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Rafael heavy on F-16 of Pakistan, it can detect 40 targets simultaneously within 100 km radius

Rafale aawee ga mai Phulaa naal dharti Sajawan gi ... Indians right now :lol:

Bro PL-15 reported range is around 300+/- Just imagine a JF with low RCS launching from a distance of around 200+ Km and guide it with the help of AWAC's , if it bypass Rafale counter measures than RIP to Rafale .. French will be very nervous in future Indo-Pak Conflict .
will there be any such scenario when PAF or IAF will have to fire from 300 KM range? it won't ... still Pakistan should eat grass and buy latest F16s .. just relying on JF17s is bullcrap..
Russian hardware is always impressive on paper but far from being the best. Sheer hype of Su-30 MKI fell falt on Indian faces on 27-02-19 which is not surprising actually because many Indiots did not pay heed to disturbing revelations of retired IAF officers.

Noteworthy warning from a retired Indian officer way back in 2017: https://www.defensenews.com/air/201...es-problems-despite-russian-spare-parts-deal/

Rafale should not be underestimated however, French can deliver quality.

Rafale + Meteor BVRAAM = most dangerous strike package in the region.
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Dassault Rafale Vs F-16 Fighting Falcon
French Dassault Rafale vs US F-16E Fighting Falcon Block 60 Comparison

Rafale vs F-16 Flight Cost Per Hour

@Windjammer India is looking like flushing more and more dough down the Modi built toilets for sure here, lol, add to it the legendary flying desasters of IAF pilots that managed to even crash a safe as houses C130 and it is surely looking like history in the making, all be it an embarrasing one as you have alluded windy.

As some one commented elsewhere......''Keeping the crash record of IAF in mind, our best wishes and sincere condolences to Dassault Aviation.

Overall specs, BVR and Dog fight ratings


This is just a standard comparison without the key EW packages of both aircrafts by aviatia.net that shows the strenghts of F16 block 60 are at par with that of Rafale, specially with the introduction of AIM 120-D AMRAAM that matches if not out performs the Meteor.

A block 52+ F16 with AMRAAM in the hands of experienced and skilled pilot is as much a vicious an adversary as any.

So a Block 70/72 F16 is sure to be more of a dominant Rafale killer rather than an equally matched adversary.

Watch out IAF, not going for F21/F16-70/72 is looking more and more ominous to bite you in the @rse after all despite all the hoopla around Rafale as reminiscent of the hoopla around the PAF spanked SU-30 MKI.
According to the History books Hinduism’s origin is at the worshipping of power by the folks at the banks of the Indus. Whatever they found having power they worshipped...

I dont think our local Indians read this glorious history of Indus valley civilization. :enjoy:
it doesnt matter what we think and talk about rafale. the thing that matters is what PAF is thinking about it and trust me they are not sitting idle. plans are there how to counter it and inshaAllah they will counter it.

according to AM shahid latif PAF pointed out at least 50 weaknesses in J10 that needed to be removed before induction into PAF.
That was J10A in the days of AM Shahid, it has come along way since then to J10C.

@PakSword PAF has been showing interest in PL15 which is a match for the French Meteor. PL15 is seen on board the Chinese Stealth J20 as well as J10C.

The following article is relevant viz a viz the Rafale and what it shall face after deployment in the region.

Worry for IAF? Chinese media reports deployment of long-range air-to-air missile
Web DeskMarch 28, 2019 11:49 IST
A screengrab of a J-16 fighter of the People's Liberation Army Air Force purportedly carrying the PL-15 missile

A Chinese state-run media outlet on Monday reported the country’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has begun deploying a new air-to-air missile on its fleet of J-11B fighters.

The Global Times reported that footage of the PL-15 missile being carried on the J-11B had been shown on China Central Television.

The PL-15 missile, which is a radar-guided weapon, is touted as having a greater range than contemporary systems like the US-built AMRAAM, used in the recent India-Pakistan skirmishes, and the Russian R-77, which is in service with the Indian Air Force. The AIM-120D variant of the AMRAAM is thought to have range of about 100 miles (approximately 160km).

According to a report published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in early 2018, the PL-15 “would be the most capable air-to-air missile in the PLAAF inventory.”

