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Rangers raid Clifton restaurant owned by MQM MNA

First of all, thank you for proving that you are a bigot, with the last line of your post. Infact, you shouldn't be calling people anything on their physical appearance regardless.

What would you do if there was a 'wanted dead or alive' bounty on your head for 10 million and the powers that would be, wanted you 'dead' rather then alive, for political purposes? I can bet that you too would flee the country.

Lets cut the BS cause if there had ever been any incitement, the bloodshed would have been unimaginable. There is a general feeling amongst Karachiites of deprivation and victimization, cashing that would not have been very hard for AH. You want to hang AH on the suspicion that he was involved in the murder of the trumped up figure of '8' MQM leaders,

I expected a lot from the Military, despite civilian Governments. The only time Karachi saw development or peace was when MQM was in power, the moment that power is seized by PPP, the city goes to the dogs, and the dogs are let loose by none other then PPP. And that is how the most important city is hijacked and juiced.

The military was stretched thin? Is that a bad joke or you that confused? There has been a significant Rangers presence in Karachi since the 90's, what has that got the do with any thinning or stretching of the Military......or NOT?

And if it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck and swims like a duck, it is most likely a duck........unless you are made to think it is a duck by manipulating the facts.

A bigot against the Muhajir? Dude, my DadaAbu was a Muhajir from India. I'm a Muhajir to America. I'm a Bigot against a Muhajir? Or against an Urdu speaking Karachiite? My extended family lives in Punjab, they speak Urdu. My family speaks Urdu in America amongst ourselves. Come on now.

My mom says I look better than Brad Pitt. :enjoy:

So the entire original MQM leadership was killed my LEAs?

Why is it that only in Karachi there needs to be a ethnic party to represent people who are neither Muhajir? Will my Children have the right to be called Muhajir? What about my great grandchildren? How long are you going to say Muhajir? My cousin lives in Lahore, if she gets married and moves to Multan will she be called a Muhajir?

Don't worry about Lyari, the next elections will wipe out the PPP.

Lyari was the original Karachi. Then Pakistan got it's independence and the refugees flooded to both sides of the borders. Lyaris and other original communities of Karachi think they deserve something for living there originally. This is how it was explained to me by a person from Lyari a few years back.

Yes the military was stretched thin. There are always an infinite resources that are available. The Army was never geared up for a 2 front war. ISI and MI never thought they would have to keep tabs on both sides at once. Add that to keeping tabs on the Dynasties. How many fronts do you want to open up?

Why's the Hero wanting to run to S. Africa then?
Poor comparison, note: we let the American do it, it is was a poor choice, comparison is stupid considering people died in huge number because of drones.

Tell me one thing, is rangers doing something illegal? they are following the law, they can keep a person in custody for 90 days, if they suspect him. My argument is not stupid, i am only stating what the law is saying. You have a problem with Rangers cleaning the city or something 'uncle'.

Whoever doest it whether Americans or our own agencies collateral damage in human rights violation ... I wonder how could you say this so conveniently ... If there is a law even they can realise within a week that suspect is not a guilty in real and for your information this law violates human rights itself at first place ......
A bigot against the Muhajir? Dude, my DadaAbu was a Muhajir from India. I'm a Muhajir to America. I'm a Bigot against a Muhajir? Or against an Urdu speaking Karachiite? My extended family lives in Punjab, they speak Urdu. My family speaks Urdu in America amongst ourselves. Come on now.

I find it thoroughly amusing that almost everyone on this forum turns out to be a 'Mohajir' descendant. And I find it even more amusing that someone whose family has lived in Punjab, and who himself lives in the US, believes that he/she is more aware of MQM and Karachi then those who actually live here.

My mom says I look better than Brad Pitt. :enjoy:

I am sure AH's mom was of the same view about her son.

So the entire original MQM leadership was killed my LEAs?

Not all, many other players had a part. MQM(H) had a role, Police had a role, Rangers had a role, PPP had a role and many other players such as JI, ANP, TTP etc. This, ofcourse, is over the years. But the most that I am critical of is the Rangers. They are a massive burden on Karachi's economy, their budget is twice that of the Police while their strength is a quarter. In the same amount, we could have raised and sustained a parallel police force from Karachi, comprising of educated youth belonging to Karachi. One can only care about Karachi if he/she has roots here, if her/his ancestors are buried here, if his/her children go to school here......etc. Basically, no one can care for Karachi as much as one who has his/her entire stake in Karachi!

