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Racial attack: Indian killed in Australia

Look at the level of unconditional support, and people going on to level of touching feet. I think its easy to make more then two IDs here.

Faking Identity means someone is ashamed of something he can not be proud. Its like living in dress of sheep but wolf inside. It is very dangerous as his propaganda in support to one thought of school can not be judicious with true representation.

If i would have known this fact i would have made my assertion less blunt for my Chinese brothers.
Never mind, thanks to my Indian friends raising this issue for me.

There are few nice notions made by Pakistani members to clear things up here.

The whole issue went out of control when a well documented, self admitting, low level assertions maker tried to use someones murder to score numbers here.

Indians in Australia are more organized.
Australian student organizations did support and even participated moderately in that agitation and speak against police actions.

Asian student representatives did submitted a official memorandum like Indians to Premier Nathan Reece detailing incidents of racial attacks on their community of students. So Indians were not only the one showing their remorse.

The agitations in Melbourne and Sydney was nothing but a knee jerk reaction to frequent attacks on Indians. There was a natural panic in community due repeated attacks so the issue of racism was doomed to be dragged into it. We are spending money here. The course which is available for Australian citizens is 3-4 folds costlier for international students. I spent white liquid money of 40k AUD for two years course which is subsidised to citizens for 10k AUD. I my batch there were 29 students. 10 were int. students 4 Indians, 1 Philippine, 1 Singaporean, 3 Koreans and one Sri Lankan. Interestingly only 13 students were able to pass graduation in time including 7 int. students. So the stats speaks itself we have all the reasons to worry and oppose cause we are more focused and working hard here. Specially when you are overseas you see every single trivial confrontation through the bi scope of racism. We need to get over from such mentality for sure but we do also observe many nasty examples like the one we are talking; demoralizing our efforts to get a rid form fictional alienation.
Australian police have conceded that immigrants to the country are easy targets of crime, NOT because of there race but because new immigrants don't have much knowledge of Australia.

A new immigrant would have more of a chance of getting mugged then an immigrant that has been here for years.

I have been listening to the Indian media reporting on the issue and i have come to the conclusion that they are racist and biased. They make out that Australia is a very dangerous place and if you are Indian and you come here you will most certainly get attacked. This is not the case.

Australia is one of the safest places in the world, with one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Now lets look at India. I can not even begin to imagine the amount of crime that goes on in India, i bet half of it isn't even reported. In the last 10 years, 20 Australians have died in India while 50 have been mugged or bashed. Where is the racist biased India media reporting about that? Shall we say those were racist attacks? Maybe we should adopt the Indian medias tactics of calling criminal attacks racist when infact they are not?

The agitations in Melbourne and Sydney was nothing but a knee jerk reaction to frequent attacks on Indians.

Frequent attacks? Please stop listening to the racist Indian media. There has only been about 10 attacks on Indians, only 1 has been proved to be a racist attack while another one was reported to be racist but the Indian was found to be a liar.
not quite sensible to start using the race card every time something bad happens. its not like Indian news media publishes on every event in the whole of Australia. I really do not see much to discuss on this.
i thought asutralian are nice ppl thats why i was told by friends who have been there
I feel sorry for our Indian friend got killed :((
Australians are generally very nice, lets not tarnish all for the fault of few.

And I can say that in countries like US, Australia, UK e.t.c., the Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi e.t.c. difference really goes away and the Desi brotherhood factor is pretty much there especially among international students.

I won't speculate about this particular one, but most of the attacks on students tend to be opportunistic rather than racist. And you have to be street smart to tackle such situations.
I won't speculate about this particular one, but most of the attacks on students tend to be opportunistic rather than racist. And you have to be street smart to tackle such situations.

I'm not disagreeing with you. But why does this happen to students in Australia and not in any other country? I've never heard of so many incidences against Indian students in either Britain and the US, and they're not exactly crime free nations.
I'm not disagreeing with you. But why does this happen to students in Australia and not in any other country? I've never heard of so many incidences against Indian students in either Britain and the US, and they're not exactly crime free nations.

Because the US and UK are not small countries that can be bullied by the Indian media and government.