Multiple images of the PL-15 have circulated since 2015 even as the Chinese government and media have kept silence about the project. The PL-15 missile came into prominence in 2015 when Herbert J. Carlisle, the then head of the US Air Force’s combat command, spoke about the weapon at an event in Washington. Carlisle was quoted by Flight International as saying outmatching the PL-15 missile was an “exceedingly high priority” for the US Air Force.

While precise figures are unavailable, experts have estimated the PL-15 missile to have a range in excess of 200km. In early 2017, Chinese media reported about the test of an unnamed air-to-air missile, with a range of up to 400km, with the weapon’s description matching the PL-15. In July 2017, Aviation International News reported the PL-15 missile had been test-fired in September 2015.

With a length of over 4metres, the PL-15 is significantly longer than the AMRAAM and has a powerful radar and rocket motor. Military experts in China and overseas claim the primary role of the PL-15 may be to destroy ‘high-value’ targets such as airborne early-warning aircraft and aerial refuelling aircraft, which could decisively handicap adversaries such as the US in a conflict in the Pacific.

The PL-15 uses a conventional rocket motor, unlike the European-origin MBDA Meteor missile, which will arm the Indian Air Force’s fleet of Rafale fighters. The Meteor uses an air-breathing ramjet motor and has greater manoeuvrability as it approaches a target when compared with rocket-propelled missiles. The Meteor has a stated range of "well in excess of 100km" according to its manufacturers, but is also smaller in length than the PL-15. Therefore, China watchers have argued the PL-15 may have greater range than the Meteor on account of its higher fuel capacity.

The Global Times report stated the PL-15 missile had been deployed on China’s J-20 stealth fighter, the single-engine J-10 and the J-16 fighter-bomber, which is derived from Russian SU-27, also the basis for the Indian Air Force’s SU-30MKI.

Global Times quoted a military expert as saying the deployment of the PL-15 on the J-11B fighter showed “the technology of the PL-15 has matured, so it can now be put on a variety of platforms”. The J-11B is a Chinese-built variant of the SU-27 and the People’s Liberation Army Air Force is thought to operate over 200 of these fighters.

  • In the presence of Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, India will get the first Rafale fighter aircraft today, its arms will be worshiped in Paris.
  • Fighter pilot Kishore Kumar Khera and defense expert Pushan Das told the Bhaskar APP the specialty of Rafael
  • Pakistan's F-16s have more firepower and speed than Rafael, yet Rafale is a better fighter than it
  • The F-16's radar system can detect 20 targets in a range of 84 km, it is behind the Rafale
Dainik Bhaskar
Oct 08, 2019, 04:07 PM IST
new Delhi. In the presence of Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, India will get the first Rafale fighter aircraft from France on the occasion of Vijayadashami on Tuesday. However, it will visit India by May 2020. Till then the Indian Air Force pilots will take training to fly it in France itself. Former Air Force Chief BS Dhanoa recently said that after Rafale's arrival Pakistan would not try to come along the Line of Control and the International Border. To know its merits, the Bhaskar APP spoke to former Group Captain Kishore Kumar Khera, a fighter pilot of the Air Force and defense expert Pushan Das associated with the Observer Research Foundation. If Pakistan's F-16 is ahead in terms of speed, then Rafael's weapon system makes it more powerful than Pakistani fighter aircraft.

Rafael is strong for these three reasons

1) Radar is the first feature that makes Rafael stronger than Pakistan's F-16

French company Daiso Aviation has given such a radar system in Rafale, which is not even in the F-16 made by American company Lockheed Martin. The F-16 radar system can detect 20 targets within a range of 84 km. Rafal's radar system can detect up to 40 targets at a time within a radius of 100 km. Kishore Khera, a fighter pilot in the Indian Air Force, says that the range of on-board radar and sensors that Rafale possesses is currently not in any other fighter aircraft in India. It can detect enemy fighters from far away. Its greater range will play an important role in combat missions. The advantage of this is that you can see them in enemy aircraft without being detected.

2) Missiles better than Pakistan's F-16

Pakistan's F-16 has a maximum range of 100 km for the Miram missiles. At the same time, Rafale's missile system is much more advanced than this. Kishore Khera, who was a Group Captain in the Air Force, says that although all the fighters of India are capable of carrying precise aiming weapons from air to air and air to ground, but the special thing in Rafael is that it is more range weapons. Can also be carried. Like - it can carry missiles. Which are capable of aiming at very precise targets on air moving targets even at a distance of more than 150 km. Meteor missiles can target jet to small unmanned aircraft as well as cruise missiles. Similarly, Rafale aircraft can also carry scalp missiles. These missiles can destroy any target located on the ground about 300 km away. These missiles also protect the aircraft from ground-targeting weapons. In this way, long-range missiles in a fighter aircraft not only protect them from enemy attack, but also have a big role in making the mission successful.