Why is it that only in Karachi there needs to be a ethnic party to represent people who are neither Muhajir? Will my Children have the right to be called Muhajir? What about my great grandchildren? How long are you going to say Muhajir? My cousin lives in Lahore, if she gets married and moves to Multan will she be called a Muhajir?

Mohajir is not related to the migrants any more, it represents those who speak Urdu......as otherwise all other ehtnicities are based on different languages. It is now an identity encompassed within the overall identity of a Pakistani and then Karachiite.

Don't worry about Lyari, the next elections will wipe out the PPP.

To bring in another version of Uzair Baloch, right? Who is the bigger criminal, PPP or the legacy of Liyari gangs? who is more dangerous for Karachi?

Lyari was the original Karachi. Then Pakistan got it's independence and the refugees flooded to both sides of the borders. Lyaris and other original communities of Karachi think they deserve something for living there originally. This is how it was explained to me by a person from Lyari a few years back.

I know. And to some degree, I agree with them. Although that they still refuse to enter the competition by acquiring skills and education. Anyway, do you know what people, from pre-partition, tell us of Liyari? That they were criminals even before partition and are criminals today as well. Not all, but generally that is the idea that they are into fishing, are extremely good at football, boxing, donkey cart racing, are quick and ill tempered and look to make an easy buck regardless of the means.

Yes the military was stretched thin. There are always an infinite resources that are available. The Army was never geared up for a 2 front war. ISI and MI never thought they would have to keep tabs on both sides at once. Add that to keeping tabs on the Dynasties. How many fronts do you want to open up?

I assume that you meant 'finite' as opposed to the 'infinite' that you have posted above. I agree, but the Military was neither present in Karachi then, nor is it present in Karachi now. The resources available to the military have no consequences whatsoever as Rangers, under the Chief Minister, have always been paid by the Government of Sindh out of the budget of Karachi.

And most, most importantly, critically, why was Karachi allowed to slip into the hands of Talibaan and other terrorist gangs? What you fail to acknowledge is that it happened only because MQM was cornered by the LEAs and wasn't allowed to protect their home, Karachi!

Why's the Hero wanting to run to S. Africa then?

You tell me, on the one hand you want to impose how AH is an American/British asset, on the other hand you push the agenda that he somehow wants to escape to S. Africa. So explain.
Let me explain to you that the purpose for creating the 90 day detention law was to allow the LEAs to interrogate 'terrorists' and not political criminals. It was created for Talibaan, not for MQM. However, it has been used against MQM more then any other political or religious organization. So much so that now MQM senior leaders are being arrested for listening to a speech of their leader, regardless of their own views on the matter.

There is law and then there is the bending, stretching, side-stepping and interpreting the law as per one's own wishes.......in other words, it is breaking the law.

And finally, you know what a real terrorist is? I mean other then TTP? It is the men in uniform, who break the law for political aims!
Yes operation is agaisnt MQM, i couldn't careless, go cry to your mama. As long as there is peace in the city and crime rate falling over 50% .

Whoever doest it whether Americans or our own agencies collateral damage in human rights violation ... I wonder how could you say this so conveniently ... If there is a law even they can realise within a week that suspect is not a guilty in real and for your information this law violates human rights itself at first place ......
But is it agaisnt the law? Are you in general against the operation now? What you are stating is exaggerated statement, provide some source. Their lives are destroyed, my arse.
Agr yeh raid Farooq Sattar kay ghar par hoti we would have had 10 press conferences by now.
press conference, ahtejaj, Altaf Hussain stepping down and again taking back his decision. All part of what i like to call 'MQM cycle'.
Yes operation is agaisnt MQM, i couldn't careless, go cry to your mama. As long as there is peace in the city and crime rate falling over 50% .

I can come over and cry to your mama, if that would please you.

The peace in the city can only be achieved by involving the residents of the city and not by isolating and targeting them.

BREAKING : – PPP MPA Sania Naz house Raided By Rangers On Information Of Weapons

But hey, the operation is still against MQM!

Agr yeh raid Farooq Sattar kay ghar par hoti we would have had 10 press conferences by now.

