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Rapping for freedom and the end of communism in Vietnam

Syrian style civil war coming ?
I´m VERY disappointed by your comment.

How can a civil war arise when there is only one political power ruling in Vietnam: the VCP?
Again, there is no political competition, no opposition, no future revolutionary change of the government form in sight. the army is loyal to the government, to the party, to the people. how can Vietnam clip into civil war? it is ridiculous.

Along with your lovely country Taiwan, Vietnam has NO ethnic unrests, NO separarism, NO radical muslims, NOR terrorism that our neighbors suffer like China, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. the overseas vietnamese want Vietnam to prosper, becomes rich and mighty. not chaos. I would bet on the return of dinosaurs on earth than a civil war.
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I´m VERY disappointed by your comment.

How can a civil war arise when there is only one political power ruling in Vietnam: the VCP?
Again, there is no political competition, no opposition, no future revolutionary change of the government form in sight. the army is loyal to the government, to the party, to the people. how can Vietnam clip into civil war? it is ridiculous.

Along with your lovely country Taiwan, Vietnam has NO ethnic unrests, NO separarism, NO radical muslims, NOR terrorism that our neighbors suffer like China, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. the overseas vietnamese want Vietnam to prosper, becomes rich and mighty. not chaos. I would bet on the return of dinosaurs on earth than a civil war.
Infact, They r so worry to see VN & US strengthen the containment around them, and some deal like TPP will put and end to their economic miracle and bring chaos to CN when its economy get worse :pop:
Recently was released an interesting film about the actions of Soviet spies (GRU) in Vietnam.
"The Soldier - Unter falscher Flagge" 2014.
have you seen the film? if good, I will buy it.

There are many guys in the south VN that consider themselves invaded and slaved by northern VN..
So that is why they want foreign power to free them from North VN
where do you get such bullshit? amazing: so many chinese brainwashed boys today :rofl:
Infact, They r so worry to see VN & US strengthen the containment around them, and some deal like TPP will put and end to their economic miracle and bring chaos to CN when its economy get worse :pop:
WOW . Sound like TPP is as powerful as Nuke weapon . You guys can end our economic miracle via TPP .
You got pretty angry today...
Though your angry makes no sense..

have you seen the film? if good, I will buy it.
where do you get such bullshit? amazing: so many chinese brainwashed boys today :rofl:
Infact, They r so worry to see VN & US strengthen the containment around them, and some deal like TPP will put and end to their economic miracle and bring chaos to CN when its economy get worse :pop:
yes, I see and sense fear in their eyes and voice :D

You got pretty angry today...
Though your angry makes no sense..
no I´m not. just amusing on how many chinese and indo members here behalve like shaken chicken.
Vietnam War II, Vietnamese Exiles I meet are pretty nasty even worse than the Cuban exiles, they wouldn't hesitate to help overthrow the current government even by arms.
ha ha ha... can you tell me whom or groups you met? what does a taiwanese with the viets? :azn:

even the most radical exile viet group "viet tan" does not promote violence of any means. many of our people critize the government for the appeasement policy towards china.
[HuTE="hans, post: 7106884, member: 161885"]There are many guys in the south VN that consider themselves invaded and slaved by northern VN..
So that is why they want foreign power to free them from North VN[/QUOTE]

Huh. .........I thought your Chinese brother on here @FairAndUnbiased said south Vietnamese resented the south Vietnamese government while supporting /begging for the saint/ incorruptible Vietcong government to rule them.. Lool so which one is it finally ? :undecided: seems the Vietcong invaded the south vietnamese afterall . :angel:

ha ha ha... can you tell me whom or groups you met? what does a taiwanese with the viets? :azn:

even the most radical exile viet group "viet tan" does not promote violence of any means. many of our people critize the government for the appeasement policy towards china.
Well as i said, the vcp owes their being in power thanks to the Chinese and Soviets in the first place. Moreover they have always followed their commie big brother in the north but by their policies, political and economic reforms, ideologically etc . So despite the fact that they are hard pressed by their people to be more tough towards the chinese, they reticently act tough, while trying as much as possible to avoid taking things too far, since they know some Vietnamese might use the opportunity to not only challenge their policy towards China, but even call on the legitimacy of the vcp itself. So it's a very delicate game for the VCP.

That's one reason I think the vcp wont really ever be a U. s ally unfortunately, since they are too scared /don't trust the U. S as they fear the U. S might use any opportunity /opening to undermine their rule (maybe they are right, maybe not) , so they will always keep a distance from fully allying with the U.S. though they will also cooperate with the U. s on issues they think will be of mutual interests to both sites. So it's for this reason i understand why Chinese members here are 'worried ' for Vietnam and the VCP. For them they are by farrrr the lesser of two evils. LOL:chilli::D
I´m VERY disappointed by your comment.

How can a civil war arise when there is only one political power ruling in Vietnam: the VCP?
Again, there is no political competition, no opposition, no future revolutionary change of the government form in sight. the army is loyal to the government, to the party, to the people. how can Vietnam clip into civil war? it is ridiculous.

Along with your lovely country Taiwan, Vietnam has NO ethnic unrests, NO separarism, NO radical muslims, NOR terrorism that our neighbors suffer like China, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. the overseas vietnamese want Vietnam to prosper, becomes rich and mighty. not chaos. I would bet on the return of dinosaurs on earth than a civil war.

I have to say, this is not a bad thread to read in a very boring day where there is nothing useful to do. On the other hand, Its a good opportunity to see the sadistic expressions of the human mind.

Its funny to see a whole bunch of chinese / indonesian members talking about the internal situation of Vietnam with such strong views even that they have never even been there, but they still pretend to know it better than the vietnamese themselves.

