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R&D neglected in Muslim countries

Apart for showing your hatred for hindus,it is a classical example of why muslims have non-existent scientific research.You people have inability to tolerate dissent and diversity of opinion.Anyone who does not confirm to your views is dubbed as Kafir.apo_asura as i remember from Bangladeshi defence forum has clearly stated that he is an atheist muslim.
Friend! I feel here is where some fall prey to these radicals. The radicals in any religion feed on each other and are a disgrace to the human society. Just because he ridicules a religion, we should not follow his path. His existence is justified only when there are radicals in the religion, he ridicules. Otherwise he doesn't have any meaning for his life. So let's not fall prey to his designs.
Again I'm asking you, on what scientific basis did they reject evolution? You can post a thousand essays and a million lines of personal opinions of scientists from every nook and cranny of the world, but all those are still their personal opinions.

Please post references to real published scientific papers next time. These are not personal opinions - papers published in reputable journals are backed by empirical studies and observable results, and the modern world you see around you owes a whole lot to this scientific methodology.

You're a living proof that Muslims have found the solution to all of life's problems. You guys actually don't need science. ;p

So we got another case of Ali Sina, Taslima and Salman. Good going. Bangladeshi's should be proud. Who is the high priest, Richard Dawkins?
It's shocking the moderators let the non Muslims disparage Islamic sanctities freely here. The lack of implementation of Islamic Shariah is the problem. If secularism is the solution, then Bangladesh, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast would be the world leaders in science and technology? What ground breaking research has been carried out in Bangladesh under the auspices of the so called 'secular' BAL, which acts as a radical Hindutva agent in reality?

Secularism is a disease. Iran with its imperfections and deviations, topped up by western embargos and sanctions, its internal difficulties and neighbouring countries subservient attitude to gang up on Iran, still leads the entire world in growth rate of scientific publications, while India leads the entire world in child hunger, malnutrition, open defecation and prostitution.

It's obvious which of these two models is 'better', but of course, Iran's current model can not be said to be perfect because of certain ideological 'deviations', if you would call it. Let's not delve too much into those issues lest we open up a can of worms.

Again, what has secularism 'achieved' for Bangladesh? It has failed in its entirety, in all aspects of life and beyond!
I wouldn't dispute the article. It is a fact (sadly).

It's not that Muslims are "incapable" of research just because of their religion. But it is largely because many of the states do not facilitate R&D.

Although, it appears that there are some changes in some Middle Eastern countries, a lot more still needs to be done.
Of the 57 or so Muslim majority countries, none apply Islamic Shariah in its entirety, and only a handful of countries apply some aspects of the Islamic Shariah. The question should be: Why are all these "secular" countries with Muslim majorities backward? It must be secularism that has transformed them into backward societies with little to no scientific infrastructure and backbone. A fine example of that is Bangladesh under BAL. What achievements have Bangladesh made in science under secular BAL? Zilch.

Why is Iran, under sanctions and embargos and Western political plots, still able to rank as the fastest growing scientific power in the world considering that this same Iran under a pro-Western Shah was scientifically backward?
It's shocking the moderators let the non Muslims disparage Islamic sanctities freely here. The lack of implementation of Islamic Shariah is the problem. If secularism is the solution, then Bangladesh, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast would be the world leaders in science and technology? What ground breaking research has been carried out in Bangladesh under the auspices of the so called 'secular' BAL, which acts as a radical Hindutva agent in reality?

Secularism is a disease. Iran with its imperfections and deviations, topped up by western embargos and sanctions, its internal difficulties and neighbouring countries subservient attitude to gang up on Iran, still leads the entire world in growth rate of scientific publications, while India leads the entire world in child hunger, malnutrition, open defecation and prostitution.

It's obvious which of these two models is 'better', but of course, Iran's current model can not be said to be perfect because of certain ideological 'deviations', if you would call it. Let's not delve too much into those issues lest we open up a can of worms.

Again, what has secularism 'achieved' for Bangladesh? It has failed in its entirety, in all aspects of life and beyond!

I do not know about Shariah Law.

But I agree that secularism does not guarantee progress and stability as some nutjobs try to promote. Hell, it's almost a religion itself :lol:

The Bangladesh Awami League is a good example of the failure.
Again I'm asking you, on what scientific basis did they reject evolution? You can post a thousand essays and a million lines of personal opinions of scientists from every nook and cranny of the world, but all those are still their personal opinions.

Please post references to real published scientific papers next time. These are not personal opinions - papers published in reputable journals are backed by empirical studies and observable results, and the modern world you see around you owes a whole lot to this scientific methodology.

You're a living proof that Muslims have found the solution to all of life's problems. You guys actually don't need science. ;p

Since you do not seem to understand physics and the second law of thermodynamics, here is a thread for you with explicit scientific proofs.
Have fun.

Koran is full of scientific knowledge, and Muslims have never left the field of scientific research.
Inspired by the Koran

Here is a lead:

The Speed of Light in the QURAN

What Scientists Said About Quran

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You are talking about Hadith, witch is already controversial in Islam, Mohammad a.s.s never said he was perfect or a god, just a human with might be some superstitions of 1400 years ago, some of what you have mentioned are potent and practical till today some others concern that era of time, I do not know how your ancestors used to clean themselves after going to "toilet" at that period of time!

