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Rajoana Hanging case,Punjab on alert,a curious case of Indian system

Is it proved in a court of law?
I advice you to read the post which i have responded................

I think his sentence should be commuted to life imprisonment. Since he has already spent 17 years behind bars, this would mean he would be out free very soon. This will help diffuse the tense situation developing in Punjab.
As I mentioned i am against CAPITAL Punishment...........But Tomorrow the Same reason will be quoted by CM from J&K for Afsal................
I advice you to read the post which i have responded................

As I mentioned i am against CAPITAL Punishment...........But Tomorrow the Same reason will be quoted by CM from J&K for Afsal................

Fair point. I don't really have an answer for that. As a Sikh and somebody who has seen the worse of both the militants and the state machinery in Punjab, I think Beant Singh had it coming.
So you say .............if I feel you are not a Saint i can kill you and get away with Law.......Lol.........

Did he say that??? No i don't think so...What he or almost everyone is saying is that Don't hang him....Beant Singh was not a saint and he along with that scum bag KPS Gill are responsible for killings of lot of innocents...Now listen and get the logic - People who are objecting to his hanging are saying that there are lot of scum bags still out there who are not being touched by the Law...For example - Killers of IG were prosecuted but killers of more than 4000 Sikhs are still free.. In the same token killers of Beant Singh will be prosecuted but what about thousands of innocents who lost their lives at the hands of KPS Gill fully backed by Beant Singh??? Why is our memory so selective??? When unconstitutional methods were used to bring back normalcy in Punjab(which was the creaton of IG in the first hand) then we were all happy and no one talks about it anymore...but when unconstitutional methods were used to take the revenge from those scum backs people like you are advocating that rule of law must be enforced??? What kind of hypocrisy is that??? Why is rule of law only applicable to people like this man??? Have you read a bit about him??? He was part of the system and in fact a victim of terrorism himself...yet he chose to kill Beant Singh...the same person whom he was supposed to protect...He is the same Guy who could easily get clemency should he chose to ask for it but is not going for it even though the entire state is behind him...Did it occur to you, why????

Anyhow you will not get it and neither people like you even care..Sorry to be blunt here but unfortunately it is a fact...

Modi master minded Riots siting in his office with the support of Government Machinery...........Two wrongs doesn't make a right............

Right...But that also doesn't mean that nothing should be done to fix the wrong that happened earlier...He has already served sentence for 17 long years...Even on humanitarian grounds he should not be hanged...As said before people sentiments needs to be countered here...Had state not made mistakes of their own(failure to bring to book anyone for 84 riots, human rights violation during terrorism in punjab) they could have gone with the higher moral ground of "Law of Land must prevail"...However since they have failed miserably they should look at the issue from a larger prospective and not just selective execution of law!!!!
So you say .............if I feel you are not a Saint i can kill you and get away with Law.......Lol.........

Dude I quit..It's lke arguing with a wall..you seem to have no knowledge of what happened there in Punjab. I rest my case.

Modi master minded Riots siting in his office with the support of Government Machinery...........

yeah ..so says Infinity...a anonymous poster on PDF.:wave:
I advice you to read the post which i have responded................As I mentioned i am against CAPITAL Punishment...........But Tomorrow the Same reason will be quoted by CM from J&K for Afsal................

And there is nothing wrong in that...If CM of J&K feels that there is going to be a law and order problem in the state should Afsal Guru be hanged then center should look into it...As said there should not be selective implementation of usual syndrome "Law of Land must prevail"...There are scores of Human Rights Violations in J&K...Get your act straight and start punishing those...once you do that hang Afsal Guru...People will have no moral ground to object...Once you put all the wrong doingins cimmoted by state machinery under the carpet you give people a legitimate reason to push for such demands...
And coming to the other side - to those defending Rajaona, saying that whether the killers of Sikhs have been punished...have the culprits who butchered thousands of Hindus in Punjab been punished ? Have the killers of Kashmiri pundits been punished..?

That is Indian legal system for you.
Dude I quit..It's lke arguing with a wall..you seem to have no knowledge of what happened there in Punjab. I rest my case.

yeah ..so says Infinity...a anonymous poster on PDF.:wave:

Buddy let's not give up...He is not in touch with the ground reality....we should try our best to inform them about the real situation...

And coming to the other side - to those defending Rajaona, saying that whether the killers of Sikhs have been punished...have the culprits who butchered thousands of Hindus been punished ? Have the killers of Kashmiri pundits been punished..?

That is Indian legal system for you.

Who are you referring to in the bold part??...B/w It is the same legal system which put people like Rajoana to gallows...What can legal system do when evidence are tampered right under the pretext of so called legally elected govt. Our courts are for sure very slow but they are not unfair...The real corruption is outside the court room mostly right before the legal proceedings start..
In this particular case I would like to let bygones be bygones, but the precedent will be immediately used for Kasab and Afzal Guru.

