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'Rabaa sign' becomes the symbol of massacre in Egypt

yup just like kashmir

to be honest, it all started when the egyptian army killed and brutally butchered unarmed protestors

now when the protesters are using guns to defend themselves, they cant even defend themselves?

what sort of army brings armoured vehicles and heavy machine guns with big bore bullets to kill protesters?

the images and videos clearly shows the picture

no need to provide justification for any brutal killings

I agree on most part. Still it doesn't justify mb picking up arms.
In the end the sole responsibility still goes to sisi.

By the way. My country mate you quoted is the definition of hypocrisy.
The same guy cried for water cannon and teargas against the gezi protests. Now he suddenly feels oke for large scale massacres by guns.
For obvious reasons of course.
I agree on most part. Still it doesn't justify mb picking up arms.
In the end the sole responsibility still goes to sisi.

By the way. My country mate you quoted is the definition of hypocrisy.
The same guy cried for water cannon and teargas against the gezi protests. Now he suddenly feels oke for large scale massacres by guns.
For obvious reasons of course.

yes it justifies defending themselves i guess, but for me, all must have been negotiated on the table and not through violence

the second part i completely agree
Even if Morsi loses this battle, he's already won the war. He'll forever be known in history as the man who stood up against the military dictatorship.
"Head of Al-Ahram office in Behera shot dead by Army at a checkpoint in Damanhour Alleging breach of curfew"

Just to share some information with the non Arabic speakers, the name of the place is pronounced as Rabi’a al-‘Adawiyya رابعة العدوية

She was a female from Iraq.

More information on the personality after whom the place in Egypt is named can be found here

Rabia Basri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I havent met one person yet, who hasent poured utter hatred and contempt on the egyptian army....

The egyptian army has bought shame upon itself & has lost its honour for decades atleast

The muslims of the world are with the people of Egypt, the army has hurt them so it has hurt us all
Egypt: Israel Behind Military Coup, Claims Turkey's PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan


Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed that Israel is behind the 3 July military coup in Egypt that ousted democratically elected president Mohammed Morsi.

"Israel is behind the coup in Egypt - we have evidence," Erdoğan told members of his Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Erdogan cited as proof the comments of a Jewish French intellectual who in 2011 predicted that the Muslim Brotherhood would not be in power even if elected because "democracy is not the ballot box".

He was referring to Bernard-Henri Lévy.

"Again for Egypt, the West says democracy is not just the polls. But we say polls are the way to democracy, election is the will of people itself," he said, according to Anadolu news agency.

"Those who want to see a dictator must look at Egypt. The West should receive the description of democracy, they need to learn it.

"The Egyptian people know that they are right and do not give up the legal ground."

Turkey has been one of the fiercest critics of the "unacceptable coup" that removed Morsi. Erdogan used the four-finger Rabaa salute during a speech to show solidarity with protesters outside Cairo's Rabaa mosque who were crushed and killed in a vicious police and military crackdown.

Rabaa means "four" in Arabic and the four-finger salute has become a symbol of the pro-Morsi protest.

Egypt: Israel Behind Military Coup, Claims Turkey's PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan - IBTimes UK

Salute you Sir Erdogan
This whole mess has west and saudi written all over it.However bad a democracy may be,its 1000 times better than a dictatorship and its a known fact that muslim brotherhood was not a very particularly likeable party by west and saudi and maybe a part of egypt.Heck india is right now under the most corrupt govt ever but instead of this killzone people are waiting for the elections in 2014.And lastly i don't care whether u believe me or not but this whole situation is due to shia - sunni tussle.Coming from a neutral person it has to end somehow or middle east will never have peace.kapish
Their elite has chosen the wrong side of history. Its very hard to map Saudi public opinion on this turn of events though.

Disagree unless solid statistic put forward.

Saudi Arabia speaks its minde and will always do. Remember, there are plenty more fish in the sea.
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