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Rape of Muslim women in Kashmir by Indian Army

How many times you been there to ascertain the authenticity of such reports ?
Btw I know the situation on ground which is no where close to as it is being portrayed by OP to score over the plight of Indians....
Rest you can beat drum of atrocity on Kashmiri ppl till eternity .....
Same events happening in Nagaland and Assam as depicted from own Indian media, the inhuman acts whether happen in India or Pak should be condemned instead of suppressing truth. Same tactics were used by US army in Iraq.
Yes it takes a close and precious shot at soft spot to kill a person,most of persons killed using pellets,there bodies are riddled with hundreds of pellets.So,it's not like that.If these protesters were left without use of force on first day,it would have died first week.Protest start for first killed,soon after changed into for another one killed during protests and that continued increasing kill count.

Hmm a correction a single pellet capsule contains well over 500 them. Which is more than enough to neutralise's a person. Both the security forces and protesters are to be blamed in this case. But the major weight of the issue lies on the shoulders of current J & K government for gravely mishandling the situation. Unlike Mehbooba Mufti, if Mr. Mufti Mohammad Sayeed were alive and C.M now, the situation would have been under control long back. :(
Militants snatch five rifles from cops in south Kashmir

An official said the militants attacked the guards posted at a Low Power Transmitter station of public service broadcaster Doordarshan in Dalvash village late Sunday night.


Militants snatch five rifles from cops in south Kashmir

Militants snatched five rifles from TV tower guards in south Kashmir's Anantnag district, police said on Monday. An official said the militants attacked the guards posted at a Low Power Transmitter

Naveed Zaman Indian State Terrorism in Kashmir You talk about Rape? Let me remind you about a nation called Kashmir. Women of whole village was raped in front of their men. Women, girls, mothers, sisters nobody was spared. They resisted but torture was the reaction of oppressor. There was a woman whose life was ruined by electric shocks in her private parts. You talk about humanity? There was a bride in a village. It was her wedding day. Beasts ruined her life. She and her aunt was raped by BSF....but wait, they are for security....so do not shout, do not protest you terrorists. You talk about injustice? There was a brother who was kept on gunpoint by army, and two of his sisters were raped in next room.....he said i was hearing cries of sisters and laughs of beasts...But, it wasn't "DELHI" though You talk about Rights? There was a 9th standard girl...all innocent and childish, her cloths were torn and kept naked for days....yes, by security forces....so shhhh...dont say a word There was a village where they treated females as hurd of animals..... There was a mother, a sister who went to fields, all happy.... alas they came back on four shoulders, fell prey to the lust of beasts... But bodies were drowned, stressfull allegations.. plans by ISI, suicides, probes, cross border terrorism, Pakistan Hence proved..... Rape is a myth, nothing ever happened.... Damini ( rape victim ) was lucky that world went on rampage to share her pain. when Aasiya And Nelofar ( rape victims ) of Kashmir were raped nobody uttered a word. More than 9000 women have been raped in Kashmir alone. Corrupt government officials and police rapists roam free yet women fear for their honor and lives.

Naveed Zaman Kashmiri's are terrorists. Yes, of course, we are, because we have been through : Islamabad 15/05/1994: One women was tied with ropes against a tree and she was raped in presence of her minor children at Manigah, Qazigund. Kupwara 14/5/94: Three ladies raped, during crackdown operations in the house of Shah Khan. Pulwama 3/2/1994: Army rapes eight ladies . Srinagar 16/2/1994: The forces molested 4 ladies during crackdown operations. Badgham 12/08/1991: 4 ladies raped by the forces during search operations. Sopore 22/6/1990 : A young girl forcibly made nude, assaulted and compelled to make a nude parade in the village. During this process, Army Personal were scratching flesh from her nude body.How can we forget our sisters of Kunan Pashpora and Aasiya Neelofar

By Eric Margolis

If Pakistan was not created, not only would a beautiful race of people not exist but the indians would be doing FAR FAR worst things to us than the above and what the Israelis do to the Palestinians. No matter what anyone says, always thank ALLAH swt for Pakistan and that our fate is not the same as the Kashmiri's, Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, Syrianis and Libyans.
Please compare the pellet guns with the following :-
1. Lathi Charge
2. AK 47
3. Mortar Fire
4. Artillery Fire
5. Tanks
6. JF 17 bombings
7. F 16 bombings
They are compareable to..
2.Bombings Markets,Places of worship.
3.Rockets 107mm
5.HMG 14.5mm,MG 12.7,LMG 7.62mm
6.Sucide Bombers
7.Sniper Rifles
9.RR Guns
Pellet Guns are compareable to following....
2.Empty slogans of Protesters
Why dont Pakistan go to UN and UN human rights comission with some facts related to these rapes and other crimes against humanism in Kashmir ...who is stopping Pakistan .
Same events happening in Nagaland and Assam as depicted from own Indian media, the inhuman acts whether happen in India or Pak should be condemned instead of suppressing truth. Same tactics were used by US army in Iraq.
These are not supressing tactics as I am aware of what I intended to say in previous post while being a regular visitor to Kashmir, at the same time I am also not denying the occurrence of any such incidents. However my detestation belongs to applying a vile paint on entire army & endorsement of institutionalization of rape under oppressive hands of army... Completely off the track & out of touch with the reality of Kashmir....
bharti army is nothing but a bunch of bloody pigs. They can only prey on single women.
In my eyes every bharti is responsible for Kasmir rapes and killings.
Pakistan should not hesitate to nuke the filth nation.
"The uniformed soldiers represent jingoistic nationalism clubbed with cultural nationalism, especially when acting on the Muslim woman’s body in Kashmir. The military often uses the woman’s body as a sight to construct national pride. The ‘raped Muslim woman’s body’ depicts not just a shaming of the perceived anti-nationals but an exercise of ultimate control over what is viewed as property of the enemy ‘other’. The Muslim woman’s body, therefore, is also a site where the community rests its honour in the face of occupation hegemony."


Barbarians showing their true colors, what more can we say.
Barbarians showing their true colors, what more can we say.
What Indian army is doing in Kashmir they arrest male children separate the males from women and make them Kashmiri Muslims women to beg for the life of their children to boost their moral.

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