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Raja Dahir Sen The Forgotten warrior of SIndh

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raja dahir sen...sorry man, doesn't ring a bell. OH, sushmita sen's older brother??? :woot:
Mohammad Bin Qasim was sent by the Arab calpih to Hunt down dissidents who had taken refuge in India and refused to give bayah and zakaat to the caliph.

Their descendants still do Not pay Zakaat to the Pakistani state.

Interesting story this.


I love your interesting or abstract take on every matter discussed on the forum. It's like you take a few big gulps of bhang every morning and whip open your laptop.
Bro we have this ummah disease i honestly do wish for true ummah but history tells us those who are real ummah leaders are few and true. I never trust an outsider ok that is imperialism. Bin qasim should have stayed home and fed his arabian ppl instead of being a pirate. He took women that is enuff to expose his true agenda. We are cheap hordes for gulf arabs.
Coz we have been told by the village imam sb that everything coming from the deserts of arabia is holy... even if its a scrawny racist bastard shagging his camel...
Coz we have been told by the village imam sb that everything coming from the deserts of arabia is holy... even if its a scrawny racist bastard shagging his camel...

a diet of lizards goes along way to satisfy the camel.

So who is related to bin qasim bloodline? zardari?
Im sorry but your cunt Bin qassim was just as fuking pathetic as dahir (the betraying tyrant brahmin ruling a Buddhist Sindh.... hated by its people)..

Bin qasims army swelled up with revolting Sindhi tribes.. against dahir who was a brahmin courtesan of Sindhs buddhist king...

After the kings death daahir married his widow and thus became the King of Sindh... a Buddhist majority nation.
@waz @Slav Defence @Irfan Baloch

We all at least Majority of Pakistani Muslims consider him (Mohammed Bin Qasim) a great hero who came to sindh to rescue hostage Muslim women and some called him first Pakistani, My dear friend is abusing just over sectarian basis since Mohammed Bin Qasim was Sunni.
I demand action....

@django @Burhan Wani
deserts of arabia

In ancient times the valley which hosts the City of makkah was considered holy.

That is why the haraaam extends between the Mountains.

Its primal place where Soul searchers Go. Deserts humble humans and thus the fascination.

As far as why Qasims Mission to sindh is glorified. As i said. He waged a war for zakaat.

Similar story about Yemen by the way too.

a diet of lizards goes along way to satisfy the camel.

So who is related to bin qasim bloodline? zardari?

Zardari says he Baloch who previously were turks/Persian.

Btw Zardaris tribe does not pay Zakaat still.

As i said truth is stranger than Fiction
@waz @Slav Defence @Irfan Baloch

We all at least Majority of Pakistani Muslims consider him (Mohammed Bin Qasim) a great hero who came to sindh to rescue hostage Muslim women and some called him first Pakistani, My dear friend is abusing just over sectarian basis since Mohammed Bin Qasim was Sunni.
I demand action....

@django @Burhan Wani

Can you give a reference of any non Pakistani source on that?
Why do we care about dahir?As a sindhi he is pakistan's native.So a ivc area ruler from modern day pakistan was subjagated and conquered by arabs.We 'gangadeshis' crushed the same arabs at the battle of rajasthan when they tried.Dahir the loser is pakistan's history.We ''gangadeshis' shouldn't bother about it.
Why do we care about dahir?As a sindhi he is pakistan's native.So a ivc area ruler from modern day pakistan was subjagated and conquered by arabs.We 'gangadeshis' crushed the same arabs at the battle of rajasthan when they tried.Dahir the loser is pakistan's history.We ''gangadeshis' shouldn't bother about it.

Very sensible post by an Indian that chooses to mind his business.
Why do we care about dahir?As a sindhi he is pakistan's native.So a ivc area ruler from modern day pakistan was subjagated and conquered by arabs.We 'gangadeshis' crushed the same arabs at the battle of rajasthan when they tried.Dahir the loser is pakistan's history.We ''gangadeshis' shouldn't bother about it.


When Shall Dahirs descendants enter Delhi then?

Its alladeen News for you guys lol
Im sorry but your cunt Bin qassim was just as fuking pathetic as dahir (the betraying tyrant brahmin ruling a Buddhist Sindh.... hated by its people)..

