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Rape threads

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make a sticky and take away the 'feel good' factor for anti India trolls to post a new headline every time.

Aint gonna happen, a sticky thread doesnt hold that psychological advantage like as to see a brand new thread opened every now and then... hence rejected.
I want that word (rape) back in the banned topic list.
Why was that word "rape" edited out from banned topic list??
I am sure I will never get a reply.
I know the word was edited out very recently for I have been visiting that thread (on banned topic list) since long.

Toilet is in banned list, does that made any difference?
make a sticky and take away the 'feel good' factor for anti India trolls to post a new headline every time.
Afaik till sometime back there used to be a sticky thread about rapes in senior's cafe.

Toilet is in banned list, does that made any difference?
Yes, at times it does help to frighten a new troll by showing him /her the list of banned topic list.
I've done that many times.
Lolz.. look how many threads opened about the same complaint...Do you really expect anything gonna change?
Afaik till sometime back there used to be a sticky thread about rapes in senior's cafe.

Seniors dissapointed as they couldn't elevate themselves to the level of some newbees.

Hence the change of rule.
Afaik till sometime back there used to be a sticky thread about rapes in senior's cafe.

I am not aware of that, if it was on seniors cafe that wont serve the purpose, because the multiple id trolls and trolls open Id's just to troll wont be able to post there, and they will keep opening threads in every section.......

I was shocked to see a member opened same thread in 2 sections with in span of 1 minute.... What could be the purpose?
Lolz.. look how many threads opened about the same complaint...Do you really expect anything gonna change?

Atleast we can see some of the rape thread lovers coming later in this thread and calling Indians whining people , butthurt people etc.... Is nt that fun?o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
Seems management is confused. :lol:

To embarrass the Indian members....Or so they think.

That is why i felt this should be looked in to by management...... That is when i started searching for threads.... and look at the number of threads opened in 2 days!!!!!!!!
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