3) Human machine interface such that the fighter pilot can decide soon

Kishore Khera says Rafale's human machine interface also technically makes it more efficient than other aircraft. This is extremely helpful for fighter pilots. Different types of sensors installed in the Rafale will help the pilot to understand the situation easily and better in times of corrosion. This takes less time to decide. Decision making is a matter of a few microseconds, but these microseconds make the difference between victory and defeat in aerial combat.

Together Sukhoi, Miraj and Tejas will make Rafael more powerful

Our strength will increase as Rafale becomes operational in the Indian Air Force. Khera explains that in any operation or limited or complete war situation, Rafale will be our most special aircraft. However, just 36 Rafaels is not enough for the purpose of preparing for a full war. Sukhoi-30 MKI, upgraded Mirage 2000, MiG-29 and Tejas are also equipped with different special technologies, which will be required for Rafale. After the MiG-21 and MiG-27, the Jaguar with Rafale will be the most important aircraft for us to hit ground targets.

Comparison of the most modern fighter aircraft of India, China and Pakistan

Rafael (India)

F-16 (Pakistan)

J-20 (China)

Combat radius

1850 km

4220 km

3400 km

Maxim speed

2222 km / h

2415 km / h

2100 km / h


Length: 15.3 m

Width: 10.9 m

Height: 5.3 m

Length: 15 meters

Width: 9.45 m

Height: 5 m

Length: 23 m

Width: 15 m

Height: 5 m

Missiles and range

Meteor: 150 km

Scalp: 300 km

Amram: 100 km

PL-15: 300 km

PL-21: 400 km

How high can fly

15,240 m

15,235 m

18000 m

Rate of climb

18,288 m / min

15,240 m / min

18,240 m / min


Empty - 9,980 kg, maximum - 24,494 kg

Empty - 9,500 kg,

Maximum- 24,500 kg

Empty - 17,600 kg,

Maximum- 35,000 kg


In Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq

In the Afghan war from 1986 to 1989

Not involved in any major mission yet

China's J-20A aircraft also have to take care

Defense expert Pushan Das says that Rafale has more capability to penetrate any protected airspace than the most advanced fighter aircraft of Pakistani Air Force F-16. However, China's J20A aircraft will be a challenge for Rafael, as it will induct large numbers of these aircraft into the Air Force in the coming years. Pakistan can also get these aircraft from China, so to counter them Rafale as well as the Indian Air Force will have to increase capacities on a large scale.

Training: Pilots will fly Rafale for 60 to 80 hours in 6 months

Khera explains that Indian pilots have to take at least 5 to 6 months of training to understand all aspects of the aircraft. During this, they will spend 60 to 80 hours flying Rafale. India will get its first fleet of 4 fighter aircraft in May next year after the training of Indian pilots in France and maintenance of other staff is over. It is expected that at least one Rafale Squadron will be fully operational in India by Air Force Day in 2020.

Updating fourth generation aircraft, it is also necessary to equip Tejas with new capabilities

Defense expert Pushan Das says that the arrival of Rafael will give strength to the Indian Air Force but other options will also have to be worked out to respond to the challenges of air defense systems of China and Pakistan and fighter jets. Every option should be considered for the requirements of air battles and standardization of their fleet. For example, with the arrival of the second batch of Rafale, Tejas, a fighter aircraft made with indigenous technologies, will also have to be equipped with the necessary capabilities. As such it has to develop technical capabilities to refuel in the air and further strengthen its air warning and control system. It is also necessary that the fourth generation combat aircraft be updated with priority. They should be equipped with modern capabilities of high speed weapons and electronic warfare.

