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Rape of Germany after it lost in 1945

There were "race laws" in third reich and a sense of Aryan superiority complex among Germans but the actual number of Jews killed was nowhere near to what has been told to the world. Hitler's secretary from 1942-45 herself said that she was not aware of killings of Jews(If there were such large scale killings then how come she did not know about that when she knew every political and military matter because of the place where she worked). The "6 million jews died" is as real as a donkey's horns. On the other hand, 4 million bengalis died in an artificial famine masterminded by "world's saviour " Winston Churchill. Perhaps these 4 million were lesser human beings than Jews.
Winston Churchill gets a statue built in his memory in Israel despite being the mass murderer of millions of colonized peoples all throughout the British colonies. Imagine Hitler's statue were to be erected in any country today, it would be "another shoah".
The Germans killed near 15 MILLION CIVILIANS in the USSR. What made the Russian in Germany does not go to any comparison with the atrocities of the barbarians Nazis in USSR.

Stalin kills 34-50 million, doesn't care.
Germany supposedly kills 15 Million, ov yey goyim nazi kill 15 gozillion.


Here is a "Nazi Execution". The soldier is holding a TT TOKAREV .33 Pistol, the standard Issue SOVIET Sidearm.
All of the "Nazi" Soldier's uniforms are also Incorrect. The background of the picture is also purposely faded.

Here is what the Soviets did to the Poles once they took over:
soviet execution.gif


I do not support Hitler, nor the SS. But blaming Germans for something they did not do to exploit them, is bad.
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The Russians spared the germans---for that the germans ought to be grateful---.

The germans had a habbit of slaughtering the JEWS whenever they felt like it over the centuries--during the great plague and then I believe somewhere in the 1800's---Solomon can shed some light on it. These guys butchered the Jews over the centuries like there was no tomorrow.

German land needs to be taken away and give to the Palestinians for their lost land to the jews. That should be the final payment for their sins of killing the jews---displacing them resulting in the loss of land to the palestinians
View attachment 243387

Stalin kills 34-50 million, doesn't care.
Germany supposedly kills 15 Million, ov yey goyim nazi kill 15 gozillion.

View attachment 243389
Here is a "Nazi Execution". The soldier is holding a TT TOKAREV .33 Pistol, the standard Issue SOVIET Sidearm.
All of the "Nazi" Soldier's uniforms are also Incorrect. The background of the picture is also purposely faded.

Here is what the Soviets did to the Poles once they took over:

I do not support Hitler, nor the SS. But blaming Germans for something they did not do to exploit them, is bad.
From 1923 to 1953 in the USSR were executed 640,000 people. These are the official data from the archives.
The Nazis, we can safely say, created the word "propaganda". Goebbels was a genius of the case. They even told that Red Army is bombing Soviet cities, to put the blame on the Germans.
It is very easy to be deceived, especially if you believe Western propaganda machine, which inherits the "best traditions" of doctor Goebbels.
When the Red Army entered the territory of the Reich, the soldiers began to take revenge on the Germans. However, later it was introduced the death penalty for rape and looting.
The death penalty. The Red Army had an iron discipline.
later it was introduced the death penalty for rape and looting.
The death penalty. The Red Army had an iron discipline.
When? 1970? Because your soldiers admit to raping civilians even after the battle of Berlin.
When? 1970? Because your soldiers admit to raping civilians even after the battle of Berlin.
A couple of weeks after the Red Army entered the territory of the Reich (I do not remember the date).
Stories about the "wild Mongoloids, raping everything on its way" Goebbels invented himself (it was an incentive for German men continued to fight). After the start of the Cold War the Americans have adopted and creatively finalized (in favor of increasing the mythical crimes of the Red Army) those propaganda tales.
In a recent article I read, I think the new number of supposed Jews killed in the Holocaust was ~75,000. That being claimed by a Jewish Agency, I am unable to find the source or link though.


