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Rampant Hate Speech Against Bangladesh & It's People In This Subsection : My Two Cents

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Sep 2, 2019
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When I first joined the forum, I was so much pro Pakistan that a Pakistani poster thought that I'm not actually a Bangladeshi poster, but a false flagger Pakistani.
Why was I pro Pakistani to such an extent?Because even though we had a troubled past, I consider us brothers in faith as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) have taught us & their words matter to me more than our bitter past.After all, I'm a Muslim, first and foremost.

But as times have passed, I have gotten into ugly fights in the BD subsection with many Pakistani posters because of their hate & tendency to bash, badmouth & cuss my country & it's people in every turn.Just because of their misgivings about our shared troubled history.

Yes, 71 was a serious blunder by the then government of United Pakistan.Even if we had to spilt, it should have happened peacefully with scope for economic & military cooperation.Imagine how better the conditions of Muslims in the subcontinent would have been if that happened.India never would have dreamed of doing the atrocities it's currently carrying out in Kashmir.It never would have attempted dadagiri with Bangladesh like it has done & still doing now.
India took advantage of the situation of course.But it is the fault of the then idiotic rulers of United Pakistan who gave them the opportunity to break the country in half, in a silver platter to it's mortal enemy.

Like me, most Bangladeshis have love for Pakistan as a brotherly Muslim country & supports it against India. Proof is in the pudding : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-march-in-solidarity-with-kashmir.637504/

Yet the vitriol most Pakistani posters in this forum have against us is astounding & disappointing.It is the biggest reason even many Pro Pakistani Bangladeshis has fights with Pakistani posters that turn ugly.Gotta admit I'm also guilty regarding this.

What's most funny is when Pakistani posters team up with sanghi supporter posters (the oppressors of our Kashmiri brethren) to bash Bangladesh.

Whatever happened in the past, already happened.No point crying over spilled milk.
Yet we keep bickering & slinging mud against each other when we should be united against the terrorist Hindutva threat on our mutual borders.
Shame on us.This is why despite numbering nearly two billion, our brothers and sisters are oppressed virtually everywhere around the world.

If the mindset of the majority posters here is how other Muslims think & keep thinking, we'll be getting kicked around by others for a long time to come.But it can change if we get rid of our misgivings about our troubled past and come to mutual understanding based on brotherhood and respect, as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala both have instructed us.

“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah,that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

What we should focus on in the future is to build better relations between our nations as brotherly countries, instead of fighting like a bunch of immature children who can't get over what happened nearly half a century ago.

@Atlas @SIPRA @Slav Defence @Avicenna
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You are very new member. We had bad apples on both sides. I don't fall for these bad apples anymore because I know the reality.

There are many Bangladeshi member who love to bring the propaganda created by Indians similarly there are many Pakistani members who are hypnotized by Bharti propaganda.

Eventually both these groups are working for Bharti victory and supremacy because Bharti don't have to fire one bullet and let these 2 groups tear each other apart and drag fellows like you also to fall for this $h1t.

My advice don't take these Pakistani members seriously. If you want to know about pakistan, visit pakistan in person.
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When I first joined the forum, I was so much pro Pakistan that a Pakistani poster thought that I'm not actually a Bangladeshi poster, but a false flagger Pakistani.
Why was I pro Pakistani to such an extent?Because even though we had a troubled past, I consider us brothers in faith as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) have taught us & their words matter to me more than our bitter past.After all, I'm a Muslim, first and foremost.

But as times have passed, I have gotten into ugly fights in the BD subsection with many Pakistani posters because of their hate & tendency to bash, badmouth & cuss my country & it's people in every turn.Just because of their misgivings about our shared troubled history.

Yes, 71 was a serious blunder by the then government of United Pakistan.Even if we had to spilt, it should have happened peacefully with scope for economic & military cooperation.Imagine how better the conditions of Muslims in the subcontinent would have been if that happened.India never would have dreamed of doing the atrocities it's currently carrying out in Kashmir.It never would have attempted agiri with Bangladesh like it has done & still doing now.
India took advantage of the situation of course.But it is the fault of the then idiotic rulers of United Pakistan who gave them the opportunity to break the country in half, in a silver platter to it's mortal enemy.

