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Raja Dahir Sen The Forgotten warrior of SIndh

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P.S; If you have doubts visit KSA...or GCC.
I born in GCC, but I can understand your hate for Sunni Arabs.

Why do we care about dahir?As a sindhi he is pakistan's native.So a ivc area ruler from modern day pakistan was subjagated and conquered by arabs.We 'gangadeshis' crushed the same arabs at the battle of rajasthan when they tried.Dahir the loser is pakistan's history.We ''gangadeshis' shouldn't bother about it.
Don't you ruled by Turks, Araba, Persians, Mughals for 1000 years or just you tore apart that pages of history?
This is an area blessed with natural beauty with forest, springs, mountain and rivers. It's a world harritae site. I will buy land and then build a farm house. You can suggest some wonderful design.

@Retired Troll


Prasad you are very humble. You People know the Gift of Architecture that attracts positive energy and you are asking me?

I would suggest build a retreat rather than a farm House.

The people in India did not 'spawn' in India. If you go back to Raja Dahirs history, he was also descended from invaders and foreigners.

Go back far enough into the history of the subcontinent and the beliefs and identities of that time and the beliefs and identities of hindus present day would be radically different and would seem unrecognisable to them.

We chose our points in history as the 'starting point' and project our identities upon the inhabitants of our lands in the past. It is much more of a reflection our desires than a reflection of truth.

Anyways, Pakistanis cobsider Mohammad bin Qassim as the ideological ancestor not necessarily a biological one. Given Pakistan was formed based around an ideology, Pakistanis care more about Bin Qassim than Raja Dahir.

Whether one was a good person at heart and the other evil or not is irrelevant, they are written down as a projection of what we want them to be and how it affects us instead of some vague stab at finding the truth.

If Pakistan needs Mohammad bin Qassim the young saviour, Pakistan will get Mohammad bin Qassim thd young saviour. If Raja Dahif needs to play a certain part, he will be made to play it.

History is written for the benefit of the living, the dead don't really care either way.

* Though the king was Buddist Sindh wasn't a Buddhist nation and it had a large Hindu population too .

* Dahir had been fight the Arabs for 30 years before MBQ and winning , this Buddhist uprising theory due to his hindu lineage is bit stretched .

* He had family issues , his elder brother waged war against him , so weaken at home turf at the time of MBQ conquest .

* Yes some Buddist rebeled against too and made MBQ invasion successful .

* Now the irony is there are no Buddhist Sindhis left and all converted to Islam while Hinduism survived in sindh till date .

Sindh was a Buddist Country.
It was called Tentouk by the Koreans.. and Sindhu in the region..

Ironically 80-90% hindus in sindh are marwari,gujrati dalits who settled in Sindh as pastoral shepherds,farm hands,sweepers!

Even today the Sindhi Hindu is mostly urban, middle and upper class !

Why? Because most Sindhi hindus are either traders and brahmins by caste followed by dalits with a sprinkling of rajputs in border areas like MPA/former Minister Rana Chandar Singh and his family of Umarkot etc.

Issues with his brother or not... he and his family was a curse for Sindh.
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Prasad you are very humble. You People know the Gift of Architecture that attracts positive energy and you are asking me?

I would suggest build a retreat rather than a farm House.

Sorry about jumping into your conversation but what is the difference between a retreat and a farm house.



Sindh was a Buddist Country.
It was called Tentouk by the Koreans.. and Sindhu in the region..

Ironically 80-90% hindus in sindh are marwari,gujrati dalits who settled in Sindh as pastoral shepherds,farm hands etc of local land owners!

Even today the Sindhi Hindu is urban middle and upper class !

Why? Because most Sindhi hindus are traders and brahmins by caste with a sprinkling of rajputs in border areas like MPA/former Minister Rana Chandar Singh and his family of Umarkot..

Issues with his brother or not... he and his family was a curse for Sindh.

I cant See a Dahir surface to Air missile happening Any Time soon in Pakistan.

India however may


Sorry about jumping into your conversation but what is the difference between a retreat and a farm house.



People have a natural tendency to seclude themselves for part of the year or Phase in Life. It is said that the body heals itself given a place to meditate. That place is retreat.

Farm House is just a lavish holiday.

Sindh was a Buddist Country.
It was called Tentouk by the Koreans.. and Sindhu in the region..

Ironically 80-90% hindus in sindh are marwari,gujrati dalits who settled in Sindh as pastoral shepherds,farm hands,sweepers!

Even today the Sindhi Hindu is mostly urban, middle and upper class !
Wrong ,Hindus of Sindh are of Sindhi ethnicity.


Prasad you are very humble. You People know the Gift of Architecture that attracts positive energy and you are asking me?

I would suggest build a retreat rather than a farm House.

Actually I have an ambitious plan sir ji. It should be a mater piece of design with swimming pool and medicine garden with various species of trees. It should have an orchid and other vegetable trees with a small but beautiful temple and a library with a place to do yoga.it should have unique furniture with atleast 4 bed rooms. If i get some good money in share market, I will be able to retire early to enjoy farming and animal husbandry.
Actually I have an ambitious plan sir ji. It should be a mater piece of design with swimming pool and medicine garden with various species of trees. It should have an orchid and other vegetable trees with a small but beautiful temple.

I See it differently.

You should Plan it as if the whole thing is a Temple.

All things you mentioned are parts of the Temple prasad.
I See it differently.

You should Plan it as if the whole thing is a Temple.

All things you mentioned are parts of the Temple prasad.
This is a great idea. Actually sadgure has builb whole Isha foundation on similar idea. I will think on this. I think it will take atleast one andvhalfato two years to mature the idea and freeze the design. Construction may take a year after that. First phase is buying a land for which my friend will help me.
This is a great idea. Actually sadgure has build whole Isha foundation on similar idea. I will think on this. I think it will take atleast one andvhalfato two years to mature the idea and freeze the design. Construction may take a year after that. First phase is buying a land for which my friend will help me.

Happy to be of any help prasad
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