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Rape of 300,00 Bengalis by Pakistani Army in 1971 was not a true story: Germaine Greer

The Bangladeshi government does nt think so and has demanding an apology from
Pakistan ; for several years now ; and this has become a thorny issue
between the two countries




An apology, even if it comes (which it never will) means nothing.



Its like asking the Japs to apologize to the Chinese and Koreans now in 2016.
why are we even talking about it, Pakistan army doesnt rape!!!!
War itself is an atrocity.

All armies rape when they get the chance. No men in uniform are angels.

every man will rape given a chance, we are talking about institutional rapes
Rape is a inhumane & hideous act.Even thinking about it is repulsive.A cocktail preferred by the diseased minds.

As for as the atrocities are concerned.For those sitting on the fence.You be observant of the current incidents and events and you'll be able to pin point the culture and society that is not only more aligned to give it a thought but also have been doing it repeatedly & blatantly to the women of their own country.
Hon'ble WAJsal
Hello good friend Spectre. I hope you are doing fine and your loved ones too.
The author is in an Indian in same vein as Hussain Haqqani is Pakistani. She has been much discussed and thoroughly rebutted by Dr. Mookherjee in EP&W. Few excerpts are as follows
The comparison with a traitor is quite hilarious. The rest of the post has been answered, i guess. Please look at the content, it is very well-researched work.

Secondly, i have made a mention of another source. Hamoodur Rehman commission has never been questioned, in fact the Bangladeshi officials had even asked for the given recommendations to be followed. Our good Indian friends use it every time to score point.
The source is page 33 of Hamoodur Rehman commission report.
Some information:
"The falsity of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's repeated allegation that Pakistani troops had raped 200,000 Bengali girls in 1971 was borne out when the abortion team he had commissioned from Britain in early 1972 found that its workload involved the termination of only a hundred or more pregnancies."[2]
"According to the Bangladesh authorities, the Pakistan Army was responsible for killing three million Bengalis and raping 200,000 East Pakistani women. It does not need any elaborate argument to see that these figures are obviously highly exaggerated. So much damage could not have been caused by the entire strength of the Pakistan Army then stationed in East Pakistan even if it had nothing else to do. In fact, however, the army was constantly engaged in fighting the Mukti Bahini, the Indian infiltrators, and later the Indian army. It has also the task of running the civil administration, maintaining communications and feeding 70 million people of East Pakistan. It is, therefore, clear that the figures mentioned by the Dacca authorities are altogether fantastic and fanciful."[2]

PS: read on the background of the report, it was even tried to be buried. It wasn't even made public, Musharraf made it public. The report itself is referred to as a 'complete account of events that took place in 1971'.

PPS: i can provide other sources too, the general crimes committed against women in 1971 were mostly done by Awami League(and others) insurgents. Even after the surrender of Pakistan Army, the crimes were being committed in huge number-not forgetting the Mukti Bani committing these crimes in Army uniforms.

Why do forget the atrocities the poor Biharis have had to face.

What really matters is what BANGLADESHIS say or believe
Beliefs and reality are two different thing.
Really? Have you even bothered to read your own governments Hamoodur Commission Report on PA's role in Bangladesh? Here...
Uneducated-to say the least. Please do read the report when you get the time to. @Spectre , get my point. He never bothered to read the report, lol.
It's seems the PA had a lot of time on its hands.
"So much damage could not have been caused by the entire strength of the Pakistan Army then stationed in East Pakistan even if it had nothing else to do. In fact, however, the army was constantly engaged in fighting the Mukti Bahini, the Indian infiltrators, and later the Indian army. It has also the task of running the civil administration, maintaining communications and feeding 70 million people of East Pakistan. It is, therefore, clear that the figures mentioned by the Dacca authorities are altogether fantastic and fanciful."

Though the war-crimes are pretty much documented facts. No point in denying the truth. These fanciful figures are what give you a good laugh.

Rape crimes committed by your 'Freedom Fighters' is in a greater proportion compared to what some of our men were involved in. What do you make of the atrocities committed after the PA surrendered or even before it started the operation. Your 'freedom fighters' were itself involved in a genocide of minority groups. These claims are quite hilarious. Yet so easy to blind the masses, in this case the Bangladeshi people. I will repeat what i said before, "Though the war-crimes are pretty much documented facts. No point in denying the truth. The said figures are what give you a good laugh."
PS: What say you to this?
"The falsity of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's repeated allegation that Pakistani troops had raped 200,000 Bengali girls in 1971 was borne out when the abortion team he had commissioned from Britain in early 1972 found that its workload involved the termination of only a hundred or more pregnancies."[1]

[1]Hamoodur Commission Report

Dude, you're aware that intercourse doesn't need to lead to conception? Even if a 3rd of the quoted number were true then also it's a serious violation of rights. Your military leaders who based in glory when they were called 'butcher of dhaka' etc. were very prone to violence anyway.
I will answer your post in a detailed manner. Wait for the part 3 of Political history of Pakistan. These notions and sayings have a good history behind them.
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Hello good friend Spectre. I hope you are doing fine and your loved ones too.

