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Rahm Emanual's father a terrorist?


Oct 25, 2008
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Rahm Emanuel's father: An Israeli terrorist?

Friday, 7 November 2008

Northern Ireland, UK and World News plus Sport, Business & Entertainment | Belfast Telegraph.co.uk

The appointment of Rahm Emanuel triggered widespread interest in Israel, the native country of his former Jewish underground fighter father.

The older Emanuel, a paediatrician born in Jerusalem, was a member of Irgun, the hard-line militant group which fought for Jewish independence until 1948.

It was described as "terrorist" at the time by Britain. Mr Emanuel's appointment could reassure Israel that Mr Obama will continue America's close alliance.

The Ynet news service quoted Michael Kotzin, a leader of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, as saying Mr Emanuel is a frequent attender at Israel-related events.

He co-sponsored a Bill defending Israel against a world court advisory opinion in 2004 criticising the route of the military's separation barrier for cutting deep into the West Bank, and co-sponsored another Bill congratulating Israelis and Palestinians who work together for peace.

He is credited with choreographing the famous handshake between Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin on the White House lawn in 1993.
Son of a Zionist Terrorist: Rahm Emanuel’s Dirty Secret
Christopher Bollyn

Greg Bacon's blog / Wake Up From Your Slumber

The new "golden boy" of the Democrat Party, the Israeli-American
congressman Rahm Emanuel, is the son of terrorist. Really, I am not
making this up, the chief power-broker of the Democrat Party, the 5-
and-a-half foot foul-mouthed Israeli named Rahm, is the son of
terrorist – a real living terrorist.

So, what do we do as citizens of the land of the free and the home of
the brave fighting the War on Terror? Do we run and hide from the foul-
mouthed little Israeli who danced ballet and swears for effect - or do
we laugh? Or do we demand answers? How can we respect a U.S.
Congressman who served in a foreign army and whose father was a

Rep. Rahm Benjamin Emanuel, the Democrat congressman for the 5th
District of Illinois in Chicago is the son of an Israeli terrorist.
Rahm's father, Benjamin, was a member of the Irgun, the Zionist
terrorist organization that coined a new word as they blew up hotels,
train stations, and other buildings in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s.

Rahm was an Israeli citizen until he was 18 years old, when for
obvious reasons he hid his Israeli passport in his underwear drawer.
In 1991, however, he pulled his Israeli passport out and went and
reportedly joined the Israeli Army to defend Zion from Saddam's Scuds.

Irgun, the army of his father, is short for Irgun Zvai Leumi, which
supposedly means something like "National Military Organization" in
Hebrew. As a matter of fact, the Irgun was simply a terrorist Zionist
group that operated in Palestine from 1931 to 1948. They killed
innocent Palestinians and British soldiers and blew up buildings.

After 1948 they became part of the new Israeli government and did the
same thing. In September 2001 they put their skills to work in New
York City and Washington to kick start the "war on terror" - a
conflict long promoted by their chief architect, Bibi Netanyahu, son
of the former secretary of Ze'ev Jabotinsky. [Ze'ev's former name was

The Irgun even has a website with pictures of the buildings they blew
up before they demolished the World Trade Center with Thermite and
high explosives:

(Note: There are numerous pictures of Irgun terrorist activities at
this link.)

In Israel, the Irgun is referred to as Etzel, an acronym of the
group's Hebrew initials. The Irgun was considered a terrorist
organization by the British authorities as well as by mainstream
Zionist and Jewish organizations, such as the Jewish Agency, the
Haganah and the Histadrut. (It just has not made it onto the U.S.
State Department's list of terrorist organizations – even after
blowing up the World Trade Center. Some people are slow to learn.)

Irgun was founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky and the relationship with
Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionism made it the predecessor to Israel's
right-wing Herut and Likud parties.

Guess who runs Israel today?

Answer: The sons and daughters of Irgun. (Check out the commander list
on the Etzel website if you don't believe me.)

Guess who runs the United States today? The same people – let's start
with Rahm Emanuel.

Of course you won't find anything Rep. Emanuel's father's exploits in
Palestine on Rahm's website.

The late Sherman Skolnick of Chicago called Rahm Emanuel the "Acting
Deputy Chief for North America of the Mossad – Israeli Intelligence.

