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Rafael heavy on F-16 of Pakistan, it can detect 40 targets simultaneously within 100 km radius

Both PL 15 and PL21 are VLRAAAM. In PL21 the range is further extended, reportedly to 400 km in PL21.
In any case, Pakistan already have PL 15 at its disposal, nothing to worry about Meteor.
What will our f16s do? They cannot be equipped with Pl 15
But Indians are claiming their Rafael is better than the one France is using.
lol the french will always have the full fat version whilst everyone else gets the semi skimmed version.thats with every country regardless of the relationship. why would they sell something better than what their own has, in the future they could be an adversary and that would crate problems.
no they are getting a similar standard to qatar albiet a few changes so they wont be getting the aesa.
I could be wrong but my understanding is that AESA for Rafale has been a key selling point so not sure why Indians would go for a PESA radar.
:lol: In your collective dreams?

You know what, the PAF have erected a monument and displayed the name of the pilot too. Go figure and deny.
Secondly, they have released the video of precision strikes, showing clear footage that IA command and control facility was on target of the pilot, he locked the target on it and then moved the target of the bomb towards the adjoining hill according to the instructions he had not to hit the facilities.
PAF presented it in front of hall full of foreign delegates and their military attaches.
Since that day, not a single voice has risen against the footage. Not single foreign correspondence challenged the evidence presented by PAF. Not a single murmur from the Indians, who before were saying that PAF missed their targets. Since then not a word from IAF on the footage. Doesn't it tell you something idiot!!!

Remember, all the claims of IAF had been disputed by the international experts and correspondence. Nothing like this happened after Pakistan presented the proofs.

Where were your SU 30 all that time!!
I tell you where, they were out of the sight, trying to avoid the AMRAAM on their tails. Why you think IAF given pilot award for successfully avoiding AMRAAM!! Because IAF knows PAF spared them, otherwise that day, 9 jets of IAF were locked.

What will our f16s do? They cannot be equipped with Pl 15

They would do with AMRAAM if PAF doesn't get clearance from Uncle SAM to arm them with Chinese goodies, which we know they wouldn't.
But remember, they fly in cahoot with JF 17. JF 17 armed with PL 15 can take down approaching IAF jets from a long distance clearing the way for F 16 to do their mission. It is a team game.
I am sure, the minute IAF jets realised they are locked on, they would turn on their tails and run.
F 16 without EW and AESA shall not be a match for even Tejas MK1A. MK1A can kill F16 without above electronic any day. It's low RCS and AESA combo with ultra long range missile line I derby, Astra MK2 or sfdr will kill F16 even before it can see Tejas in BVR combat. With higher instantaneous turn rate and better T/W ratio, it will have an edge over F16 in close combat as well.
F 16 without EW and AESA shall not be a match for even Tejas MK1A. MK1A can kill F16 without above electronic any day. It's low RCS and AESA combo with ultra long range missile line I derby, Astra MK2 or sfdr will kill F16 even before it can see Tejas in BVR combat. With higher instantaneous turn rate and better T/W ratio, it will have an edge over F16 in close combat as well.
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F 16 without EW and AESA shall not be a match for even Tejas MK1A. MK1A can kill F16 without above electronic any day. It's low RCS and AESA combo with ultra long range missile line I derby, Astra MK2 or sfdr will kill F16 even before it can see Tejas in BVR combat. With higher instantaneous turn rate and better T/W ratio, it will have an edge over F16 in close combat as well.

I am started to get the picture why the Indians are so so stupid.
They live in the world of their own. Closed eyes morons, who have lost the ability to think.
You are talking about an entity which doesn't exists on the ground, i.e. Teja Bhadur, are still paper dreams, few prototypes and few jets induction, still waiting to be fully operational let alone combat ready.
So, ignore that, tell us please, what your Su 30 and Mirage 2000 did on 27th Feb 2019!!
Indians were so scared from F 16 that for weeks they were after the Americans telling them that Pakistan have breached the terms of use of F 16.
F 16 without EW and AESA shall not be a match for even Tejas MK1A. MK1A can kill F16 without above electronic any day. It's low RCS and AESA combo with ultra long range missile line I derby, Astra MK2 or sfdr will kill F16 even before it can see Tejas in BVR combat. With higher instantaneous turn rate and better T/W ratio, it will have an edge over F16 in close combat as well.
never go full retard
Well, Just saw couple of posts, where some people inaccurately stated that PAF planners failed to procure xyz aircrafts etc. So can't resist to share my 2 cents:

First of all, if you have to complain anything then complain the state of our economy. So all the folks here who put up their wish list for extremely expensive western aircrafts are just being childish. Any analysis of future procurement for PAF must consider our economy otherwise its unrealistic and not even worth reading.

Pakistan's economy is in dire situation from last 3 decades. So the question is whether PAF did well with the budget it had. IMO, it has done outstanding job within the available resources. Not only PAF did outstanding job, it went towards self-reliance as well. Everything is achieved step by step. During the 90's under pressler amendment F-16s were not being release by US. PAF with no BVR capability were only relying on F-7s and mirages. During the last one decade PAF has achieved so much. It got platforms like block52s and JF-17s, procured AEW&C aircrafts, aerial refueling aircrafts, In arsenal it got variety of Air to air and air to surface missiles. Most notably for air-air combat it got SD10s and AIM-120Cs. So the last decade has completely enhanced PAF capability to a whole new level with the limited resources it had. So thumbs up for PAF planners. Also, PAF has passed the tenures likes of pressler amendments because PAF not only co-develop JF-17s but also is the co-owner of the program. Now US embargoes cannot halt critical supplies for our airforce, preventing squadrons from being operational. The Thunder program not only strengthen our defense but will also an important module for our defense export program. Better exports = better economy. We all know better economy is vital to make country stronger.

I have seen posts in the past where people want PAF to buy western aircrafts OR for other platforms such as the chinese J-10. They not only failed to understand the economic restraints but also tremendous amount of man-hours and support systems incorporation that PAF had to endure before making the new platform operational. PAF has built the whole infrastructure for JF-17 platform, not just the assembly line, overhauling facilities but the weapon systems, training, combat paradigm and logistics. When you own the aircraft and has local overhauling. maintenance, and even assembly plants then not only its easier and quicker to keep squadrons operational but also you reduce much of the flying cost per unit. So its pointless to go for any other 4th generation platform knowing the amount of burden it will put on PAF resources not just on procurement but to keep it operational.
Any single penny of any resource which PAF gets should be invested into JF-17 program (block 3) or the AZM project. PAF might only consider F-16 block 52s and advance versions because they have immense experience with the platform and its weapon systems already. But I see it highly unlikely any procurement of F-16s in near future. Maybe from third country sale like Jordan, UAE etc. Instead of pressing or lobbying for advance F-16s (efforts which will be futile) any effort should be for AIM-120D missile or atleast further supplies of AIM-120Cs.

Now lets discuss, the induction of Rafael in IAF and what PAF can do or is doing to counter it.
I think we all already know that the best bet of PAF to counter Rafael will be Thunder blockIII with AESA radar and armed with PL-15s. Rafael is better in terms of payload, range, performance but ThunderIII armed with PL-15s is still a lethal combo to deal with. The chinese technology has advanced many folds in last 3 decades. We all are witnessing the chinese technology from ground based satellite hunting lasers to hypersonic cruise missiles to J-20 stealth jets. They have left europeans behind in the race. However US is still much ahead. PAF is integrating best of chinese technology in terms of Radar and weapon system on Thunder III.

Future road map of PAF is clear to me. It will be investing only on JF-17s block IIIs , (IV maybe?) and Project AZM. However, J-31 could in very small numbers be inducted until AZM gets into industrial phase. Just to add stealth in the inventory.
So lets be realistic, euro-fighters or SU-35s or J-10s forget it!. I even saw one genius posted to upgrade F-7s with upgraded avionics and BVR. F-7 is outdated, its airframe has reached its age, secondly we are phasing out F-7s and inducting JF17s. Again any single resource or fund should and will be gone to JF-17 program. Its a successful program, 3 airforces in the world are already using it. Many more will use it eventually.
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