering a third party was called in to evaluate ARJUN,the party was isreali.and they had gone back home stunned after witnessing ARJUNS performance..Arjun uses certain electronics that are onboard the isreali Merkeva AND Abrhams tanks,used for detection of mines, the army wants a mix of both tank now.thermal imagner of the arjun tank was something which gives it a cut above,the ergonomics inside the tank is also very good crew comfort is such taht even a russian operator would shed tears of joy...........thier is a self diagnsotic system which tells you if the arjun is well or not,not just this it tells you about the problem area too.this kind of tech is currently used in abrahams and merkeva 4,the main gun of arjun beats merkeva anyday,these are just not my words its what the isrealis had to say who are working on it according to then Arjun's rifled gun is an accidentle find by us.Arjun passed direct hits from t-90 AP rounds, it passed fragmented top attack munitions,guys there is alot more then what meets the eye,
and o ground it has eaten the T-90 alive:lol::D:partay:
Alkhalid MBT= New engine,New transmission,Major modifications,BMS,Rahber warning,Newer jamming systems,UAV feed,NBC,New thermal imager nd sights... can fire all types of ammo inculding a Pakistani DU round Niaza....
modified one with a bigger warhead),Sparrow(again modified warhead)... vuses Kombat(New FC and related systems,new configuration etc etc... Took 10 years for HIT to make(based on Chinese Type 96..
No confirmation about the numbers of the tanks in service rumoured number is 220 coz of inflation....Also a new tank(under development) is said to make the back bone of Pak Armour!
Another variant AK-I already in service(not much is known about it)...
Another Tank under deveopment.

The Arjun tank uses the indigenously
designed and developed ‘Kanchan’
composite armor which is designed to
provide protection superior to similar
amour on other tanks. The ‘Kanchan’
amour has been successfully tested
against fire from APFSDS, HEAT and
HESH ammunitions.

The integrated fire and explosion
suppression system aboard Arjun is
state-of-the-art technology with infrared
detectors, that can detect and
suppress hydro-carbon fuel/explosion
within 200 milliseconds in the crew
compartment and within 15 seconds in
the engine compartment. Arjun uses the Halon fire extinguishing system,
similar to the one in the Abrams MBT,
which can automatically activate
within 2 milliseconds of either a flash
or a fire. The tank also has protection
against nuclear, biological and
chemical weapons.
However, the specialty of the tank lies
in its battlefield management system
(BMS) which facilitates tactical
command as well as control and
communications between one tank
and the rest of the team. A touch
screen BMS for quick access, and an
integrated Global Positioning System,
enhances the efficiency of the tanks.
Like most tanks in this category, the
Arjun tank also accommodates four
crew members. While a three member
crew with autoloaders could have
increased the rate of fire from the
currently 6-8 rounds/minute, a four
member crew helps the crew to
undertake more maintenance related
work with less fatigue.
Finally, the indigenously developed
hydro-pneumatic suspension provides
excellent crew comfort that prevents
fatigue despite extended runs.
The Arjun tank uses the indigenously

The integrated fire and explosion
suppression system aboard Arjun is
state-of-the-art technology with infrared
detectors, that can detect and
suppress hydro-carbon fuel/explosion
within 200 milliseconds in the crew
compartment and within 15 seconds in
the engine compartment. Arjun uses the Halon fire extinguishing system,
similar to the one in the Abrams MBT,
which can automatically activate
within 2 milliseconds of either a flash
or a fire. The tank also has protection
against nuclear, biological and
chemical weapons.
However, the specialty of the tank lies
in its battlefield management system
(BMS) which facilitates tactical
command as well as control and
communications between one tank
and the rest of the team. A touch
screen BMS for quick access, and an
integrated Global Positioning System,
enhances the efficiency of the tanks.
Like most tanks in this category, the
Arjun tank also accommodates four
crew members. While a three member
crew with autoloaders could have
increased the rate of fire from the
currently 6-8 rounds/minute, a four
member crew helps the crew to
undertake more maintenance related
work with less fatigue.
Finally, the indigenously developed
hydro-pneumatic suspension provides
excellent crew comfort that prevents
fatigue despite extended runs.

U wanna compaire AK with aj?
Search PDF threads for tht purpose... im sure u will be delighted.
Its based on the rejected T-90II model.
new gun,design,engine,jamers,BMS,positioning system,warning system,imagery systems,thermal imagery systems,side skirts, fire-control system, sensors, IBMS, side-skirts, track pads, auto-loader ... etc Making it a brand new tank!

