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Raheel Sharif granted NOC as per due process: Ex MOD Khuwaja Asif

We don’t recognize DL as border between Af-Pak and we think of it as a sword on the chest of Pashtuns-Afghans...Pakistan has to fold itself!

So what's the solution to this, according to Afghans? If DL is not the border than what exactly would be the border b/w Afghanistan and Pakistan? And how to achieve towards peace and harmony between two countries?
Pakistan has to fold herself from Pashtun land!
We can be peaceful and trustworthy neighbors!

But Pakistan never occupied "Pashtun land"? KPK voted to join Pakistan. Overwhelming majority of Pashtuns living in Pakistan will die before they see Pakistan breaking. So on what moral grounds Afghans demand division of Pakistan?
But Pakistan never occupied "Pashtun land"? KPK voted to join Pakistan. Overwhelming majority of Pashtuns living in Pakistan will die before they see Pakistan breaking. So on what moral grounds Afghans demand division of Pakistan?
There is no moral ground; they destroyed their own nation; were given shelter(greatest national mistake in Pakistani history) and yet have the guile to blame us whilst sitting comfortably in the laps of western nations.
Not to mention engaging in sodomy with young boys as a national sport and accepting it as culture.
Afghans are a kaum that have deserved Gods wrath

The punishment and misery they have gone through is deserved also

Allah swt is always just and fair, my brother. Only misfortune comes to a nation because of its sins and distance from Allah swt.

GUL KHANS are Mughal Khel i.e with very low IQ ;)

These Afghan secular nationalists don’t view Pakistani Pukhtoons as equals. This is the same reason why they are hated in Pakistan KP and Balochistan.

In the same way, India wants Kashmiri land without any care for Kashmiri people. Afghans want Pakistani Pukhtoon land and Balochistan, but don’t necessarily want those people living there.

Real life doesn’t work that way.

But Pakistan never occupied "Pashtun land"? KPK voted to join Pakistan. Overwhelming majority of Pashtuns living in Pakistan will die before they see Pakistan breaking. So on what moral grounds Afghans demand division of Pakistan?

Pakistani Pukhtoons are the most loyal and patriotic ethnic group in Pakistan. With nothing but promises, they gave their lives for Quaid e Azam and Kashmir again and again. How many Pukhtoon soldiers died in Bangladesh in 1971 carrying the Pakistani flag?

Afghans know this and it kills them. :pakistan:
There is no moral ground; they destroyed their own nation; were given shelter(greatest national mistake in Pakistani history) and yet have the guile to blame us whilst sitting comfortably in the laps of western nations.
Not to mention engaging in sodomy with young boys as a national sport and accepting it as culture.
You sheltered and trained the then Mujhadeen and used them against Dr.Najeebullah’s government...That was in your national interest and wasn’t for the sake of mulsim brotherhood!!!
So what's the solution to this, according to Afghans? If DL is not the border than what exactly would be the border b/w Afghanistan and Pakistan? And how to achieve towards peace and harmony between two countries?
War. War. War. Covert. Overt. And that is exactly what has been happening.

Ps. Unless the entire Af-Pak region is unravelled into the generic ethnic units that became sovereign states as suggested in my previous post. Although wars would continue between these ethnic sovereign states as they would still be neighbours and share geography. There would also be mass killing of the pockets of minority ethnic found in each of these states.
You sheltered and trained the then Mujhadeen and used them against Dr.Najeebullah’s government...That was in your national interest and wasn’t for the sake of mulsim brotherhood!!!
So in other words, you were happy as subjects of the soviets? That represents your mentality as that of a slave, a subservient slave who prefers being led, prefers being told what to do and not do, and more importantly are happy to give up your national sovereignty to a foriegn power;because that is what Najibullah was and as you allege Pakistan does whatever it wants to the Afghan for its national interest, then it is clear that the Afghan in general is a stupid creature that everyone finds easy to use for their national interest. Starting from the soviets to Americans, Pakistanis and Indians or Chinese.. so it dawns that Afghans a collective of people who aren’t actually a nation at all but just random tribes banding together under foriegn kings.

