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Ramadan Greetings from United States CENTCOM

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With all due respect, you are an absolute fool to wish anyone here a joyous Ramadan. It is unwanted as you can tell. I have received a good education here. Please, if terrorists are found, drone-bomb the crap out of them at the hight of Ramadan, for all I care. CENTCOM is wasting my tax paying dollars if it cares about one life or one thing, other than Americans or American interest. Attempts at thinking we have friends or allies in the region, attempts at respecting the various regions or cultures or religion represented here, are only met with scorn. They think we are fools, because of it. They could give a rat's-*** about American lives so we are idiots to give one about theirs. Bomb away. They will always blame America because they are not men enough to take charge of their own countries.

Think I am being harsh? I suggest you read through some posts on PDF, including the other responses to this foolish thread.

what happened moshe??

the moral equivalents of your founding fathers giving you hard time in Afghanistan?

"To watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters battle modern arsenals with simple hand-held weapons is an inspiration to those who love freedom."
— U.S. President Ronald Reagan, March 21, 1983

now apply some burnol and go to sleep.
With all due respect, you are an absolute fool to wish anyone here a joyous Ramadan. It is unwanted as you can tell. I have received a good education here. Please, if terrorists are found, drone-bomb the crap out of them at the hight of Ramadan, for all I care. CENTCOM is wasting my tax paying dollars if it cares about one life or one thing, other than Americans or American interest. Attempts at thinking we have friends or allies in the region, attempts at respecting the various regions or cultures or religion represented here, are only met with scorn. They think we are fools, because of it. They could give a rat's-*** about American lives so we are idiots to give one about theirs. Bomb away. They will always blame America because they are not men enough to take charge of their own countries.

Think I am being harsh? I suggest you read through some posts on PDF, including the other responses to this foolish thread.

Very bad..please do not ruin the friendly environment for which CENTCOM is working hard.Before getting too harsh after seeing some posts,it was much better that if you have waited patiently.
Sir,the way you are concerned about the lives of Americans,in the same way we are,but harshness and ignorance is not the solution,I admit that some members do that,but we must understand each other's psychology,the reason of such reaction is because we are failed to understand each other's concern,and even if some try to work on it,then others ruin it.
you are sensible old man,I hope that you will work on with patience and sincerity
Drone strikes have made that a public opinion about US and unfortunately that is how people see the US in the region, not all of course.

Don't get worked up, American people would have the same reaction if they were receiving the same treatment by Pakistan with drone attacks.
I'm not "worked up" at all. Not sure why people keep thinking I am. I am perfectly calm. I am just no longer the American idealist, which is to say, I am just no longer a fool about thinking we have friends or allies in the region. We don't. I just no longer give a damn about lives other than Americans and those of the few countries, that really are our allies just as Pakistanis don't give a damn about American lives. Countries and their governments, should and do, act only out of self interest. I have been told that here, again and again, and I am convinced. So why in the world would you think I give a hoot about what "image" drone strikes may give my country in Pakistan? It's not like America was anything but hated there to begin with and in the end, I just don't care anymore, like I used to. The only thing I care about is that those terrorist, who threaten my country and my people, are killed. If you choose to not get your own house in order, if you choose to continue to allow such savages to use your country as a base, than please, don't whine when American missiles come crashing down on you. You obviously don't give a crap about the security of my country, so why would you think we should about yours?
i think the pregnant woman shouldnt fast because her fasting makes the baby fast too, so not good for baby's health

Our personal opinions are irrelevant. If conclusive science and statistics see it as a fatal risk, I cannot think of a reason why a mother should undertake any risk.

and who said it is mandatory for a pregnant woman to keep fast,. so learn the basics and than comeback here with such crap

That's great. Perhaps you should invest some time explaining the same to an expectant Muslim mother instead of unloading your Islamic wisdom on me. We might see some positive results then.

Either way, my intention wasn't to malign anyone but to convey my sense of concern. Just the observation that my previous comment got deleted is very telling to the fact how much your community shares that level of concern.
"To watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters battle modern arsenals with simple hand-held weapons is an inspiration to those who love freedom."
— U.S. President Ronald Reagan, March 21, 1983
Unfortunately, Reagan was as deluded and idealistic as many Americans, including myself, used to be. Afghanistan is not worth one single American life and Reagan made a huge, huge, mistake, in ever giving them assistance. In the end, it would have been far better for American security if we had not "meddled" and simply allowed the Soviets to commit complete genocide, unhindered, on the Afghani people. Perhaps 9-11-2001, would not have happened then. In the future when such happens again, (and it will), I will work hard to ensure my representatives, do not assist anyone who only hate America in any event.
stop interference in Pakistan Affairs!
stop interference in Pakistan Affairs!

I agree and will work hard to that end. Not one more dollar, not one more F-16 part, not one more immigration visa, not one more diplomatic agreement, or treaty. Of course, if you continue to allow your country to be used as a base for those who are trying to harm my country or her people, I will fully support the use of American military action to eliminate it. Obviously, by allowing your country to be used as such, you could care less about American lives so why should we Americans care about yours? After all, you would insist that your government do the same when terrorists threaten your country from across boarders, so don't take it personally or get mad, when American missiles come crashing down on you. You would do the same to Indians or Afghanis and have, when Pakistan is threatened. It's nothing to get mad over. It's just looking out for your own self-interest. From now on, I will insist my government do so as well without any further foolish idealism.

