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Railway passenger fare hiked by 14.2% with immediate effect from today

Sorry had net problems...

Please chk out the Inflation figures during the last NDA regime & compare them to UPA 2 figures...

First of all, you do know that the last NDA regime was after the major reforms were made and India was kickstarting it's growth, while UPA 2 was right in the middle of 2 global crisis, which alone hardly makes it comparable.
But what does this have to do with the election promises of the BJP / NDA and this drastic increase of the rates?
Tackling inflation is not done by increasing costs isn't it? And don't you think this will make it even more difficult to make our industry stonger, when you increase costs in India?

This is a very simple view of a very complex problem. Price rise in India is not just because of transportation - there have been enormous increase in fuel costs

I didn't said that it's because of transportation, I said that adding further costs to the transportations increases the cost of production in India and for the common people, therefor it's counterproductive and against what they promised to do.
So suppose you have voted for BJP because they wanted to reduce the costs, you hardly can be happy with this decision to dramatically increase the costs right?
Sorry had net problems...
First of all, you do know that the last NDA regime was after the major reforms were made and India was kickstarting it's growth, while UPA 2 was right in the middle of 2 global crisis, which alone hardly makes it comparable.
But what does this have to do with the election promises of the BJP / NDA and this drastic increase of the rates?
Tackling inflation is not done by increasing costs isn't it? And don't you think this will make it even more difficult to make our industry stonger, when you increase costs in India?

@sancho I don't know what you want, if you are opposing for the sake of opposing............

firstly i compared with NDA years b'coz during elections Congress used to come up again & again with GDP nos. & compared it with NDA years, so why not Inflation.

You din't replied to my post where i argued that Inflation is more due to CAD rather than transportation cost............

Yes, BJP promised lower inflation, so what you want? free rail travel, free air travel, free food, free health chkup, free everything?

Are you OK with Railways incurring losses? Can a govt. ignore when an important institution like Railways goes Bankrupt?

Just tell me, if no rail hike where would money come from for revamp?

:lol::lol: I love the way people supporting this decision.. Just thinking out loud about what would have been the reaction if the decision was taken by UPA government..:P :P
They wanted to increase the fares but it was populism that triumphed in the end.
The UPA government had left passenger fares unchanged in the interim Railway Budget in February ahead of the general elections, presenting a vote-on-account leaving the difficult job of managing the national transporter's weak finances to the next government. Railways had announced hike on May 16 in both passenger fares and freight rates by 14.2 per cent and 6.5 per cent respectively from May 20. However, the hike notification was put on hold later in the day leaving the decision to the next Railway Minister.
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Meanwhile in Pakistan, railways fares slashed up to 42% :bunny:
how many Indians use the railways without paying anything?

I wonder how much revenue is lost there.

True pretty much of everything in India.

I would have liked the railways to have charged a small amount on every ticket (say Rs.2 or 1% whichever is higher) towards a kind of insurance amount to be paid out in case of accidents. In a year, the corpus would have grown substantially to allow for a decent compensation instead of ministers now announcing a 1-2 lakhs compensation like they were doing charity. Improved Railways safety is an important goal but in the meantime, this would allow for a better deal for those hurt or for those whose family members have lost their lives.

But what does this have to do with the election promises of the BJP / NDA and this drastic increase of the rates?
Tackling inflation is not done by increasing costs isn't it? And don't you think this will make it even more difficult to make our industry stonger, when you increase costs in India?

I didn't said that it's because of transportation, I said that adding further costs to the transportations increases the cost of production in India and for the common people, therefor it's counterproductive and against what they promised to do.
So suppose you have voted for BJP because they wanted to reduce the costs, you hardly can be happy with this decision to dramatically increase the costs right?

Freight costs have not been raised drastically, a more efficient railways would be far better for industries than what is now. Passenger costs have been artificially depressed for political reasons, this increase is about the bare minimum required. Railways need more streamlining & a reduction in the numbers of people employed but that seems a long term solution. Short term, this is good.

In fact it was the UPA government which had taken this decision in Feb 2014, but kept it hanging due to the elections.

And now they have the gumption to lambaste the NDA for the hike! Bloody double standards! Hypocrites!

