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Ukraine crisis: Jews ordered to register in Donetsk

fake news, if this would be true it would be all over mainstream western media

Who is now the Nazi in Ukraine? o_O
more russians died than jews in ww2, we have the highest moral ground to call nazis who we ant, if its true so what?
Israel killed millions of arabs and prisons palestinians in open air concentration camps

This is the anti Nazi

Russians are the true fascists.

This news is true.

It doesn't matter anyway as Putina blinked last night and abandoned the Eastern terrorists.Russia,EU,US,Ukraine signed a deal asking all armed illegal groups to disarm and vacate goverment,administrative buildings.The Eastern regions will be given some autonomy but regarding National Defence and Foreign Policy ,this decisions will remain in Kiev's hands.

fake news, if this would be true it would be all over mainstream western media

more russians died than jews in ww2, we have the highest moral ground to call nazis who we ant, if its true so what?
Israel killed millions of arabs and prisons palestinians in open air concentration camps

This is the anti Nazi


So many russians died in WW2 because their superiors sent them to the slaughter like cattle diregarding their lives.Russian leaders throughout time always considered their subjects as mere animals ment for the meat grinder.It always puzzled me why the russian nation is ok with this treatment,even today.They seem to like it even.I would be bothered if my goverment would treat me as a 17th century serf like putin does with his subjects.Weird.o_O
Very good, take them as hostages as Nuland & BHL created anti-russians svobodas

BHL in Maidan

Russians are the true fascists.

This news is true.

It doesn't matter anyway as Putina blinked last night and abandoned the Eastern terrorists.Russia,EU,US,Ukraine signed a deal asking all armed illegal groups to disarm and vacate goverment,administrative buildings.The Eastern regions will be given some autonomy but regarding National Defence and Foreign Policy ,this decisions will remain in Kiev's hands.

So many russians died in WW2 because their superiors sent them to the slaughter like cattle diregarding their lives.Russian leaders throughout time always considered their subjects as mere animals ment for the meat grinder.It always puzzled me why the russian nation is ok with this treatment,even today.They seem to like it even.I would be bothered if my goverment would treat me as a 17th century serf like putin does with his subjects.Weird.o_O

yeah because its better to end in concentration camps
As a matter of fact, the Reichstag fire was professional, this ploy was absolutely amateur. :p:
The Jewish population of Donetsk are not even half a percent of Donetsk's population. Doubt anyone would seriously bother with the Jewish population of Donetsk.
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