Air Force still has 31 squadrons, 42 needed

According to Global Security.com, the Air Force needs 42 squadrons from Pakistan-China to protect the country, but we currently have only 31 squadrons. A squadron consists of 16 to 18 fighter aircraft. According to estimates, by 2021-2022 the number of squadrons near the Air Force will be reduced to 26, as combat aircraft such as the MiG-21 and MiG-27 will retire. At the same time, by 2022 we will have only two squadrons. The first squadron of these will be of Rafael aircraft, while the second will be of LCA Tejas. At the same time, by 2022, the Pakistan Air Force will have 25 squadrons and the Chinese Air Force will have 42 squadrons.


Was't Su-30 declared mini AWACS and super duper air superiority fighter before it get shot down?

SU-30 was and is a good fighter jet but there is always and was man behind the machine....

Bring even F-22 we will shoot you down blood cow pis$ drinkers....
Procure few AIM 120Ds AMRAAM and rafale would be another mirage.
so Shahid Latfi pointed out 50 weaknesses in J10, what about his project JF17? is that better than J10 and how many weakensses in JF17 according to SL by the way or there is non?
better ask him the details. he didnt tell me the details.
i think indian pilots will take 5yrs to get properly trained for flying rafale,the jet was flown by french pilot when rajnath was sitting in it at the time of induction ceremony which shows no indian pilot is yet trained for flying this rafale jet
So the Rafale is the new Invincible Indian God???

Great!! Lets see if its really invincible

  • In the presence of Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, India will get the first Rafale fighter aircraft today, its arms will be worshiped in Paris.
  • Fighter pilot Kishore Kumar Khera and defense expert Pushan Das told the Bhaskar APP the specialty of Rafael
  • Pakistan's F-16s have more firepower and speed than Rafael, yet Rafale is a better fighter than it
  • The F-16's radar system can detect 20 targets in a range of 84 km, it is behind the Rafale
Dainik Bhaskar
Oct 08, 2019, 04:07 PM IST
new Delhi. In the presence of Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, India will get the first Rafale fighter aircraft from France on the occasion of Vijayadashami on Tuesday. However, it will visit India by May 2020. Till then the Indian Air Force pilots will take training to fly it in France itself. Former Air Force Chief BS Dhanoa recently said that after Rafale's arrival Pakistan would not try to come along the Line of Control and the International Border. To know its merits, the Bhaskar APP spoke to former Group Captain Kishore Kumar Khera, a fighter pilot of the Air Force and defense expert Pushan Das associated with the Observer Research Foundation. If Pakistan's F-16 is ahead in terms of speed, then Rafael's weapon system makes it more powerful than Pakistani fighter aircraft.

Rafael is strong for these three reasons

1) Radar is the first feature that makes Rafael stronger than Pakistan's F-16

French company Daiso Aviation has given such a radar system in Rafale, which is not even in the F-16 made by American company Lockheed Martin. The F-16 radar system can detect 20 targets within a range of 84 km. Rafal's radar system can detect up to 40 targets at a time within a radius of 100 km. Kishore Khera, a fighter pilot in the Indian Air Force, says that the range of on-board radar and sensors that Rafale possesses is currently not in any other fighter aircraft in India. It can detect enemy fighters from far away. Its greater range will play an important role in combat missions. The advantage of this is that you can see them in enemy aircraft without being detected.

2) Missiles better than Pakistan's F-16

Pakistan's F-16 has a maximum range of 100 km for the Miram missiles. At the same time, Rafale's missile system is much more advanced than this. Kishore Khera, who was a Group Captain in the Air Force, says that although all the fighters of India are capable of carrying precise aiming weapons from air to air and air to ground, but the special thing in Rafael is that it is more range weapons. Can also be carried. Like - it can carry missiles. Which are capable of aiming at very precise targets on air moving targets even at a distance of more than 150 km. Meteor missiles can target jet to small unmanned aircraft as well as cruise missiles. Similarly, Rafale aircraft can also carry scalp missiles. These missiles can destroy any target located on the ground about 300 km away. These missiles also protect the aircraft from ground-targeting weapons. In this way, long-range missiles in a fighter aircraft not only protect them from enemy attack, but also have a big role in making the mission successful.

3) Human machine interface such that the fighter pilot can decide soon

Kishore Khera says Rafale's human machine interface also technically makes it more efficient than other aircraft. This is extremely helpful for fighter pilots. Different types of sensors installed in the Rafale will help the pilot to understand the situation easily and better in times of corrosion. This takes less time to decide. Decision making is a matter of a few microseconds, but these microseconds make the difference between victory and defeat in aerial combat.

