his injustice to farmers. Land purchased from farmers att Rs. 41 for Giftcity sold at thousands. गुजरात सरकार ने साबरमती नदी के तट पर गिफ्टसिटी प्रोजेक्ट बनाने के लिए किसानों की और खानगी मालिको की हज़ारों मीटर जमीन कम भाव से ली और अब ये जमीन असीम लाभ प्राप्त करने के लिए गुजरात सरकार की कंपनी को ही बिक रहे है।फेंकूजी अब आप ही बताये क्या यह किसानों के साथ अन्याय नहीं है?
We Have To Change Our Political System
Speaking to a leading news channel yesterday, Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi said, "The core reason the season is corrupt is that there is too much concentration of power in the system and people on the peripheries do not have power. The people on the streets do not have power. And that the reason that happens is that our political system, political parties are shut".
"The fundamental political issue at hand is that our political system is controlled by too few people and we absolutely have to change the way our political system is structured, we have to change our Political parties, we have to make them more transparent, we have to change the processes that we use to elect candidates, we have to empower women in the political parties," he said.