Actually they release some numbers which stated that 730 suspects were picked up from Lyari and 720 suspects belonged to MQM. MQM has been caught and exposed, its supporters who receive patronage are trying their best to maintain their 'rozi roti'.

They should ask themselves this question, if the Rangers are only targetting them and letting others go scot free, why is the crime rate coming down?

I can come over and cry to your mama, if that would please you.

The peace in the city can only be achieved by involving the residents of the city and not by isolating and targeting them.

Gallup, did a survey which clearly stated that majority of the citizens were supporting the operation. There is no doubt that there is going to be a huge segment of population in Karachi who will oppose this Operation as they are direct beneficiaries of patronage from MQM. One has to admit, MQM has done an excellent job in solving people's day to day problems and providing them with jobs. But what it does not give them is Carte Blanche to go and commit criminal activities.
I can come over and cry to your mama, if that would please you.

The peace in the city can only be achieved by involving the residents of the city and not by isolating and targeting them.
Targeting criminals. LOL, Karachities are happy with the operation, MQM is crying only because it is under fire. Isolating and targeting, yes, but only criminals.
Actually they release some numbers which stated that 730 suspects were picked up from Lyari and 720 suspects belonged to MQM. MQM has been caught and exposed, its supporters who receive patronage are trying their best to maintain their 'rozi roti'.

They should ask themselves this question, if the Rangers are only targetting them and letting others go scot free, why is the crime rate coming down?


Now you tell me yourself, if I have 100 criminals while the other guy has 10, of course I would get highlighted more than the other guy. It's basic ratio and population proportion. There's no rocket science.

And the fact that your leader goes on to do 5 khitaabs and Rabita Committee does 5 conferences highlights you even more.

Sunni Tehreek got raided twice and their leaders taken in for questioning 3 times, but they didn't do press conferences or anything, they said "ham Rangers ki karwayi ka khair maqdam kartay hai for removing criminal elements from us".
MQM is doomed, thanks to Altaf bhai's ridiculous comments against the Pak army.

Karachi will be free of Bhatta KHORS, Target killers and mafias now :tup:

The entire country is turning into sh*t free zone.

We demand COAS's extension. :pakistan:
Hope ranger kill all these a**hole so called muhajir not just kill them as faroq satar would say "muhajir bastion peh bomb girra dain" fuckerd eat sleep and die in pakisyan and call themselves muhajir they have no right to stay in this country send them to india where they will become jamadar or hindu and clear their shit!! A**holes!!

Ps: by their shitty definition i am also a muhajir!!

Those defending mqm bhai app ko free keh ghutkay mil jaatay hain bakki jo log mehnag kat keh kamma tay hain woh app ka haram khor sharab kutta altaf hussain bhatay lay keh app jesay fazul insano ko ghutkay khila keh khush rukhta hai!!

Dafa hojao is city say!

BREAKING : – PPP MPA Sania Naz house Raided By Rangers On Information Of Weapons

But hey, the operation is still against MQM!

Agr yeh raid Farooq Sattar kay ghar par hoti we would have had 10 press conferences by now.

Am not able to watch videos, but I can tell you that both the houses of Farooq Sattar were raided, as well as those of many others. There were no press conferences on that.

Press conferences are held when Rangers act as political forces rather then as LEAs, when they go to the media instead of the courts, when they commit excesses......I will give you a very small example to ponder over, ATA had allowed and directed the rangers to take Qamar Mansoor to his private medical centre, for which Qamar Mansoor was to bear all expenses, the Rangers disobeyed the clear directions of the ATA court. Are they not guilty of breaking the law on that account alone?

There are so many, much more severe, grievances that nullify any positive work that the Rangers would have done ever. I mean just take the issue of the water tanker mafia and illegal water hydrants.......who is running all that show????

Targeting criminals. LOL, Karachities are happy with the operation, MQM is crying only because it is under fire. Isolating and targeting, yes, but only criminals.

Karachiites are happy with the operation? Spoken like a true NON-Karachiite!!
Karachiites are happy with the operation? Spoken like a true NON-Karachiite!!
I live in Karachi, DHA. Don't believe i couldn't care less. Pakistanis, in particular Karachites are very happy with the operation and want it to continue. Look how much peace it has brought.

MQM and MQM supporters are crying because they are under fire. That's what you get for harboring terrorist.
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