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Ramadan Greetings from United States CENTCOM

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Actually Sir, that is exactly how USA already acts, only in its self-interest. What is the issue here?
None, as far as I am concerned. Like I've said, I just think some posters here are sore winners. They won the argument and my old ideas are dead. I agree with them. :cool:
I appreciate the gesture.Peace to you too.
America is never a fool, but Pakistan made mistakes.
Perhaps its really my English but isn't a part of what you're saying is that CENTCOM's words are insincere? He's trying to put out fires and you're stoking them up against the American soldiers? Why?

So I'm the one stoking fires and not all the other comments from Pakistani posters here? :lol: My gosh, did you even bother to read their posts! I am only sympathizing with their sentiments about how foolish such a post by CENTCOM is. Why are you continually giving me a hard time for agreeing with the feelings of the vast majority of Pakistani posters here?

The comment about you being at war with American people is when you say I don't want my tax dollars wasted - clearly the American people who voted Obama in power and who is commander in chief of the military does want US CENTCOM to go on posting such pleasantries and clearly the American people, the majority of them who voted Obama in power don't consider this a waste of their tax dollars. If you have a problem with this, don't complain about it to @CENTCOM, take it out on your own people.
Well, I am not going to "take it out on my own people" or "make war on them", lol! That is not how it works here. I am only going to work within our democracy to convince them of how foolish it is and will work to support politicians who agree with me.

I feel sorry for you that you've lost your hope in peace. America hasn't seen war and the strife of war on its own soil so you can say you have the luxury of losing hope in peace. We don't have the same luxury as you to readily accept war as the only outcome. But its not actually true and you know it. Appetite for violence and wars is on the decline even in the US - you are minority. I'm more glad about you losing this argument against your fellow Americans than us insignificant people.

Again, you have totally misunderstood me. I have zero appetite for war. I think America should get the heck out of every country we are not wanted in, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. I think America should immediately sever ties with any country that is not truly an ally. That does NOT, however, mean that America should not strike hard at those terrorists and their supporters, who wish to harm us and kill Americans. You certainly would not advocate that for Pakistan. When Pakistan has been threatened, your security forces have routinely crossed boarders to eliminate it. They have routinely launched strikes to eliminate them. So why do you think that America should be held to a different standard?

And one more thing, when you say...

America hasn't seen war and the strife of war on its own soil

I would remind you why we are striking terrorists with missiles...


We haven't, huh?
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In the interest of an honest conversation. Had American aid been spent directly by America in Pakistan on Education only throughout last six decades,instead of being spent on bankrolling tyrants and buying traitors.

The social attitude today towards America would have been of gratitude and trust. One brainstormer in this regard is that throughout our 'alliance', not even ONE American University has been built in Pakistan.

Sad to say that the American policy makers chose to ally with our feudal elite and corrupt Generals than allying with the us the people.

We detest our elite and dictators. Had America worked for Democracy instead of establishing and supporting tyrany, the situation would have been completely different today.

PS. Im glad that youre a man who speaks his mind
I agree with your criticism of our policy, but as far as I am concerned, America should never be working for democracy in Pakistan or building any universities. That is for Pakistanis to do and to implement. That is exactly what has gotten my country into trouble and earned us such scorn in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. American meddling and "nation building". America trying to promote her values on countries and cultures that clearly do not want it.
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I would remind you why we are striking terrorists with missiles...


We haven't, huh?

Terrorist did not appeared out of nowhere and they did not pick America because America is birth place of Aids lol

Your wrong foreign policies founded these terrorists. You need to look at root causes of terrorism
If anyone here doubts why my views have changed, I suggest you carefully read the poster's comments above. As I said, my foolish idealism is dead and gone. Please CENTCOM, read the post above. That is the unfiltered voice of our "friends". This is how your friendly gesture is repaid. You make America look idiotic with such sentiments.
If anyone here doubts why my views have changed, I suggest you carefully read the poster's comments above. As I said, my foolish idealism is dead and gone. Please CENTCOM, read the post above. This is how your friendly gesture is repaid. You make America look idiotic with such sentiments.

and whats wrong with my posts :what:

I am asking about reasons why America is a constant victim of terrorism ? Why USA became such a focal point of hostilities? Why not Australia or any other country mentioned before?
As Ramadan nears we send our salutation to the Muslim world on this blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of reflection and giving; a time for compassion, happiness and hope. We hope and pray for peace and tranquility for all in this blessed and holy month.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Thanks for the greetings and please either ignore the trolls or take the rants as mere joke.
I agree with your criticism of our policy, but as far as I am concerned, America should never be working for democracy in Pakistan or building any universities. That is for Pakistanis to do and to implement. That is exactly what has gotten my country into trouble and earned us such scorn in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. American meddling and "nation building". America trying to promote her values on countries and cultures that clearly do not want it.
you just answered your own question. This is the perception among general public. And do you know why? i guess you know the answer too, it is your actions and your policies towards foreign countries which have fuelled these perception.

One case has been highlighted by many members here and that is of Drones. we have been telling this to US that Drones are counter productive but yet they have the audacity to bomb us.