Together Sukhoi, Miraj and Tejas will make Rafael more powerful

Our strength will increase as Rafale becomes operational in the Indian Air Force. Khera explains that in any operation or limited or complete war situation, Rafale will be our most special aircraft. However, just 36 Rafaels is not enough for the purpose of preparing for a full war. Sukhoi-30 MKI, upgraded Mirage 2000, MiG-29 and Tejas are also equipped with different special technologies, which will be required for Rafale. After the MiG-21 and MiG-27, the Jaguar with Rafale will be the most important aircraft for us to hit ground targets.

Comparison of the most modern fighter aircraft of India, China and Pakistan

Rafael (India)

F-16 (Pakistan)

J-20 (China)

Combat radius

1850 km

4220 km

3400 km

Maxim speed

2222 km / h

2415 km / h

2100 km / h


Length: 15.3 m

Width: 10.9 m

Height: 5.3 m

Length: 15 meters

Width: 9.45 m

Height: 5 m

Length: 23 m

Width: 15 m

Height: 5 m

Missiles and range

Meteor: 150 km

Scalp: 300 km

Amram: 100 km

PL-15: 300 km

PL-21: 400 km

How high can fly

15,240 m

15,235 m

18000 m

Rate of climb

18,288 m / min

15,240 m / min

18,240 m / min


Empty - 9,980 kg, maximum - 24,494 kg

Empty - 9,500 kg,

Maximum- 24,500 kg

Empty - 17,600 kg,

Maximum- 35,000 kg


In Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq

In the Afghan war from 1986 to 1989

Not involved in any major mission yet

China's J-20A aircraft also have to take care

Defense expert Pushan Das says that Rafale has more capability to penetrate any protected airspace than the most advanced fighter aircraft of Pakistani Air Force F-16. However, China's J20A aircraft will be a challenge for Rafael, as it will induct large numbers of these aircraft into the Air Force in the coming years. Pakistan can also get these aircraft from China, so to counter them Rafale as well as the Indian Air Force will have to increase capacities on a large scale.

Training: Pilots will fly Rafale for 60 to 80 hours in 6 months

Khera explains that Indian pilots have to take at least 5 to 6 months of training to understand all aspects of the aircraft. During this, they will spend 60 to 80 hours flying Rafale. India will get its first fleet of 4 fighter aircraft in May next year after the training of Indian pilots in France and maintenance of other staff is over. It is expected that at least one Rafale Squadron will be fully operational in India by Air Force Day in 2020.

Updating fourth generation aircraft, it is also necessary to equip Tejas with new capabilities

Defense expert Pushan Das says that the arrival of Rafael will give strength to the Indian Air Force but other options will also have to be worked out to respond to the challenges of air defense systems of China and Pakistan and fighter jets. Every option should be considered for the requirements of air battles and standardization of their fleet. For example, with the arrival of the second batch of Rafale, Tejas, a fighter aircraft made with indigenous technologies, will also have to be equipped with the necessary capabilities. As such it has to develop technical capabilities to refuel in the air and further strengthen its air warning and control system. It is also necessary that the fourth generation combat aircraft be updated with priority. They should be equipped with modern capabilities of high speed weapons and electronic warfare.

Air Force still has 31 squadrons, 42 needed

According to Global Security.com, the Air Force needs 42 squadrons from Pakistan-China to protect the country, but we currently have only 31 squadrons. A squadron consists of 16 to 18 fighter aircraft. According to estimates, by 2021-2022 the number of squadrons near the Air Force will be reduced to 26, as combat aircraft such as the MiG-21 and MiG-27 will retire. At the same time, by 2022 we will have only two squadrons. The first squadron of these will be of Rafael aircraft, while the second will be of LCA Tejas. At the same time, by 2022, the Pakistan Air Force will have 25 squadrons and the Chinese Air Force will have 42 squadrons.


Such a Beautiful Machine, Our hearts will cry when we will nail this awsome machine. Its Rafael's bad luck what else can we do :(
Was't Su-30 declared mini AWACS and super duper air superiority fighter before it get shot down?

SU-30 was and is a good fighter jet but there is always and was man behind the machine....

Bring even F-22 we will shoot you down blood cow pis$ drinkers....

I was wondering if PAF had funds to procure another platform right now would it go for a few squadrons of Typhoons, F16s or spend it on getting a top notch EW package for block 3?
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