Skolnick went on to say that Emanuel's father Benjamin had been "part
of the Israeli assassin team that murdered Sweden's Count [Folke]
Bernadotte" in 1948. Bernadotte was the envoy of the United Nations in
Palestine who sought to find a solution to the UN Partition Plan that
gave Palestinian land to Jews from "beyond the pale."

Was Skolnick correct? Skolnick does not document his claims so checked
into his allegations.

Voices - Second post... :guns:
"his father’s association with the squad that forced Palestinians to leave their homes for settling Jewish refugees"
his father may have been a terrorist, but he is not, and that's what matters.

the British authorities of the time considered a lot of freedom fighters terrorist groups. even in the subcontinent, many heroes of the struggle like bhagat singh were labeled terrorists
The Irgun were not in the category of freedom fighters. They were real terrorists.

Some of their massacres like the infamous "Deir Yassin" triggered the Arab flight from Palestine.
The Irgun were not in the category of freedom fighters. They were real terrorists.

Some of their massacres like the infamous "Deir Yassin" triggered the Arab flight from Palestine.

hmm. didn't know that.

but still, Rahm Emanuel can't be associated with terrorists just coz his father was one. A man has to be judged by his character, not that of his family.
I Agree with that.

And a correction to my previous post: they were terrorists but in their mind they were working for their freedom. May be like some of the terrorists we have in Kashmir who drove out the Pundits from the valley and like the Serbs who did the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia.
i would like the americans to say the same for any other islamic sepratist based in iran pakistan afghanistan anr any other country.from when did afghan mujhahedeen become terrorist for usa,from the time they werent of any use to america matter of convienence my friend.its all based on foreign policy.the americans will use you me and everyone else as a doormat if it suits them.and all we will left giving is statements.:angry:
his father may have been a terrorist, but he is not, and that's what matters.

the British authorities of the time considered a lot of freedom fighters terrorist groups. even in the subcontinent, many heroes of the struggle like bhagat singh were labeled terrorists

Would they let son of Osama work in the white house?
Would they let son of Osama work in the white house?

i KNEW someone will come up with this question. However, the opinion i posted was my own. not that of the US congress. So i don't think they'll let Osama's son work in the white house, even if he proves he is against his father's agenda.

However, he might find work in a country like Syria, Iran or North Korea.
yes...Otherwise Barack Obama can be called a muslim, which is synonymous with terrorist these days.

...except for the fact, of course, that Barack Obama is a Christian :)

The point is the Rahm Emanuel is true to his roots, and a strong supporter of Israel and Israel's policies, even though he may not be a Zionist in the purest sense of the word.

He is, however, an extremely capable and useful man. That's the reason he has been chosen, not because of his leanings, though I may add that his leanings did not hinder him from achieving that position.
Monitoring the conservative diatribes against Obama in the media, I found it interesting that while they went out of their way to paint Professor khalidi as a 'terrorist' and associate Obama with him, barely a peep out of the conservatives over Rahm's father's past.

For a group of people obsessed with finding 'guilt by association', especially when it comes to any sort of 'Muslim' association, the 'pass' for Rahm is telling ...
Monitoring the conservative diatribes against Obama in the media, I found it interesting that while they went out of their way to paint Professor khalidi as a 'terrorist' and associate Obama with him, barely a peep out of the conservatives over Rahm's father's past.

For a group of people obsessed with finding 'guilt by association', especially when it comes to any sort of 'Muslim' association, the 'pass' for Rahm is telling ...

Well, there have been several articles in the media regarding his "terrorist" father. However, agreed that it didn't cause the same degree of mayhem as Obama's allegedly muslim leanings.

Well the reason for that is simple - its muslims who bombed WTC, not Jews....so that fact kinda wrecked their PR in the USA.
Well, there have been several articles in the media regarding his "terrorist" father. However, agreed that it didn't cause the same degree of mayhem as Obama's allegedly muslim leanings.

Well the reason for that is simple - its muslims who bombed WTC, not Jews....so that fact kinda wrecked their PR in the USA.

Indeed, but it also shows the inherent general bias and hate towards Islam by many Neo Con's.

Philosophically I think the Neo Cons are just intolerant when it comes to Islam, immigrants etc.

They are the US equivalent of the xenophobic parties in Europe, though perhaps not as bad. Lets see if this defeat reverses that tide.

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