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Rage: The emotion an Indian experiences on a visit to China

when you say lots it does mean Majority... so lets say 0.7 billion Chinese are gullible then (and not 1.2 billions).

Can I say we are all gullible to certain extent? We need to be very well informed and well read in order to be objective. At present, the west, to be precise, Britain and the U.S., has the control of media and does sway opinions of the world via its media. No sensible Chinese would think it's a good idea to let BBC and CNN, etc. to dictate how Chinese citizens think.

In today's world, whoever has the control of media pretty much has the power of persuasion.
Why this stupid comparison? India is doing good. And to be precise. I would want to born in India every time if I am born a trillion times but not once in China.

China is all money but no peace of mind. India is all money but with all the freedom and peace of mind.

I would suffocate if I have to live under total control of ccp every minute of my life. I want money but no way I want to be a slave.

and to Chinese. 3 cheers for your progress. But I do not want the Chinese ccp model for India ever.

So thanks but no thanks. and the chief reason is that India is growing and doing well economically without the restrictions on life put by ccp. So when we can progress without the restrictions then why would we Indians ever want to live like Chinese? :wave:

In fact, Chinese individuals have many choices and freedom in daily lives that you cannot imagine. CCP model is a more appropriate description of the elder generations before 1980s. For now, none people would prefer talking about CCP political rules and even government is diluting political purpose, government is busying accomplishing the given economic indicators because these indicators are the only reason government officials get promotion. Generally, nobody is proud of being CCP model now, even some people hate that thing. I can vouch that Marxism-Leninism here is something like antique mainly for historical research purpose. Everyone, from the bottom of their heart, concerns practical things more than CCP rules that have little meaning.

It seems that you portray the atmosphere under CCP as misery. Master and slave?? It is totally nonsense.

If you would like to come and visit, I can show you how our life is going. We do have kind of obstacles in development, that is how every developing country will meet. Higher prices, expensive gases, busy traffic and food safety, I can give you assurance that what we are experincing now is the same as what the developed countries had experienced.

Here is a serials video. From a western perspective, this foreigner has been in China for many years and took many videos of how daily life is going. You can check it one by one, of course if you are interested. He gives a detailed description of culture, transport, cellphone, food, supermarket, banks and more importantly, the censorship.... the one you will be interested.

Here is just one example descriping a small sized supermarket, you can check out other videos from his lively documentary....

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Enlightenment..You even know what that means? Of course I must assume that if you put people in a prison where all expression is banned but give them a bit of food and clothing, they will surely come out most enlightened. And who said Indian people dont have all the above luxuries you listed?

If1 million chinese are living in real prison, maybe there will be hundreds million indians or even 3/4 of indian population living in hunger and poverty prison.
there is nothing to disagree. we both agree that China has achieved economic success. I am also not doubting that.

But 100 times out of 100 I would prefer to achieve success the way India has done over last two decades, rather then going the Chinese oppressive way.

People life expectancy indicator can tell the truth which one is better.

If you prefer to live in prison of poverty, hunger and deficiency, it is your own right. But normal people will prefer other way round.

I guess you have never been to china. Your opinion indicate that you have been brainwashed by blind nationalistic, than real facts.

Being oppressed for the political things is much much better than being oppressed by radical poverty, hunger, and deficiency.
I think people should go out, see the world with their own eyes and then comment, rather than sitting at home and relying completely on Media reports.
Else the opinions become like that of 'A Frog in the well' .... U know what I mean....
agree with you very much. but it seems the frog doesnt understand your words
In fact if I were a Chinese, I would be enraged to see Indians enjoy both High Growth and Total Freedom.

Whereas all I have as a Chinese is growth but no life, no freedom, no say in my nation's policy, total censorship of external information.

Living in China is like a convict living in an enlarged prison or under house arrest.

I would rather die than live on a feces-filled street. South Asia is tied with sub-Saharan Africa in development.

Tell me, if you are so "peaceful" and "free", why is your homicide rate 10x that of countries like Korea and Japan, and 3.5x that of countries like China?

Is it because you are an inherently savage and uncivilized people?
Where is your evidence that India's stats were fake? I read your posting and I do not see anything. So I'm wondering where you are getting that information from.

"China government revenue is nearly $ 2.4 trillion while India government revenue is only $220 billion. 95 Chinese companies in Fortune500 while only 8 from India. China exports is 10 times of India. China car sales is 10 times of India. China shipbuilding is 30 times of India. China steel prodution is 12 times of India. China banking business more than 10 times of India. China foreign exchange reserve is 12 times of India. China rating is AA while India only BBB-.

"But China GDP released only 4.5 times of India. So who's GDP is inaccurate?"


"China government revenue is nearly $ 2.4 trillion while India government revenue is only $220 billion. 95 Chinese companies in Fortune500 while only 8 from India. China exports is 10 times of India. China car sales is 10 times of India. China shipbuilding is 30 times of India. China steel prodution is 12 times of India. China banking business more than 10 times of India. China foreign exchange reserve is 12 times of India. China rating is AA while India only BBB-.