The comparison with a traitor is quite hilarious. The rest of the post has been answered, i guess. Please look at the content, it is very well-researched work.

Secondly, i have made a mention of another source. Hamoodur Rehman commission has never been questioned, in fact the Bangladeshi officials had even asked for the given recommendations to be followed. Our good Indian friends use it every time to score point.
The source is page 33 of Hamoodur Rehman commission report.
Some information:

PS: read on the background of the report, it was even tried to be buried. It wasn't even made public, Musharraf made it public. The report itself is referred to as a 'complete account of events that took place in 1971'.

PPS: i can provide other sources too, the general crimes committed against women in 1971 were mostly done by Awami League(and others) insurgents. Even after the surrender of Pakistan Army, the crimes were being committed in huge number-not forgetting the Mukti Bani committing these crimes in Army uniforms.

Why do forget the atrocities the poor Biharis have had to face.

Beliefs and reality are two different thing.

Uneducated-to say the least. Please do read the report when you get the time to. @Spectre , get my point. He never bothered to read the report, lol.
It's seems the PA had a lot of time on its hands.
"So much damage could not have been caused by the entire strength of the Pakistan Army then stationed in East Pakistan even if it had nothing else to do. In fact, however, the army was constantly engaged in fighting the Mukti Bahini, the Indian infiltrators, and later the Indian army. It has also the task of running the civil administration, maintaining communications and feeding 70 million people of East Pakistan. It is, therefore, clear that the figures mentioned by the Dacca authorities are altogether fantastic and fanciful."

Though the war-crimes are pretty much documented facts. No point in denying the truth. These fanciful figures are what give you a good laugh.

Rape crimes committed by your 'Freedom Fighters' is in a greater proportion compared to what some of our men were involved in. What do you make of the atrocities committed after the PA surrendered or even before it started the operation. Your 'freedom fighters' were itself involved in a genocide of minority groups. These claims are quite hilarious. Yet so easy to blind the masses, in this case the Bangladeshi people. I will repeat what i said before, "Though the war-crimes are pretty much documented facts. No point in denying the truth. The said figures are what give you a good laugh."
PS: What say you to this?
"The falsity of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's repeated allegation that Pakistani troops had raped 200,000 Bengali girls in 1971 was borne out when the abortion team he had commissioned from Britain in early 1972 found that its workload involved the termination of only a hundred or more pregnancies."[1]

[1]Hamoodur Commission Report

I will answer your post in a detailed manner. Wait for the part 3 of Political history of Pakistan. These notions and sayings have a good history behind them.

I am constantly in trouble on PDF so I will not comment on Pakistani side of things. I ll be first to admit 200,000 is too high a figure which was probably used to make a political point. The actual number could be substantially less but certainly not as low as in hundreds.

In all such cases the victim exaggerate and perpetrators understate the actual damage. It neigh impossible to accurately account for war crimes. In times of war lot of horrible things happen, there was a clear case of mistreatment of east Pakistanis at that time and there is no one to blame but oneself.
I am constantly in trouble on PDF so I will not comment on Pakistani side of things. I ll be first to admit 200,000 is too high a figure which was probably used to make a political point. The actual number could be substantially less but certainly not as low as in hundreds.

In all such cases the victim exaggerate and perpetrators understate the actual damage. It neigh impossible to accurately account for war crimes. In times of war lot of horrible things happen, there was a clear case of mistreatment of east Pakistanis at that time and there is no one to blame but oneself.

I always suggest that people read the Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission report to understand the Pakistani side of things better.
You don't need a feminist or an renowned academic to debunk such a ludicrous and absurd myth. Though their are plenty of academics and statistical evidence to debunk this indo-awami myth. Its common sense that the 300K rape and 3 mn death figure is a myth that Indians pulled from their rear-end and handed over to sheikh mujib who along with subsequent BD administrations , with the passage of time , found it politically too sensitive and costly to deny. @Apprentice @WAJsal
Well, it started out as a civil war. And in civil wars where multiple parties participate, things get murky and complicated. One only needs to look at the Syrian conflict as an example, which by the way is far more complicated and has more far-reaching consequences as a whole.

It becomes rather premature to accuse one party of all the horrors of war.
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