Regretfully,the Romanian troops alone massacred some 50.000 Jews in Odessa in 1941.

1941 Odessa massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only in the pits of Babi Yar alone the Germans slaughtered some 100.000 Jews.

Babi Yar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe 6 million Jews weren't killed,maybe "only" 3,4 million died,i'm not an academic about this things but just because you're butthurt about "the zionists" doesn't give you a single right to come with ridiculous numbers such as 75.000 when the Jews were slaughtered like cattle and piles upon piles of pits with their remains were discovered.Have some shame for the memory of those human beeings that were dispatched out of this world in such a cruel and inhumane manner.

The Russians spared the germans---for that the germans ought to be grateful---.

The germans had a habbit of slaughtering the JEWS whenever they felt like it over the centuries--during the great plague and then I believe somewhere in the 1800's---Solomon can shed some light on it. These guys butchered the Jews over the centuries like there was no tomorrow.

German land needs to be taken away and give to the Palestinians for their lost land to the jews. That should be the final payment for their sins of killing the jews---displacing them resulting in the loss of land to the palestinians
World war 2 was a result of the humiliating terms of the treaty of Varsailles and the stab in the back by Jews in world war one. That however in no way justifies the atrocities commited by Nazis on the Jewish people but people have the habit of only bashing one side while sparing the other side of criticism. They say 6 million Jews were killed by Nazis and everyone condemns that whereas no one has an ounce of courage to condemn British for starving 4 million Bengalis to death.
Fire bombing of Tokyo killed 80000 and fire bombing of Dresden killed 400,000 which was more than the combined death toll of Heroshima and Nagasaki. How German POW's were treated is another story. People who think that allies were saints and fought the right war the right way need to take their head out of allied propaganda.
human beeings
Okay, I suppose I feel sorry for the Millions of human bees which were killed in such a cruel and inhumane manner.
No retribution will come...if they're smart.Germany only acted out of fear in both WW and it lost miserably.If they're smart they would have learned their lesson by now and won't lash out against everyone around them,try to accept their role as a natural leader (at least in Europe),share that role with the other hegemons (UK,France,and, to an extent, lesser European partners) and never try again to bulldose the entire continent and try to subdue it by force.
They fought world wars for world dominance which they achieved in form of EU without firing any shot.
The truth is Germany is unchallenged Emperor of EU , Britain & France only able to flex their muscle in international stage due to Germany armed their Soldiers with Broomsticks.

The Russians spared the germans---for that the germans ought to be grateful---.
"Spared them" by raping 2 million German women and enslaving millions of German men in the Gulags of inhospitable Siberia from where most of them never returned? Wow, what a definition of "spared them" you have there my friend. You must live in the twilight zone where mass rape and enslavement is considered humane treatment.

The germans had a habbit of slaughtering the JEWS whenever they felt like it over the centuries--during the great plague and then I believe somewhere in the 1800's---Solomon can shed some light on it. These guys butchered the Jews over the centuries like there was no tomorrow.
Actually, that is historically incorrect nonsense of the lowest form. Germany was in fact the first European country where Jews enjoyed many rights they did not enjoy anywhere else in the world like becoming a part of national politics, entering the medical and scientific fields, the business field, the arts and philosophy. In Czarist Russia Jews faced the most persecution which was why the Bolsheviks who were mostly Jews murdered the Czar and his family in cold blood.

Regarding persecution of Jews in Europe prior to their enfranchisement in Germany in the mid to late 1800's, that was not unique to Germany alone. In France, Britain, and other parts of Europe Jews were persecuted.

German land needs to be taken away and give to the Palestinians for their lost land to the jews. That should be the final payment for their sins of killing the jews---displacing them resulting in the loss of land to the palestinians
Why not just give the Palestinians back their own land from israel lol?? Come on guy, make some sense.

Regretfully,the Romanian troops alone massacred some 50.000 Jews in Odessa in 1941.