A development deal was signed with Pakistan in January 1990.[6] Initial Chinese-built prototypes were tested in Pakistan in August 1991. Pakistan spent more than US$20 million over the next ten years on the co-development of a model suitable for their needs . Lt Gen Hamid Javed as Director General of Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) and Brigadier (now Major General) Mohammad Asaad supervised the project. The design team modified the tank.Operated by a crew of three and armed with a 125 mm smooth-bore tank gun that is reloaded automatically, the tank uses a modern fire-control system integrated with night-fighting equipment and is capable of firing many types of anti-tank rounds as well as guided anti-tank missiles(Modified KOMBAT,Modified Snipper,Spparow).
An evolution of Chinese and Soviet tanks, the design is considerably smaller and lighter than most Western main battle tanks. It is based on the Chinese Type 90-II, which combined technologies from several Soviet/western tanks.
The Al-Khalid is unusual in that it is was designed to be adaptable for manufacture, so that it can be easily integrated with a variety of foreign engines and transmissions. The current production variant of Al-Khalid utilises a diesel engine supplied by the KMDB design bureau of Ukraine. The first production models entered service with the Pakistan Army in 2001 and there are plans to induct approximately 600 in total.
In 2006 a U.S.-based market/special research organisation reported findings showing that the Al-Khalid, along with two other MBTs, would account for nearly 45% of all new MBTs built until 2015.
Already sold to Morrocco,peru etc.
Al-Khalid is designed with a 125 mm (length: 48 calibers) smoothbore, auto-frettaged and chrome-plated gun barrel which can fire the following types of conventional ammunition: APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS. Unlike a common belief that the gun is Chinese, it was later changed to a modified variant of KBA-3 series of 125 mm smooth bore gun for Al-khalid mbt which provided compatibility with Ukrainian ATGMs such as Kombat. Gun-launched, laser-guided anti-tank guided missiles can also be launched and two types are believed to be in use on the Al-Khalid, the Russian-designed 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper produced in China under licence and the Ukrainian-designed Kombat,[16] which may have been modified in Pakistan to incorporate a larger warhead.[17]

Al-Khalid also fires a Pakistani DU round, the Naiza 125 mm DU round (armor penetration: 550 mm in RHA at 2 km).[18] Al-Khalid is equipped with a muzzle reference system and dual-axis stabilization system. Elevation and azimuth control is achieved by electro-hydraulic power drives. The automatic ammunition-handling system for the main gun has a 24-round ready-to-fire magazine and can load and fire at a rate of eight rounds per minute.[19]

The tank is also equipped with a 7.62 mm-coaxial machine gun, a 12.7 mm externally-mounted air-defence machine gun that can be aimed/fired from within the tank and smoke grenade launchers.

The gunner is provided with a dual magnification day sight and the commander with a panoramic sight for all-around independent surveillance. Both sights are dual-axis image stabilized and have independent laser range-finders. The commander has the ability to acquire a target independently while the gunner is engaging another one thus giving it true hunter-killer capability. The automatic target-tracking system is designed to work when tank and target are both moving. Night vision for the gunner and commander is achieved through a dual-magnification thermal imaging sight. Both sights are integrated with the fire-control system.[19] The production Al-Khalid tank has a fire-control system of western origin. In the MBT 2000, the Chinese Norinco fire-control system has inputs from ten sensors. The ballistic computation time is less than one second. The manufacturer claims routine first round hits on standard 8 ft (2.4 m) square targets at ranges over 2,000 meters.

Effective range: 200 m to 7,000 m
Sensor: laser ranging from 200 m to 9,990 m
French Auto-tracking, interfaced with gunner station, firing four types of munitions, gunner's thermal imaging sight, commander's image intensification night vision sight, gyro-stabilized and UPS power supply system.
Although prototypes were demonstrated with various fire-control systems of Chinese and western origin, the production model Al-Khalid MBTs use a Western fire-control system (FCS) and gun control system (GCS).[7]

The tank is equipped with the "Integrated Battlefield Management System" (IBMS), named 'Rehbar', a digital communications system developed domestically by HIT and CARE (Centre for Advanced Research in Engineering). [20] It comprises a flat-screen display mounted inside the tank which communicates with those of other vehicles, including command posts such as the HIT Sakb. It uses a data-link to facilitate secure communication of battlefield information between units, including tank video footage and information from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).[17]

[edit] Mobility
The production model Al-Khalid is powered by a 6TD-2 liquid-cooled diesel engine, designed by the Kharkiv Morozov Design Bureau (KMDB) of Ukraine. The 6TD-2 is a supercharged 6-cylinder engine delivering 1,200 horsepower. The 2-stroke design, with the pistons arranged horizontally in an opposed piston configuration, makes the engine very compact and therefore more suitable for being fitted into relatively small vehicles such as the Al-Khalid MBT.[21]

The 6TD-2 engine drives a French-designed hydro-mechanical automatic transmission, the SESM ESM500, also fitted to the Leclerc MBT. Capable of manual and fully automatic power-shifting, the transmission has 5 forward and 2 reverse speeds along with a braking system that incorporates carbon friction brakes and a secondary speed-retarding system. Gear shifts are controlled by a torque converter which is made more efficient by addition of an automatic lock-up clutch. There is also a mechanical back-up system for use in emergencies, able to shift 2 gears forward and reverse.