Like me, most Bangladeshis have love for Pakistan as a brotherly Muslim country & supports it against India. Proof is in the pudding : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-march-in-solidarity-with-kashmir.637504/

Yet the vitriol most Pakistani posters in this forum have against us is astounding & disappointing.It is the biggest reason even many Pro Pakistani Bangladeshis has fights with Pakistani posters that turn ugly.Gotta admit I'm also guilty regarding this.

What's most funny is when Pakistani posters team up with sanghi supporter posters (the oppressors of our Kashmiri brethren) to bash Bangladesh.

Whatever happened in the past, already happened.No point crying over spilled milk.
Yet we keep bickering & slinging mud against each other when we should be united against the terrorist Hindutva threat on our mutual borders.
Shame on us.This is why despite numbering nearly two billion, our brothers and sisters are oppressed around virtually everywhere around the world.

If the mindset of the majority posters here is how other Muslims think & keep thinking, we'll be getting kicked around by others for a long time to come.But it can change if we get rid of our misgivings about our troubled past and come to mutual understanding based on brotherhood and respect, as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala both have instructed us.

“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah,that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

What we should focus on in the future is to build better relations between our nations as brotherly countries, instead of fighting like a bunch of immature children who can't get over what happened nearly half a century ago.

@Atlas @SIPRA @Slav Defence @Avicenna
Excellent post!!!
Unfortunately, from both Pakistan & Bangladesh there are some posters who lost their cool and began to discuss matters in highly abusive manner. However, many Pakistani posters feel same affection for Bangladesh as they towards us.
I want to tell trolls from both community that they are just benefiting the third party who will if given chance, will enjoy every moment of your pain and sorrow.
Please wake up and be aware and let us protect and equip our generation from such 5th generation warfare.
In addition to that , you need to understand that a troll poster can literally use VPN and show false flag. You might think that member in question might be Bangladeshi or Pakistani but infact he or she is from third party.
Pakistan has long accepted Bangladesh as an independent country. It is time to become strategic partners and move on!
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When I first joined the forum, I was so much pro Pakistan that a Pakistani poster thought that I'm not actually a Bangladeshi poster, but a false flagger Pakistani.
Why was I pro Pakistani to such an extent?Because even though we had a troubled past, I consider us brothers in faith as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) have taught us & their words matter to me more than our bitter past.After all, I'm a Muslim, first and foremost.

But as times have passed, I have gotten into ugly fights in the BD subsection with many Pakistani posters because of their hate & tendency to bash, badmouth & cuss my country & it's people in every turn.Just because of their misgivings about our shared troubled history.

Yes, 71 was a serious blunder by the then government of United Pakistan.Even if we had to spilt, it should have happened peacefully with scope for economic & military cooperation.Imagine how better the conditions of Muslims in the subcontinent would have been if that happened.India never would have dreamed of doing the atrocities it's currently carrying out in Kashmir.It never would have attempted agiri with Bangladesh like it has done & still doing now.
India took advantage of the situation of course.But it is the fault of the then idiotic rulers of United Pakistan who gave them the opportunity to break the country in half, in a silver platter to it's mortal enemy.

Like me, most Bangladeshis have love for Pakistan as a brotherly Muslim country & supports it against India. Proof is in the pudding : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-march-in-solidarity-with-kashmir.637504/

Yet the vitriol most Pakistani posters in this forum have against us is astounding & disappointing.It is the biggest reason even many Pro Pakistani Bangladeshis has fights with Pakistani posters that turn ugly.Gotta admit I'm also guilty regarding this.

What's most funny is when Pakistani posters team up with sanghi supporter posters (the oppressors of our Kashmiri brethren) to bash Bangladesh.

Whatever happened in the past, already happened.No point crying over spilled milk.
Yet we keep bickering & slinging mud against each other when we should be united against the terrorist Hindutva threat on our mutual borders.
Shame on us.This is why despite numbering nearly two billion, our brothers and sisters are oppressed around virtually everywhere around the world.

If the mindset of the majority posters here is how other Muslims think & keep thinking, we'll be getting kicked around by others for a long time to come.But it can change if we get rid of our misgivings about our troubled past and come to mutual understanding based on brotherhood and respect, as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala both have instructed us.

