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Ramadan Greetings from United States CENTCOM

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If you had read my earlier post, instead of ranting, you would have seen the point I made in this regard. Here it is again for you: "Fasting is not supposed to be undertaken by pregnant women and those who are declared unfit for it".

And if you had taken my previous advice on Islamic gibberish, we could have avoided your unnecessary petard in the first place;

That's great. Perhaps you should invest some time explaining the same to an expectant Muslim mother instead of unloading your Islamic wisdom on me. We might see some positive results then.

Again, It's fairly pointless to lecture that nonsense to me instead of a Muslim mom starving her kid. I'm well aware of your kind.
Oh, not downhearted at all, but "chit-chat"? Did you actually read the responses to CENTCOM's foolish and unwanted OP? I was just agreeing with those posters here and pointed out in my first post in the thread, how idiotic CENTCOM's sentiments are. Such sentiments just makes my country look foolish. They are not wanted.

No this not makes CENTCOM look foolish,infact this portrays a very good image of Americans,just because few members are talking about drone issue in a 'harsh way' doesn't mean that OP has done wrong by wishing them.Some people are too emotional,ignore it.
and you must see those posts too who are calmly replying and asking for peace during ramadan.
Since you have posted under a Muslim name this time, its worth repeating what everyone has said - Ramadan is a time to promote peace so I hope you are able to carry this sentiment to your superiors that primarily we like to see peace initiatives take some shape or form and not just remain mere words written for PR purposes.

Ramadan Kareem, and hope you the bombings stop, against US armed forces and by US armed forces.

They have been switching between Ali khan and Abdul Qudus for a while now, I wonder if its just the name or they actually have someone at that spot
Oh, not downhearted at all, but "chit-chat"? Did you actually read the responses to CENTCOM's foolish and unwanted OP? I was just agreeing with those posters here and pointed out in my first post in the thread, how idiotic CENTCOM's sentiments are. Such sentiments just makes my country look foolish. They are not wanted.

You don't like it? Leave there's the door. If he's doing something, its under orders of the US military. Rules of chain of command dictates at some level his orders have the approval of the President of the United States. Who was voted by the majority vote of your countrymen. Don't like it? Declare war on your own country and fight those majority people.

Quit your warmongering, people like you egged America into a war that wasn't needed and are now unable to digest any notions of peace because you have to admit failure of your warmongering at some level as well.

If you don't like him giving a human face to the oft demonized US military, you're the one putting American lives in harms way. Why do you want to see American soldiers put in harms way?

Be thankful to Abdul Quddus, he put your tax dollars to good use.

They have been switching between Ali khan and Abdul Qudus for a while now, I wonder if its just the name or they actually have someone at that spot

Does it really matter? The USCENTCOM ID posts on so many forums, hopefully its a real ID. Otherwise its some dude with a lot of time on his hands.
Again, It's fairly pointless to lecture that nonsense to me instead of a Muslim mom starving her kid. I'm well aware of your kind.
Yoy are right dear.from your pov, but in simple words ket me put it for you like this.....lets just say learning and education is up to the child. Its their choice whether they want to learn or not, if a child does not want to learn you cant just force it down their throat.
In the other case it is up to the kid whether to go to school to learn more or just sit hime and play xbox.

In the same way it is for that mother to learn whether she skips the fast. It should be her thinking about the.child. If you live close to her than pass this message to her.
Yoy are right dear.from your pov, but in simple words ket me put it for you like this.....lets just say learning and education is up to the child. Its their choice whether they want to learn or not, if a child does not want to learn you cant just force it down their throat.
In the other case it is up to the kid whether to go to school to learn more or just sit hime and play xbox.

In the same way it is for that mother to learn whether she skips the fast. It should be her thinking about the.child. If you live close to her than pass this message to her.

Smart kid.

All I wanted to convey is the inhumanity of the situation, what would you say to a Western mother who drinks and smokes during the months of her pregnancy?

I wasn't really focusing any particular religion...
No this not makes CENTCOM look foolish,infact this portrays a very good image of Americans,just because few members are talking about drone issue in a 'harsh way' doesn't mean that OP has done wrong by wishing them.Some people are too emotional,ignore it.
and you must see those posts too who are calmly replying and asking for peace during ramadan.

Its a typical problem American expats face in UAE when they come here. The more experienced Americans with world experience also talk about this that Americans severely lack tact.

In the east its customary to make small talk, pleasantries even when there are hostilities. Americans who spend some time with eastern cultures often say that when we have nothing agreeable to talk about, we just talk about how how the weather is - since everyone can agree to the weather.

Moods matter. IF we can't stand to see each other's face, what peace would we be able to discuss? Heck what WOULD we discuss other than engage in similar pissing match that DF started here.
@Desertfalcon you should really leave diplomacy to the people who have made it their career to conduct diplomacy. They have this job and you don't because they have demonstrated some capability that you haven't. You come off as someone who severely lack experience of the psyche and mindsets of the eastern people save what you must have read in some really prejudiced media outlet.
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You don't like it? Leave there's the door. If he's doing something, its under orders of the US military. Rules of chain of command dictates at some level his orders have the approval of the President of the United States. Who was voted by the majority vote of your countrymen. Don't like it? Declare war on your own country and fight those majority people.

Quit your warmongering, people like you egged America into a war that wasn't needed and are now unable to digest any notions of peace because you have to admit failure of your warmongering at some level as well.

If you don't like him giving a human face to the oft demonized US military, you're the one putting American lives in harms way. Why do you want to see American soldiers put in harms way?

Be thankful to Abdul Quddus, he put your tax dollars to good use.