As a foreigner living in Vietnam, I feel I have a decent feel for what's going on here and I can say that there is not even a 1% chance of civil war in Vietnam or the country separating again. The Viets have been there already, they have no interest in doing it again. They have their differences with the government. but they are Viets first, they are not going to bring the house down. The overseas vietnamese have zero political influence in the country and have no capability to change anything. Only the old guard of the overseas vietnamese have an score to settle. The new generation is open minded and do not harbor such feelings.

Furthermore, these chinese / indonesian members don't have a clue about how good the security machine of Vietnam works, Its second to none, the government have a very strong handle of the situation, they know what's going on and who is doing what. They don't miss anything. Its very difficult to go against that.

Also, the government does not trust USA, Its an alliance of convenience, they are very mindful of how USA operates and they know very well how the mechanism of color revolutions work. Zero chance of color revolution happening in Vietnam, PERIOD.

To those chinese / indonesian members that never miss a chance to jump in and express their hate, that desire a civil war or a flood of refugee boats, go ahead, keep daydreaming, I guess you have nothing better to do in your useless life. Cheers.
I have to say, this is not a bad thread to read in a very boring day where there is nothing useful to do. On the other hand, Its a good opportunity to see the sadistic expressions of the human mind.

Its funny to see a whole bunch of chinese / indonesian members talking about the internal situation of Vietnam with such strong views even that they have never even been there, but they still pretend to know it better than the vietnamese themselves.

As a foreigner living in Vietnam, I feel I have a decent feel for what's going on here and I can say that there is not even a 1% chance of civil war in Vietnam or the country separating again. The Viets have been there already, they have no interest in doing it again. They have their differences with the government. but they are Viets first, they are not going to bring the house down. The overseas vietnamese have zero political influence in the country and have no capability to change anything. Only the old guard of the overseas vietnamese have an score to settle. The new generation is open minded and do not harbor such feelings.

Furthermore, these chinese / indonesian members don't have a clue about how good the security machine of Vietnam works, Its second to none, the government have a very strong handle of the situation, they know what's going on and who is doing what. They don't miss anything. Its very difficult to go against that.

Also, the government does not trust USA, Its an alliance of convenience, they are very mindful of how USA operates and they know very well how the mechanism of color revolutions work. Zero chance of color revolution happening in Vietnam, PERIOD.

To those chinese / indonesian members that never miss a chance to jump in and express their hate, that desire a civil war or a flood of refugee boats, go ahead, keep daydreaming, I guess you have nothing better to do in your useless life. Cheers.

useless life?


so you have fallen low too
WOW . Sound like TPP is as powerful as Nuke weapon . You guys can end our economic miracle via TPP .
Did u see how effective of the US's support to Myanmar to bomb & shell to your land day after day ??

The exit door for CN in Myanmar is closing now, and one more exit door for communist CN will be closed in VN, no more communist brothers wt u when we join the US's side :pop:
Yep, even VN. Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap said:" if NVA confront wt US Army directly, we will be wiped out in just 2 hours". We kicked US out of VN mostly bcz our guerrilla tactic and our air defense system was so effective against US while most of our large-scale operations were lost.

Right, they should look at the mirror and laught at themselves first, US dont need to wait for 'color revolt' happen in Indones, if they want, they (US) can wiped Indones army in just 2 hours.

USA did before to try to separate us:

Action against rebellions (1950–1961)

B-25 Mitchell bombers of the AURI in the 1950s

Political instability meant that the Indonesian Air Force saw action against several regional rebellions in Indonesia such as PRRI,Permesta, Darul Islam-Tentara Islam Indonesia (DI/TII) and the Republic of South Maluku separatists.

Several Indonesian pilots scored their first kills, including Captain Ignatius Dewanto with his North American P-51 Mustang, who in 1958 shot down a Permesta Douglas B-26 Invader over Ambon. Its pilot, Allen Pope, an American CIA agent, was captured and tried in Jakarta, thus revealing the significant involvement of the CIA's "Operation Haik" in the rebellion.

The most famous Indonesian fighter pilot in this era was Rusmin Nurjadin, who became Chief of the Air Staff from 1966–69. Nurjadin commanded MiG-21 squadrons in 1962–65 and founded an acrobatic team in 1962 that flew the MiG-17F/PF Fresco over some cities in Indonesia. Small numbers of Indonesian Air Force pilots gained their reputation as aces in this era.

Indonesian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
USA did before to try to separate us:

Action against rebellions (1950–1961)

B-25 Mitchell bombers of the AURI in the 1950s

Political instability meant that the Indonesian Air Force saw action against several regional rebellions in Indonesia such as PRRI,Permesta, Darul Islam-Tentara Islam Indonesia (DI/TII) and the Republic of South Maluku separatists.

Several Indonesian pilots scored their first kills, including Captain Ignatius Dewanto with his North American P-51 Mustang, who in 1958 shot down a Permesta Douglas B-26 Invader over Ambon. Its pilot, Allen Pope, an American CIA agent, was captured and tried in Jakarta, thus revealing the significant involvement of the CIA's "Operation Haik" in the rebellion.

The most famous Indonesian fighter pilot in this era was Rusmin Nurjadin, who became Chief of the Air Staff from 1966–69. Nurjadin commanded MiG-21 squadrons in 1962–65 and founded an acrobatic team in 1962 that flew the MiG-17F/PF Fresco over some cities in Indonesia. Small numbers of Indonesian Air Force pilots gained their reputation as aces in this era.

Indonesian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US feel enough to seperate Indos wt Malay-Sing-East Timor. Indos brings No harm to US in Mallaca strait now.

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