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Rah-i-Nijat Wallpaper by Me


Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Guys,... Made it some days back. How you think about my effort this time. This is my tribute to Pakistan army and men at their BEST.:pakistan::pakistan:

Good one PAKSHAHEEN..excelent job..(nevermind just onething missing,as you know Airforce is also participating,so just make an addition of any PAF Aircraft in the wall paper so the wallpaper will be completed:cheers:)
what softwares did you use apart from adobe

Some stock pictures and Adobe Photoshope CS4 and that's all :)

The Arabic verse of Surah Saf is also an image which i searched the day i recited it at home. I found text as image on a site where whole Quran is given in same format.

As for as effects are concerns there are lots of them... :)
Good one PAKSHAHEEN..excelent job..(nevermind just onething missing,as you know Airforce is also participating,so just make an addition of any PAF Aircraft in the wall paper so the wallpaper will be completed:cheers:)

Thanks a lot bro... Will try to make another totally dedicated to AF efforts in Rah-i-Nijat.
Very Nice work indeed.


You got 1 less mark just because of the fired bullets of AK-47 which are visible and that is with no body language of the soldiers. :D

What's your say mmm? :coffee:
Very Nice work indeed.


You got 1 less mark just because of the fired bullets of AK-47 which are visible and that is with no body language of the soldiers. :D

What's your say mmm? :coffee:

These are pakistani soldiers they can fire an AK with their pinky.

Whats your say ?
One of the best wallpapers I've seen in some time, only because of the middle soldier and the writing on the bottom. But it was ruined by the very obviously fake M-16 (or whatever) hanging on the back of the center soldier. The expression on the soldier's face, the writing on his helmet, and and bullets all over his chest make that picture unique. In the real picture, he's also holding an AK-47 (or is it a G-3). That picture was amazing originally, and the fake M-16 robs it of its rugged realism and strength. The worst thing you could possibly do to such a beautifully real picture is add fake things to it to make it artificially "cool".

Subtlety, simplicity and the truth are always better than the "cool factor". You have a lot of talent, brother, but if you want to be a real artist, you can't get drawn into this stuff. Because of that, and the fake bullets fighting out of AK-47, I rank your wallpaper the same as the hundreds of other wallpapers I've seen.
acha hay.............................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice work.... Appreciated.

Keep it up. I thought Stealth was the only one master in this art.

KIT Over
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