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Racial attack: Indian killed in Australia

India urges Australia to punish killer of Indian student - People's Daily Online
08:31, January 05, 2010

Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna Monday called on the Australian government to punish the killers of Indian student Nitin Garg.

The Australian government "is duty bound and morally bound to investigate and bring the culprit to book," Krishma said in a statement to the press at the southern city of Bangalore.

"That is the least the Australian government can do and that is what we expect," Krishna said.

Indian High Commissioner Sujatha Singh in Canberra has taken up the issue with the Australian government "in the strongest possible terms", he said.

Garg, 21, an accounting graduate from Punjab, was stabbed to death in West Footscray Saturday while on his way to work, according to local media reports.

The deadly accident took place in the wake of a wave of attacks upon Indian students in Australia last year.

Source: Xinhua

That just proves how stupid the indian media is. They are asking the government to punish who ever stabbed the indian, how can they when the police ONLY JUST STARTED INVESTIGATING THE INCIDENT! When the guy is caught he will be locked away for a very very long time.

Also i would like to make note that our police force investigations are independent of the government. The government has no input into investigations. Indian might be different. :woot:
There isn't 20 attacks a month. Ffs look at the facts or don't speak.

The government will no provide individual security for a minority of people. australia is a safe pleace, indians just need to smarten up and know where not to go.

Like me and many other people have said, criminals will target immigrants because they are new to the country and are easy targets for robbery and theft.

That is so true. Outside few spots, Australia is 100x safer than any parts of India, where murder and sexual violence against women are widespread on all levels of society.
^^^ First of all Rediff is not a news agency. Its just a website gives some news about something from somewhere. Also this news includes other countries too
What made you to think so ?.

It's common knowledge.

Do not derail the thread Open a new one if you want to.

The incident may not be related to racism but hype in media is good its not that only Indians are getting affected, But the crimes get highlighted and all foreigners in Australia benefit. Australian PM's visit to India is testimony to that.

Please explain exactly how foreigners in Australia benefit from being told racist lies and misinformation?
Do not derail the thread Open a new one if you want to.

The incident may not be related to racism but hype in media is good its not that only Indians are getting affected, But the crimes get highlighted and all foreigners in Australia benefit. Australian PM's visit to India is testimony to that.

Wow, some serious accusation ! I was only answering a question to

one of your beloved country men. Whats wrong with that ?

Sure, Indian killed in anywhere should be condemn and punish, be it

happened in Australia,India or any place else.

The point is , does it really need to be addressed as a racial act in the

first place, secondly is it appropriate to raise to such a diplomatic

level by your media ?

Personally i wonder if this inccident took place in India, whats will be

the possible outcome ?:smitten::pakistan::china:
Wow, some serious accusation ! I was only answering a question to

one of your beloved country men. Whats wrong with that ?

Sure, Indian killed in anywhere should be condemn and punish, be it

happened in Australia,India or any place else.

The point is , does it really need to be addressed as a racial act in the

first place, secondly is it appropriate to raise to such a diplomatic

level by your media ?

Personally i wonder if this inccident took place in India, whats will be

the possible outcome ?:smitten::pakistan::china:

Many Australians have been bashed and killed in India over the last 10 years, but not a single word about it from the Indian media nor the Australian media. Infact i heard these statistics off the Australian prime minister while talking about the indian problem.
The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | Australia tiptoes on murder motive Jan 5 2010
Nitin Garg

Melbourne, Jan. 4 (PTI): Victorian police have refused to ascribe any racial motive to the murder of Indian youth Nitin Garg “at this stage” as Australian leaders condemned the killing and insisted that their country “welcomes and accepts” international students.

“I think to draw any conclusion as to the motive may interfere with the investigation and would be presumptuous at this stage,” senior sergeant Dave Snare from the homicide squad told The Age.

The 21-year-old Garg, an accountancy student originally from Punjab, died after he was stabbed in West Footscray. He was the first to die in a slew of attacks on Indians in Australia.

Victoria’s acting Premier Rob Hulls also asked people not to jump to conclusions about the incident being a racial attack. Hulls said he had not been advised on whether the stabbing was a hate crime.

“I don’t think anyone should jump to conclusions at this stage. I think it’s important that police be allowed to get on with the job of investigating this heinous crime,” he said.

Australian authorities “unreservedly” condemned the killing, calling the stabbing a heinous crime.

“I obviously unreservedly condemn this attack,” deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said. “People in Melbourne’s west, people around the nation, I think they will be joining together to say we unreservedly condemn this violence.”

Gillard said the police should now be allowed to carry out their investigation.

“This is a nation that welcomes international students,” she said. “We want to make them welcome, this is a welcoming and accepting country.”

Condemning the killing of Garg, Hulls said: “The tragic death of a young Indian lad is ... abhorrent, it is a heinous crime and it is something that the police are putting all resources into investigating and finding the culprit.”

Hulls claimed that Victoria remained one of the safest places in the world, with crime rates falling dramatically in the past few years.

The government had introduced new legislation requiring judges to consider hate crime while sentencing violent offenders and the police had extra powers to conduct random weapons searches, he said.

“We will continue to do what we can as a government to reduce crime, to make Victoria a safe place to live, a safe place to have holidays, a safe place to visit,” Hulls said.

Garg was stabbed in the abdomen as he walked to his part- time job at Hungry Jack’s, a restaurant in West Footscray, on Saturday night. He died later in hospital.