In other words, Sarah Ahmedzai represents only herself or maybe her family and has ZERO worth as an Afghan because in her own testimony; she was happier as a colonial subject and sees all those who identify as her countrymen as easy pawns to be used by anyone and hence incapable of independent thoughts.
Which also implies that you too are incapable of independent thoughts and are essentially an indoctrinated drone for another foriegn power or agency out here to spread their version of views and not an Afghan or even a Pashtun view. So why should we even take you seriously as you don’t even represent an individual opinion but rather borrowed or dictated ones?
So in other words, you were happy as subjects of the soviets? That represents your mentality as that of a slave, a subservient slave who prefers being led, prefers being told what to do and not do, and more importantly are happy to give up your national sovereignty to a foriegn power;because that is what Najibullah was and as you allege Pakistan does whatever it wants to the Afghan for its national interest, then it is clear that the Afghan in general is a stupid creature that everyone finds easy to use for their national interest. Starting from the soviets to Americans, Pakistanis and Indians or Chinese.. so it dawns that Afghans a collective of people who aren’t actually a nation at all but just random tribes banding together under foriegn kings.

In other words, Sarah Ahmedzai represents only herself or maybe her family and has ZERO worth as an Afghan because in her own testimony; she was happier as a colonial subject and sees all those who identify as her countrymen as easy pawns to be used by anyone and hence incapable of independent thoughts.
Which also implies that you too are incapable of independent thoughts and are essentially an indoctrinated drone for another foriegn power or agency out here to spread their version of views and not an Afghan or even a Pashtun view. So why should we even take you seriously as you don’t even represent an individual opinion but rather borrowed or dictated ones?
@Indus Pakistan what was wrong in sending Raheel to Saudis? We managed both sides and stayed out of Yemen as well. If the purpose was to achieve our objective we did well.

Yes Raheel has performed less than what was expected from him like a $100 billion went to USA in a sec without US tasting any thing from it but we did okay with this whole show. Iran is closer and Saudis are more dependent.

The problem of Pakistan is we cannot throw away both Saudis and Iranians we have to find a balance among them and the Yemen war is the biggest exam Pakistan faced and we have done well in that. We did not killed a single Muslim in Yemen and yet we achieved diplomacy on both ends.


Those who don't chose sides in a conflict---will be left alone in their time of need---.

Gen Raheel blundered in not taking pak military to yemen---. By this time---pak military would have had massive military assets in the region and positioned at extremely tactical locations---.

As pakistan did not chose sides---pakistan will be stabbed in the back when it needs the help the most---.

Those who don't chose sides in a conflict---will be left alone in their time of need---.

Gen Raheel blundered in not taking pak military to yemen---. By this time---pak military would have had massive military assets in the region and positioned at extremely tactical locations---.

As pakistan did not chose sides---pakistan will be stabbed in the back when it needs the help the most---.

Sir what could have been the biggest reason for NS's fall? RS appointment (his own choice or State approved) was more of a balancing act? else Arabs would be wearing indian sarees gifted by modi's mother and shipments of those sarees would be going through Chahbahar?
KSA and UAE backed illegal invasion and Balkanization of Yemen should never be supported. Pakistan is a nation that should be at the forefront of bring peace and unity to the Muslim world, and not another puppet of US.

Pakistan’s principled stance helped us maintain relations with Turkey, Iran, and Qatar.

Those who don't chose sides in a conflict---will be left alone in their time of need---.

Gen Raheel blundered in not taking pak military to yemen---. By this time---pak military would have had massive military assets in the region and positioned at extremely tactical locations---.

As pakistan did not chose sides---pakistan will be stabbed in the back when it needs the help the most---.

What military assets would Pakistan have?
USA is shipping ISIS to Afghanistan and we would have been fighting in Yemen.
9.2 billion dollars of tech has been given to India by USA and Pakistan denied AH-1z viper.
So what's the solution to this, according to Afghans? If DL is not the border than what exactly would be the border b/w Afghanistan and Pakistan? And how to achieve towards peace and harmony between two countries?

Let me see
3 millions + afghans are in Pakistan don't want to go back.
Many Afghan if given opportunity will happily prefer to live in this side of border.
But most afghan will blame, abuse & wish harm to Pakistan.

1> End This Durand Line
2> Create All Afghan or Part of it(Pashtun Area & Those Ethnic group who want peace) to be part of Pakistan
3> Give Them Status of FATA
4> Use Tribal Law for them
5> Only Peace loving Afghan should be allowed to Visit Pakistan(NOC System)
6> Use their natural resources & transit charges for their development and for our military expense.

Only Pakistan can bring peace because Afghans are only good and getting screwed.
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