Does it really matter? The USCENTCOM ID posts on so many forums, hopefully its a real ID. Otherwise its some dude with a lot of time on his hands.
Perhaps it is your English, or perhaps you just didn't understand what I have posted, but I have no idea what you are talking about. "Declare war on your own country and fight those majority people." Huh? :what: What are you on about? I have no idea. I am only advocating that America stop acting like a fool. I would think you would agree with that. The vast majority of posters here do. They also think it foolish for CENTCOM to post what he did. It is not appreciated or wanted and only makes America look like an idiot. As I said to another poster, some of you guys are sore...winners. You have won the argument with me. I used to believe in such foolish ideas as the poster CENTCOM, but no longer, just as most of the Pakistani posters in this thread, are not buying his "greetings" as anything but foolish either.

In the interest of an honest conversation. Had American aid been spent directly by America in Pakistan on Education only throughout last six decades,instead of being spent on bankrolling tyrants and buying traitors.

The social attitude today towards America would have been of gratitude and trust. One brainstormer in this regard is that throughout our 'alliance', not even ONE American University has been built in Pakistan.

Sad to say that the American policy makers chose to ally with our feudal elite and corrupt Generals than allying with the us the people.

We detest our elite and dictators. Had America worked for Democracy instead of establishing and supporting tyrany, the situation would have been completely different today.

PS. Im glad that youre a man who speaks his mind
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And if you had taken my previous advice on Islamic gibberish, we could have avoided your unnecessary petard in the first place;
Again, It's fairly pointless to lecture that nonsense to me instead of a Muslim mom starving her kid. I'm well aware of your kind.

Don't go personal, kid.
I have, so far, refrained from using the kind of nonsense you are uttering. Repeat this and you'll see a different response.
:omghaha: Why does everyone think I am "emotional". Lol, I assure you, I am not. I am agreeing with you! See my post above, i.e., I agree, countries do not have friends, only self interest. No more foolish idealism from me. Be happy, I have seen the light! :cheers:

You should tell this to your hypocrite leaders who claim to be the champion of human rights but they are not any different than those terrorists who don't care about innocent lives for any political interest. In fact terrorists did not kill as much innocent civilians as your bush and co did in this so called war on terror and American like yourself who have seen the light should ask this question to themselves that why terrorist targeted USA at first place? Why they did not pick japan,Korea, china, Russia, Brasil, etc? Its because USA poke their nose in internal affairs of others nations, misused their power, have double standard policies and left certain countries in disasters after gaining political advantage from them
@Desertfalcon you should really leave diplomacy to the people who have made it their career to conduct diplomacy. They have this job and you don't because they have demonstrated some capability that you haven't. You come off as someone who severely lack experience of the psyche and mindsets of the eastern people save what you must have read in some really prejudiced media outlet.

1. I started no "pissing match". That is just your perception. Ironically, I not only didn't start one, but I largely understand and sympathize with the majority of Pakistani posters here. Funny isn't it that you have zero criticism for their lack of tact and diplomacy. That says it all; one standard for Pakistan and another one for America. I am only advocating the same standard for both.

2. I have been stationed in, lived in, and worked in and along side, people from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Qatar, Bahrain & Pakistan and I used to be the same kind of idealistic fool that CENTCOM is. No longer. The reason is because I have read the sentiments of so many posters here, where the real feelings of average Pakistanis and others, can be seen without the filter of the liberal western media or "political correctness". I am not upset, angry, emotional, or in any sort of "pissing contest". :yay: Far from it. I have just accepted the ideas of so many here, that countries only act out of self-interest so that is how I think America should act; self interest and nothing else. Why should America have a different standard than what they advance for their own country?
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.......... I have just accepted the ideas of so many here, that countries only act out of self-interest so that is how I think America should act; self interest and nothing else. Why should America have a different standard than what they advance for their own country?

Actually Sir, that is exactly how USA already acts, only in its self-interest. What is the issue here?
Perhaps it is your English, or perhaps you just didn't understand what I have posted, but I have no idea what you are talking about. "Declare war on your own country and fight those majority people." Huh? :what: What are you on about? I have no idea. I am only advocating that America stop acting like a fool. I would think you would agree with that. The vast majority of posters here do. They also think it foolish for CENTCOM to post what he did. It is not appreciated or wanted and only makes America look like an idiot. As I said to another poster, some of you guys are sore...winners. You have won the argument with me. I used to believe in such foolish ideas as the poster CENTCOM, but no longer, just as most of the Pakistani posters in this thread, are not buying his "greetings" as anything but foolish.

Perhaps its really my English but isn't a part of what you're saying is that CENTCOM's words are insincere? He's trying to put out fires and you're stoking them up against the American soldiers? Why?

The comment about you being at war with American people is when you say I don't want my tax dollars wasted - clearly the American people who voted Obama in power and who is commander in chief of the military does want US CENTCOM to go on posting such pleasantries and clearly the American people, the majority of them who voted Obama in power don't consider this a waste of their tax dollars. If you have a problem with this, don't complain about it to @CENTCOM, take it out on your own people.

I won't say its NOT appreciated, but its not like one Ramadan greeting would have us singing praises of the US military. Every step in the right direction is appreciated - only problem is US military has bombed Pakistani soil a lot more than what its pleasantries can outweigh. So thank you for the nicety but we still have complains.

I feel sorry for you that you've lost your hope in peace. America hasn't seen war and the strife of war on its own soil so you can say you have the luxury of losing hope in peace. We don't have the same luxury as you to readily accept war as the only outcome. But its not actually true and you know it. Appetite for violence and wars is on the decline even in the US - you are minority. I'm more glad about you losing this argument against your fellow Americans than us insignificant people.
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