Bin qasims army swelled up with revolting Sindhi tribes.. against dahir who was a brahmin courtesan of Sindhs buddhist king...

After the kings death daahir married his widow and thus became the King of Sindh... a Buddhist majority nation.
Mohammad Bin Qasim was sent by the Arab calpih to Hunt down dissidents who had taken refuge in India and refused to give bayah and zakaat to the caliph.

Their descendants still do Not pay Zakaat to the Pakistani state.

Interesting story this.

Indians cry about Raja Daher being forgotten but they do every thing to destroy history and historical facts about Muslim rulers, hypocrisy at its best.

*FYI Raja Dahir was as much Sindhi as any Buddhist Sindhi of his time .

* Before Muhammad Bin Qasim came with his Arab army in 713 AD , Raja Dahir had been fighting the Arabs and defeating them 30 years since 681 AD .

there were already fourteen(14) failed Arab expeditions against Sindh and neighboring regions had taken place before Muhammad Bin Qasim's conquest of sindh .

First Expedition

This expedition took place in the days of Umer by Usman Bin Abbass Sukfi who was in charge of Bahrain and Oman territories. His invasion was by the sea route. His boats went to Thana City, near the vicinity of Bombay. From there he returned with a lot of loot, called Mal-e-ghaneemat (booty). From this booty lie gave a portion to Umer, who, after receiving his share, advised Usman not to invade through the sea route which was unsafe, as he had himself sent a fleet towards the Roman area, but which, on account of a tempest, was destroyed. After that he had decided not to send invaders through sea, as it was full of danger. [1]

Second and Third Expeditions
Caliph Umer was a strong and harsh ruler. It was difficult to disobey his orders. But by to many Arab Ameers and their followers temptation to loot had now become very strong with the result that the same Usman Bin Asi, along with his brother "Mugira", again took a fleet of ships, under the leadership of Commander "Mugira", and sailed towards Sindh's Port of "Debal". He reached "Bharoch". In that invasion Mugira was killed. These invasions took place during the fifteenth Hijjri, (Muslim Calendar) in the days of Umer. In the 21st Hijjri, his armies succeeded in invasions conquering "Hamdan", "Nihavund" and "Khurasan". From these conquests the Arabs got a lot of wealth besides an army of male and female slaves. Three other places, Seestan (now Sehwan), Kirman, Makran were still within the territories of the Persian Empire. These were also conquered by tile Arabs and a huge amount of money was taken away. But that time, the people of the neighboring countries had come to know that the main purpose of Arabs' attacks was to acquire riches. During the Arab invasions, the local people used to hurriedly escape either to mountains or to other villages, leaving their houses in fear of the Arab looters.

Therefore in 23rd Hijjri, the Arabs decided not to merely conquer and after looting to return to Arabia, but to establish their rule over the conquered territories as well by remaining there. For this purpose Sohail-Bin-Adi and Abdullah-Bin-Aqlan were sent towards "Kirman", and on the other side Hakirn-Bin-Amru and Abdullah-Bin-Umer were sent towards Seestan to establish their rule and exploit the riches of that country.

After conquering the two countries, Hakim-Bin-Amru "Taghalbi" invaded Makran and Shanab-Bin-Mughariq and the above mentioned persons also joined them on account of which the tribal Chief of Makran asked Maha Raja Dahir to help him. In that battle Makran's ruler and Sindh's commander were killed and the Arabs killed a lot of persons and got a lot of money, slaves, male and female, in looting. One-fifth of this loot was sent to Khaleefa Umer. He was glad to see this money, and the whole of Madina celebrated this victory. The Arabs used to be pleased from such things as they depended on such victories. It is said that when the Amirs related the difficulties of these expeditions, Hazrat Umer prohibited them from making such hazardous expeditions.

Fourth Expedition

Abdul Rahman Bin Sumrah, after conquering Zuringe, proceeded towards the hills between Zuringe and Kesh. He took possession of the part of Sindh, which is now Baluchistan. In those days, there was no separate country like Baluchistan. Makran and Seestan were on the border of Sindh.