This is more about Indian media/govt flexing their newfound muscle and using Australia as a test case than anything else.
Australian police have conceded that immigrants to the country are easy targets of crime, NOT because of there race but because new immigrants don't have much knowledge of Australia.

A new immigrant would have more of a chance of getting mugged then an immigrant that has been here for years

Very True

I have been listening to the Indian media reporting on the issue and i have come to the conclusion that they are racist and biased. They make out that Australia is a very dangerous place and if you are Indian and you come here you will most certainly get attacked. This is not the case.

Very True.

Australia is one of the safest places in the world, with one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Very True.

Now lets look at India. I can not even begin to imagine the amount of crime that goes on in India, i bet half of it isn't even reported.

Very True

In the last 10 years, 20 Australians have died in India while 50 have been mugged or bashed.

Link please

Where is the racist biased India media reporting about that? Shall we say those were racist attacks? Maybe we should adopt the Indian medias tactics of calling criminal attacks racist when infact they are not?

Can not get it?? very generalized, potential statement to be called as biased.

Frequent attacks? Please stop listening to the racist Indian media. There has only been about 10 attacks on Indians, only 1 has been proved to be a racist attack while another one was reported to be racist but the Indian was found to be a liar.

10 attacks in one month means frequent, with all the possibilities to be treated as Racial. Why a Pakistani student's car was burnt? Why petrol bombs were thrown on students. Please don't be so judgemental about police reporting. Indians have physically faced these situations here even when by bottom of our heart we were aware that it was simply an act of robbery but being outsider a racial angle was always felt. We can not help it, it is very natural trust me. Please recognize human weakness.

Your clear verdict has prompted me to ask this question:(please do not answer if you are not pakistani) What would be Pakistani media reporting if the same had happened to Pakistani students. Not tovmention Pak media response on recent fake allegations by UK.

Oppose Racial attack claims of Indian media to deescalate situation but not merely if it is an Indian issue. As i have stated 'very true' above doesn't mean even single racial attack (as per you) shouldn't be condemned first when Australia is not India.
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Australian police have conceded that immigrants to the country are easy targets of crime, NOT because of there race but because new immigrants don't have much knowledge of Australia.

A new immigrant would have more of a chance of getting mugged then an immigrant that has been here for years.

I have been listening to the Indian media reporting on the issue and i have come to the conclusion that they are racist and biased. They make out that Australia is a very dangerous place and if you are Indian and you come here you will most certainly get attacked. This is not the case.

Australia is one of the safest places in the world, with one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Now lets look at India. I can not even begin to imagine the amount of crime that goes on in India, i bet half of it isn't even reported. In the last 10 years, 20 Australians have died in India while 50 have been mugged or bashed. Where is the racist biased India media reporting about that? Shall we say those were racist attacks? Maybe we should adopt the Indian medias tactics of calling criminal attacks racist when infact they are not?

Frequent attacks? Please stop listening to the racist Indian media. There has only been about 10 attacks on Indians, only 1 has been proved to be a racist attack while another one was reported to be racist but the Indian was found to be a liar.

do you realize the amount of $$ that are at stake here?An admission by any Aussie authority about the nature of these attacks being racial would severely hamper the money that the 100thousand Indians pouring in every year bring with them...
Your country has some world-class universities...they benefit from the foreign influx.
Why would so many Indian students fake their injuries/lie about how they got them?
The racial attacks are not as angering as are the flat denials of 'any element of racism" behind them is.
Because the US and UK are not small countries that can be bullied by the Indian media and government.

This is more about Indian media/govt flexing their newfound muscle and using Australia as a test case than anything else.

what books do you read?
We want the Aussies to start nuclear trade with us...we want their acceptance of us being a non-NPT signatory NSG member...there are so many issues that we are tangled in...we hold no muscle against them...and given their increasing partnership with China..we can't dare to flex any muscle.
There you have the Indian foreign policy 101....:tup:
what books do you read?
We want the Aussies to start nuclear trade with us...we want their acceptance of us being a non-NPT signatory NSG member...there are so many issues that we are tangled in...we hold no muscle against them...and given their increasing partnership with China..we can't dare to flex any muscle.
There you have the Indian foreign policy 101....:tup:

A more appropriate analogy would be Bazaar haggling 101.