“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah,that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

What we should focus on in the future is to build better relations between our nations as brotherly countries, instead of fighting like a bunch of immature children who can't get over what happened nearly half a century ago.

@Atlas @SIPRA @Slav Defence @Avicenna

Let's get some things straight here. First and foremost, the Bengali separatist movement was the first one to raise arms. To blame Pakistan for subsequently cracking down is stupid, especially when the crackdowns were primarily targeted towards the Hindu rather than the Muslim population of the Bengal. We're all aware of that infamous picture of a Pakistani soldier checking for circumcisions: make no mistake, differentiating happened (not that waging mass genocide against anyone is acceptable, but it certainly doesn't make it some Ummah chummah betrayal like some people say it is).

Secondly, Bangladesh should have been independent from the start. It was foolish to yolk us together. Rehmat Ali, the very man who coined the name of Pakistan, didn't want this. And no Pakistani should be salty about the Bengalis separating, they're just not culturally similar to us in any capacity and live way too far away. Karachi is literally closer to Doha than it is to Dhaka.

Thirdly, the governments of almost every Muslim country, as gently as I can put it, are brain-dead jugglers and cause the people within their own borders to suffer. Appreciate your fellow Muslim for who he is, not where he comes from because he probably doesn't represent the loons who rule him.

Fourthly, mud-slinging happens. It's the nature of the forum. One side spits venom, the other side does the same. Don't take these conversations to heart, South Asians get very aggressive very quickly.
When I first joined the forum, I was so much pro Pakistan that a Pakistani poster thought that I'm not actually a Bangladeshi poster, but a false flagger Pakistani.
Why was I pro Pakistani to such an extent?Because even though we had a troubled past, I consider us brothers in faith as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) have taught us & their words matter to me more than our bitter past.After all, I'm a Muslim, first and foremost.

But as times have passed, I have gotten into ugly fights in the BD subsection with many Pakistani posters because of their hate & tendency to bash, badmouth & cuss my country & it's people in every turn.Just because of their misgivings about our shared troubled history.

Yes, 71 was a serious blunder by the then government of United Pakistan.Even if we had to spilt, it should have happened peacefully with scope for economic & military cooperation.Imagine how better the conditions of Muslims in the subcontinent would have been if that happened.India never would have dreamed of doing the atrocities it's currently carrying out in Kashmir.It never would have attempted agiri with Bangladesh like it has done & still doing now.
India took advantage of the situation of course.But it is the fault of the then idiotic rulers of United Pakistan who gave them the opportunity to break the country in half, in a silver platter to it's mortal enemy.

Like me, most Bangladeshis have love for Pakistan as a brotherly Muslim country & supports it against India. Proof is in the pudding : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-march-in-solidarity-with-kashmir.637504/

Yet the vitriol most Pakistani posters in this forum have against us is astounding & disappointing.It is the biggest reason even many Pro Pakistani Bangladeshis has fights with Pakistani posters that turn ugly.Gotta admit I'm also guilty regarding this.

What's most funny is when Pakistani posters team up with sanghi supporter posters (the oppressors of our Kashmiri brethren) to bash Bangladesh.

Whatever happened in the past, already happened.No point crying over spilled milk.
Yet we keep bickering & slinging mud against each other when we should be united against the terrorist Hindutva threat on our mutual borders.
Shame on us.This is why despite numbering nearly two billion, our brothers and sisters are oppressed around virtually everywhere around the world.

If the mindset of the majority posters here is how other Muslims think & keep thinking, we'll be getting kicked around by others for a long time to come.But it can change if we get rid of our misgivings about our troubled past and come to mutual understanding based on brotherhood and respect, as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala both have instructed us.

“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah,that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

What we should focus on in the future is to build better relations between our nations as brotherly countries, instead of fighting like a bunch of immature children who can't get over what happened nearly half a century ago.

@Atlas @SIPRA @Slav Defence @Avicenna

Barring a few points, in your post, which are not of much significance, I fully agree to and endorse your views. You are our brothers in faith and would remain so.

Joy Bangla


And all Hindutva fascists are in one nation and United against all three of you as a single entity.