The suspension consists of torsion bars, hydraulic dampers and buffers, who's role is to provide a stable firing platform while the tank is moving at speed over rough terrain and as smooth a ride as possible to reduce crew fatigue. The tracks are mounted on six dual wheels with rubber tyres, a drive sprocket at the rear and an idler at the front. They are protected by side skirts, the forward sections of which can be fitted with explosive reactive armour, and track wear is reduced by replaceable rubber track pads.[3]

The Al-Khalid is fairly lightweight by Western standards, weighing 46 tonnes compared to the 60 tonne M1 Abrams and Leopard 2.[22] A power-to-weight ratio of 26.66 hp/tonne gives acceleration from 0 to 32 km/h (0 to 20 mph) in 10 seconds and a maximum speed of 70 km/h, the speed and agility also helping to improve survivability.[3][22]

A snorkel allows the tank to cross water obstacles up to 5 meters deep, after some preparation by the crew. Navigation is assisted by an inertial navigation system (INS) and a GPS satellite navigation system.

[edit] Protection
Al-Khalid has modular composite armour and explosive reactive armour, nuclear-biological-chemical defences, an effective thermal smoke generator, internal fire extinguisher and explosion-suppression system. The infra-red signature of the tank is reduced by infra-red reflective paint.[3] Al-Khalid 1 is equipped with a newly developed indigenous ERA which is not only light weight, but also more resistant to APFSDS, HEAT and HE-FS rounds. ERA is developed by Global Industries and Defense Solutions (GIDS) Corporation. [23] Al-Khalid is also equipped with an Active protection system known as VARTA (guards) which is a Ukrainian modification of Russian Shtora APS system. HIT is also working on an indigenous APS system for future batches especially for Al-Khalid 2.

An advanced laser detection system from Al Technique Corporation (ATCOP) is present, the ATCOP LTS 1 laser threat warning system developed by Institute of Industrial Control Systems.[24] LTS 1 consists of a mast-mounted sensor and operator's control box, which includes a display showing threats 360 degrees around the tank. It can detect laser rangefinders and laser target designators as well as respond automatically by triggering acoustic alarms, smoke generators and other countermeasure systems. LTS 1 can detect laser devices operating in the 0.8 to 1.06 µm waveband, has a 360° field of view in azimuth (resolution of 15°) and a field of view in elevation of -15° to +90°. Operating voltage is 12 V or 24 V DC nominal with power consumption being 8 W nominal. The sensor head is 165 mm in diameter and 35 mm high while the control box is 80 x 130 x 55 mm in size. Laser Threat sensor LTS786P is an early warning device which gives audio and visual alarms of threat by sensing a laser beam aimed at it from any direction. The exact location of the threat (in-coming beam) is indicated by nine LEDs, covering all directions above horizon. It has the capability to differentiate between a laser Range Finder, Laser Target Designator or a Laser Target Tracker Signal. In addition, provision of sensor output signal, interfacing for appropriate counter-measures, is also available. It can be used on stationary or moving objects of any size or shape. Maximum operating Range is 10 km.


Response: Enhanced for Nd:YAG Laser Signal

Range: >10,000 m

Field of view: Capable of detecting any signal aimed towards LTS786P.

Detector type: Silicon Photodiode

Size (approx): 214 x 134 mm (sensor Head)

126 x 123 x 100 mm (Display Unit)

Weight 2 kg (sensor Head) (Approx): 1 kg (Display Unit)

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:45 PM ----------

Al-Khalid I – Upgraded variant. Ammunition capacity increased to 49 125 mm rounds, 1,500 12.7 mm rounds and 7,100 7.62 mm rounds.[1] Incorporates modifications made to the fire-control system, sensors, IBMS, side-skirts, track pads, auto-loader (rate of fire increased to 9 rounds per minute), Ukrainian Varta electro-optical jammer (disrupts laser rangefinders, laser designators and anti-tank guided missile tracking systems), Sagem third-generation thermal imagers and improved air conditioning system
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