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Rahul Gandhi showing 'signs of great change': Nayantara Sahgal


Thank you for those pearls of wisdom you old blood sucking hag.. Why oh why didn't you start of with this before your award and intolerance nonsense? what a waste of time...
Yes. I have also noted the change now. He has become more mature with time and his connect with the people is more now.

Obama is America's first black President.

Trump may be America's first orange President.

Rahul Gandhi might be India's first gay Prime Minister.

You may not want to bring in LGBT references. They are even otherwise a very harassed group. You can bring some other offensive reference, that would be acceptable.
Chandigarh: Noted writer and niece of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Nayantara Sahgal is impressed with the way Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi has decided to play a "bigger role" and feels he is showing "signs of great change".

Speaking on the sidelines of fourth Chandigarh Literature Festival on Thursday, Sahgal, when asked to comment on what she thought about Rahul, , "Like everybody else I thought (several years back), he did not want to be in politics. Many of us thought it would be better if he takes up something else."


"He is certainly showing signs of great change. I have noticed a change, which is very positive," said Sahgal, who recently returned her 'Sahitya Akademi' Award over the Dadri lynching incident and growing inolerance.
She, however, quickly added that now she has seen a great change in Rahul. "Recently, I watched him speak in the context of Bihar elections. He was very impressive, very thorough about his facts... Perhaps he has decided to throw in his weight fully now. Before that, he was doing it behind the scenes, trying to organise, democratise the Youth Congress. Now, may be he has decided to play a bigger role.

"He is certainly showing signs of great change. I have noticed a change, which is very positive," said Sahgal, who recently returned her 'Sahitya Akademi' Award over the Dadri lynching incident and growing inolerance.

When asked did politics beckon her at any point in time, Sahgal, who said that in her early life, she has been deeply influenced by Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi, replied, "Never".

She further said that she could have gotten into "politics at any time (as it ran in the family). On two occasions I was offered a seat in Parliament, but I have never wanted power and never wanted wealth. I have never had any hankering for these two things."

Yet, she said, "politics has served me as a very good material for my fiction (as a writer)".

Rahul Gandhi showing 'signs of great change': Nayantara Sahgal - IBNLive

Nayantara Sahgal just lost whatever credibility she has by endorsing RaGa. Even people who dislike Modi, don't want Pappu as their alternative.
Isn't this the same woman who started this wave of Return your Awards against Present government... Does this leave any doubts that this so called protest is Congress manufactured.
Yes. I have also noted the change now. He has become more mature with time and his connect with the people is more now.

You may not want to bring in LGBT references. They are even otherwise a very harassed group. You can bring some other offensive reference, that would be acceptable.

That is rubbish. LGBT is not a harassed group in India. They lack the legal cover but that is the fault of the Constitution and its makers. But they do have social acceptance as long as they do not offend social sensibilities and keep their antics in the bedroom.
"Like everybody else I thought (several years back), he did not want to be in politics. Many of us thought it would be better if he takes up something else."
This lady is seeing things. The above line is still the case. I won't believe that RaGa improved until he gives another interview to Arnab and comes out sane.
Shows why this lady was leading the award wapasi movement.
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