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Rahul Gandhi frankly speaking with Arnab Goswami Times Now


गुजरात में जो भी काम कांग्रेस के राज में हुआ, उसी का बखान करते रहते हैं मोदीजी

Number of fake claims made by Gujarat Mr. Modi has already been busted. Adding more salt to his injuries a recent study has shown that the growth rate of Gujarat during 1990-94 (INC +JD coalition govt) was 16.75%, while under Modi it was 16.25%. So the seed of prosperity was sowed way before Modi became CM and all he did was to capitalise on the reforms the previous government has undertaken.
Same can be said for the central government... Only difference is, Gujrat sustained the growth, central government failed to maintain the growth...

गुजरात में जो भी काम कांग्रेस के राज में हुआ, उसी का बखान करते रहते हैं मोदीजी

Number of fake claims made by Gujarat Mr. Modi has already been busted. Adding more salt to his injuries a recent study has shown that the growth rate of Gujarat during 1990-94 (INC +JD coalition govt) was 16.75%, while under Modi it was 16.25%. So the seed of prosperity was sowed way before Modi became CM and all he did was to capitalise on the reforms the previous government has undertaken.

Along with history of repeat communal violence Vs. None after 2002
The most funniest, stupidiest interview i have evr seen...
Generally arnab gives pain to the guests...
But this time Rahul gave his own medicine...lol

गुजरात में जो भी काम कांग्रेस के राज में हुआ, उसी का बखान करते रहते हैं मोदीजी

Number of fake claims made by Gujarat Mr. Modi has already been busted. Adding more salt to his injuries a recent study has shown that the growth rate of Gujarat during 1990-94 (INC +JD coalition govt) was 16.75%, while under Modi it was 16.25%. So the seed of prosperity was sowed way before Modi became CM and all he did was to capitalise on the reforms the previous government has undertaken.


If they're even accurate that is.

During BJPs admin; inflation has come down considerably.

REAL GDP GROWTH DURING BJP rule >>> REAL GDP growth during INC rule.

This is typical Congressi behaviour. Manipulate facts, fool people, get voted in.

All this time I thought that Modi's advent would cause Congress to change their mindsets, but no, they're still idiots.
Heck I use 400 litres of water to clean my car. Both of which I can afford because I live in a country that is essentially capitalist. Good luck turning Delhi into the next West Bengal :) I hear the first power cuts in a few years have hit south Delhi.

But there are some retards who will never be swayed, so I'm not going to bother.
abey why bring West Bengal in this matter!we don't want to be associated with the city of rapes aka Delhi....
btw don't try to argue with an AAPtard because these fcuking morons are nothing but the public face of C.P.I.(Maoist)...

Only local idiots who are unable to adapt go abroad, lick foreigners boots and bring back the few bread crumbs they throw away to show off to the less privileged. How does licking a white man's *** feels?
And for the record, my incomes along with properties are worth more than what your father has earned for you, dumbfuck.
mate at least he is living decently in Australia while on the other hand you are living in the rape capital of the world aka Delhi.gosh i would rather choose Dhaka over Delhi on any given day.
Congress = Highly Corrupt & anti-national, but smart, cunning and experienced.
BJP = Corrupt, anti-national, dumb, incompetant & shameless liars.

We all saw during the Vajpayee years how more congressi they were than even the Congress. Terrorist friendly, Pakistan loving, Bus diplomacy bullshit, incompetant strategic planning letting our soldiers rot for 9 months in the border along with a few hundred dead, Letting off deadly terrorists after a hijack and even escorting them all the way to Kandahar, Again another strategic incompetance by ordering our Armed forces not crossing the LOC and outflank cutting off the supplies but instead foolishly ordering them to attack head on resulting in massive casualities, Cricket Diplomacy, Agra Summit, the bull$hit list is endless. The number 1 incompetant scum in the history of independent India = BJP!

You are wasting your time explaining it. Fanboys will always see things they like, not things as they are.
so basically you are nothing but a paid Congi bot who will go to any extent to prove them right!!Congress is the single worst thing that has happened to this country.congis are nothing more than a group of anti-national elements who will even sell their motherland for the right price.at least the B.J.P. is a nationalist right winger party whose ideology is based on Sanatan Dharma...........
so basically you are nothing but a paid Congi bot who will go to any extent to prove them right!!Congress is the single worst thing that has happened to this country.congis are nothing more than a group of anti-national elements who will even sell their motherland for the right price.at least the B.J.P. is a nationalist right winger party whose ideology is based on Sanatan Dharma...........
i am totaly anti congress......they have ruined d country..no doubt..
but no need to blow bjp out of proportion(although they have few gud leaders n currently the most eligible pm candidate).....
bjp is pretty similar to pre independence muslim league.......

btw...i will vote for bjp:enjoy:
:rofl: :rofl:

was wondering where are all the comedy shows gone.......was just waiting for this interview :D

"there is a legal process in case of verbhadra singh/ashok chavan" but when SIT/Court gives clean chit to Modi, Naah....Guj Govt. was in the loop :lol:

Does he even knows what he says before opening his mouth??
i am totaly anti congress......they have ruined d country..no doubt..
but no need to blow bjp out of proportion(although they have few gud leaders n currently the most eligible pm candidate).....
bjp is pretty similar to pre independence muslim league.......

btw...i will vote for bjp:enjoy:
Completely agree with you on that. Its like choosing a lesser evil...Khangress is the mother of all evils. My vote is for BJP just because I dont have any othet choice
Completely agree with you on that. Its like choosing a lesser evil...Khangress is the mother of all evils. My vote is for BJP just because I dont have any other choice
i was hoping AAP wud rise to the occasion ......but now that seems unlikely....
i am totaly anti congress......they have ruined d country..no doubt..
but no need to blow bjp out of proportion(although they have few gud leaders n currently the most eligible pm candidate).....
bjp is pretty similar to pre independence muslim league.......

btw...i will vote for bjp:enjoy:
Sir,i wasn't replaying to your post rather my post was directed towards that AAPtard member who was abusing BJP relentlessly while glorifying the congi achievements(as if they really did achieve anything significant).
btw it's good to know that educated people like you haven't fall for the Congi propaganda and are supporting Mr.Modi in the next L.S. election......:cheers:
This interview proved again why Rahul Gandhiji is the one and only true leader of India. India is Rahul and Rahul is India.

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