Unfortunately Indian justice system is too slow. Need swift and fair justice.

Beant Singh and KPS Gill may have their faults, but these two Sardars saved the situation when it had become quite bad. I am thankful to them.
In this particular case I would like to let bygones be bygones, but the precedent will be immediately used for Kasab and Afzal Guru.

Unfortunately Indian justice system is too slow. Need swift and fair justice.

Beant Singh and KPS Gill may have their faults, but these two Sardars saved the situation when it had become quite bad. I am thankful to them.

Hahahaha....That is epic...So in case situation goes bad in your state...Unconstitutional methods are used there and unfortunately you loose some of your closed one's in that(who by the way were innocents) i am sure you will still be thankful to the people in-charge...right?? After all bygones are just bygones, isn't it??
Unfortunately Indian justice system is too slow. Need swift and fair justice.

Its an understatement. Even snails are faster than our courts. There should be some provision by which courts should function 24/7
Hahahaha....That is epic...So in case situation goes bad in your state...Unconstitutional methods are used there and unfortunately you loose some of your closed one's in that(who by the way were innocents) i am sure you will still be thankful to the people in-charge...right?? After all bygones are just bygones, isn't it??

Paaji that is the disadvantage of too much diversity in India...For you the prism of viewing will be different, for a Punjabi Hindu whose family members was murdered by a Khalistani the lens will be different and for an outsider the lens will again be different. No one is at fault for looking through the lens they are looking through.

Same can be said of Tamil Nadu...almost the entire country wanted India to vote against the resolution because of their notion of national interests and their views will be based solely on that..but for people from TN it will not be so..they will approach the issue from their shared linguistic culture with Lankan Tamils and hence their opinion will be different.

We have no choice but to respect both the views.
And coming to the other side - to those defending Rajaona, saying that whether the killers of Sikhs have been punished...have the culprits who butchered thousands of Hindus in Punjab been punished ? Have the killers of Kashmiri pundits been punished..?

That is Indian legal system for you.

All those who killed hindus in Punjab and pandits in Punjab ,,,,,didnt had office in Delhi
All those who killed hindus in Punjab and pandits in Punjab ,,,,,didnt had office in Delhi

That doesnt make a difference to the loved ones of the killed...Does it ?
Paaji that is the disadvantage of too much diversity in India...For you the prism of viewing will be different, for a Punjabi Hindu whose family members was murdered by a Khalistani the lens will be different and for an outsider the lens will again be different. No one is at fault for looking through the lens they are looking through.

Same can be said of Tamil Nadu...almost the entire country wanted India to vote against the resolution because of their notion of national interests and their views will be based solely on that..but for people from TN it will not be so..they will approach the issue from their shared linguistic culture with Lankan Tamils and hence their opinion will be different.

We have no choice but to respect both the views.

Veere the logic is simple...Without knowing the ground reality of the situation we should not be making such hardline views...And if we have there is nothing wrong in learning from people on the ground..No???

My point being if people have a logic(Mind it - it may still be wrong as per me) in what they are saying then that is fine...but supporting something that is defying logic is not acceptable.....People here are advocating about the fact that Law of Land must prevail...I have no issues with that...But what about the law of land when state was at fault??? It state failed to follow law of land when thousands were killed why such a hue and cry on few individuals death??? Hang all or hang none....

As far as vote against Sri Lanka is concerned then i objected it because we changed our foreign policy due to regional politics...I have no issues in forcing Lanka to accept the human rights violation...But then why we are indifferent to same things in Syria and other likes??? Why is a lankan tamil life more important then anyone else's??? In short had this be a New Delhi stand out of care and respect for human rights i would have favored it...But just doing it to please DMK and likes is treason in my eyes...
Veere the logic is simple...Without knowing the ground reality of the situation we should not be making such hardline views...And if we have there is nothing wrong in learning from people on the ground..No???

My point being if people have a logic(Mind it - it may still be wrong as per me) in what they are saying then that is fine...but supporting something that is defying logic is not acceptable.....People here are advocating about the fact that Law of Land must prevail...I have no issues with that...But what about the law of land when state was at fault??? It state failed to follow law of land when thousands were killed why such a hue and cry on few individuals death??? Hang all or hang none....

That's why I mentioned the case of the Punjabi Hindus who suffered at the hands of the Khalistanis, the Kashmiri Pandits who siffered at the hands of Islamic extremists...have they got justice...no.

I;m not saying that is correct...but just its not a victimization of just one community.

ps.: For the bolded part, I will blame the Punjabis as much as I blame anyone. Try not voting for Congress in one election - and by not voting I mean, no Sikh votes for them, and I'm sure Jagdish tytler and all those sacrificial bakras will be lined up for sacrifice in no time.
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