Fifth Expedition

When Arabs murdered the third Khalifa, Usman, in his house, then Hazrat Ah (Alahisalam) was elected the Arab ruler in his place in 35th Hijjri. The expedition started before his rule towards Sindh. "Tugir Bin Saghir along with "Hans Bin Marih Adi" in 38th Hijjri, these persons were attacked by hilly tract people. They returned after conquering them. [2]

Sixth Expedition
After the fifth expedition, Haris Bin Marih Adi continued his expedition towards Sindh. He received information of the martyrdom of Hazrat Ah. Yet he continued his expedition In Arabia, in place of Hazrat Ah, Amir Muavia came in possession of the rule. (Fatoohul Buldan).

Seventh Expedition
Amir Muavia immediately sent Abdul Bin Amir and Rashid Bin Umer towards Sindh, who after getting a lot of loot from that side, came and gave a share of the loot to Muavia, the ruler of Syria.

Eighth Expedition
In 42nd Hijjri, Amir Muavia sent Abdul Bin and Abdullah Bin Sawar on an expedition of Sindh. They brought back several horses from the side of Keekan and other booty from Sindh, on which Muavia was very glad.

Ninth Expedition
Abdullah Bin Amir remained in Damascus and returned to the side of Keekan, during this expedition. He contacted the Turks. The Turkish troops were also on an expedition of looting. He and his people were killed and getting this information Muavia sent Abdullah Bin Sawar with four thousand cavalry along with same route and ordered them to bring well known horses of Keekan on their return. [3]

Tenth Expedition
In 44th Hijjri, Muhab Bin Abisafra, a known Commander of Abdul Rahman Bin Sumra's troop, was sent towards Sindh. Instead of going on direct route, he changed his route via mountains and fought with local people near Kandabeel and, after getting sufficient loot, he went back.

Eleventh Expedition
This expedition was also towards Kandabeel, though Sindh's route was different. Abdullah Bin Sawar got killed in this battle. Seestan's ruler sent Zaid Bin Abu Sufyan, Sinan Bin Muslim and Muhibuk Hezli towards Sindh. They looted the Makran area and occupied it. The robbers sent a portion of the loot to Amir Muavia.

Twelfth Expedition
After that, Zaid sent troops towards Sindh under the command of Rashid Bin Umer "Juwary Azdi", who attacked Keekan and kept on sending the looted cash from that country along with looted property, throughout the year. When Rashid was returning from "Munder" and "Bah Raj" hills; he met the people of the Maid tribe who arrested him. Then Sinan Bin Muslim was appointed in his place. He was killed in fighting with the people of the Maidtribe. [4]

During the last years of Amir Muavia, in forty-ninth Hijjri, Zaid Bin Ahad started an expedition towards Sindhi. He reached the "Sunarode" and took the way to Hillmund and reached Kandhar. After looting it he went back.

Thirteenth Expedition
After the death of Sinan Bin Muslim, Manzar Bin Jarood was appointed the ruler of Makran. He too marched towards Sindh, but on hearing the news of rebellion behind, he returned and stayed at Khuzdar and died there. After Manzar Bin Jarood, Ubedullah Bin Ziyad (who at the time was appointed ruler of Basra in place of his father) appointed Haris Bin Basar in his place, but he died at Tooran. In his place Hakam was appointed as his successor.

Fourteenth Expedition
After Hakam, Ibn-e-Ziad sent Sardar Bin Han to the frontiers of Sindh. He fought many battles against the Sindhis. From the above mentioned facts the readers will know the Arab expeditions toward Sindh were not for the cause of spreading Islam or getting gifts looted by pirates or for returning Muhammad Bin Alafi, who on account of tyranny of Hajjaj Bin Yousif, had taken asylum with Raja Dahir. Instead, all these expeditions were part of the Arabs thirst for conquering the rich countries in the name of religion, and thereby establishing Arab Imperialism, which was initiated by Amir Umer .
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a diet of lizards goes along way to satisfy the camel.

So who is related to bin qasim bloodline? zardari?
Lmao.. i dunno man.

Zardaris were just weak nomadic baloch tribe..a large number of whom settled in Sindh..
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