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Ramadan Greetings from United States CENTCOM

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Are you guys blowing up mosques and markets on Ramadan? I heard its the best time for suicide bombing.

The Pakistani government isn't, but can we say the same thing about the American government and the people support it?

Do you have any regrets for the American government killing innocent civilians in drone attacks?
I am thankful to posters like Raja.Pakistani for changing my views. I think it expresses the true feeling of someone who's home country America gives one and a a half billion dollars in military aid to and one and a half billion dollars in economic aid to, every year.
You are most welcome and your aid is not doing any good for welfare of my country. Pakistan is in worse condition now than it was before joining this WOT. You said it yourself that your country do everything for self interest so this aid is not charity and we are paying the double price. You are forgetting that USA used to give us same Aid to create these freedom fighters in 80s. USA did nothing to clean up a region which they ravaged and offered no foreign aid to help them rebuild and left it for talibans and now you are giving us same AID to fight with same guys. Our soldiers and innocent civilians are losing their lives on daily basis because of these double games you play. Put yourself into the shoes of those people of Afghanistan and Iraq who lost their close relatives because of your war adventure and you too will understand the resentment they hold towards the United States. Nothing against the people of united state here but talking about foreign polices of united states and their interference in politics of middle east and other countries
The Pakistani government isn't, but can we say the same thing about the American government and the people support it?

Do you have any regrets for the American government killing innocent civilians in drone attacks?

Do you have any regrets killing innocents in your own country?
Do you have any regrets killing innocents in your own country?

No I haven't killed anyone yet.

But the American government seems to be fond of killing babies in drone strikes . Do you condemn that?
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You are most welcome and your aid is not doing any good for welfare of my country. Pakistan is in worse condition now than it was before joining this WOT. You said it yourself that your country do everything for self interest so this aid is not charity and we are paying the double price. You are forgetting that USA used to give us same Aid to create these freedom fighters in 80s. USA did nothing to clean up a region which they ravaged and offered no foreign aid to help them rebuild and left it for talibans and now you are giving us same AID to fight with same guys. Our soldiers and innocent civilians are losing their lives on daily basis because of these double games you play. Put yourself into the shoes of those people of Afghanistan and Iraq who lost their close relatives because of your war adventure and you too will understand the resentment they hold towards the United States. Nothing against the people of united state here but talking about foreign polices of united states and their interference in politics of middle east and other countries
I totally agree with you. America is stupid for every giving it and I will work to see that not one dime more goes to Pakistan and you are correct, when America acted in self interest and out of our values, in supplying the Afghani people with arms to defend themselves against the Soviets, it was a huge, huge, mistake on our part and I have stated this several times here, on PDF. America should have simply allowed the Soviets to commit mass genocide on the Afghani people, without hindrance. When America, (indeed, the United Nations), voted to free the Kuwait people from Saddam Hussein's raping and murdering army, that also was a colossal mistake. That single act, of placing American and western forces in the region to eject Iraq from Kuwait, was the reason Osama Bin-Laden gave for murdering 3,000+ of my countrymen on American soil, in front of my eyes. We should have never done it. We should have let Saddam rape Kuwait and turn it into an Iraqi province. We have made the same mistake in Syria and really, it's best if Assad drops all the poison gas on his people he wants, without America providing Stinger missiles or other arms to those villages to defend themselves with, as just as in Afghanistan, they would be accepted by people who hate America anyway, and after Assad is gone, those same weapons would be used to kill Americans or our true allies.

See, I still don't think you understand that I agree with you! :cheers: No more American meddling, I say. Let the Afghanis be ruled by whatever brutal savages want to rule them. Let the Syrians wipe each other out of existence. Let India and Pakistan incinerate each other with nuclear weapons. It's none of America's business and we ought to stay out! We certainly, as you say, have done more harm than good in giving any assistance and that needs to end! We need to worry only about America's security and not be concerned with anyone else's, let alone, what they may think of us.
America should have simply allowed the Soviets to commit mass genocide on the Afghani people, without hindrance. When America, (indeed, the United Nations), voted to free the Kuwait people from Saddam Hussein's raping and murdering army, that also was a colossal mistake. That single act, of placing American and western forces in the region to eject Iraq from Kuwait, was the reason Osama Bin-Laden gave for murdering 3,000+ of my countrymen on American soil, in front of my eyes. We should have never done it. We should have let Saddam rape Kuwait and turn it into an Iraqi province. We have made the same mistake in Syria and really, it's best if Assad drops all the poison gas on his people he wants, without America providing Stinger missiles or other arms to those villages to defend themselves with, as just as in Afghanistan, they would be accepted by people who hate America anyway, and after Assad is gone, those same weapons would be used to kill Americans or our true allies.

See, I still don't think you understand that I agree with you! :cheers: No more American meddling, I say. Let the Afghanis be ruled by whatever brutal savages want to rule them. Let the Syrians wipe each other out of existence. Let India and Pakistan incinerate each other with nuclear weapons. It's none of America's business and we ought to stay out! We certainly, as you say, have done more harm than good in giving any assistance and that needs to end! We need to worry only about America's security and not be concerned with anyone else's, let alone, what they may think of us.

Read this good analysis

Americans must wonder why other Western nations have not had frequent terrorist attacks. Australia, Sweden and Switzerland for example, are rarely the targets of domestic terrorism. If the terrorists universally hate free and democratic nations, why is this?

Chalmers Johnson has written a book titled "Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire" that tries to find the answer to this anomaly. He focuses on evaluating the extent to which American foreign policy inspires terrorism. Most of the book is based around supporting his central assertion of something called blowback: "a term the CIA invented to describe the likelihood that [American] covert operations in other people's countries would result in retaliations against Americans, civilian and military, at home and abroad."

