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Rape of 300,00 Bengalis by Pakistani Army in 1971 was not a true story: Germaine Greer

In human history women of no nation has suffered rapes more than German women post WW II.

Interesting. I did not know this.

Do you have a source?

What about Italians? Or the Japanese?

Personally I feel because of the sheer size of the populations involved, the maximum rapine would have been Indians under the early Mughal invasions, the Chinese to the Japanese, and the East Pakistanis in 1971.

Epochal military invasions sometimes also birth a completely unique mixed blood generation. As in the case of the Vietnamese war kids with faceless American dads.

Cheers, Doc
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People seem to have forgotten that 300,000 is the low-end estimate of the number of Bangladeshis killed by the Pakistani Army: link
true that
something we are coming to terms with. although the title and the subject matter attracts a lot of thoughtless trolling as well. for generations we Pakistanis will have to contend with this tragedy and we cant even begin to imagine how you guys go through when talking about Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iran Korea to name a few..
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