In Bangalore, external affairs minister S.M. Krishna said the Australian government was “duty bound” to probe the murder and bring the culprit to book. He said such incidents would vitiate the atmosphere of trust and cordiality between the two countries.

“Unfortunate incidents like the Indian student killing case will only vitiate the atmosphere of trust, the atmosphere of belief, the atmosphere of cordiality of the relationship,” he told reporters.

Krishna said whether it was a racist attack or motivated by something else, “the fact of the matter is that an Indian student has been murdered and the Australian government is duty bound and morally bound to go for investigations and then bring the culprit to book”.

“That is the least the Australian government can do and that is what we expect,” he said in reply to a question.
Many Australians have been bashed and killed in India over the last 10 years, but not a single word about it from the Indian media nor the Australian media. Infact i heard these statistics off the Australian prime minister while talking about the indian problem.

Buddy, you still need proof to support your claim though.:cheers:
May the deceased rest in peace.
We as Asians have our own identity and presence, however if we start imitating say the white man, we not only make a fool of our selves but also stick out like a sore thumb. Here is an image of an Indian guy pictured in down town Canada. There is no beach in sight and when the locals see you posing as such, you naturally draw attention and even become a hate figure. Hope you guys catch the drift.


Sore thumb to you may not be sore thumb to the person who is in picture, or community he is living in, for your info , there is a beach close to Downtown Toronto so I am positive ppl are used to it , probbly the person who took this picture , was amoung the ppl who seeks out ppl who look different and tries to redicule them , again I don't know who took the picture

You are missing the point - every person has right in this world to live his life freely - that is what universal law of life is - someone want to walk on street in short so be it

Should we now stop listening to Rock Music
Should we stop wearing jean
Should we stop eating McDonalds etc
Or how about our Hockey team , instead of wearing shorts , starts to wear , pants
and play hockey etc

Again I am just discussing the topic in a very light sense -

I mean how can we say somethings are ok , while other aspects are not

If you are saying that just because some guy who happens to be asian and is walking in shorts , and is not part of majority he sticks out , well I don't think that kind of thinking helps -

You are forgetting we all come into the world naked sure , we won't see anyone , on streets of Pakistan , but I am sure in Villages alot of Farmers take off their shirts and work in fields

Freedom = Acceptance and non violence.

Even when we are fully clothed we stick out - so what does that imples then ?? Should we pack up and go home

Killing and beating up someone just becasue someone is alone on subway station , or walking on street , with gangs is - obviously wrong -

I think we live in 2010 , so we live and enjoy music, clothing , fashion , and other aspect of life , that is all around us

It has nothing to do with the murder of the person of the street

Group crimes are brutal and criminal act and must be oppose
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Many Australians have been bashed and killed in India over the last 10 years, but not a single word about it from the Indian media nor the Australian media. Infact i heard these statistics off the Australian prime minister while talking about the indian problem.

Don't talk nonsense. The last time an Australian died in India - Graham Staines and his children. It got worldwide publicity, not just in Australia but around the world. I still remember articles in the daily telegraph and sydney morning herald that described India as infested with communal bigots, endemically violent, etc etc etc.

As far as 20 attacks a month figure is concerned, 20 attacks were reported in a period of 6 weeks. God knows how many went unreported.
Buddy, you still need proof to support your claim though.:cheers:

It's up to you to believe it or not. I can't be bothered googling the interview with our prime minster.

Don't talk nonsense. The last time an Australian died in India - Graham Staines and his children. It got worldwide publicity, not just in Australia but around the world. I still remember articles in the daily telegraph and sydney morning herald that described India as infested with communal bigots, endemically violent, etc etc etc.

As far as 20 attacks a month figure is concerned, 20 attacks were reported in a period of 6 weeks. God knows how many went unreported.

Please don't mistake Australian Police for Indian Police. Australian police are not corrupt. All attacks on anyone are reported to the police, unless for some reason the victim does not want the police to know.

How ever in india the police are very corrupt, and arn't as equiped, so many crime incidents go unreported.
Sore thumb to you may not be sore thumb to the person who is in picture, or community he is living in, for your info , there is a beach close to Downtown Toronto so I am positive ppl are used to it , probbly the person who took this picture , was amoung the ppl who seeks out ppl who look different and tries to redicule them , again I don't know who took the picture

You are missing the point - every person has right in this world to live his life freely - that is what universal law of life is - someone want to walk on street in short so be it

Should we now stop listening to Rock Music
Should we stop wearing jean
Should we stop eating McDonalds etc
Or how about our Hockey team , instead of wearing shorts , starts to wear , pants
and play hockey etc

Again I am just discussing the topic in a very light sense -

I mean how can we say somethings are ok , while other aspects are not

If you are saying that just because some guy who happens to be asian and is walking in shorts , and is not part of majority he sticks out , well I don't think that kind of thinking helps -

You are forgetting we all come into the world naked sure , we won't see anyone , on streets of Pakistan , but I am sure in Villages alot of Farmers take off their shirts and work in fields

Freedom = Acceptance and non violence.

Even when we are fully clothed we stick out - so what does that imples then ?? Should we pack up and go home

Killing and beating up someone just becasue someone is alone on subway station , or walking on street , with gangs is - obviously wrong -

I think we live in 2010 , so we live and enjoy music, clothing , fashion , and other aspect of life , that is all around us

It has nothing to do with the murder of the person of the street

Group crimes are brutal and criminal act and must be oppose

Very well said my friend...
The thing is called "Understanding others"
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