We know.:p:

And all Hindutva fascists are in one nation and United against all three of you as a single entity.

Are you?

Yes... that's our destiny.

b/w we have a saying in Punjabi: 'Sara pind v mar jay taan v Marasian da Munda lambar nae ban sakda'..

In SA context, it would mean that Even if the Muslims and Hindus of the subcontinent kill each other, your kind (i.e. the Parsis) won't be able to rule :lol: ...
Yes... that's our destiny.

b/w we have a saying in Punjabi: 'Sara pind v mar jay taan v Marasian da Munda lambar nae ban sakda'..

In SA context, it would mean that Even if the Muslims and Hindus of the subcontinent kill each other, your kind (i.e. the Parsis) won't be able to rule :lol: ...


We don't want to rule either of you.

This land has been good to us.

Sincerely ...
Yes... that's our destiny.

b/w we have a saying in Punjabi: 'Sara pind v mar jay taan v Marasian da Munda lambar nae ban sakda'..

In SA context, it would mean that Even if the Muslims and Hindus of the subcontinent kill each other, your kind (i.e. the Parsis) won't be able to rule :lol: ...

Doctor Sahib pooray taur per Hindutvadi bun chukay haen. Parsi bus naam kay he reh gaye haen.:p:
Doctor Sahib pooray taur per Hindutvadi bun chukay haen. Parsi bus naam kay he reh gaye haen.:p:

Have some sev

Doc, you are always busy fanning flames of fury and hatred between Hindus and Muslims.
The Fire you wish for will consume you and your ilk too

Clash of civilizations my friend.

We are learning.

And preparing for what's next.
When I first joined the forum, I was so much pro Pakistan that a Pakistani poster thought that I'm not actually a Bangladeshi poster, but a false flagger Pakistani.
Why was I pro Pakistani to such an extent?Because even though we had a troubled past, I consider us brothers in faith as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) have taught us & their words matter to me more than our bitter past.After all, I'm a Muslim, first and foremost.

But as times have passed, I have gotten into ugly fights in the BD subsection with many Pakistani posters because of their hate & tendency to bash, badmouth & cuss my country & it's people in every turn.Just because of their misgivings about our shared troubled history.

Yes, 71 was a serious blunder by the then government of United Pakistan.Even if we had to spilt, it should have happened peacefully with scope for economic & military cooperation.Imagine how better the conditions of Muslims in the subcontinent would have been if that happened.India never would have dreamed of doing the atrocities it's currently carrying out in Kashmir.It never would have attempted agiri with Bangladesh like it has done & still doing now.
India took advantage of the situation of course.But it is the fault of the then idiotic rulers of United Pakistan who gave them the opportunity to break the country in half, in a silver platter to it's mortal enemy.

Like me, most Bangladeshis have love for Pakistan as a brotherly Muslim country & supports it against India. Proof is in the pudding : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-march-in-solidarity-with-kashmir.637504/

Yet the vitriol most Pakistani posters in this forum have against us is astounding & disappointing.It is the biggest reason even many Pro Pakistani Bangladeshis has fights with Pakistani posters that turn ugly.Gotta admit I'm also guilty regarding this.

What's most funny is when Pakistani posters team up with sanghi supporter posters (the oppressors of our Kashmiri brethren) to bash Bangladesh.

Whatever happened in the past, already happened.No point crying over spilled milk.
Yet we keep bickering & slinging mud against each other when we should be united against the terrorist Hindutva threat on our mutual borders.
Shame on us.This is why despite numbering nearly two billion, our brothers and sisters are oppressed around virtually everywhere around the world.

If the mindset of the majority posters here is how other Muslims think & keep thinking, we'll be getting kicked around by others for a long time to come.But it can change if we get rid of our misgivings about our troubled past and come to mutual understanding based on brotherhood and respect, as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala both have instructed us.

“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah,that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

What we should focus on in the future is to build better relations between our nations as brotherly countries, instead of fighting like a bunch of immature children who can't get over what happened nearly half a century ago.

@Atlas @SIPRA @Slav Defence @Avicenna

bangladesh is not 1/2 the size of Pakistan. It is not even 17% the size of Pakistan. bangladesh is 1/6 the size of Pakistan. When did 1/2 = 1/6.
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