"But China GDP released only 4.5 times of India. So who's GDP is inaccurate?"


You just sampled some industries that China is way ahead. But these do not represent the whole economy. How about in data center and tech support? India should be ahead on those industries. These India leading industry does not mean that India is ahead of the world in economy.

To make accusation about falsify data, we need to provide real evidence of doing so. Otherwise, it would be false accusation.
And in which people are free.

Yeah, 40% of the worlds poverty stricken and malnourished live in India. 5,000 children under the age of five die of starvation every day in India. And approximately 600,000,000 Indians live below the global poverty line, riddled with disease and starvation. But sure, as long as they are "free" it is OK. :cuckoo:

Freedom does not fill empty stomachs, freedom does not cure disease, freedom will not stop a child dying of starvation!

I am not so sure the majority of the Indian population would consider themselves free. They are all subject to the captivity of poverty and depression.

To all non-Indian members of this forum, remember this - The Indian members that continually spam their rubbish all over Pakistan Defense Forum represent only a small minority of the Indian population. Most of the Indian population are starving, dying and living in absolute poverty. They have no access to the internet (hell, they don't even have toilets or light bulbs) their voice is silent and unheard.

So next time an Indian posts bullshit on this site, just remember - hes a fag and speaks only for the lucky 1% in India.
You just sampled some industries that China is way ahead. But these do not represent the whole economy. How about in data center and tech support? India should be ahead on those industries. These India leading industry does not mean that India is ahead of the world in economy.

To make accusation about falsify data, we need to provide real evidence of doing so. Otherwise, it would be false accusation.
Sampled some industries? "95 Chinese companies in Fortune500 while only 8 from India." What industry is that from? The industry of big companies?

IT industry? Which is the real IT superpower – India or China? | Indiabourse

A Chinese friend recently drew an interesting parallel in a conversation. He compared the impact of China’s manufacturing industry on the average Chinese and that of India’s IT industry on the Indian masses. China has made a mark in the manufacturing industry and along the way it has transformed the lives of almost every Chinese citizen. Is this true of India’s IT industry? I did not have a ready answer and the Chinese never persist with conversations where there might be even the slightest chance of the other person losing face.

India’s IT sector has served the country very well over the last couple of decades. It has brought in much needed foreign exchange and generated employment for millions of Indians. Indian IT companies have risen to the top echelons of the industry. There is no denying this.

Until 2008 the industry had never seen a dull year but the last few years have been quite rocky. Nasscom, the industry body has indicated that an annual growth rate of 11-14% is still achievable for the industry as a whole in the coming years. However stock analysts were alarmed earlier this year when many of the top Indian IT companies failed to issue revenue forecasts for more than two quarters for the first time in their corporate lives. Despite this few people doubt the industry’s resilience and one can be confident that India will remain synonymous with IT atleast for a couple of generations.

Indian IT giants have a truly global presence. Whether it is Uruguay or Uzbekistan, Bournemouth or Brisbane, there is hardly a city in the world that has not received IT engineers from India to work on a client project.

As mentioned in a previous post, every Indian IT company has a significant footprint in China. Having failed to bag big business from Chinese SOE’s they are sustaining themselves mostly with business from their existing international clients which have presence in China. Projects from domestic Chinese clients are notable exceptions in their order books. China is perhaps the only geographical territory in the world where Indian IT companies do not serve the top players in every industry. It is very clear that the market for IT services in China is being reserved for homegrown players who are still in their infancy.

Coming back to our conversation, what does a successful industry mean to the country and its people? How much of India has benefitted from India’s IT industry? Is the global success of a handful of companies sufficient to brand India as an IT superpower?

It has been a couple of weeks since our conversation and the thought has still not left my mind. What are the likely indicators of a country’s IT superpower status?

I started with researching PC penetration rates. India has a PC penetration of less than 5% whereas China’s average IT penetration is 30% and in urban areas it is close to 60%.

Next, I looked up broadband penetration. India’s broadband internet penetration is 1.2% currently and set to reach 2.8% in 2016. In the same period, China will be reach 20.9%.

Lastly I checked out the size of the IT market in the two countries. The estimated size of the domestic Indian IT market for 2012 is a respectable US$ 20.7 billion. And the size of the Chinese domestic IT market is —– hold your breath – a whopping US$124.4 billion

Now, is India really an IT superpower? I don’t know the answer to this question but the next time I hear an Indian businessman, politician or bureaucrat trying to showcase India as an IT superpower to a Chinese audience I will certainly wince.

The only industries where India is ahead are, yes you said it, tech support :omghaha: funny accent call centers :lol: curry production, yoga gurus and internet boasting about "India shupa-powa" :laughcry:
Well China is ahead in terms of development and infrastructure due to some sane and logical decisions taken by those in power.

But that does not mean everything in India and its institutions is bad.

Congratulations to China but I would love to be born as Indian again.......

I would ask China was underdeveloped till 1970s, so was everything in China bad at that time..the answer is NO.

Likewise, India has its pros and cons... it has its achievements and its has its poor development indicators....

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