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Rafale deal: Modi's Parisian blunder

It the LAW dude. Nobody can do anything about it.

By LAW, any foreign purchase above 300 Crores has 30% mandatory Offset attached to it. IF Rafale does not reduce price, the deal itself will not happen.

Since its G2G, the aircrafts has to be sold at the same price it was offered to the French govt. (at least in theory)

That law was made by last government. If Law is problem, change it. As I said ,increasing price by demanding transfer of screwdriver Engineering, is stupid. Just buy plane+source code+weapons off the shelf at lowest price possible.

One thing is certain for sure. The technologies and process knowledge we demanded under MMRCA was game changing. Had it not been, Dassault would not have dragged its feet over ToT.

By 2030, India's GDP is projected to be around $6.6 Trillion while that of France would be $3.3 Trillion. If India iron out the shortcoming that ails its scientific and engineering scene, by the time sixth gen comes out, India may become a greater innovator in aerospace than France.

And GoI need to drop its allergy to USA's products. Only USA is superior enough to us ,both technologically and Economically, that it would genuinely transfer any significant technology (from our perspective) as it has no fear of India overtaking it.

For ToT, I would say Fcuk ToT. No one, I say no one, would transfer us knowledge of superalloys to use in Jet engines. For the rest, just hire Boeing or Lockheed Martin as consultant on improving efficiency of HAL. They would gladly provide it as India is not their competitor, and as this MMRCA proved, HAL need to at least double its productivity to be sustainable. And is Modi with his gargantuan majority could not force better work ethics down the throat of government babus, no one could.
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France stood their ground, knew exactly what they wanted and looked strong. The Indians gave into the pressure and now throw money at France.

The French must be laughing behind their teeth at India and thinking "India thinks she is a future superpower? Haha! She is weak, and buckled to our pressure".

The international community watched keenly to see if India could force France to beg and scrape at India's feet and give India full TOT and production in India. But now we all know India is weak, and India comes begging to France and gives France billions for production in France.

Poor India

I feel so sorry to india
Dassault isnt that desperate as Indian members make it to be. Yeh, who would not want to have such a large contract.

In the end, its India's loss and Dassault gain. Dassault never wanted to part away with technology and rightly so. I have said it couple of times that no country want to sell critical technologies and Indian members, in their typical pomp would take offence and insult in return.

Dassault got what it wanted. So who is weaker here? You could have money and you thought you can buy everything. But not everything has a price or for sale. India learnt it the hard way.
That law was made by last government. If Law is problem, change it. As I said ,increasing price by demanding transfer of screwdriver Engineering, is stupid. Just buy plane+source code+weapons off the shelf at lowest price possible.

One thing is certain for sure. The technologies and process knowledge we demanded under MMRCA was game changing. Had it not been, Dassault would not have dragged its feet over ToT.

By 2030, India's GDP is projected to be around $6.6 Trillion while that of France would be $3.3 Trillion. If India iron out the shortcoming that ails its scientific and engineering scene, by the time sixth gen comes out, India may become a greater innovator in aerospace than France.

And GoI need to drop its allergy to USA's products. Only USA is superior enough to us ,both technologically and Economically, that it would genuinely transfer any significant technology (from our perspective) as it has no fear of India overtaking it.

For ToT, I would say Fcuk ToT. No one, I say no one, would transfer us knowledge of superalloys to use in Jet engines. For the rest, just hire Boeing or Lockheed Martin as consultant on improving efficiency of HAL. They would gladly provide it as India is not their competitor, and as this MMRCA proved, HAL need to at least double its productivity to be sustainable. And is Modi with his gargantuan majority could not force better work ethics down the throat of government babus, no one could.

The law is good and it needs to be there. But Law is not substitute for good negotiations. We fail in negotiations because the leadership so far had no strategic vision and no direction. Thankfully that has changed.

French are know to extract their pound of flesh. Its who they are.

US is not only unwilling to transfer technology (they have laws against it), its platforms comes with TOO MANY stings attached that will turn us into their puppet.

Every technology is available for sale for the right price. But it is cheaper to develop the technology on our own. I work with Boeing and I can tell you it is not only VERY reluctant to share technology but it is also VERY bureaucratic. As bad as HAL.
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