The idea is to put the other side at a disadvantage in order to get the best deal for yourself.

India does not want to sever ties with Australia; it just wants to put Australia on the defensive to get the most concessions -- whether it's nuclear fuel, UNSC, intake of Indian migrants, or a host of other issues where international votes matter.

The Australian relationship with China is an interesting and evolving situation. Labor Party tends to be more even-handed than Liberal, which is fervently pro-West. Australian demographics are changing, pushing it more trowards an Asia-centric view, but that doesn't necessarily translate into a China-submissive stance. India is still viewed very favorably in Australia. It is still a mostly European country, with a huge British ancestry population, who would naturally favor India v/s China.
A more appropriate analogy would be Bazaar haggling 101.
yes we give international trade it's due importance
The idea is to put the other side at a disadvantage in order to get the best deal for yourself.

India does not want to sever ties with Australia; it just wants to put Australia on the defensive to get the most concessions -- whether it's nuclear fuel, UNSC, intake of Indian migrants, or a host of other issues where international votes matter.

The Australian relationship with China is an interesting and evolving situation. Labor Party tends to be more even-handed than Liberal, which is fervently pro-West. Australian demographics are changing, pushing it more trowards an Asia-centric view, but that doesn't necessarily translate into a China-submissive stance. India is still viewed very favorably in Australia. It is still a mostly European country, with a huge British ancestry population, who would naturally favor India v/s China.

you miss the point...we hold no leverage...no bargaining chip vis-a-vis the aussies...we are just a fast developing nation....and a very attractive consumer hub....the aussies are hel-bent about the NPT/SC membership...

"intake of Indian migrants"
Indian students are not chiefly migrants...most comeback to India to work...and those who stay back contribute...and everybody pays.
we hold no leverage...no bargaining chip vis-a-vis the aussies...

I think you underestimate India's importance.

Australian govt and businesses salivate at the chance to capture a share of the burgeoning Indian economy. It is the same motive that propels Australia to ditch its traditional European roots and position itself as an Asia-Pacific, or Oceanic, nation.

the aussies are hel-bent about the NPT/SC membership...

That's only one issue because it hits many sensitive buttons in the public at large, from environment to proliferation to weaponization, etc.

Indian students are not chiefly migrants...most comeback to India to work...and those who stay back contribute...and everybody pays.

I am not disputing the contribution of Indian migrants. More desi migrants is good for all of us. Indian students in reputable universities are studying legitimate subjects which will help them find jobs anywhere.

But there is a whole segment of tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of international "students" from many countries who are enrolled in sham courses like hairdressing and cooking. Some of these cooking "schools" do not even have any working equipment and the student visa is just a step towards migration. Do you honestly think some guy from India is going to spend $30,000 on an Australian education in hairdressing so he can go back to India and become a barber?

It is an undeniable fact that there has been a huge increase in the number of Indian students visible around Australia since this particular migration loophole opened up, and literally 90% of the conversations I overhear on the trains have one subject: migration.
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Very True

Very True.

Very True.

Very True

Link please

Can not get it?? very generalized, potential statement to be called as biased.

10 attacks in one month means frequent, with all the possibilities to be treated as Racial. Why a Pakistani student's car was burnt? Why petrol bombs were thrown on students. Please don't be so judgemental about police reporting. Indians have physically faced these situations here even when by bottom of our heart we were aware that it was simply an act of robbery but being outsider a racial angle was always felt. We can not help it, it is very natural trust me. Please recognize human weakness.

Your clear verdict has prompted me to ask this question:(please do not answer if you are not pakistani) What would be Pakistani media reporting if the same had happened to Pakistani students. Not tovmention Pak media response on recent fake allegations by UK.

Oppose Racial attack claims of Indian media to deescalate situation but not merely if it is an Indian issue. As i have stated 'very true' above doesn't mean even single racial attack (as per you) shouldn't be condemned first when Australia is not India.

It hasn't been 10 attacks in one month, infact the stabbing death of this indian man has been the first attack on an indian i believe in 3 months. The 10 attacks have been spread out over 2009.

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