What I know for sure is that you are still afraid of a sight of a black cat till now!

The only Islamic source of knowledge is the holy Koran.
Sunna is to be followed as a complement when and were it fits in time and space.

"No one should enter A house through the back door" is still potent today, only thieves or ill intentioned persons will try to enter A house from the back. So do not bring in Koran, you will loose every single time you'll try to diffamate it.

Old and not so potent technique of the Islamists.

The Hadhith have always been the source of Sunnah and without them Islam is considered incompelte by the Muslims themselves.

You won't even know how to practice Islam without Hadhith.

And the Quran claims that Mohammed was the most perfect himan being ever.

BTW, here are some quotes directly from Quran. Prove that they are compatible with modern Science.

Human created from clay
We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape: Q:15:6

Fall from paradise down to the earth
"Then did Satan make them slip from the (garden), and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had been. We said: "Get ye down, all (ye people), with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood - for a time." : Q:2:36

The sun set into the murky water

The Qur'an propagates the idea that the sun is smaller than the earth and assumes the sun goes to a black muddy pool.

Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness." : Q18:86

The Qur'an mentions numerous times that the Sun and the Moon travel in an orbit, but does not mention once that the Earth does too. This is consistent with the beliefs that were prevalent prior to the 16th century that the Sun revolved around the Earth.

And the Sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing. : Q36:38

The moon and the sun orbit the earth.

By the Sun and his (glorious) splendour;
By the Moon as she follows him; : Q91:1


Verily! Allah grasps the heavens and the earth lest they move away from their places, and if they were to move away from their places, there is not one that could grasp them after Him. Truly, He is Ever Most Forbearing, Oft Forgiving. : Q:35:41

Shooting stars are missiles for devils
They appear to be missiles to shoot the devil away, in this verse.

And verily We have beautified the world's heaven with stars/lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame. :Q:67:5

This is a small sampling. There are many more.

Don't even try this. It doesn't work.
Of the 57 or so Muslim majority countries, none apply Islamic Shariah in its entirety, and only a handful of countries apply some aspects of the Islamic Shariah. The question should be: Why are all these "secular" countries with Muslim majorities backward? It must be secularism that has transformed them into backward societies with little to no scientific infrastructure and backbone. A fine example of that is Bangladesh under BAL. What achievements have Bangladesh made in science under secular BAL? Zilch.

Why is Iran, under sanctions and embargos and Western political plots, still able to rank as the fastest growing scientific power in the world considering that this same Iran under a pro-Western Shah was scientifically backward?

Are you saying Iran is has more scientific contributions than Western Europe, North America, East Asia?

Or do you mean to say Iran is doing well in comparison to its backward non secular neighbours?

Your argument simply states that it doesn't work well in your countries. However it is doing just fine in the rest of the developed world.
But you need brains for Research & Development..

This is a loaded and very lose comment. Pakistan + India + BDesh have 1.5 billion population. Their "home grown" science research is pretty close to zilch.

It is not that people don't have brains. Because the same people go to the West especially to the US and do good research.

So what gives.

It is the culture of "herd mentality", the "family values" etc. etc. that stops innovation.

It is not the religion, but the tribalism among Muslim societies that stops the innovation.

This is why I absolutely detest the use of "Islamic" science, or Hindu science, or Christian science.

Science is kind of agnostic in nature if you must put a religious tail to it. In reality anyone who is willing the break the existing mould, open up his/her thoughts, can do innovative work in science.

This is a small sampling. There are many more.

Don't even try this. It doesn't work.

Do not write/speak about something you have no knowledge of. Cutting and pasting from infidel sites without investigating what you posted only makes you look like a typical illiterate Indian. Nowhere does the Quran say that the Sun sets in murky water or anything like that. Watch your Zakir Naik's debate with William Campbell to understand infidels' arguments have no basis.

Are you saying Iran is has more scientific contributions than Western Europe, North America, East Asia?

Or do you mean to say Iran is doing well in comparison to its backward non secular neighbours?

Your argument simply states that it doesn't work well in your countries. However it is doing just fine in the rest of the developed world.

You quoted
Of the 57 or so Muslim majority countries, none apply Islamic Shariah in its entirety, and only a handful of countries apply some aspects of the Islamic Shariah. The question should be: Why are all these "secular" countries with Muslim majorities backward? It must be secularism that has transformed them into backward societies with little to no scientific infrastructure and backbone. A fine example of that is Bangladesh under BAL. What achievements have Bangladesh made in science under secular BAL? Zilch.

Why is Iran, under sanctions and embargos and Western political plots, still able to rank as the fastest growing scientific power in the world considering that this same Iran under a pro-Western Shah was scientifically backward?

It's pretty easy to understand but if you fail to understand, that may be another strong case for denting the cause of secularism. The entire world of "infidelism" together can not produce the same rate of growth as Iran does under sanctions and Western political pressure.
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