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'Rabaa sign' becomes the symbol of massacre in Egypt


Turkish Soldiers raising Rabia Sign.


Saudi Soldier Waving the Rabia sign to condemn the massacre.

Where were these guys when they were killing Egyptian soldiers in Sinai, burning the churches?

Yeas and Burning a church from an unknown people is equivalent to killing more the 750 innocent protestors in one day !!
No surprise to see the Islamist AKP Turks getting in on the act.

Dear god I hope Europe never makes the fatal mistake of letting them into the EU.
Where were these guys when they were killing Egyptian soldiers in Sinai, burning the churches?

They were busy doing the "V"(Victory) sign for that,after all those were just kuffars... :disagree:

No surprise to see the Islamist AKP Turks getting in on the act.

Dear god I hope Europe never makes the fatal mistake of letting them into the EU.

Erdogan is sheer genius when it comes to foreign policy....he alienated Israel( up to him they had excellent relations),Syria,Irak,Egypt ,he constantly fudges things up with the EU and US with his idiotical rants and if he continues he wiill soon alienate the arabs to(KSA,Jordan,Kuwait,UAE).
Turkish Soldiers raising Rabia Sign.


Saudi Soldier Waving the Rabia sign to condemn the massacre.

Yeas and Burning a church from an unknown people is equivalent to killing more the 750 innocent protestors in one day !!

If you consider killing of Egyptian soldiers in weekly basis. Yes. It is a big number.

Are they the same Turkish soldiers who killed people in gezi park?
Sisi helped isreal make Gaza into a prison camp.

Morsi did nothing but be weak against a pro israel military
Morsi sent a very friendly letter yo Israel and started the best relationship with Israel. Israel would never mind him.

Oh I see then how come the Gaza strip was closed with Egypt the day Morsi was removed? and are you supporting the massacre?

PS: I was to be in Cairo this month but canceled it due to the mess sisi has created there.
Oh I see then how come the Gaza strip was closed with Egypt the day Morsi was removed? and are you supporting the massacre?

PS: I was to be in Cairo this month but canceled it due to the mess sisi has created there.

Don't do it, don't go. They will parade you on TV as an Afghan Taliban Terrorist just like the Pakistani old man. I'm talking seriously here xD
there are alreasy many topics about Egypt
stop creating topics pls
Morsi was a good friend to Israel.

He started to act against the Sinai terrorists.

He started to shut down more Gaza tunnels than Mubarak ever did (he hardly touched them)

Instead of having close ties with Hamas, he actually was harsh against them.

Military cooperation between Israel and Egypt increased.

It's funny how many Egyptians want the peace deal scrapped. Such baboons thinking that what they really need is a war with Israel. lol.

Every day, they should be thanking their lucky stars they have peace with Israel and that Morsi was not stupid enough to scrap it.
Don't do it, don't go. They will parade you on TV as an Afghan Taliban Terrorist just like the Pakistani old man. I'm talking seriously here xD

May be but this was my first trip to that country I planned it big to visit most of the historical sites and enjoy my time in Cairo but let it be for another time - now I can only pray for the people who are being massacred for asking their legal rights!



This girl injured due to tear gas attack. Those men helped her without being touched her. Beautiful Islamic manner.

Morsi was a good friend to Israel.

He started to act against the Sinai terrorists.

He started to shut down more Gaza tunnels than Mubarak ever did (he hardly touched them)

Instead of having close ties with Hamas, he actually was harsh against them.

Military cooperation between Israel and Egypt increased.

It's funny how many Egyptians want the peace deal scrapped. Such baboons thinking that what they really need is a war with Israel. lol.

Every day, they should be thanking their lucky stars they have peace with Israel and that Morsi was not stupid enough to scrap it.

If all was like honey between Israel and Morsi, why Israel never condemned the Egyptian army when they illegally deposed him out of power?
If all was like honey between Israel and Morsi, why Israel never condemned the Egyptian army when they illegally deposed him out of power?
Because when ever Israel opens its mouth, the Arabs want to do the exact opposite of what Israel wants.

The biggest insult you can throw at someone in Egypt isn't about their mother or their sister, it's accusing them of siding with Israel.
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