For Johnson it is no mystery. Terrorists generally don't dislike America for what it represents (material wealth and democracy), but for what the American government does in foreign nations.

Indeed, one of Osama bin Laden's grievances was the stationing of American troops in Saudi Arabia. Yet the US did not withdraw its troops until 2003, despite repeated terrorist attacks (that is, blowback) throughout the 1990s. Somehow neither Democrats nor Republicans understood the message from the terrorists: we don't want you interfering in our internal affairs, leave us alone. The good that came from eventually withdrawing American troops from Saudi Arabia has now been negated by waging two unnecessary and constitutionally suspect wars in the heart of the Middle East. Again, one observes the common American government practice of meddling in other nations.

A consistent theme of American foreign policy has been picking winners - usually incorrectly. In Afghanistan, the Americans funded the Taliban in the 1980s, but then changed their mind after September 11 and came back and supported the opposition Northern Alliance. Picking winners is a favourite habit of governments in the economic realm, and it is also evident in foreign policy. But picking winners also means the losers begin to resent you.

While distaste for American values or religious fervour might be a propaganda tool terrorists use to motivate followers, the underlying tension is created by foreign policy actions taken by the American government, starting with the CIA's overthrow of the Iranian leader in 1953. Since that time, American policy has become increasingly interventionist, and the CIA has engaged in numerous clandestine operations that many Americans would be appalled of, if they knew what went on in their name.

Johnson wrote the first edition of his book before the September 11 attacks. In it, he correctly predicted acts of retaliation upon US interests. His argument is that everyone reaps what they sow; the worst blowback from the 20th century, and more recently from Iraq and Afghanistan, is yet to come.

The thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians that have been killed due to American "friendly fire" have families. Even if we in the West forget these Iraqi deaths, their families won't. The terrorists will capitalise on the resentment against Americans to gain financial support. This means Americans should prepare for the hatred their government has recently generated in the Middle East. It means there will almost certainly be another major terrorist attack on American soil 5-10 years down the track.

Sadly, more American citizens have died in Iraq than were killed on September 11. It is time America reverted to a humble foreign policy that focuses on securing American democracy and liberty, before it justifies billions of dollars and thousands of lives by citing false security concerns or the need to install democracy by force in other nations. Blowback is real, and the quicker Americans understand this, the quicker America can stop being a target for terrorism.

Why America is such a target for terrorism - by Sukrit Sabhlok - Page 2 - Helium
Your air force needs to shoot down the drones - or don't talk. Its their responsibility to look after their citizens , not the US.

Seems like Americans are quiet in condemning the American government for killing civilians....They try to change the topic every time....
Thank you for greeting us from China, we remain permanent longer ally and support each other.

Read this good analysis

Americans must wonder why other Western nations have not had frequent terrorist attacks. Australia, Sweden and Switzerland for example, are rarely the targets of domestic terrorism. If the terrorists universally hate free and democratic nations, why is this?

Where did I ever say this? :what: Please, I beg you, please read my post that you quoted. Does it say anything about terrorist attacking "democracy"? NO! It's like you guys just don't seem to get that I am agreeing with you! Please, please, actually read what I posted that you quoted. I am agreeing with you that the terrorists attacks on us were due to America's decision to arm the Afghani people to defend themselves against the Soviet's invasion and in response to American efforts in ejecting Saddam's Iraq from Kuwait. I agree with you!

I am simply saying that along with those mistakes has been the mistake of trying to foster democracy, individual rights, religious toleration, economic development, in countries that we are in, or have alliance with but again, I agree with you! All of that has been a colossal mistake and a complete waste of the American taxpayers money and I will work to end it. So what's the problem?
I totally agree with you. America is stupid for every giving it and I will work to see that not one dime more goes to Pakistan and you are correct, when America acted in self interest and out of our values, in supplying the Afghani people with arms to defend themselves against the Soviets, it was a huge, huge, mistake on our part and I have stated this several times here, on PDF. America should have simply allowed the Soviets to commit mass genocide on the Afghani people, without hindrance. When America, (indeed, the United Nations), voted to free the Kuwait people from Saddam Hussein's raping and murdering army, that also was a colossal mistake. That single act, of placing American and western forces in the region to eject Iraq from Kuwait, was the reason Osama Bin-Laden gave for murdering 3,000+ of my countrymen on American soil, in front of my eyes. We should have never done it. We should have let Saddam rape Kuwait and turn it into an Iraqi province. We have made the same mistake in Syria and really, it's best if Assad drops all the poison gas on his people he wants, without America providing Stinger missiles or other arms to those villages to defend themselves with, as just as in Afghanistan, they would be accepted by people who hate America anyway, and after Assad is gone, those same weapons would be used to kill Americans or our true allies.

See, I still don't think you understand that I agree with you! :cheers: No more American meddling, I say. Let the Afghanis be ruled by whatever brutal savages want to rule them. Let the Syrians wipe each other out of existence. Let India and Pakistan incinerate each other with nuclear weapons. It's none of America's business and we ought to stay out! We certainly, as you say, have done more harm than good in giving any assistance and that needs to end! We need to worry only about America's security and not be concerned with anyone else's, let alone, what they may think of us.

I remember I went to Yahoo Islam chat room once. The room was full of Americans hating on Islam, saying unmentionable things about Islam, also they were passing photos of American military raping Iraqi Women, that was quite disgusting and disturbing. But I see no mention of such human rights violation by the Champions of Human rights? Why....?

Also, why would the Americans think they should meddle in the affairs of other countries? They should mind their own geography.

The "American values" which you talk about, have been conservative by the most part of its history, but now they have been replaced by new values just within these last few decades. The homosexualizing of their army, the legalization of **** industry are a proof of it, it would have been unimaginable by the Americans 60 years ago.
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