1941 Odessa massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Only in the pits of Babi Yar alone the Germans slaughtered some 100.000 Jews.

Babi Yar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe 6 million Jews weren't killed,maybe "only" 3,4 million died,i'm not an academic about this things but just because you're butthurt about "the zionists" doesn't give you a single right to come with ridiculous numbers such as 75.000 when the Jews were slaughtered like cattle and piles upon piles of pits with their remains were discovered.Have some shame for the memory of those human beeings that were dispatched out of this world in such a cruel and inhumane manner.
How can non-Jews have "some shame" for the memory of dead Jews when Jews themselves today play around with the number of dead Jews themselves and use the Holocaust as a money making scheme. Its a billion dollar industry. Maybe i should make a film bashing White people for murdering 6 million Jews and oppressing Jews for centuries in Europe, perhaps a Jewish billionaire will lend me a couple of millions for my project.
"Spared them" by raping 2 million German women and enslaving millions of German men in the Gulags of inhospitable Siberia from where most of them never returned? Wow, what a definition of "spared them" you have there my friend. You must live in the twilight zone where mass rape and enslavement is considered humane treatment.

Actually, that is historically incorrect nonsense of the lowest form. Germany was in fact the first European country where Jews enjoyed many rights they did not enjoy anywhere else in the world like becoming a part of national politics, entering the medical and scientific fields, the business field, the arts and philosophy. In Czarist Russia Jews faced the most persecution which was why the Bolsheviks who were mostly Jews murdered the Czar and his family in cold blood.

Regarding persecution of Jews in Europe prior to their enfranchisement in Germany in the mid to late 1800's, that was not unique to Germany alone. In France, Britain, and other parts of Europe Jews were persecuted.

Why not just give the Palestinians back their own land from israel lol?? Come on guy, make some sense.

How can non-Jews have "some shame" for the memory of dead Jews when Jews themselves today play around with the number of dead Jews themselves and use the Holocaust as a money making scheme. Its a billion dollar industry. Maybe i should make a film bashing White people for murdering 6 million Jews and oppressing Jews for centuries in Europe, perhaps a Jewish billionaire will lend me a couple of millions for my project.


From the start of incursion to the gates of Moscow---the germans slaughtered the Russians and butchered them for no reason.

Germans are lucky that they survived the Russian conquest. In all European countries did jews enjoy many a rights till those countries turned on them.

But here is the bottomline---the germans slaughtered jews and if was not for them---there would have been no force behind the cause to create a homeland for the jews in Israel.

S0---the germans need to pay by giving their land to the palestinians and create a Palestinian state.

Let the jews play with the numbers of dead----that is between them and the conscience of Europe----my thing is that the germans killed the jews and a separate nation was created for the jews out of muslim land---whereas a separate nation should have been created out of german land.
The Six Million Jews Exterminated by Russia in 1921:


Six Million.gif

Six Million Jews Exterminated in Ukraine in 1919


American Newspaper Predicts that exactly 6 million Jews will die 4 years before WW2 ended (But how did they know?):


@Psychic @Yazp @Ahmed Jo @Saif al-Arab @Falcon29 @Mahmoud_EGY @Serpentine @p(-)0ENiX
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No other individual, people, nation, ideology or enemy brought as much misery & ill treatment on the German people as the Nazis did with megalomaniac Hitler & his cronies. Read the accounts of Nazi siege of Leningrad, Stalingrad, the treatment of French,Poles ,Ukrainians,Russians, Jews,Gypsies, Slavs or any one in opposition & u feel this cruelty justified.
Fact of the matter is that injustice begets injustice, violence begets violence, hatred begets hatred & war is one ugly affair. People who somehow portray war as romantic & politics by other means are SICK & there are plenty of them at the positions of influence.
The ultimate truth is that human appetite for cruelty is limitless & WW1,2,3,4 or 10 wouldn't stop the wars from happening. We just have to hope that we don't find ourselves in the middle of one.
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