Let me add here that the general public in Pakistan has nothing against the public or people of America, what they don't like is your policies and your leaders .
One example is you will find many Pakistanis working in your companies , liing near you, they will interact with you on daily basis, do they have any grudge against you or have anything against you personally?
If anyone here doubts why my views have changed, I suggest you carefully read the poster's comments above. As I said, my foolish idealism is dead and gone. Please CENTCOM, read the post above. That is the unfiltered voice of our "friends". This is how your friendly gesture is repaid. You make America look idiotic with such sentiments.
No dear there is nothing wrong with the post above. Our fellow here is just taking you back to the basics or shall i say a small history lesson perhaps. But since you are a professional you should know who and how Taliban were supported back in the 80s
in ramzan US will have more attackes from afghan talibans... in this ramzan afghan talibans will give you a gift like never before so gear up uncle sam:lol:
you just answered your own question. This is the perception among general public. And do you know why? i guess you know the answer too, it is your actions and your policies towards foreign countries which have fuelled these perception.

One case has been highlighted by many members here and that is of Drones. we have been telling this to US that Drones are counter productive but yet they have the audacity to bomb us.

No dear there is nothing wrong with the post above. Our fellow here is just taking you back to the basics or shall i say a small history lesson perhaps. But since you are a professional you should know who and how Taliban were supported back in the 80s

Again, I do not get why so many posters here are upset that I largely........agree with them! Just as with the other poster who commented. As you say, there is nothing wrong with it. It is very informative. I am thankful to posters like Raja.Pakistani for changing my views. I think it expresses the true feeling of someone who's home country America gives one and a a half billion dollars in military aid to and one and a half billion dollars in economic aid to, every year. I disagree with some of his assessment and of course, his "AIDS comment" was very revealing but I am not surprised. I just think posters like CENTCOM should read them so they get the unfiltered sentiments of so many Pakistanis and understand how idiotic it is for them to post such "greetings" in the OP or to advocate any continual assistance to a country that utterly despises us. Again, I agree with you. America needs to stop meddling and get out. We need to sever our ties and stop idiotically, giving three billion dollars every year in assistance, to a country that shares such sentiments as has been expressed here. And before anyone says again, "Why are you so angry, emotional, etc?" I am not. :bounce: I just no longer have any sense of idealism or greater mission for America. As to the drone attacks, as I have stated before, when Pakistan's security has been threatened, she has had no qualms about striking across boarders to defend herself so why should America be held to a different standard? IOW, I agree about American meddling in trying to" nation build" or foster development of democracy. That is an unwanted waste of American tax-payer's money that only makes us look foolish and earns us scorn, but of course, I will not agree that America should not strike at terrorists who want to kill us, wherever we find them. Neither would Pakistan and she has a long track record of doing just that. What is fair for your country, is fair for mine.
I disagree with some of his assessment and of course, his "AIDS comment" was very revealing but I am not surprised. I just think posters like CENTCOM should read them so they get the unfiltered sentiments of so many Pakistanis and understand how idiotic it is for them to post such "greetings" in the OP or to advocate any continual assistance to a country that utterly despises us. Again, I agree with you. America needs to stop meddling and get out..

You are very sensitive my friend because I said aids comment as a joke taken from @ The Dictator

and as for my wrong assessment concern then you were free to correct them but you did bother to bring any counter argument to prove my assessments as false
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Again, I do not get why so many posters here are upset that I largely........agree with you! Just as with the other poster who commented. As you say, there is nothing wrong with it. It is very informative. I am thankful to posters like Raja.Pakistani for changing my views. I think it expresses the true feeling of someone who's home country America gives one and a a half billion dollars in military aid to and one and a half billion dollars in economic aid to, every year.
Nobody is favouring these attacks on US soil, and nobody likes to see an innocent civilian getting blown up, for the wrongs of his leaders. So if you have misunderstood his point or my post that we support the act than no sir we don't. It was between your Govt and the Taliban, and should have stayed like that. There was no need to bring in the civilians into this. And we condemn such acts of terrorism.

I just think posters like CENTCOM should read them so they get the unfiltered sentiments of so many Pakistanis and understand how idiotic it is for them to post such "greetings" in the OP or to advocate any continual assistance to a country that utterly despises us.
ok heres the thing, I would have agreed with you if @CENTCOM had said anything related to our policy or our country. But he is actually greeting us for a religious affair, and what we are suggesting is not to bomb us during the holy month. Many of the senior members have welcomed the move. I do not understand why would a professional like would take trolls seriously.
when Pakistan's security has been threatened, she has had no qualms about striking across boarders to defend herself so why should America be held to a different standard.
iAs said above, the drones are counter productive because the collateral damage has been bigger in this case. And the case you mentioned about us shooting across the border than I would like to know number of civilians died in those incidents and number of civilians died in Pakistan in result of drone strikes.we do not follow first strike policy. If we see someone infiltrating into our border or artillery shells coming across the border, of course we deserve the right to defend ourselves.
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Are you guys gonna bomb innocent civilians in Ramadhan?

Are you guys blowing up mosques and markets on Ramadan? I heard its the best time for suicide bombing.

Drone strikes have made that a public opinion about US and unfortunately that is how people see the US in the region, not all of course.

Don't get worked up, American people would have the same reaction if they were receiving the same treatment by Pakistan with drone attacks.

Fix the problem and it wouldn't happen. U.S. would easily cracked down anybody who would terrorize Pakistan. After all we killed one of the terrorist leaders that was a threat to Pakistan. But I guess we don't get credit for it.
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