The BJP is equally hypocritical, that is the nature of Indian politics.
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Expected this, dole-o-nomics for an extended period of time will need to be rectified, somehow somewhere.
14% is steep in one go! two three successive hike of 4-5% wouldn't have hurt the sentiments and pockets of daily commuters. Even though I agree, a hike was long due.
True pretty much of everything in India.

I would have liked the railways to have charged a small amount on every ticket (say Rs.2 or 1% whichever is higher) towards a kind of insurance amount to be paid out in case of accidents. In a year, the corpus would have grown substantially to allow for a decent compensation instead of ministers now announcing a 1-2 lakhs compensation like they were doing charity. Improved Railways safety is an important goal but in the meantime, this would allow for a better deal for those hurt or for those whose family members have lost their lives.

It seems India deserves the leaders it elects.

The shambolic infrastructure of electricity in India is in no small part due to the theft it experiences.
Narendra Modi finds a growth tonic in bitter pill

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has begun doling out the "bitter medicine" that he warned BJP workers in Goa earlier this week was coming.

The steep hike in railway fares indicates the general budget is likely to be shorn of sops and tax breaks that industry and individuals might have hoped for in a stressed economic climate.

The shrewd politician that he is, Modi is not likely to slash welfare schemes though he may well prioritize and refocus them.

But what will go out of fashion are doles like loan waivers or free power that Modi has slammed as unproductive, wasteful and in the long run politically ineffectual.

Armed with a solid BJP majority in Parliament and having emerged the undisputed leader in his party, the PM seems keen to administer the bitter medicine that he feels can be a growth tonic. Tough love, rather than soft beds, is his prescription.

In his Goa speech, Modi prepared BJP for decisions that would be painful in the short term but which he promised will be appreciated in time.

"I know my popularity might be dented due to these hard decisions, but they will appreciate it later," he told the party meet.

Modi's criticism that UPA has left the economy in dire straits and his invocation of the "no pain, no gain" mantra is seen as intended to tamp down expectations running high since BJP's big election win.

His comments are also aimed at setting a politically tough agenda of fiscal corrections at the beginning of his term in office itself, at a time when securing re-election to office is a distant task.

"Modi is not going to offer doles, he will promise growth that lifts all sections," said a senior BJP leader.

Finance minister Arun Jaitley previously spoke of "unpaid bills" left behind by the UPA and said fiscal indiscipline will prove costly and is not an option for the government.

Modi indicated his political time table during his reply to the debate on President Pranab Mukherjee's address to Parliament when he told the opposition that the pre-election year is adequate for politicking.

In weighing his options, the PM has decided not to be swayed by electoral considerations such as the approaching polls in Maharashtra, Haryana and possibly Delhi.

Decisions such as not offering any increases in personal income tax exemption or excise duty breaks will be a gamble, but Modi is counting on more than just luck to rough it out.

Modi seems to be factoring in the continued public anger against Congress that is in power in Maharashtra and Haryana. He also hopes BJP's promise of good and responsible governance will strike a chord.

The PM's initiatives so far seem to promise a bold attempt at doing away with regulatory and procedural hurdles that are seen to shackle business and enterprise.

Measures to shorten project clearance and implementation time lines, improvement in the government's public interface and a sharp focus on schemes impacting vulnerable sections are expected to ensure politics and economics go hand in hand.

Narendra Modi finds a growth tonic in bitter pill - The Times of India
Modi is expecting long term benefits. He's got no magic wand to reduce the costs without adjustments. How it unfurls three years down the line will be interesting (make or break for BJPnomics).
I find it very hard to believe that people are outright supporting this raise...I am sure they are not the one's who have to worry about each and every penny they spend to make sure ends meet...

14% is a massive hike...and is economically prudent...in fact i will go on to say that there was no other choice...so from that perspective...it makes sense, however my question is why did we reach this state?? Please keep in mind that India is supposed to be a welfare state and is not a corporate..we cannot forget our responsibility in that direction as well..I mean you can't kill people today to save people from getting killed in future...In short corrupt people loot the money, bring economy to a standstill and then masses are supposed to take these so called bitter pills to bring economy back on its foot...wonderful!!

And when it comes to bringing those people to book bring back the looted money all we have is a SIT with no time mandate...Guys i am one of the millions who voted for Modi, but let's make sure we keep the present govt. on toes...because if it comes to individual honesty...our x-PM had an impeccable record as well!!
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