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Railways denies Chinese firms’ locomotive manufacturing projects for non-compliance

Jumping in the train through windows shows the good quality of Chinese railway system. :cheesy:

Could you also explain why Tata Nanos have a powertrain breakdown every 621 kilometers on average?
Could you explain why Indian made locomotives in Sri Lanks breaks down every 116 minutes on average?

Fault lies with Sri Lankans who tried to put more coaches in the train than prescribed which they later realized after inspection.
Indian make trains and they are better than the low quality Chinese train engines, Pakistanis still complain about the defective Chinese engines they bought from China.

Could you explain why the Indian GSLV works only 64.3% of time?
Fault lies with Sri Lankans who tried to put more coaches in the train than prescribed which they later realized after inspection.
Then could you explain why Indian made locomotives in India suffer a breakdown every 7 minutes and 21 seconds?
Fault lies with Sri Lankans who tried to put more coaches in the train than prescribed which they later realized after inspection.
Could you explain why Maruti cars break down on average 922 kilometers?
Fault lies with Sri Lankans who tried to put more coaches in the train than prescribed which they later realized after inspection.
Could you explain why Hindustan Ambassador cars break down on average every 87 kilometers?
Fault lies with Sri Lankans who tried to put more coaches in the train than prescribed which they later realized after inspection.
Could you explain why the INSAS rifle suffers a critical mechanical fault every 87 rounds fired?
Could you explain why Hindustan Ambassador cars break down on average every 87 kilometers?

Even world's cheapest car Tata Nano are stronger than normal Chinese cars which shows Chinese quality. :lol:
Never heard of such thing.
Really? You haven't heard?!

Then how about this, how do you explain that Indian made truss bridges lasts on average 11 years and 9 months, when the international norm should be 60 years or more?
Even world's cheapest car Tata Nano are stronger than normal Chinese cars which shows Chinese quality. :lol:
Actually, according to the JD Power Associates, Tata Nano is the world's second least reliable car. The least reliable car is the Hindustan Ambassador, which is has an average engine life of 2398 kilometers before replacement.
Even world's cheapest car Tata Nano are stronger than normal Chinese cars which shows Chinese quality. :lol:
How do you explain an Indian made light bulb lasts on average 82% less than a Nigerian made light bulb?
Even world's cheapest car Tata Nano are stronger than normal Chinese cars which shows Chinese quality. :lol:
How do you explain that on average, an Indian building of cement with reinforced rebar of 10 stories or less lasts only 37% as long as a Chinese building of similar specs?
Even world's cheapest car Tata Nano are stronger than normal Chinese cars which shows Chinese quality. :lol:
Could you explain why an Indian made ceramic wares are 79% or brittle than Chinese made ceramic wares?
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