American motive was never to 'help' but to take revenge from soviets,for what USSR had done in vietnam.

As General 'Cyclone' said: ”These bastards (Soviets) must burn.”

FYI Had America not removed Bhutto who was going to give transit to USSR, and had it not supported a tyrant 'Gen Zia' to do its ugly work, there wouldn't have been an invasion in the first place.

Your designs were driven by 'Inetrests and revenge' instead of 'Righteousness'."Afghani genocide" was a consequence of your govt's political 'intervention' and your goal of attaining self interests via establishment of tyrany in Pakistan.

A non interventionist America will only do good to itself and passively to others in the process.
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I'm not "worked up" at all. Not sure why people keep thinking I am. I am perfectly calm. I am just no longer the American idealist, which is to say, I am just no longer a fool about thinking we have friends or allies in the region. We don't. I just no longer give a damn about lives other than Americans and those of the few countries, that really are our allies just as Pakistanis don't give a damn about American lives. Countries and their governments, should and do, act only out of self interest. I have been told that here, again and again, and I am convinced. So why in the world would you think I give a hoot about what "image" drone strikes may give my country in Pakistan? It's not like America was anything but hated there to begin with and in the end, I just don't care anymore, like I used to. The only thing I care about is that those terrorist, who threaten my country and my people, are killed. If you choose to not get your own house in order, if you choose to continue to allow such savages to use your country as a base, than please, don't whine when American missiles come crashing down on you. You obviously don't give a crap about the security of my country, so why would you think we should about yours?

Your notion about us not getting our house in order is factually wrong. We have sacrificed many lives and continue to do so. You my friend is ungrateful and selfish to say the least.

American motive was never to 'help' but to take revenge from soviets,for what USSR had done in vietnam.

As General 'Cyclone' said: ”These bastards (Soviets) must burn.”

FYI Had America not removed Bhutto who was going to give transit to USSR, and had it not supported a tyrant 'Gen Zia' to do its ugly work, there wouldn't have been an invasion in the first place.

Your designs were driven by 'Inetrests and revenge' instead of 'Righteousness'."Afghani genocide" was a consequence of your govt's political 'intervention' and your goal of attaining self interests via establishment of tyrany in Pakistan.

A non interventionist America will only do good to itself and passively to others in the process.
I agree mostly. America has been utterly foolish to intervene or to assist anyone in that region, for any reason, when those we assist have nothing but hatred or scorn for us. Please read my last post above. I agree with you. No more American "meddling", if I can help it, and America being a democracy, I can help it in some small way. I have become a believer in not one more ounce of meddling or assistance to anyone in the region. However, you say "passively" and that is a standard that you would absolutely not want your country to follow, so why would you think I would want that for mine? When America finds threats, we should strike aggressively. I will just no longer have the idea that we should "meddle" or be concerned with the effects of those strikes. America just needs to learn from the Israelis and stop all of our foolish "nation building" and assistance and promotion of democracy and "rights" and respect for other religions, (like the idiotic purpose of the OP of this thread), and all the other utterly unwanted policies that only make my country look like a fool. Israel is respected and feared by everyone in the region, because she only cares about Israel. America needs to embrace that completely for ourselves.
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Your notion about us not getting our house in order is factually wrong. We have sacrificed many lives and continue to do so. You my friend is ungrateful and selfish to say the least.
Oh please, stop your whining. You could give a rat's-*** less about whether those terrorists kill Americans. Your country only acts out of self interest and that is all I am arguing for, i.e., that America do the same and ONLY the same. You guys allowed the biggest terrorist in history, Osama bin Laden, to live comfortably for years and years, right under the noses of your military in a city dominated by the presence of your armed forces. And when Pakistan is threatened, you strike across boarders to protect her. Why are you arguing that America be held to a different standard than that?
Oh please, stop your whining. You could give a rat's-*** less about whether those terrorists kill Americans. Your country only acts out of self interest and that is all I am arguing for, i.e., that America do the same and ONLY the same. You guys allowed the biggest terrorist in history, Osama bin Laden, to live comfortably for years and years, right under the noses of your military in a city dominated by the presence of your armed forces. And when Pakistan is threatened, you strike across boarders to protect her. Why are you arguing that America be held to a different standard than that?

Then chapter is closed.you work for your country's benefit and we work for ours,which again questions our relationship.
and this clearly highlights the point that our interests may collapse with each other.then stop whining and complaining to us dear.
Our personal opinions are irrelevant. If conclusive science and statistics see it as a fatal risk, I cannot think of a reason why a mother should undertake any risk.
That's great. Perhaps you should invest some time explaining the same to an expectant Muslim mother instead of unloading your Islamic wisdom on me. We might see some positive results then.

Either way, my intention wasn't to malign anyone but to convey my sense of concern. Just the observation that my previous comment got deleted is very telling to the fact how much your community shares that level of concern.

Your "level of concern" was ignorant, to say the least.
Pregnant women are exempt from fasting. As are those who are travelling on long journeys or those who are unwell or unfit to fast.

This is why that comment was removed.


Anyways, I feel Centcom was just being polite in wishing us well. No point in criticizing that or raise drones etc. We can talk about our differences where they are needed instead of threads that are plain greetings.
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