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Ramadan in Pakistan

Sehri everyday keeps the hunger pangs away!
By Tanveer Khadim


This meal is a good example of protein, complex carbohydrates, fibre, low fat, less spice and fried diet. PHOTO: TANVEER KHADIM

The blessed month of Ramazan is a superb opportunity to practice self-restraint, self-accountability as well as a great chance to shift to lighter meals and find a healthier lifestyle.

To beat the hot and humid weather, it is imperative to have the right choice of food during this holy month. Avoiding high processed, fatty, oily, spicy, fried foods and having lots of fruity drinks is the key to good health.

The pre-dawn meal or Suhoor or Sehri – whatever you may call it – is a vital constituent of Ramazan. Indulging in a healthy Sehri nourishes, hydrates and strengthens the body to cope with the upcoming fast; it also reduces the dreaded hunger pangs! Iftar is the time to replenish your energy level, while Sehri is meant to give you an energetic start.

These days, skipping Sehri is a norm. People generally complain about the lack of sleep or time as an excuse to skip Sehri. Unfortunately, what they don’t realise is that, Sehri is not only good for the mind, body and soul, it is believed that those who partake in Sehri are rewarded with blessings.

On the other hand, by skipping Sehri you actually force your body to rely on the last meal consumed and are more likely to experience dehydration, headaches and weariness. Moreover, it is extremely healthy to have a nutrient intense meal at Sehri to maintain energy levels. The trick is to select the right food.

Think simplicity – start your Sehri by including fruits, whole-grains and protein. Even adding a bowl of yogurt, juice, beans, vegetables and drinking lots of fluids gives you a high energetic charge that will last throughout the day.

Eating dates at Sehri is also a very healthy habit. Adding four to six dates to your meal means you essentially fuel your body with minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, fibre, folate and so on in addition to the nutrients in the meal!

Making Sehri in the morning can be a bit of a task, so what I am going to do is provide you with some easy to make recipes for a balanced and healthy meal for Sehri. This meal will comprise of a milkshake, an omelette with two toasts, a bowl of oatmeal, fruit and dates. Oats are full of nutritional intensity that will fill you up; likewise you will consume fruits, milk and yogurt in a single glass of milkshake. Similarly, you will have a small portion of veggies in the form of an omelette.


Quick and easy to make, this meal is filling, super nutritious and delicious.

Here are the recipes:

Oatmeal with apricots in honey syrup


- Dried apricots chopped 3-4 tbsp

- Almonds chopped 2 tbsp

- Raisins 1-2 tbsp

- Milk ½ cup

- Honey 2 tbsp

- Sugar to taste

- Oats 5 tbsp

- Water 3 cups

- Cinnamon ¼ tsp


Karachi charity dishes out ostrich as Ramazan treat for poor

May 07, 2019


A volunteer prepares food plates to be served with ostrich meat and chickpea for the first day of Ramazan, in Karachi on Tuesday. — Reuters


Volunteers control ostriches before slaughtering them to prepare charity food, for the first day of the fasting month of Ramazan in Karachi on May 6. — Reuters


A volunteer prepares food plates to be served with ostrich meat and chickpea for the first day of Ramazan, in Karachi on Tuesday. — Reuters


Volunteers control ostriches before slaughtering them to prepare charity food, for the first day of the fasting month of Ramazan in Karachi on May 6. — Reuters


A volunteer prepares food plates to be served with ostrich meat and chickpea for the first day of Ramazan, in Karachi on Tuesday. — Reuters

A charity in Karachi is serving up a rare treat for the city's Muslim residents ahead of their fast for the holy month of Ramazan — ostrich meat.

Expensive and seldom eaten in the country, ostrich is deemed exotic by many Pakistanis.

Volunteers stewed the red meat in cauldrons and served it in a chickpea curry to more than 500 residents before dawn broke on Tuesday, the first day of fasting.


People eat charity food prepared with ostrich meat and chickpea, for the first day of Ramzan in Karachi on May 7. — Reuters

“Keeping in view of this deprivation, (wealthy) people supported us and like the previous year, we offered those dishes which even a middle class person cannot afford, let alone the poor,” said Zafar Abbas, the general secretary of the Jafaria Disaster Management Cell Welfare Foundation.

Abbas said the plan is to offer deer and other expensive cuisine in coming days during Ramazan, when practising Muslims abstain from eating, drinking and smoking during daylight hours.


Food dishes prepared with ostrich meat and chickpea are ready to serve. — Reuters

The move is likely to be welcomed by those who stuffed themselves with ostrich meat.

“It felt very nice. I had never eaten (ostrich),” said van driver Mohammad Hussain. “It was so wholesome that I feel no need to eat for the next two days.”

Volunteers control an ostrich as they slaughter them to prepare charity food in Karachi on May 6.
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Add flavour to your Iftar with these simple chutney recipes this Ramzan


With the holy month of Ramzan finally here, it’s time to add some additional flavor to your dinner tables at Iftar and amplify the taste of the snacks and dishes waiting to be gobbled with the call to prayer at sunset with these quick and easy chutney recipes:

Tamarind and Dates Chutney:


  • 10 dates
  • 1 cup tamarind pulp
  • 10 dried round chilies
  • 2 teaspoons of roasted cumin seeds
  • ½ teaspoon of powdered dry ginger
  • ½ teaspoon carom seeds
  • ½ cup white vinegar
  • Salt as required

Take dates and red chilies and put them to boil in separate pots. After that, blend them together and pour in a saucepan, adding the rest of the ingredients except vinegar and continue cooking the mixture till it turns thick.

Pour the mixture in a bowl, and serve.



Basil Chutney:


  • 1 cup of basil leaves
  • 2 teaspoons of roasted cumin seeds
  • 6 green chilies
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 2 teaspoons of roasted coriander seeds
  • ½ bunch of fresh coriander

Blend all the ingredients together and serve
Sale of fried food items on the rise








I miss Ramadan in Pakistan. It's just not the same here in Canada :(

Home is sweet home you can't beat our dusty streets to shinny roads. Ramadan in Pakistan is a spiritual experience away from home it feels like a chore.

Jamia Mosque Faizan Madina, kharadar, Karachi



A man takes a sip from a bowl of syrup as he breaks his fast in Peshawar.— Reuters
Mountain place........


Karachi Ramzan cricket



Pakistan’s roadside Iftar feeds thousands in Ramadan.

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